Saturday, April 7, 2012
Little Steam Boat Paper Model - by Lutz Kasper
A really beautiful model with a vintage style, by German designer Lutz Kasper.
Um belo modelo com uma aparência vintage, do designer alemão Lutz Kasper.
Direct link to the model:
Direct link to instructions:
Link to Lutz Kasper main page: Lutz.Kasper.Design.Main.Page
More Boats and Ships related posts:
Six Boats And Ships - by Kallboys - Seis Embarcações
WW2 Czech Ship President Masaryk - by Rawen
Disney`s Mississippi Steamboat - by Page 42 - Barco À Vapor
Egoist Ship Paper Model - by Paper Ego - Veleiro Egoist
European Style House - by 3D Stadtmodell - Casa Européia
An easy-to-build European style house, in just one page, by German site 3D Stadtmodell.
Uma casa em estilo europeu, bem fácil de montar, em apenas uma folha, do site alemão 3D Stadtmodell.
More Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Boyen Fortress - Poland - by Renova Model - Fortaleza Boyen
Old Yellow House - by Papermau - Velha Casa Amarela
Little Shop Diorama - by Solo Recortables
Brazilian Abandoned House - by Papermau - Download Now
Dinning Table And Chairs In 1/12 Scale - by Seesaa
A nice kit for a doll house: table and chairs in 1/12 scale, by Japanese site Seesaa.
Uma bela adição para casas de bonecas: mesa e cadeiras em escala 1/12, do site japonês Seesaa.
Link: Dinning.Table.And.Chairs.In.1/
More Paper Dolls Acessories related posts:
Doll Houses With Furniture - by Kids.Goo.Ne.Jp - Casas De Bonecas
Paper Doll Houses With Interior - by Imprimibles - Casinhas de Papel
Mini Doll House Paper Model - by A Little Hut - Casa de Bonecas
Vintage Paper Dolls And Furniture - by Doll House Paper
Friday, April 6, 2012
Vintage Cape Cod House - by Howard Lamey / Paul Race
A nice project, with downloadable templates and a very well done tutorial, by Howard Lamey and Paul Race, from Big Indoor Trains.
Um projeto muito legal, com modelos para baixar e um tutorial muito bem feito, dos designers Howard Lamey and Paul Race, para o site Big Indoor Trains.
Link: Race
More Architecture and Buildings related posts:
European Houses and Gas Station - by MAGs Papiermodelle Casa Européias
Neuschwanstein Castle - by
Desktop Architecture - Series 01 - part 02
Gasso-Zukuri - Traditional Japanese House - by Kids Net
Star Wars` T-65 X-Wing Starfighter - by Cemodelazil
Here a nice model of a T-65 X-Wing Starfighter from Star Wars Universe, by Brazilian designer João Carlos, from Cemodelazil site.
Aqui um belo modelo de uma T-65 X-Wing Starfighter do Universo de Star Wars, do designer brasileiro João Carlos, do site Cemodelazil.
"The Incom T-65 X-Wing is the fighter that killed the Death Star. An almost perfect balance of speed, maneuverability, and defensive shielding make it the fighter of choice for Rogue Squadron." - General Carlist Rieekan - Star Wars Rogue Squadron
The "Real" Thing in Action |
Direct link to download the model: Star
Link to assembly tutorial (Youtube): Star
Link to Cemodelazil`s main page: Cemodelazil.Paper.Models.Main.Page
More Star Wars Paper Models related posts:
Star Wars - X-Wing Starfighter - by J. Leslie
Star Wars` X-Wing Fighter Red 4 In 1/48 Scale - by Dávid Pethes
Darth Vader's Star Fighter 2.0 - by Sergey-Haker / Noturno-Sukhoi
Star Wars`T-47 Snowspeeder Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika
Dodo - Extinct Bird Paper Model - by Kizuna Avenue - Pássaro Extinto
The "Real" Thing - Artistic Interpretation |
The dodo was first mentioned by Dutch sailors in 1598. By 1681, all dodos had been killed by hungry sailors or their domesticated animals. This was not realized at the time, since the dodo barely left any traces after its extinction, and was later believed to have simply been a mythological creature until the 19th century, when research was conducted on some of the few surviving remains of specimens that had been taken to Europe in the 17th century. Since then, a large amount of sub-fossil material has been collected from Mauritius, increasing the amount of solid evidence relating to the bird. The extinction of the bird, within 80 years of its discovery, made people realise for the first time that humans could induce the extinction of plants and animals. The dodo was made well-known to the public due to a notable role in Alice in Wonderland, and it has since become a fixture in popular culture. Its name has subsequently become associated with the notion of extinction and obsolescence. - Wikipedia
17th Century Dutch Illustration Of A Dodo |
More Animals related posts:
Scorpion Paper Model - by Wombat
Penguin Papercraft - by Nozaranto - via Pepakura Gallery
Threatened Animals - by Konika - Animais ameaçados
Japanese Insects - by Paper Museum.JP - Insetos Japoneses
T-34 Indonesian Air Force Plane - by Paper Hobby
This cool model of a T-34 Charlie Mentor, Indonesian Air Force plane in 1/48 scale was designed by Tekzo, from Paper Hobby site.
