Saturday, February 14, 2015
AT&SF Passenger Depot Paper Model - by The Model Citizen
Created by designer Paul McCool, from The Model Citizen, this is the AT&SF Passenger Depot, in Olive, California. This station was built by the Santa Fe Railroad in 1931 to serve as a passenger station and freight depot for the surrounding citrus industry.
Criada pelo designer Paul McCool, do site The Model Citizen, esta é a Estação AT&SF, em Olive, na California. Esta estação foi contruída pela Santa Fe Railroad em 1931 para servir como estação de passageiros e como depósito de mercadorias para os produtores cítricos da região.
Link: AT&
More Train Stations Paper Models related posts:
Trains, Train Station And Acessories In HO Scale - by West JR Japan
Illescas Train Station Paper Model In N Scale - by Maquetas & Modelos
La Gare - French Train Station Vintage Diorama - by SarienSpiderDroid & Agence Eureka
German Modern Train Station Paper Model - by Olis Bahnwelt
Sakura Card Captors - Sakura Paper Doll - by Paper Mike
This is Sakura Kinomoto, from Sakura Card Captors, Japanese anime and mangá. This beautiful paper doll created by French designer Mike, from Paper Mike website, occupies 28 sheets of paper and when assembled measures 60 cm tall. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Este é Sakura Kinomoto, do anime e mangá japonês Sakura Card Captors. Esta bela paper doll criada pelo designer francês Mike, do site Paper Mike, ocupa 28 folhas de papel e quando montada mede 60 cm de altura. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Dolls from Animes and Mangás related posts:
Chibi Madoka Magica Paper Dolls - by Tsunyandere
Hatsune Miku Paper Doll In Chibi Style - by Seisaku Diary
Kaenbyou Rin Paper Doll In Cubic Style - by Pontacerone
Two Girls & Panzer Anime Style Paper Dolls - by Rahamu - via Pepakura Gallery
Building A Cardboard Playhouse Timelapse - by Wikiphotos
This is not exactly a tutorial, but is a really nice video and a (exhaustive)love proof of a father to your little daughter.
Isto não é exatamente um tutorial, mas é realmente um vídeo bem legal e uma (exaustiva) prova de amor de um pai para o seu filhinha.
Link to original video:
More Cardboard Projects related posts:
The Great Cardboard Castle Project - by Spoonful - O Grande Projeto Do Castelo De Papelão
Minecraft Desktop Organizer Cardboard Project - by Te Digo Cómo Se Hace
Cardboard Box Moose Head Wall Hanging Tutorial With Templates - by N36 - via Instructables
Narnia Boat Cardboard Project With Templates For Kids - by Ikat Bag
Valentine's Day Special - Heart and Ribbon Paper Model - by Sabi 96
A last minute Valentine`s Day paper model created by designer Sabi 96: this cute Heart and Ribbon paper model can be edited at Pepakura, so you can change the message in several languages. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post). You also will find a link to a short video tutorial created by Daniel Suarez, teaching how to change textures with Pepakura.
Um modelo de papel de última hora para o Dias dos Namorados, que nos Estados Unidos se comemora hoje, dia 14 de fevereiro. Criado pela designer Sabi 96, este Coração con Fita pode ser editado no Pepakura, então você pode mudar a mensagem (inclusive há um "Te Amo" em português). Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post). Você também encontrará um link para um video tutorial curtinho ensinando como mudar as texturas do modelo no Pepakura.
Link to download the model: Valentine'
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
Link to video tutorial:
More Gift and Valentine Paper Models related posts:
Ukulele Valentine Heart Box Papercraft - by Pizza By The Slice
The Love Box Decorative Gift Box - by Paperinside Korea
Gerbera Bouquet Pop Up Card - by Canon
Valentine`s Day - Cupid Message Doll - by Canon - Cupido - Dias Dos Namorados
Harry Potter Characters Masks Paper Models - by Hyakunin
Japanese designer Hyakunin created four paper models from Harry Potter universe. You will find Hermione, Ron and Professor Snape masks and also a little paper version of the Sorting Hat.
O designer japonês Hyakunin criou quatro modelos de papel do universo de Harry Potter. Você vai encontrar as máscaras de Hermione, Ron e Professor Snape e também uma pequena versão em papel do Chapéu Seletor.
