Saturday, May 23, 2015
The Weekend Pic - Chinese Dragon Paper Model - by Ayumu Saito
& Pepakura Mend
This paper model of a Chinese Dragon was assembled by Japanese modeler Pepakura Mend and he kindly posted some photos of the process of construction at his website. This brilliant paper model was designed by Japanese artist Ayumu Saito, comissioned by Canon website.
Este modelo de papel de um dragão chinês foi montada pelo modelista japonês Pepakura Mend e ele gentilmente postou algumas fotos do processo de montagem em seu site. Este modelo de papel foi projetado pelo artista japonês Ayumu Saito, comissionado pelo site da Canon.
Link to download the model:
Link to construction report:
About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.
Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.
More The Weekend Pics related posts:
The Weekend Pic - Carl's Flying House - by José Reis / Paper Replika
The Weekend Pic - 1969`s Chevrolet El-Camino Paper Model - by Dented Rick / Daytona Mag
The Weekend Pic - Church Of Transfiguration - by Micro / Canon
The Weekend Pic - Yamaha YZR M1 Valentino Rossi - by René Pinos / Filbug
A Lot Of Easy-To-Build Paper Models For Kids - by Jaxa
More some nice paper models offered by Jaxa (Japan Aero Exploration Agency). In this page you will find a lot of easy-to-build paper models for kids.
Mais alguns modelos de papel bem legais do site da Jaxa (Agência de Aero Exploração Japonesa). Nesta página você encontrará um monte de modelos bem fáceis de montar para crianças.
More Easy-To-Build Paper Model for Kids related posts:
Classic Police Car Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
The Great Cardboard Castle Project - by Spoonful - O Grande Projeto Do Castelo De Papelão
Calvin and Hobbes Papercraft - Transmogrifier Diorama - by Dave`s Geeky Ideas
Several Trailers Paper Models In HO Scale - by Projekt Bastelbogen
The Little Planet Earth In Your Hand Paper Model - by Jaxa
This nice little paper model in only one sheet of paper of the Planet Earth is great for School Works or just to decorate your desktop. By Jaxa, Japanese website.
Este pequeno modelo de papel bem legal do Planeta Terra em apenas uma folha de papel é ótimo para trabalhos escolares ou apenas para decorar sua mesa de trabalho ou estudos.
More School Work Paper Models related posts:
Stegosaurus Skeleton Paper Model - by Torimusi
Anatomical Model - Torso Paper Model - by Horst Kiechl
Dodo - Extinct Bird Paper Model - by Kizuna Avenue - Pássaro Extinto
The Zimmer Paradox Papercraft - by Online Wahn - O Paradoxo Zimmer
Hayabusa 2 Asteroid Sample Return Mission Paper Model - by Jaxa
Hayabusa 2 is an asteroid sample return mission operated by the Japanese space agency, JAXA. It follows on from Hayabusa and addresses weak points learned from that mission. Initially, launch was planned for 30 November 2014 (13:23 local time), but was delayed to 3 December 2014 04:22 UTC (4 December 2014 13:22:04 local time). The target is asteroid (162173) 1999 JU3. Hayabusa 2 is expected to arrive at the target in July 2018, survey the asteroid for a year and a half, depart in December 2019, and return to Earth in December 2020. - read more at Link: - This paper model is offered by Jaxa, a Japanese website and is perfect for Space Dioramas or School Works.
Hayabusa 2 é uma espaçonave robótica da Agência Espacial do Japão, JAXA, com a missão de recolher amostras de material do asteroide (162173) 1999 JU3 e enviá-las à Terra para análise. A sonda é a sucessora da Hayabusa. O seu lançamento ocorreu no dia 3 de dezembro de 2014 a partir do Centro Espacial de Tanegashima por um foguete H-IIA.5 É esperado que a Hayabusa 2 alcance o alvo em julho de 2018, pesquise o asteroide e colete amostras por um ano e meio, iniciando o retorno para a Terra em dezembro de 2019, e chegando à Terra em dezembro de 2020. - leia mais em Link: - Este modelo de papel é oferecido por Jaxa, um site japonês e é perfeito paraDioramas Espaciais e Trabalhos Escolares.
More Space Paper Models related posts:
Astronaut Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika
Apollo Lunar Module - by U-Don`s Factory - Módulo Lunar Apollo
USA`s Orion Spacecraft In Several Configurations - by Pe2tr
Mars Polar Lander In 1/24 Scale - by Nasa.Gov
Friday, May 22, 2015
Calling All Cars Wave 3 - Custom Hot Rod Paper Toy
by Horrorwood & F Studio
In a partnership between Horrorwood and F Studio designers, here is the Custom Hot Rod paper toy.
