Saturday, December 22, 2012
Japanese Imperial Navy Submarine Koryu In SD Style - by Hol Nice
From Japanese designer Hol Nice, here is the Japanese Imperial Navy Submarine Koryu, in a SD style (super deformed style) and in just one sheet.
Do designer japonês Hol Nice, eis aqui o Submarino Koryu, da Marinha Imperial Japonesa, em estilo SD (estilo super deformado) e em apenas uma folha de papel.
Link to the model:
Link to instructions:
More Paper Models of Submarines related posts:
Tutorial - Submarine Pirate Layout - by CJ Wallas - Caverna Pirata
WW2 Italian Submarine Enrico Toti - by Delfini d'Acciaio
USS Skipjack Nuclear Submarine Paper Model - by Mikromodele
Japanese Submarine Papercraft - by T34
Star Wars - ARC Lieutenant Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi
From Star Wars universe, more one nice paper model in 1/6 scale: here is the ARC Lieutenant, created by Noturno Sukhoi team.
Do universo de Star Wars, mais um belo modelo de papel em escala 1/6: eis aqui o ARC Lieutenant, numa criação da equipe do site Noturno Sukhoi.
More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:
The Day The Earth Stood Still Paper Model - by Cut & Paste - O Dia Em Que A Terra Parou Papercraft
Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 Darth Vader's Star Fighter - by Noturno Sukhoi
Blade Runner - Deckard`s Sedan Paper Car - by Blade Zone
Triangle UFO Paper Model - by Seesaa
Black And White Nativity Set For Kids - By Made By Joel
Joel, designer of this cool Nativity Set Paper model, says: - "Ever since childhood, I’ve always enjoyed seeing the different Nativity sets displayed around the holidays.
This year, I finally tried making my own Paper City style Nativity Scene to share with everyone.
I had a great time playing around with different designs, and I think it will be fun to color in, too!"
Joel, designer deste belo presépio de papel, diz: - "Desde a infância, eu sempre gostei de ver os diferentes presépios em exposições nos feriados natalinos.
Este ano eu finalmente tentei fazer o meu próprio Presépio para compartilhar com todos.
Eu me diverti muito fazendo esses desenho, e eu acho que vai ser divertido colorí-lo também!"
More paper models of Cribs and Nativity Sets related posts:
Christmas Time - Paper Crib - Nativity Set - by My Little House
Christmas Time - 3D Crib - Celso Battistini's Creche - by Paper Model Kiosk
Christmas Time - Brandyská Nativity Set - by Papermodel Kiosk
Christmas Time - 3D Crib - Lambs Creche - by Paper Model Kiosk
Tunning Racing Vehicle Paper Model - by Smaxer3D - Carro Tunado
A really beautifull Tunning Car, by British website Smaxer3D. To view and print this model you will nedd Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Um belo Carro Tunado do site Inglês Smaxer3D. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to the model:
More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Racing Cars - by Epson Nakajima Racing - Carros De Corrida
1980`s All Japan Rally Championship Paper Cars - by Studio Tomoda
Ferrari F430 - by Farewell, The End
Realistic Formula 1 Paper Cars - by Peter Spinler
Icon Christmas Card Papercraft - by Paper Model Kiosk - Cartão De Natal
Don`t want to buy an ordinary Christmas card to send to your loved ones? So print this vintage Icon Christmas Card Papercraft, by Paper Model Kiosk website.
Não quer comprar um cartão de Natal comum para mandar para seus entes queridos? Então imprima este belo e antigo Cartão com Um Ícone de Maria, do site Paper Model Kiosk.
More Paper models Cards related posts:
Christmas Time - 3D Pop Up Christmas Card - by Otonchin Soreccha
Christmas Time - 3D Tree Pop Up Card Papercraft - by Extreme Cards
Christmas Time - Stained Glass Christmas Card - via Paper Model Kiosk
Christmas Time - Santa Claus Pop-Up Card - by Canon Japan
Japanese Animals Of The Forest Paper Models - by Kirin - Animais Da Floresta
A nice decorative diorama for kids room, by Japanese website Kirin.
