Monday, May 11, 2020

Demon Slayer - Inosuke Hashibira Paper Toy - by Paperized

Created by my friend, the Philippine designer and modeler Paulo, from Paperized website, this is the paper toy version of Inosuke Hashibira, from Demon Slayer , Japanese anime and mangá series.

Criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista filipino Paulo, do site Paperized, esta é a versão paper toy de Inosuke Hashibira, da série de anime e mangá Japonesa Demon Slayer .


More Paper Models from Animes and Mangás related posts:

Akemi Homura Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Kujira

Haruka Paper Doll In Anime Style - by S.V. Ameblo

Pikachu Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke

Hatune Miku Paper Doll Anime Style - by Paper Works

WW2`s Japanese Imperial Navy Destroyer Shimakaze Paper Model
In 1/350 Scale - by Paper Model Studio

Offered by Paper Model Studio, Japanese website, here is the WW2`s Japanese Imperial Navy Destroyer Shimakaze in 1/350 scale. Shimakaze (Island Wind) was an experimental destroyer of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II, and intended as the lead ship in a projected new "Type C" of destroyers. She was the only destroyer to be armed with 15 torpedo tubes, each capable of firing the deadly 610 mm (24 in) Type 93 "Long Lance" torpedo. The ship also served as a testbed for an enormously powerful, high-temperature, high-pressure steam turbine that was able to develop 79,240 shp (59,090 kW). This made her one of the fastest destroyers in the world: her design speed was 39 kn (72 km/h; 45 mph), but on trials she made 40.9 kn (75.7 km/h; 47.1 mph).

Oferecido pelo site japonês Paper Model Studio, eis aqui o Destróier Shimazake da Marinha Imperial Japonesa da Segunda Grande Guerra Mundial. Shimakaze (Ilha do Vento) foi um destróier experimental da Marinha Imperial Japonesa durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, e pretendia ser o navio líder em um novo projeto de destróieres. Ele era o único destróier a ser armado com 15 tubos de torpedo, cada um capaz de disparar o mortal torpedo tipo 93 "Long Lance" de 610 mm (24 pol). O navio também serviu de plataforma de teste para uma turbina a vapor enormemente poderosa, de alta temperatura e alta pressão, capaz de desenvolver 79.240 shp (59.090 kW). Isso fez dele um dos destróiers mais rápioas do mundo: sua velocidade de projeto era de 39 kn (72 km / h; 45 mph), mas em testes ela fez 40,9 kn (75,7 km / h; 47,1 mph).

Link: WW2`s.Japanese.Imperial.Navy.Destroyer.Shimakaze.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:

Japan Coast Guard Ships - by 01 Kanku - Barcos Japoneses

Steam Boat Dampfschiff Rigi - by Dolfmeister - Barco A Vapor

Ship Kasato Maru Paper Model - 100 Years of Japanese Immigration in Brazil

Cargo Ship - by Somodi Zoltan - Navio Cargueiro

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Formula 1 - Honda Red Bull Racing RB15 & STR14 Paper Models
by Honda Company

Here are two perfect paper model versions of the Honda Red Bull Racing Formula 1 cars RB15 and STR14. They were designed by Japanese designer Chima for Honda Company official website.

Aqui estão duas perfeitas versões em papel dos carros de Formula 1 da Honda Red Bull Racing, o RB15 e o STR14. Eles foram criados pelo designer japonês Chima para o site oficial da Honda Company.

Link: Formula.1.Honda.Red.Bull.Racing.RB15.&

More Formula 1 Paper Models related posts:

Build Your Own Lotus Formula 1 Paper Car - by Lotus F1 Team

Formula One Paper Cars - by Paper Replika

1967`s Lotus 49 Formula 1 Paper Car - by Kamaboko

Formula 1 Dioramas And Acessories - by Metmania Fan

The Robot Depot Building Paper Model For Sci-Fi Dioramas, RPG & Wargames - by Papermau - Download Now!