Link to Hermione`s mask:
Link to Ron`s mask:
Link to Snape`s mask:
Link to Sorting Hat:
More Paper Models of Masks related posts:
Morbide Mask Papercraft - by Destro2K - via DeviantArt
Tutankamon`s Death Mask - by Papermau - Máscara de Tutankamon
Puss In Boots Masks - by HP - Máscaras do Gatos de Botas da Disney
Guy Falkes Mask - by Mckackr - Máscara de Guy Falkes
Friday, February 13, 2015
I Built The Baymax Robot Paper Model - by Paper Replika
My daughter Malú asked me and I assembled the paper model of Baymax Robot, from Big Hero 6 animation. The model was created by Indonesian designer Julius Perdana, from Paper Replika website. The Baymax occupies only two sheets of paper and I used standard office paper sheets of 100 grams, which made the assembly were a bit hard, but gave a great final result. - Thanks, Julius, for this really nice model! - If you want to build your own Baymax, the link to download this free paper model is right below, at the end of this post.
Minha filha Malú pediu e eu montei o modelo de papel do Robô Baymax, da animação Operação Big Hero, O modelo foi criado pelo designer indonésio Julius Perdana, do site Paper Replika. O Baymax ocupa apenas duas folhas de papel e eu usei folhas de papel padrão de escritório, tipo sulfite, de 100 gramas, o que fez com que a montagem fosse um pouco difícil, mas deu um ótimo resultado final. - Obrigado, Julius, por este belo modelo! - Se você quiser montar seu próprio Baymax, o link para baixar o modelo gratuíto está logo abaixo, no final deste post.
More Paper Models of Robots related posts:
MekTek Black Knight Papercraft - by Monkeyrum - via Deviant Art
Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft - by GOLLUM 999 Papercraft - Robô Cão de Half-Life 2
Gundam F90 Mech - by Designers 3D Bolivia - Robô Estilo Gundam
Axioo Mecha Unit Robot Paper Toy - by Ruang Antho - Robot Mecha Toon Style
The Mexican - Decorative Revolver Paper Toy - by Matthijs C. Kamstra
via House Of St. Hellvis
Here is a cool decorative revolver paper toy, made by designer Matthijs C. Kamstra and originally posted at House Of St. Hellvis website.
Aqui, um paper toy de um revolver decorativo, feito pelo designer Matthijs C. Kamstra e originalmente postado no site House Of St. Hellvis.
More Paper Models of Weapons related posts:
Judge Dredd`s Lawgiver, Book Of Law and Badger - by Jan Rúkr
Revolver Colt King Cobra - by Cancer - via Pepakura Gallery
Revolver And Pistol Paper Models - by X Diem
Indiana Jones Papercraft: Webley Mk VI Revolver - by Tektonten
Pin Up Garage Diorama Paper Model In 1/64 Scale - by HW Custom
Created by Brazilian designer and modeler Alexk25, from HW Custom website, this really nice Pin Up Garage diorama In 1/64 Scale is perfect for Hot Wheels, Matchbox and similar miniatures.
A tip: the way you light the diorama makes all the difference, as you can see in the first photo of this post.
HW Custom website is still online but the link to the templates is no longer valid. So I decided to share, in addition to the original link with the instructions, another alternative link where you can download the templates.
Criado pelo designer e modelista brasileiro Alexk25, do site HW Custom, este belo diorama chamado Pin Up Garage, na escala 1/64, é perfeito para miniaturas Hot Wheels, Matchbox e similares.
Uma dica: o modo como você ilumina o diorama faz toda a diferença, como você pode ver na primeira foto deste post.
O website HW Custom continua online mas o link para os templates não é mais válido. Resolvi então compartilhar, além do link original com as instruções, um outro link alternativo no qual você pode baixar os templates.
Original link: Pin.Up.Garage.Diorama.Paper.Model.In.1/
Alternative link: Pin.Up.Garage.Diorama.Paper.Model.In.1/
Charles Dickens And Jules Verne Dress Up Paper Doll - by Dover
By Dover Publications, here are two dress up paper dolls of famous writers: Charles Dickens and Jules Verne.

Da Dover Publications, aqui estão dois bonecos em estilo dress up de escritores famosos: Charles Dickens e Jules Verne.
More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:
1880`s Kaiser Frederick The 3rd and Kaiserin Victoria - by 19th Century Paper Dolls
Fashion Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Final Fashion - Bonecas De Vestir Estilo Fashion
Renaissance Dress Up Paper Dolls - by David Claudon
Betty Boop Dress Up Paper Doll - by Paper Dolls And Toys
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Simple House And Church Paper Models - Assembled by Joakin Morales
My friend, Mexican modeler Joakin Morales built the Simple House and the Simple Church paper models and kindly sent me some photos of his nice work. He used the blank templates and painted them by hand. I am doubly happy because two of my models were assembled by a friend modeler and also because I had not seen these models assembled in the real world. I just had assembled them virtually, using Sketchup. - "Many thanks, Joakin, for the nice work and for the photos! Greetings from Brazil to Mexico!" - Mauther - If you want to build your own Simple House And Church Paper Models, the link to download them are right below, at the end of this post.