Um bonito diorama para quarto de crianças, do site japonês Kirin.
More Paper Models of Animals related posts:
Colorful Parrot Papercraft - by Education Scholastic
Paper Aquarium - Dolphin Show Diorama - by Canon
Golden Fish Papercraft - by Pepachal - Peixe Dourado
Common Kingfisher Bird Paper Model - by Canon
Henchman Robot Paper Toy - by The Bat - Via Pepakura Gallery - Robô Escudeiro
From RockMan DASH videogame series, here is Henchman Robot Paper Toy, with 10 cm tall, created by Japanese designer The Bat, via Pepakura Gallery. To view and print this model you will nedd Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Da série de videogames RockMan DASH, este é paper toy do Robô Escudeiro, com 10 cm de altura e criado pelo designer japonês The Bat, via Pepakura Gallery. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models of Robots related posts:
Super Robot - BoxZet Paper Toy Series - by Byman Studio
Meca Chico Paper Toy - by Shozy
Easy-To-Build Robot Paper Toy - by UOL - Robô Paper toy Para Crianças
Bachsy Articulated Robot - by Josh Buczynski - Robô Articulado
Friday, December 21, 2012
Make Your Own Christmas Tree Ornament - by Lu Minoti - Faça Seu Próprio Enfeite De Natal
If you want to learn how to make this nice Christmas Tree Ornament, visit Lu Minoti`s website and you will find a very detailed tutorial, full of photos. I assure you it is very easy and fun to do.
Se você quiser aprender a fazer este belo Enfeite de árvore de Natal, visite o site de Lu Minoti e você achará um tutorial muito bem detalhado, repleto de fotos com o passo a passo. Eu garanto que é muito fácil e divertido.
More Christmas Projects related posts:
Illuminated Facades Papercraft Project - by Country Home - Fachadas Iluminadas
Christmas Time - Cardboard Village - by The Martha Stewart Show
Christmas Time - 3D Pop Up Christmas Card - by Otonchin Soreccha
Christmas Time - DIY Nativity Set Papercraft - by Marloes De Vries
Toyota Hilux Paper Model In SD Style - by GT 40 - via Pepakura Gallery
Here is the Toyota Hilux paper model, in a fun SD style (Super Deformed style), created by Japanese designer GT 40 and originally posted at Pepakura Gallery website. To view and print this model you will nedd Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Aqui, o modelo de papel da Toyota Hilux, em uma divertida versão SD (estilo Super Deformada), do designer japonês GT 40 e originalmente postada no site Pepakura Gallery. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models of Cars in SD Style related posts:
Camaro Bunblebee In SD Style - by Bamboogila - Camaro Amarelo
Ferrari 512BB Le Mans In SD Style - by Ya Demon - via Pepakura Gallery
Alfa Romeo GTA 1300 Paper Car In SD Style - by Metmania
Porsche 917K In SD Style - by Ya Demon - via Pepakura Gallery
Mayan Temple Of The Inscriptions In Mexico Paper Model
by Hiroshi Chiba & PAPERART-C
Created by Japanese designers Hiroshi Chiba & PAPERART-C exclusively for Canon website, this is the Mayan Temple of Inscriptions, a paper model that occupies nine printed sheets.
Palenque was a Maya city state in southern Mexico that flourished in the 7th century. The Palenque ruins date back to 100 BC to its fall around 800 AD. After its decline it was absorbed into the jungle, which is made up of cedar, mahogany, and sapodilla trees, but has been excavated and restored and is now a famous archaeological site attracting thousands of visitors. It is located near the Usumacinta River in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Palenque is a medium-sized site, much smaller than such huge sites as Tikal or Copán, but it contains some of the finest architecture, sculpture, roof comb and bas-relief carvings that the Mayas produced. Much of the history of Palenque has been reconstructed from reading the hieroglyphic inscriptions on the many monuments, historians now have a long sequence of the ruling dynasty of Palenque in the 7th century and extensive knowledge of the city-state's rivalry with other states such as Calakmul and Toniná. The most famous ruler of Palenque was Pacal the Great, whose tomb has been found and excavated in the Temple of the Inscriptions. By 2005, the discovered area covered up to 2.5 km² (1 sq mi), but it is estimated that less than 10% of the total area of the city is explored, leaving more than a thousand structures still covered by jungle. - Wikipedia
Criado pelos designers japoneses Hiroshi Chiba & PAPERART-C exclusivamente para o site da Canon, este é o Templo Maia das Inscrições, um modelo de papel que ocupa nove folhas impressas.