As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in February, 2016. A simple paper model of a little building in only one sheet of paper, designed in MsPaint. I think it will be useful for Sci-Fi Dioramas, RPG And Wargames.

Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Fevereiro de 2016. Um modelo de papel bem simples, em uma folha de papel, de um prédiozinho desenhado no Ms Paint. Eu creio que será útil para Dioramas Sci, RPG e Wargames.


More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Castle Facade And Towers Paper Models - by Norbtach

Princess Medieval Castle Paper Model - by Hugo L`Escargot

Le Salon - French Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka / SarienSpiderDroid

Engine Shed Paper Model In 1/72 And 1/87 Scales - by Projekt Bastelbogen

Saturday, May 9, 2020

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 50, 51, 52 & 53
Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 50, 51, 52 & 53

Spanish Flu - The Passing Enemy - by Gordon Brewster -  Irish Weekly Independent - November - 1918

Good night friends. Today, the fifty-third day of the quarantine and here in Brazil we reached the sad number of 10,670 deaths caused by the CHINESE VIRUS, better known as the New Coronavirus or Covid 17. We have today in the country155,939 confirmed cases of infection and we have become the sixth country with more deaths worldwide. The National Congress declared an official three-day mourning for the more than 10,000 people killed by the disease in the country and in the meantime, our crazy president threatened to have a barbecue for more than a thousand people. It was not clear what he would celebrate with this barbecue, but it is obvious now that we are very wrong with this guy, who is increasingly alienated from reality. Poor Brazil ...

The quarantine here in São Paulo has now been extended until the 1st of June and with no guarantees that it will end on this date, as the numbers of deaths and infections grow day by day.

We will never know whether the "everyone at home" policy has really been effective or has increased the number of infections. The pandemic's unprecedented nature means that there is no consensus on anything, with scientists making projections without having the basis to substantiate their theses. The truth is that we sail in new seas, without a map, without a compass and without a horizon to give us encouragement.

When I started this diary I thought it would be a week or two of rest at home and that everyone would return to normal rhythm, to the "real world" with a renewed spirit, better human beings after a short ordeal. Now the reality becomes heavy and it seems that the virus will not go away, there will be nothing like normal until someone creates a vaccine, because that damn virus is here to stay. In that diary I would talk about the movies I would watch, the crafts I would make, the books I would read, but now I see that I can't get distracted by anything. I have all the movies and books in the world available online and I don't feel like watching or reading any of them right now. Before I longed for them and I lacked time. Now I have time but I lack the will. I keep making excuses for not writing this diary. We have all the information in real time, but no horizon, no certainty.

See you tomorrow, I hope. Take care.


Boa noite, amigos. Hoje, quinquagésimo terceiro dia da quarentena e aqui no Brasil atingimos o triste número de 10.670 mortes causada spelo VÍRUS CHINÊS, mais conhecido como Novo Coronavírus ou Covid 17. Temos hoje no país155.939 casos confirmados de infecção e nos tornamos o sexto pais com mais óbitos em todo o mundo. O Congresso Nacional decretou luto oficial de três dias pelos mais de 10 mil mortos pela doença no país e enquanto isso, nosso tresloucado presidente ameaçõu fazer um churrasco para mais de mil pessoas. Não ficou claro o que ele comemoraria com esse churrasco, mas é obvio agora que nos enganamos muito com esse sujeito, cada vez mais alienado da realidade. Pobre Brasil...

A quarentena aqui em São Paulo foi agora alongada até o dia 01 de Junho e sem garantias que irá terminar nesta data, já que os números de mortes e infecções crescem dia após dia.

Nunca saberemos se a política de "todo mundo em casa" realmente foi eficaz ou aumentou o número de infecções. O ineditismo da pandemia faz com que não haja consenso de nada, com cientistas fazendo projeções sem ter bases para fundamentar suas teses. A verdad eé que navegamos em mares novos, sem mapa, sem bússola e sem um horizonte para dar-nos alento.