Meu amigo, o modelista mexicano Joakin Morales montou os modelos de papel da Casinha e da Igreja e gentilmente enviou-me algumas fotos do seu bom trabalho. Ele usou os modelos em branco e pintou-os à mão. Eu fiquei duplamente contente porque dois de meus modelos foram montados por uma amigo modelista e também porque eu não havia visto estes modelos montados no mundo real. Eu apenas os havia montado em versão virtual, em 3D, usando o Sketchup. - "Muito obrigado, Joakin, pelo belo trabalho e pelas fotos! Saudações do Brasil ao México!" - Mauther - Se você quiser montar a Casinha e a Igrejinha, o link para baixá-las está logo abaixo, no final deste post.
Link to the house: A Simple House Paper Model For Kids - by Papermau - Download Now!
Link to the church: A Simple Church Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
More Papermau Paper Models Assembled by Friends related posts:
Van Gogh`s Yellow House - Assembled by Kevin WS
Vintage Gas Station And Joe`s Garage Built by NWRR
Brazilian Abandoned House - Assembled by Bosco
Petra Treasure and Old "Sobrado" - Assembled by Beatriz Soffredi
Generic Dinosaur Paper Model - by SIZ - via Pepakura Gallery
This smiling (or would be hungry?) paper dinosaur was created by Japanese designer SIZ, and was originally posted on Pepakura Gallery. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Este sorridente (ou seria esfomeado?) dinossauro de papel foi criado pelo designer japonês Siz e foi originalmente postado no Pepakura Gallery. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models of Dinosaurs related posts:
DNA Chain Paper Model - by E Yoshida - Cadeia De DNA
Geological Paper Models - by Geoblox - Modelos Geológicos
Volcano Paper Model - by Think Quest.Org - Vulcão
Paper Models Of Egyptian Pyramids - by Korthals Altes
Lost In Space - Robot B-9 Paper Toy - by Sufferin` Tubbins
When I was a kid the only thing that made me wake up early on Saturdays were the science fiction series. One after another I watched Land of the Giants, Time Tunnel, Land of the Lost and my favorite, Lost in Space. The B-9 Robot was from this series and I can still see in my mind Mr. Smith planning some idiocy and the Robot warning: Danger, Will Robinson, Danger." - Paper Model created by Fatty Tubbins, from Sufferin` Tubbins website.
Quando eu era criança a única coisa que me fazia acordar cedo aos sábados eram as séries de ficção científica. Uma após a outra eu assistia Terra de Gigantes, Túnel do Tempo, O Elo Perdido e a minha preferida, Perdidos no Espaço. O Robô B-9 era dessa série e eu ainda posso ver na minha mente o Sr. Smith aprontando alguma e o Robô alertando: Perigo, Will Robinson, Perigo!" - Modelo de papel criado pelo designer Fatty Tubbins, do site Sufferin` Tubbins.
More Paper Models of Robots related posts:
Easy-To-Build Robot Paper Toy - by UOL
Japanese Robot - Vintage Style - by 222.Co.Jp - Robô Japonês
Meca Chico Paper Toy - by Shozy
Super Robot - BoxZet Paper Toy Series - by Byman Studio
Build Your Own Honda S2000 Paper Model - by Paper Cruiser
Commissioned by Honda Parts Online, Paper Cruiser created this very well done paper model version of the Japanese classic Honda S2000. Occupying four sheets of paper, this not a so hard-to-build model.
Encomendado pela Honda Parts Online, Papel Cruiser criou esta versão em papel muito bem feita do clássico japonês Honda S2000. Ocupando quatro folhas de papel, este não é um modelo ão difícil de montar.
More Paper Models of Japanese Vehicles related posts:
Japanese Vehicles Paper Models In Only One Sheet Of Paper - by Nissan
2 Fast 2 Furious - Mitsubishi Evolution Paper Model - by Wongday
Easy-To-Build Japanese Vehicles Paper Models - by K-Spec
Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Paper Model In SD Style - by Gomucraft
Halloween Special - The Frightening Mummy Paper Toy - by Dikids
By Indonesian designer Dadik Triadi, from Dikids website, this is the Frightening Mummy paper toy. You need only one shee tof paper to build this "creepy" paper toy.