Entre os vestígios deixados pelos maias, as ruínas de Palenque se destacam por seus baixos-relevos em estuque e a originalidade de seu conjunto arquitetônico. Palenque é o nome por que ficou conhecido o sítio arqueológico situado no estado de Chiapas, México, a 12km da cidade de Santo Domingo de Palenque. Pertence ao período clássico da civilização maia, entre os anos 300 e 900 da era cristã. Seu nome original pode ter sido Nachan, que significa "cidade das serpentes", mas a hipótese nunca foi confirmada. O período de maior esplendor de Palenque foi no século VII, quando se elaborou a maior parte de seus relevos, monumentos e edifícios. O apuro técnico na arquitetura, nas inscrições hieroglíficas, nas pinturas (quase todas desaparecidas), nas esculturas e na cerâmica faz da arte de Palenque a mais refinada da América pré-colombiana. O palácio de Palenque, construído sobre uma base piramidal, inclui três muros paralelos que formam dois corredores cobertos por falsas abóbadas (feitas com a escora de pedras enfileiradas). Sobressai, no conjunto, uma torre de vigia com vários pavimentos, de tipo incomum na arquitetura pré-colombiana. Nesse e em outros edifícios encontra-se grande quantidade de baixos-relevos em estuque (material à base de cal, areia, gesso e água), que retratam cenas mitológicas e contêm hieróglifos com datas e fatos históricos. Por sua extrema delicadeza, são considerados o ponto culminante da arte escultórica maia. No templo das Inscrições há um grande painel hieroglífico datado do ano 692. Em seu interior foi descoberta em 1952 a cripta que serviu de tumba para um sacerdote do século VIII, cujo altar continha numerosos artefatos de jade. Abandonada e oculta pela floresta durante séculos, Palenque foi descoberta em 1785. O rei Carlos III da Espanha promoveu a exploração arqueológica do sítio. Antonio del Río realizou os primeiros estudos sobre as ruínas e seus baixos-relevos, que despertaram crescente interesse ao longo do século XIX. A partir de 1940, o Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e História do México promoveu a restauração da antiga cidade e patrocinou novos estudos arqueológicos. Desde a década de 1960 o local tornou-se atração turística. -
More Paper Models of Ancient Temples related posts:
Ancient Temple Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Sbeitla Ruins - Tunisia - More Some Advances
Temple Of Horus - by Thomas Pleiner - Templo de Hórus
Athenian Treasury - by Papermau - Next Project
Dissidia Final Fantasy - Onion Knight Luneth Paper Model - by Ace Crafts
From Final Fantasy Universe, here is more one really well done paper model by Ace Crafts: Onion Knight Luneth.
Do Universo de Final Fantasy, eis aqui mais um modelo de papel muito bem feito do designer Ace Craft: Onion Knight Luneth.
More Paper Models of Videogames Characters related posts:
Final Fantasy XII - Moogle Family Paper Models - by Fezco Crafts
Class Of Heroes Japanese Paper Dolls SD Style - by Totomono
Assassin's Creed - Ezio Auditore Di Firenze - by Noturno Sukhoi
Abomination / Flesh Golem Papercraft - by WOW Papercraft
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Paddle Steam Ferry Commodore Perry Paper Model - by Magnus Morck - via Models`n`Moore
USS Commodore Perry was one of many ferries and other civilian craft that were
converted to serve in the Union Navy. In late 1861 it was rebuilt into a gunboat,
carrying heavy cannons on the open decks.
Thanks to Models`n`Moore`s work of preservation, We can know and share the work of talented Swedish modeler, now deceased, Magnus Morck.