Quando comecei esse diário pensei que seriam uma ou duas semanas de descanso em casa e que todos retornariam ao rítmo normal, ao "mundo real" com o espírito renovado, seres humanos melhores depois de uma pequena provação. Agora a realidade se faz pesada e parece que o vírus não irá embora, não haverá nada parecido com normalidade até que alguém crie uma vacina, porquê esse maldito vírus veio para ficar. Nesse diário eu iria falar sobre os filmes que assistiria, os artesanatos que faria, os livros que leria, mas agora vejo que não consigo me distrair com nada. Tenho todos os filmes e livros do mundo disponíveis online e não tenho vontade de assistir ou ler nenhum deles no momento. Antes ansiava por eles e me faltava tempo. Agora me sobra tempo mas me falta vontade. Fico inventando desculpas para não escrever esse diário. Temos toda a informação em tempo real, mas nenhum horizonte, nenhuma certeza.

Nos vemos amanhã, espero. Cuidem-se.

More "A Little Quarantine Diary" related posts:

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 1,2,3,4 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 1,2,3,4

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 5 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 5

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 6 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 6

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 7 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 7

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 8 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 8

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 9 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 9

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 10 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 10

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 11 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 11

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 12 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 12

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 13 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 13

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 14 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 14

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 15 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 15

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 16 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 16

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 17 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 17

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 18 & 19 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 18 & 19

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 20 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 20

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 21 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 21

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 22 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 22

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 23 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 23

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 24 & 25 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 24 & 25

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 26 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 26

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 27 & 28 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 27 & 28

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 29 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 29

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 30 & 31 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 30 & 31

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 32 & 33 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 32 & 33

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 34 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 34

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 35 & 36 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 35 & 36

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 37 & 38 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 37 & 38

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 39, 40 & 41 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 39, 40 & 41

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 42, 43 & 44 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 42, 43 & 44

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 45 & 46 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 45 & 46

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 47, 48 & 49 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 47, 48 & 49

An Amish Buggy Paper Model In 1/35 Scale - by Paper Diorama

Offered by Paper Diorama, Italian website, here is a very well done paper model of an Amish Buggy in 1/35 scale. Buggies are the iconic symbol of the Amish culture. Despite what you heard, the Amish aren’t against technology. Communities adopt new gadgets such as fax machines and business-use cell phones all the time—so long as the local church approves each one ahead of time, determining that it won’t drastically change their way of life.

Oferecido pelo site italiano Paper Diorama eis aqui um modelo de papel muito bem feito de uma Carruagem Amish na escala 1/35. A Carruagem é um símbolo icônico da cultura Amish. Apesar do que você ouviu, os Amish não são contra a tecnologia. As comunidades adotam novos aparelhos, como aparelhos de fax e telefones celulares para uso comercial o tempo todo - desde que a igreja local aprove cada um deles com antecedência, determinando que isso não mudará drasticamente o modo de vida deles.

Link: An.Amish.Buggy.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Diorama Paper Models related posts:

Piaggio Ape Street Food Papercraft In 1/35 Scale - by Paper Diorama

1800`s Conestoga Covered Wagon Paper Model In 1/35 Scale - by Paper Diorama

1890`s Wells Concord Stagecoach Paper Model In 1/35 Scale - by Paper Diorama

Volkswagen Type 2 Westfalia Camper Paper Model - by Paper Diorama

Friday, May 8, 2020

House With Veranda Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in February, 2016. This is a simple paper model of a House with Veranda. The complete model occupies only three sheets of paper, including the base. If you liked it, you can download the templates easily, direct from Google Drive. A great weekend for all!

Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Fevereiro de 2016. Este é um modelo de papel bem simples de uma Casa com Varanda. O modelo todo ocupa três folhas de papel, incluindo a base. Se você gostou, pode baixar os templates facilmente, direto do Google Drive. Bom final de semana para todos!


