Saturday, March 7, 2020
Canon Creative Park Popularity Ranking - Top 10 - February - 2020
01 - Giant Panda Miniature Paper Model - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket
02 - Tower Bridge In England Paper Model Diorama - by T.Ichiyama
03 - Shiba Inu Miniature Paper Model - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket
04 - Red Dragon Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga Pinoart
05 - Tyrannosaurus Rex Paper Model - by Yoshihiro Suzuki
06 - Cash Register Paper Model For Kids - by Keisuke Saka
07 - Akita Miniature Paper Model - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket
08 - Eiffel Tower At Night In France Paper Model - by PAOPAO.Inc
09 - Sagrada Familia In Spain Paper Model Diorama - by T.Ichiyama
10 - Giant Flower - A Rose Decorative Paper Model - by MINYA
More Canon Creative Park Popularity Ranking related posts:
Canon Creative Park Popularity Ranking - Top 10 - August 2018
Canon Creative Park Popularity Ranking - Top 10 - September 2018
Canon Creative Park Popularity Ranking - Top 10 - October 2018
Canon Creative Park Popularity Ranking - Top 10 - November 2018
Friday, March 6, 2020
Steam Robot Paper Model In Two Colours - by Paper Make It!
Perfect for RPG and Wargames, this paper model of a Steam Punk Robot in offered by Paper Make It! website. There are no instructions for this model, so the only reference are the photos that illustrate this post.
Perfeito para RPG e Wargames, este modelo de papel de um Robô a Vapor é oferecido pelo site Paper Make It!. Não há instruções para este modelo, então a única referência são as fotos que ilustram esta postagem.
More Paper Models of Robots related posts:
Super Robot - BoxZet Paper Toy Series - by Byman Studio
Articulated Paper Robots- Robôs Articulados "Mazinger"
Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft - by GOLLUM 999 Papercraft - Robô Cão de Half-Life 2
Vintage Style Robot Paper Model - by Toki - Robô Estilo Vintage
Color Your Own House Paper Model With MsPaint - by Papermau
Download Now!
Here more one paper model to be easily customized in MsPaint. Just download the blank template directly at Google Docs (more easy than Depositfiles), open it with MsPaint and using the Bucket Tool, color the model, as in the image above.
Aqui mais um modelo de papel para ser facilmente colorido no MsPaint. Apenas baixe o molde em preto e branco direto no Google Docs (bem mais fácil que no Depositfiles), abra-o no MsPaint e usando a ferramenta Balde de tinta, pinte o modelo, como na imagem acima.

Você verá que pintando uma única parede, todas as paredes ficarão coloridas. O mesmo para as portas e janelas, telhados e chaminé. Com apenas cinco cores e cinco cliques você pinta a casa inteira. Depois é só salvar seu trabalho com um nome diferente, feche o MsPaint e abra o arquivo salvo no seu visualisador de imagens preferido. Imprima, recorte e monte seu modelo e você terá uma casa exclusiva.
More Papermau Architecture and Buildings Paper Models related posts:
Color Your Own 8-Bits House Paper Model With MsPaint - by Papermau
Simple Wood House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Santa Fe Grains & Goods Warehouse Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!
The Pirate Cove Diorama Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
The Boxtrolls - A Troll in a Box Paper Model - by Griscatrina
Griscatrina, the designer of this paper model called "A Troll in a Box", said that it is inspired in one of the characters from the movie "The Boxtrolls" from Laika Studios, the same that made Coraline and Paranorman.
Griscatrina, a designer deste modelo de papel chamado "Um Troll em uma Caixa", diz que ele é inspirado em um dos personagens do filme "Os Boxtrolls" da Laika Studios, o mesmo que fez Coraline e Paranorman.
Link to download the model:
Link to instructions:
More Paper Models for Kids related posts:
Okami - Okami Amaterasu And The Main Bosses Paper Toys - by Scarykurt
Astro Boy Paper Toy In Dumpy Style - by DiKids
Monster University - Art The Furry Monster Paper Toy - by Spoonful
A Bunch Of Funny Paper Toys - by Superibee Papercraft
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Yoshinichi San - A Cute Japanese Mascot Paper Model - by Cafetera
This sweet and delicate paper doll called Yoshinichi San was created by Japanese designer Tago, from Cafetera website, as a kind of mascot of a famous tea brand. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Esta doce e delicada boneca de papel chamada Yoshinichi San foi criada pelo designer japonês Tago, do site Cafetera, como uma espécie de mascote de uma famosa marca de chás. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Dolls in Anime Style related posts:
Gozuko Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Moekami - Boneca Em Estilo Anime
Captain Keiko Kato Paper Doll - by Rahamu - via Pepakura Gallery
Yayo Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Fumi-A - Boneca Estilo Anime
Hatsune Miku Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Xenoaisam - Boneca Em Estilo Anime
Easy-To-Build Bulldozer Paper Model For Kids - by Kids Nifty
This easy-to-build Bulldozer miniature model in only one sheet of paper is offered by Kids Nifty, Japanese website.