Este belo modelo de um avião da Força Aérea Indonésia, em escala 1/48, foi desenhado por Tekzo, do site Paper Hobby.
More Aircraft and Planes related posts:
Link Trainer Flight Simulator - by Currell Graphics - 1º Simulador de Voo
WW2 P51 Mustang and Lublin R-XVI Airplanes - by Kartonmodelle
Albatros DrII WWI Plane - by Paper Inside - Avião da Primeira Guerra
Fairchild AU-23A Peacemaker - by Best Paper Models
Dissidia 12 Final Fantasy - Tidus Paper Model - by Crisis Craft
A perfect model of Tidus, Dissidia 12 videogame character, designed by Lestat Pendragon, from Crisis Craft site.
Um modelo perfeito de Tidus, personagem do videogame Dissidia 12, desenhado por Lestat Pendragon,do site Crisis Craft.
More Videogame Characters related posts:
Paper Mario 3D Paper Toy - by Ninjatoes
Gilgamesh Great Genbu Armor - by Ace / Final Fantasy Papercraft
Videogame Characters Papercraft - by Daishi - Warhammer And Mass Effect 2
Nintendo`s Legend Of Zelda Papercrafts - by Paper Zelda
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Original Super Car Paper Model - by Tata Craft Maker
A cool original paper car by Tata Craft Maker.
More Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Grand Theft Auto Paper Cars - by IGrandTheftAuto.Com
Porsche 911 GT1 98 Paper Car - by Mame Craft
WW2 Volkswagen Kubelwagen - by Zio Prudenzio
1957`s Tucker Sno-Cat Alaska Expedition Vehicle - by Kblaauw - via Forums Forums
Anatomical Model - Torso Paper Model - by Horst Kiechl
what can I say? Are you a medicine student? Bingo!!!
More Science related posts:
The Incredible Anti-Gravity Double Cone - by Paper Pino
DNA Chain Paper Model - by E Yoshida - Cadeia De DNA
Da Vinci`s Mechanical Hammer - by Paper Pino - Martelo de Da Vinci
Sky Cruiser Glider Papercraft - by Morning Cafe Yamcha - Planador De Papel
Lego Forestmen Leader Paper Toy - by Ninjatoes
Only Ninjatoes does it so "Lego"!!!
More Ninjatoes Paper Models related posts:
Lego Paper Models - by Ninjatoes - Bonecos Lego de Papel
Tomb Raider`s Lara Croft With Quad Bike - by Ninjatoes
Young Link From Legend Of Zelda Majora`s Mask - by Ninjatoes
Tomb Raider Young Lara Croft Vignette - by Ninjatoes - Jovem Lara Croft
Road Warrior Paper Model - by Long Tail`s Cafe
A very nice and original model of a Road Warrior Apocalyptic style, by Long Tail`s Cafe site.
To download this model look at the end of the page!
More Paper Model Characters related posts:
Pilot Paper Model Scale 1/25 And 1/33 - by John Griffin
Dissidia Final Fantasy Paper Models - by Aaron Ang
Marvin The Martian Paper Model - by Bazookajo
Astronaut Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Cubic Paper Dolls Anime Style - by Pontarocene
Six nice paper dolls in Anime style by Korean designer Pontarocene.
Seis modelos de paper dolls em estilo Anime, do designer coreano Pontarocene.
More Paper Dolls related posts:
One Piece Anime Paper Toys - by Kobico - Personagens One Piece
Bamboo Blade Anime Paper Dolls - by A C Gateway
Sukumizu Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami
Halloween Special - Zombie Freud Paper Toy - by Matt Hawkins
Adventure Time Papercraft - Finn Paper Toy - by Paper Pokes
A really nice paper toy, by Paper Pokes: Finn, main character of Cartoon Network`s Adventure Time animated series.
