Here is the second part of the already classic Halloween-themed papercraft series offered by Canon website, from Japan. Like every year, the series is reviewed and the links fixed, and all new models are added to the already vast collection. Let's hope that Canon continues toasting us with their great papercrafts.
Eis aqui a segunda parte da já clássica série de modelos de papel com temática de Dia das Bruxas, oferecido pela Canon do Japão. Como todo ano, a série é revisada e os links corrigidos, e todos os novos modelos são adicionados a já vasta coleção. Vamos torcer para que a Canon continue nos brindando com seus ótimos papercrafts.
02 - The Great Halloween Paper Model Collection - by Canon - Jack and the Halloween Dancers
04 - The Great Halloween Paper Model Collection - by Canon - Halloween Wreath Papercraft