Este modelo em miniatura de Escavadeira bem fácil de montar em apenasuma folha de papel é oferecido pelo site Kids Nifty, do Japão.
More Paper Models of Work Vehicles related posts:
Czech Tractor Liaz ST-180 In 1/100 Scale - by Michal Kružík - via Papírové Modely 1/100
Tatra 111 Czeck Crane Truck Paper models In 1/100 Scale - by Ander 74
Japanese Heavy Duty Vehicles Paper Models - by Akita
Truck MAN TGS 8x4 Reinhardt Paper Model In 1/100 Scale - by Richibox
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Ephemeral Museum - Copacabana Auto Service - by Papermau
Assembled by Gaton Garage
As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in August, 2019. Here is the Copacabana Auto Service assembled by Japanese modeler Gaton Garage. This Papermau original model was published in 2017 and if you want to build your own Copacabana Auto Service, the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.
"Many thanks to Gaton Garage for the photos and the neat assembly. Greetings from Brazil to Japan!" - Mauther
Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Agosto de 2019. Eis aqui o Copacabana Auto Service montado pelo modelista japonês Gaton Garage. Este modelo original Papermau foi publicado em 2017 e se você quiser montar o seu próprio Copacabana Auto Service, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo, no final deste post.
"Muito obrigado, Gaton Garage, pelas fotos e pela montagem. Saudações do Brasil ao Japão!" - Mauther
About the Ephemeral Museum:
I "am in the paper modeling" since 2005, although I've had contact with paper models from my childhood in the 1970s, via magazines that were sold sporadically in newsagents. I remember magazines with houses to build and dioramas/playsets of airports, western forts, nativity scenes and the like. With the advent of the internet what happened was simply a revival of the papercraft hobby for me and many other people of my generation. Today I am opening a new session here on the blog, the Ephemeral Museum , which is a place where I will show some of the models that I built all these years. I would also like this to be a space where all modelers friends could show their work, so if anyone wants to participate in this "museum", just send photos of your work and a few words, if you want, to the e-mail:
All who submit their work will be published, without exceptions.
Eu "estou no papelmodelismo" desde 2005, embora eu já tivesse contato com modelos de papel desde minha infância, nos anos 1970, via revistas que eram vendidas esporadicamente em bancas de jornal. Lembro que haviam revistas com casas para montar e dioramas/playsets de aeroportos, fortes-apache, presépios e coisas do tipo. Com o advento da internet o que houve foi simplesmente um renascimento do hobby do papelmodelismo para mim e muitas outras pessoas de minha geração. Hoje eu estou inaugurando uma nova sessão aqui no blog, o Ephemeral Museum, que é um lugar aonde irei mostrar alguns dos modelos que eu construí em todos estes anos. Também gostaria que esse fosse um espaço aonde todos os amigos modelistas pudessem mostrar seus trabalhos, sendo assim, se alguém quiser participar deste "museu", basta mandar fotos de seu trabalho e algumas palavras para o e-mail abaixo:
Todos que enviarem seus trabalhos serão publicados, sem exceções.
More The Ephemeral Museum related posts:
The Ephemeral Museum - An Ancient Ship Papercraft - by Papermau
The Ephemeral Museum - 1957`s Chevy Monster 4X4 Paper Model - by James Catalano
The Ephemeral Museum - Sherman "Fury" M4A3E8 Tank Paper Model - Assembled by Tim Crowe
The Ephemeral Museum - Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - Assembled by Matheus Tarsis Fernandes
Copacabana Auto Service Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG
& Wargames by Papermau - Download Now!
As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in May, 2015. Here is the Copacabana Auto Service, an easy-to-build paper model to be used in Dioramas, RPG And Wargames. This model is something about 1/64 scale, so it is perfect for Hot Wheels miniatures and the like.
Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Maio de 2015. Aqui está a Mecânica Copacabana, um modelo de papel bem fácil de montar para ser usado em Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Este modelo está em uma escala aproximada de 1/64, então é perfeita para miniaturas Hot Wheels e similares.
More Architectural Paper Models in 1/64 Scale related posts:
Suburbia Diorama - by Papermau - Download Now!
Wood House In The Desert - by Papermau - Download Now!
Volkswagen Dealership Paper Model - by Paper House 1/64 - Concessionária Da Volks
Cooder`s Place General Store - by Evan Design - Armazém De Beira De Estrada
Copacabana Auto Service Paper Model - by Papermau
Some Advances
As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in May, 2015. Here are some advances in the Copacabana Auto Service paper model. I've added a front base with limited spaces for vehicles and also a sign that makes a pun between the power of men and cars. Since I intend to work on this model by the end of this week, ideas are very welcome.
Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Maio de 2015. Aqui estão alguns progressos no modelo de papel da Mecânica Copacabana. Eu adicionei uma base frontal com vagas delimitadas para veículos e também um letreiro que faz um trocadilho entre potência de homens e carros. Como pretendo trabalhar neste modelo até o final desta semana, idéias são muito bem vindas.
More Papermau Next Projects related posts:
The Lamen Shop Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project
Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances
Stone House In Toscana Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Bermuda Triangle Lighthouse Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Copacabana Auto Service Paper Model - by Papermau
Download This Week!