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward and produced by Frederator Studios for Cartoon Network. The series follows the adventures of Finn, a boy whose best friend is Jake, a dog with magical powers. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Ward describes Finn as a "fiery little kid with strong morals," while Jake is based on Bill Murray's character in the movie Meatballs. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nickelodeon animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. After the short became a viral hit on the Internet, Cartoon Network picked it up for a full-length series that had a preview on March 11, 2010 and officially premiered on April 5, 2010. - Wikipedia
Finn and Jake in Action |
Adventure Time (no Brasil, Hora de Aventura) é uma série de desenho animado norte-americana exibida pelo Cartoon Network e criada pelo cartunista Pendleton Ward, baseada na curta animada "Adventure Time", que era parte do spin-off Random! Cartoons da Frederator Studios para a Nickelodeon. De forma parecida com My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, atingiu um grupo de telespectadores maior que o esperado e possui uma grande legião de fãs nos EUA. Hora de Aventura estreou nos Estados Unidos em 5 de abril de 2010 e estreou oficialmente dia 8 de Agosto do mesmo ano no Brasil. - Wikipedia
More Paper Toys related posts:
Evil Nintendo Entertainment System Monster Paper Toy - by Alex Huret
Lego Star Wars 3: Clone Wars Paper Toys - by Cubeecraft
Articulated Poplock Robot Paper Toy - by Paper Posables - Robô Articulado
Easy-To-Build Robot Paper Toy - by UOL - Robô Paper toy Para Crianças
REVOLVRR Revolver Papertoy - by Matthijs C. Kamstra
A nice paper toy by Matthijs C. Kamstra, aka MCK.
The idea is that you make your own colored design.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Cheburashka Monkey Paper Toy - by Studio Waka
Star Wars` Boba Fett Paper Toy - by Chemical 9
The Six Pack Paper Toys - by E-Motive - via Nice Paper Toys
Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Paper Toy - by Elias Silveira
1959 Rambler Ambassador Station Wagon - by Paper Cruiser
A cool paper model of an American Classic: 1959 Rambler Ambassador Station Wagon, designed by Paper Cruiser.
Um belo modelo de um Clássico Americano: o Rambler Ambassador Station Wagon, de 1959, feito por Paper Cruiser.
The Real Thing - 1958 Model |
The Ambassador was the top-of-the-line automobile produced by the American Motors Corporation (AMC) from 1958 until 1974. The vehicle was known as the AMC Ambassador, Ambassador V-8 by Rambler, and Rambler Ambassador at various times during its tenure in production. Previously, the name Ambassador had applied to Nash's "senior" full-size cars. The Ambassador nameplate was used continuously from 1927 until 1974 (the name being a top-level trim line from 1927–31); at the time it was discontinued, Ambassador was the longest continuously used nameplate in automotive history. All Ambassador models were built in Kenosha, Wisconsin. - Wikipedia
Direct link to the model:
Paper Cruiser Main Page: Paper.Cruiser.Com
More Classic Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Pontiac 1977 Trans Am Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto
Lamborghini Murcielago Paper Car - by Lukas Beran
Super 7 Roadster British Car - by Shift-Down - Carro Inglês
Cadillac Coupe De Ville 1966- by Jimdo
U.S. Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine - by U Don`s Factory
The Real Thing |
Atualmente a Marinha dos Estados Unidos, a US Navy, mantém em serviço 42 submarinos nucleares de ataque (SSN) da classe Los Angeles SSN 688, de 62 construídos. Este submarino é o principal submarino da US Navy, e o submarino nuclear mais poderoso já construído. - Wikipedia
More Submarines Paper Models related posts:
Tutorial - Submarine Pirate Layout - by CJ Wallas - Caverna Pirata
WW2 Italian Submarine Enrico Toti - by Delfini d'Acciaio
German Human Torpedo Neger Paper Model - by Renova Model - Mini-Submarino Torpedeiro
Confederate Submarine Hunley Paper Model - by RocketmanTan
Earth Cruiser Overland Vehicle - by Earth Cruiser
This is EarthCruiser EXP, a unique 4x4 camper that not only provides safe and reliable travel on and off the beaten track but also long term luxurious accommodation when you arrive. The EarthCruiser is the ultimate all terrain expedition vehicle for extended and comfortable travel to places that most people only read about in adventure magazines.