More Papermau Original Paper Models related posts:

Rose Hotel And Chinese Restaurant Paper Models - by Papermau

Santa Claus` Work Shop - by Papermau - Casa do Papai Noel

Brazilian Abandoned House - by Papermau - Download Now

Little Store Building Desktop Model - by Papermau - Pequena Loja

The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 05

Here is the fifth and last part of the Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection, offered by Canon website. At the end of this post you will find the links to the other four parts of this collection. Have fun!

Esta é a quinta e última parte da Coleção de Papercrafts de Dia das Mães, oferecida pelo site da Canon. No final desta postagem você encontrará os links para as outras quatro partes desta coleção. Divirtam-se!

Link 01: Decoration Item - Flower & Ribbon 01 - by Minya - via Canon

Link 02: Pop-Up Card - Teacup - by Hiroko - via Canon

Link 03: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0004 - by Igloo Dining - via Canon

Link 04: Mini Card - Flower 0014 - by Eriko Maeda - via Canon

Link 05: Mini Card - Flower 0005 - Eriko Maeda - via Canon

Link 06: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0007 - Chihiro Shimizu - via Canon

Link 07: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0005 - by Nozaki Akiko - via Canon

Link 08: Compact Card Set - by Igloo Dining - via Canon

Link 09: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0008 - by Kazusa Miyamoto - via Canon

More Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection by Canon related posts:

Link: The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 01

Link: The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 02

Link: The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 03

Link: The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 04

The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 04

Here is the fourth part of the Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection, offered by Canon website. Have fun!

Esta é a quarta parte da Coleção de Papercrafts de Dia das Mães, oferecida pelo site da Canon. Divirtam-se!

Link 01: Message Origami (Mother) Papercraft - by Cochae - via Canon

Link 02: Mini Card - Flower 0002 Papercraft - by Chihiro Shimizu - via Canon

Link 03: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0003 - by Megumi Mitsuda - via Canon

Link 04: Carnation Card Set Papercraft - by Sino - via Canon

Link 05: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0006 - by Ayako Kishi - via Canon

Link 06: Mother's Day Squirrel Family Card Set - Shoko Sugiyama - via Canon

Link 07: Mother's Day Handbag Card Set - by Tomomi Miyamatsu - via Canon

Link 08: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0002 Papercraft - by Shoko Sugiyama - via Canon

Link 09: Pop-up Card (Bouquet) Papercraft - by Hiroko - via Canon

More Mother`s Day Paper Models related posts:

Flowers, Flowers And More Flowers - by Keisuke Saka - via Kirin

Mother`s Day Special - Happy Dolls - by Scout Creative - via DePapercraft

A Simple Flower Paper Model - by Projekt Bastelbogen

Mother`s Day Special - Cute Love Bear Papercraft - by Paper Replika

The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 03

Here is the third part of the Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection, offered by Canon website. Have fun!

Esta é a terceira parte da Coleção de Papercrafts de Dia das Mães, oferecida pelo site da Canon. Divirtam-se!

Link 01: Gift Box C (Red) Papercraft - by Yukiko Tanikoshi - via Canon

Link 02: Gift Box G (Blue) Papercraft - by Erico - via Canon

Link 03: Message Doll (Mother on Her Day off) - by UPLIFT - via Canon

Link 04: Mini Roses Papercraft - by Yukiko Tanikoshi - via Canon

Link 05: Photo Frame (Rose) Papercraft - by Yukari Nakayama - via Canon

Link 06: Photo Frame Card (Pink) Papercraft - by Minya - via Canon

Link 07: Photo Frame (Brick) Papercraft - by Yukari Nakayama - via Canon

Link 08: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0009 Papercraft - by Miki Saito - via Canon

Link 09: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0001 - by Tomomi Miyamatsu - via Canon

More Mother`s Day Paper Models related posts:

Valentine`s Day - Boxed Geometric Heart Paper Model - by Minieco

Valentine`s Day - Bit Bot Love Robots Paper Toys - by Oh-Sheet

Mother`s Day Special - Gift Boxes - by Canon - Caixas De Presente

Mother`s Day Special - Happy Dolls - by Scout Creative - via DePapercraft