Do designer indonésio Dadik Triadi, do site Dikids, este é o paper toy da Múmia Assustadora. Você precisa de apena suma folha de papel para montar este "horripilante" paper toy.
More Halloween Paper Toys related posts:
Halloween Special - Friendly Frankenstein Paper Toy - by Chemical 9
Halloween Special - Trick-or-Treat Monitor Monsters - by Scout Creative
Monsters and Characters For RPG And Wargames - by Crow Stuff
Halloween Special - Pop-Up Vampires Paper Toys - by RavensBlight
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
I Built The Jack Sparrow Mask Paper Model - by Hyakunin
I assembled the mask of Jack Sparrow, from Pirates of Caribbean, created by Japanese designer Hyakunin and I have to say it's easy assembly, with precise fittings, and great fun. I spent half an hour to put it together, with a break for coffee. Hyakunin manages to capture the expression of the characters he chooses, with only a few paper folds. If you also want to build your own mask of Jack Sparrow, the download link is below, at the end of this post.
Eu montei a máscara do Jack Sparrow, dos Piratas do Caribe, criada pelo designer japonês Hyakunin e eu tenho que dizer que é uma montagem fácil, com encaixes precisos, e muito divertida. Eu gastei uma meia hora para montar tudo, com uma pausa para o café. Hyakunuin consegue captar a expressão dos personagens que ele escolhe, com apenas algumas dobras de papel. Se você também quer montar sua própria máscara do Jack Sparrow, o link para download está logo abaixo, no final deste post.
The mask of Jack Sparrow with a Playmobil miniature to give you an idea of size. A máscara de Jack Sparrow com uma miniatura Playmobil, para se ter uma idéia de tamanho. |
Link: Pirates.Of.The.Caribbean.Jack.Sparrow.Mask.Paper.Model.In.1/
More Paper Models of Masks related posts:
Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model - by Papermau - Máscara de Tutankamon
Dr. Who - CyberShade Face Mask Paper Model - by BBC
Scarecrow Mask Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Gankutsu-O-Taku
Guy Falkes Mask - by Mckackr - Máscara de Guy Falkes
Stromtrooper Mask Paper Model In 1/50 Scale - by Hyakunin
Here is a paper model that will make the day of Star Wars fans: a Stormtrooper mask in 1/50 scale, creation of the Japanese designer Hyakunin. And you need only one sheet of paper to build this.
Aqui está um modelo de papel que fará a alegria dos fãs de Star Wars: uma máscara de Stormtrooper na escala 1/50, criação do designer japonês Hyakunin. E Você precisa de apenas uma folha de papel para montá-la.
Link: Stromtrooper.Mask.Paper.Model.In.1/
More Star Wars Paper Models related posts:
Star Wars - X-Wing Starfighter - by J. Leslie
Star Wars Droid R2D2 - by SF Papercraft - Robô R2D2
Star Wars "AT-AT" Walker Vehicle - by SF Papercraft
Star Wars`T-47 Snowspeeder Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika
Minecraft - Steve With Diamond Armor Paper Toy - by Craftman Korea
By Craftman Korea website, here is Steve, character from Minecraft videogame, with his Diamond Armor and acessories. Take a look at the second photo of this post to learn how to download this cool paper toy.
Do site Craftman Korea, este é Steve, personagem do game Minecraft, com sua Armadura de Diamantes e acessórios. Dê uma olhada na segunda foto deste post para aprender como baixar este paper toy muito bacana.
More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:
Little Monsters from Mostruo Nintendo Game- by Ushimitsu
Big Sister From BioShock2 - by Destro2k - via Deviant Art
Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft - by GOLLUM 999 Papercraft - Robô Cão de Half-Life 2
Assassin`s Creed - Altair Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron V-Wing Paper Model - by Dávid Pethes
Created by Czech designer Dávid Pethes, aka Imclod, this paper model of the V-Wing spaceship, from Star Wars - Rogue Squadron videogame, occupies only one sheet of paper with its pieces.
Criado pelo designer checo David Pethes, aka Imclod, este modelo de papel da nave V-Wing, do game Star Wars - Rogue Squadron, ocupa apenas uma folha de papel com as suas peças.
More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:
Transformers Bumblebee Paper Model - Simple Version - by Paper Replika
Federation UFO Paper Model - by MTK`s Card Craft
BSG Colonial Viper Mk 1 Paper Model - by Sirius Replicas
Star Trek - Enterprise And Intrepid Spaceships - by Repap Studios