The Real Thing - In Action and Inside |
Este é o EarthCruiser EXP, um veículo para camping 4x4, que não apenas proporciona segurança e uma viagem segura, como também proporciona conforto. O EarthCruiser é a última palavra em veículos de viagem todo terreno para viagens longas mas confortáveis, para lugares que a maioria das pessoas apenas lê em revistas de aventura.
More Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Brazilian Fire Brigade Trucks Paper Models - by Street Paper - Caminhões De Bombeiros Brasileiros Em Papel
Make Your Own VW Multivam Paper model - by Swiss White Water Cup
Carretera Slot Car Paper Model - by Paperslotcar - Carenagem para Autorama
Itapemirim MB O-355 Brazilian Bus - by RonaldoM - Õnibus Itapemirim
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Castle Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - More Some Advances
Here, the first test build of the Castle Ruins Diorama. I think more some days it will be ready for download.

Aqui, a pimeira montagem de teste do Castle Ruins Diorama, ou Diorama do Castelo em Ruínas. Eu acho que em mais alguns dias, este modelo estará pronto para download.
More Castel Ruins Diorama related posts:
Castle Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - More One Next Project
Castle Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - Some Advances - The Templates
Taj Mahal Mausoleum In India - by Canon
The Taj Mahal, the "crown of palaces", is a white marblemausoleum located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely recognized as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage." Taj Mahal is the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements from Persian, Turkish and Indian architectural styles. In 1983, the Taj Mahal became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While the white domed marble mausoleum is the most familiar component of the Taj Mahal, it is actually an integrated complex of structures. The construction began around 1632 and was completed around 1653, employing thousands of artisans and craftsmen. The construction of the Taj Mahal was entrusted to a board of architects under imperial supervision, including Abd ul-Karim Ma'mur Khan, Makramat Khan, and Ustad Ahmad Lahauri. Lahauri is generally considered to be the principal designer.
O Taj Mahal é um mausoléu situado em Agra, uma cidade da Índia e o mais conhecido dos monumentos do país. Encontra-se classificado pela UNESCO como Património da Humanidade. Foi recentemente anunciado como uma das Novas Sete Maravilhas do Mundo Moderno em uma celebração em Lisboa no dia 7 de Julho de 2007. A obra foi feita entre 1630 e 1652 com a força de cerca de 20 mil homens, trazidos de várias cidades do Oriente, para trabalhar no suntuoso monumento de mármore branco que o imperador Shah Jahan mandou construir em memória de sua esposa favorita, Aryumand Banu Begam, a quem chamava de Mumtaz Mahal ("A jóia do palácio"). Ela morreu após dar à luz ao 14º filho, tendo o Taj Mahal sido construído sobre seu túmulo, junto ao rio Yamuna. Assim, o Taj Mahal é também conhecido como a maior prova de amor do mundo, contendo inscrições retiradas do Corão. É incrustado com pedras semipreciosas, tais como o lápis-lazúli entre outras. A sua cúpula é costurada com fios de ouro. O edifício é flanqueado por duas mesquitas e cercado por quatro minaretes. Supõe-se que o imperador pretendesse fazer para ele próprio uma réplica do Taj Mahal original na outra margem do rio, em mármore preto, mas acabou deposto antes do início das obras por um de seus filhos. - Wikipedia
More Landmarks, Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Vintage Eifell Tower Paper Model - by Agence Eureka - Torre Eifell
The Roman Colosseum In Italy - by Canon - O Coliseu Romano
Reichstag Building in Berlin - by Bastelbogen Online - Parlamento Alemão
Taj Mahal in India Paper Model - by Epson - Mausoléu de Mumtaz Mahal
Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - by Yamaha Motor
The Yamaha YZF-R1 is an open class sport bike, or superbike, motorcycle manufactured by Yamaha Motor Company since 1998. you can download this realistic free paper model of a Yamaha YZF-R1 with optional acessories at Yamaha Motor official site.
A Yamaha YZF-R1 é uma motocicleta superesportiva fabricada pela Yamaha motor Company a partir do ano de 1998. Você pode baixar este modelo este modelo gratuíto bem realista de uma moto Yamaha YZF-R1, com acessórios opcionais, no site oficial da Yamaha Motor do Japão.
2012`s Yamaha YZF-R1 - The Real Thing |
More Motorcycles related posts:
Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor
Kawasaki 750-RS and 750-SS Motorcycles - by Kozin_Z
Honda Motocompo Folding Scooter - by Yasu Tanaka
Gas Gas Trial Motorbike - by Toni Mauricio - Moto de Trial Gas Gas