Em uma parceria entre os designers da Horrorwood e F Studio, aqui está o Custom Hot Rod paper toy.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Cheburashka Monkey Paper Toy - by Studio Waka
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss` Gene Simmonz Paper Toy - by Microdot - via Pepakura Net
Funny Paper Robots - by Phil Creations
Star Wars` Boba Fett Paper Toy - by Chemical 9
Volkswagen Type II Paper Model In 1/45 Scale - by Bastelbogen Online
These nice paper models of the classic Volkswagen Type II in several configurations are offered by Bastelbogen Online, German educative website. This model is in 1/45 scale.
Estes modelos de papel bem legais do clássico Volkswagen Type II, ou Kombi, em diversas configurações, são oferecidos por Bastelbogen Online, um site educativo da Alemanha. Este modelo está na escala 1/45.
More Volkswagen Paper Models related posts:
Volkswagen Type I - by Takumi - Volkswagen Fusca
WW2 Volkswagen Kubelwagen - by Zio Prudenzio
Brazilian Volkswagen SP2 Paper Car - by Ronaldo M
VW Pickup Type 2 Paper Model - by Kdf-Wagen - VW Kombi
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Violet Ray Gasoline Station Paper Model In HO Scale - by Godwin T. Petermann
Created by German designer Godwin T. Petermann, from GTP website, this very well done paper model of the Violet Ray Gasoline Station, in California, USA.
This very well done paper model is in HO scale (1/87 scale).
Criado pelo designer alemão Godwin T. Petermann, do site GTP, este é o Posto de Gasolina Violet Ray, na California, EUA.
Este modelo muito bem feito está na escala HO (escala 1/87).
More Gas Station Paper Models related posts:
The Generic Garage Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
13 Brasa Gas Station In 1/64 Scale - by Paper House 1/64
The Vintage Service Station Paper Model - Oil Painting Version - by Papermau - Download Now!
Vintage Gas Pump Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
French Vintage Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Power House Museum
These beautiful French Vintage Paper Dolls were offered by Nestlé to promote its products. They were preserved and now are shared by Power House Museum, Australian website.
Estas belas bonecas de papel francesas em estilo dress up eram oferecidas pela Nestlé para promover seus produtos. Elas foram preservadas e são agora compartilhadas pelo site australiano do Power House Museum.
More Vintage Paper Models related posts:
1938`s Indian Cut-Outs Diorama - by Milo Winter - via Bobe Green
Sur La Route French Vintage Paper Model - by SarienSpiderDroid / Agence Eureka
Pollock`s Theater Paper Model - Saint George And The Dragon - by Agence Eureka
The Little Store of Cut-Out Town Paper Model - by Thrifty Scissors Colored Version by Papermau
Barn Paper Model In 15 mm For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames
by Gamer Architect
This nice black & white paper model in 15 mm of a classic barn was created by architect and designer David, from Gamer Architect website. This is perfect for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.
Este modelo de papel bem legal em preto e branco na escala 15 mm, foi criado pelo designer e arquiteto David, do site Gamer Architect. Perfeito para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.
More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
U.S. Capitol Building Paper Model - by Paper Toys.Com
Small House With Attic Paper Model - by Somodi Zoltan
General Rope & Wire Co. Building In Ho Scale - by Thom Miecznikowski
Frank Lloyd`s Fallingwater House Paper Model - by Paper Toys.Com
Robin Hood: Mischief In Sherwood - Robin Paper Toy - by Pop Fun
From Robin Hood Mischief In Sherwood tv series, here is the Robin Hood paper toy, offered by Pop Fun, British educative chanel. Robin Hood: Mischief In Sherwood follows the adventures of the young Robin of Locksley, who is full of energy, courage and humor. At 10 years old, Robin and his friends live a lot of adventures at Sherwood forest.
Da série de animação inglesa Robin Hood: Mischief In Sherwood, este é o paper toy do Robin Hood, oferecido pelo canal de educativo Pop Fun. Robin Hood: Mischief In Sherwood mostra as aventuras do jovem Robin de Locksley, que é cheio de energia, coragem e humor. Aos 10 anos, Robin e seus amigos vivem muitas aventuras na floresta de Sherwood.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Dookie-Poo Arcade Set Paper Toy - by Toys Are Evil
Voodoo Toothpick Dispenser - by Saltnpaper Toy Blog
Oop & Eep Monsters Paper Toy - by A G Paper Toys
Miss Fortune Paper Toy - by Qooplo Papercraft
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Pac-Man Diorama Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Very Soon!
One of the most iconic videogames of all time! Download very soon! And anxiously waiting for this film below.
Um dos videogames mais icônicos de todos os tempos! Download em breve! E esperando ansiosamente por este filme acima.
More Papermau Next Projects related posts:
French Photo Lab Facade Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Celsus Library Facade In Ephesus - by Papermau - Next Project
Los Pollos Hermanos Roadside Cafe - by Papermau - Next Project
The River Boat Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Monte Mezza Alpine Church Paper Model - by Forbicolla
A beautiful little paper model of an Alpine Church in only one sheet of paper, created by Italian designer Cesare Bianchi, from Forbicolla website.
Um pequeno e belo modelo de papel de uma Igreja Alpina em apenas uma folha de papel, criação do designer italiano Cesare Bianchi, do site Forbicolla.