As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in May, 2015. This is the Copacabana Auto Service, an easy-to-build paper model to be used in Dioramas, RPG And Wargames. This model will be on an approximate 1/64 scale, for Hot Wheels miniatures and in the same size of the Gun & Fun Gun Shop and the County Jail. The Copacabana Auto Service will be done until the end o this week.
Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Maio de 2015. Esta é a Mecânica Copacabana, um modelo de papel bem fácil de montar para ser usado em Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Ela vai estar na escala aproximada de 1/64, para miniaturas Hot Wheels e similares e também vai estar no tamanho da Casa de Armas Gun & Fun e da Cadeia do Condado. A Mecânica Copacabana ficará pronta até o final desta semana.
More Papermau Next Projects related posts:
The Lamen Shop Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project
Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances
Stone House In Toscana Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Bermuda Triangle Lighthouse Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Star Wars - X-Wing Pop-Up Card Paper Model - by Shunichi Makino
Created by Japanese designer Shunichi Makino and occupying only two printed sheets, this ingenious Millenium Falcon pop-up card from Star Wars universe is very easy-to-build and I believe it will open a smile on the face of all fans of the saga.
Criado pelo designer japonês Shunichi Makino e ocupando apenas duas folhas impressas, este engenhoso cartão em estilo pop-up da nave X-Wing do universo de Star Wars é bem fácil de montar e eu creio que abrirá um sorriso no rosto de todos os fãs da saga.
More Star Wars themed Paper Models related posts:
01 - Star Wars - Stormtrooper And AT-AT Driver Paper Toys - by Cyberdrone
02 - Star Wars - Galatic Empire Starfighter Tie Fighter Paper Toy - by Cubefold
03 - Star Wars - Mini 'Solo' Millennium Falcon Kirigami - by Paper Dandy
04 - Star Wars - The Force Awakens - Captain Phasma Paper Toy- by Paperized
05 - Star Wars - TIE- Fighter Paper Model - Revised - by Sci-Fi Papercraft
06 - Star Wars - Articulated R2-D2 Paper Model - by Cut & Past Sci-Fi
1800`s Conestoga Covered Wagon Paper Model In 1/35 Scale
by Paper Diorama
This perfect paper model version of a Conestoga Wagon in 1/35 scale was created by the guys from Paper Diorama, Italian website. The Conestoga wagon is a specific design of heavy covered wagon that was used extensively during the late eighteenth century and the nineteenth century in the eastern United States and Canada.
Esta perfeita versão em papel de uma Carroça Conestoga na escala 1/35 foi criada pelos caras do site italiano Paper Diorama. A Carroça Conestoga é um projeto específico de carroça coberta pesada que foi usado extensivamente durante o final do século XVIII e o século XIX no leste dos Estados Unidos e no Canadá.
Link: Conestoga.Wagon.Paper.Model.In.1/
More Old West themed Paper Models related posts:
01: The Stable - A Vintage Spanish Paper Model - by Recortables Toray
02: The Western General Store Paper Model - by Chris Longvallon
03: Fort Old West Paper Model - by Cemodelazil
04: Old West`s Stagecoach Paper Model - by Inkjet Paper Scissors
Planes - Blade Ranger Helicopter Paper Model - by Paper Replika
Created by Indonesian designer Julius Perdanafrom Paper Replika website, this is the paper model version of the Blade Ranger Helicopter, from Planes, a 2013 American 3D computer-animated sports comedy film produced by Disneytoon Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is a spin-off of Pixar's Cars franchise.
Criado pelo designer indonésio Julius Perdana, do site Paper Replika, esta é a versão em papel Helicóptero Blade Ranger, de Aviões (no original em inglês Planes), um filme de animação americano produzido pela DisneyToon Studios, distribuído pela Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures e lançado em 2013. O filme é um derivado da franquia Carros.
More Paper Models of Helicopters related posts:
Helicopter AH-6 Paper Model - by Clever Santoro - via Pepakura Gallery
Helicopter Agusta Westland Da Vinci Paper Model In 1/36 Scale - by Bob Card Models
Helicopter MD 902 Explorer Paper Model - by Craft Hanger
MI-6 Soviet Helicopter Paper Model in 1/48 Scale - by Di-3
Monday, March 2, 2020
Chevrolet Corvair Police Car Paper Model - Custom by Papermau
Download Now!
Unfortunately, I don't know who created or what year this Chevrolet Corvair papercraft was published, but since I found the template saved on my HD a long time ago, I decided to customize it in a police car version and share here on blog. Have fun!
Infelizmente eu não sei quem criou ou em que ano este papercraft de um Chevrolet Corvair foi publicado, mas, como eu achei o template salvo em meu HD há muito tempo, resolvi customizá-lo em uma versão viatura de polícia e compartilhá-lo aqui no blog. Boa montagem!
More Easy-To-Build Papercraft Vehicles related posts:
Classic Police Car Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
1930`s Classic Car Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Simple Hot Rod - by Papermau - Download Now!
1930`s Classic Car Paper Model - Camo Version - by Papermau Download Now!