More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Abraham Lincoln Home In Springfield Paper Model - by Illinois History
Swedish Railway Museum In Hennan - by Berner Modellbautreff - Museu Ferroviário Sueco
New Wagons HO Scale - by Projekt Bastelbogen - Vagões Em Escala HO
Cooder`s Place General Store - by Evan Design - Armazém De Beira De Estrada
WW2 Bunker 1/87 scale - by Cougarman - via Kartonbau.De Forum
Valkyria Chronicles II - Four Tanks Paper Models - by Chokipeta Kobo
Model Assembled and Photo by Jonah Onix - via DeviantArt |
Comissioned by Sega, the Japanese designer Chokipeta Kobo created these four nice paper models of tanks from Valkyria Chronicles II videogame. They are great for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.
Comissionado pela Sega, o designer japonês Chokipeta Kobo criou estes quatro modelos de papel de tanques de guerra tirados do game Valkyria Chronicles II. São ótimos modelos para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.
More Paper Models of Tanks related posts:
WW2`s Tank M3A Honey Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Konradus
Renault FT 17 Paper Model- The World's First Modern Tank - by PeaGrafis - via Le Forum En Papier
1927`s Interwars Light Tank T1E1 Paper Model - by Alberto Perilli - via Thailand Namotasa
The Weekend Pic - Jagdpanther Tank Paper Model - by Maxe / Rawen
Street Fighter - Chun Li Paper Toy - by Zombie-Pacman
Inspired by Street Fighter videogame series, the British designer Zombie-Pacman created this cool paper toy of Chun Li.
Inspirado na série de videogames Street Fighter, o designer britânico Zombie-Pacman criou este paper toy bem bacana da Chun Li.
More Videogames Characters Paper Models related posts:
Dissidia 12 Final Fantasy - Warrior Of Light Paper Model - by Ace
Tomb Raider Chronicles Extreme Depth Suit - by Ninjatoes
World Of Warcraft Characters - Human Paladin And Thrall - by nORMAL - via Wow Papercraft
Yokattara Paper Doll - by Rokunoya - PSP Videogame Doll
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
The Heart Chair Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
I was playing in Sketchup and ended up creating this chair, which for lack of a better name, or less obvious, ended up being called the Heart Chair. As usual, I made the model available in three different formats for printing: A3, A4 and Letter, so you can choose the format that suits you best. I'm providing also the model in SketchUp, Pepakura and PDF formats, so, happy modeling!
Eu estava brincando no Sketchup e acabei criando esta cadeira, que na falta de um nome melhor ou menos óbvio, acabou sendo chamada de Cadeira do Coração. Como habitual ,eu fiz o modelo disponível em três formatos diferentes para impressão: A3, A4 e Carta, assim você pode escolher a forma que melhor lhe convém. Também estou disponibilizando o modelo em Sketchup, Pepakura e PDF, então, boa montagem!
Link to Letter PDF format:,Papermau.Letter.Format
Link to A3 PDF format:,Papermau.A3.Format
Link to A4 PDF format:,Papermau.A4.Format
Link to Sketchup model:,Papermau.Sketchup.Format
Link to Pepakura model:,Papermau.Pepakura.Format
More Papermau Paper Models related posts:
Old Bus to Nowhere - by Papermau - Ônibus Para Lugar Nenhum
Old Yellow House - by Papermau - Velha Casa Amarela
Volkswagen Transporter Van - by Papermau - Brazilian Kombi
Lake`s House Refuge With Some Improvements - by Papermau
Red Army At Berlin Paper Model Diorama - by World Of Tanks
In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, World of Tanks, Russian website offers this beautiful Red Army At Berlin Paper Model Diorama, showing a JS-2 tank, from the 7 th Guards Tank Brigade.
There are more to explore and download, just take a visit.
Em memória dos 70 anos da Vitória, o site russo World of Tanks oferece este belo diorama do Exército Vermelho em Berlim, mostrando um tanque JS-2, da 7ª Brigada de Tanques.
Há muito mais para explorar e baixar, faça uma visita.
Link 01: Link:
Link 02: Link:
More Paper Models of Tanks related posts:
The Weekend Pic - Jagdpanther Tank Paper Model - by Maxe / Rawen
WW2`s Tank M3A Honey Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Konradus
Renault FT 17 Paper Model- The World's First Modern Tank - by PeaGrafis - via Le Forum En Papier
WWII`s Tank Tiger I Paper Model In 1/35 Scale by Paper Replika
WW2`s Soviet Medium Tank T-34-85 Paper Model - by World Of Tanks
Link: WW2`
More WW2`s Military Vehicles related posts:
Jeep SAS - Desert Rats - Paper Model - by Toni Mauricio & Dark Vador
WW2`s Soviet Heavy Tank IS-2 Paper Model - by X-Diem
WW2`s Tank M3A Honey Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Konradus
Scammell 6X6 Gun Tractor Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Dark Vador via Le Forum En Papier