Olof, son of Magnus says: - "Publishing Civil War paper models remained one of the great joys of Magnus' life right until the very day he passed away, and to hear of the reception his last model, the magnificent CSS Albemarle, received was of great worth to him in a time when he was fighting the toughest battle of his life. Although he lost the battle against his brain tumour, part of his legacy will live on through this page, and I will make certain it is maintained and that the models will remain downloadable".
The Real Thing |
O USS Commodore Perry foi um dos muitas embarcações civís que eram requisitadas e convertidas para servir na Marinha Union. No final de 1861, essa balsa foi transformada em uma canhoneira, carregando canhões pesados nas plataformas abertas.
Graças ao trabalho de preservação de Models`n`Moore, Nós podemos conhecer e compartilhar o trabalho do talentoso modelista sueco, já falecido, Magnus Morck.
Olof, filho de Magnus, diz: - "Criar modelos de papel de barcos da Guerra Civil norte-americana permaneceu uma das grandes alegrias da vida Magnus até o dia em que ele faleceu, e ouvir os elogios ao seu último modelo, o magnífico CSS Albemarle, foi de grande valor para ele em um momento em que lutava contra a mais dura batalha de sua vida. Apesar de ter perdido a batalha contra o tumor cerebral, parte do seu legado viverá através desta página, e eu vou ter certeza de que ela seja mantida e que os seusmodelos permaneçam para download".
More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:
Boat Cleopatra - by Waldenfont.Com - Barco Cleopatra
RMS Titanic - by Currel Graphics
Riverboat Krakus - by Carapace - Barco à Vapor Krakus
Old Cargo Ship Langerak - by Bouwplaat - Antiga Nau de Carga
Chicken And Newborn Baby Chick Automata Papercraft - by Canon
What a funny and very unusual paper model by Japanese site Canon: the Chicken and Newborn Baby Chick Automata Papercraft!
Que divertido e muito incomum modelo de papel do site japonês Canon: Chicken and Newborn Baby Chick Automata Papercraft!
More Automata Paper Models related posts:
The Weekend Pic - The Hatching Deinonychus - by Nasymon / Johan Scherft
Jade Dragon Automata Papercraft - by Home Spun Magixx - Dragão De Jade
German Heat Carousel Paper Model - by Kallboys - Carrossel Movido À Calor
Animated Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Kids Net - Tiranossauro
A Paradise For RPG Gamers And Wargamers - by Model Paper World
The Spanish Designer and modeler Sergio Perez Cruz, together with TommyGun, has just launched a new website full of buildings and accessories for RPG games and Wargames. It is a great place for all fans of these type of games. In the photos above, you can see some of the nice models that you can download for free. Expect more posts about the models of Model Paper World.
O designer e modelista espanhol Sergio perez Cruz, juntamente com TommyGun, acaba de lançar um novo site repleto de modelos de papel de prédios e acessórios para jogos de RPG e Wargames. é um ótimo lugar para todos os fãs destes tipos de jogos. Na foto acima, você tem uma pequena idéia da variedade de modelos que pode baixar gratuitamente lá. Esperem mais posts com os modelos do Model Paper World.
More Paper Models for RPG Games and Wargames related posts:
War Dogs RPG Paper Models - by Wandam - Cães de Guerra RPG
European Medieval City - by Kaukapedia - Cidade Medieval Européia
Buildings For RPG Games - by GHQ Models
Table Top RPG Games - by Zio Prudencio - Jogos de RPG
Kimono Teddy Bear Paper Model - by Canon - Ursinha De Quimono
A really cute paper model of a little Teddy Bear using a Kimono, by Japanese site Canon.
Uma fofa Ursinha usando um Quimono, do site japonês Canon.
More Decorative Paper Models related posts:
A Cute Cuckoo Clock Decorative Paper Toy - by Non Dairy Diary
I Dream Of Jeannie Bottle Paper Model - by Gary Pilsworth - via Pepakura Gallery
Pirate’s Treasure Chest Paper Model - by Ammey's Art Attic
Rooster Paper Model - by Huhut`s Paper Craft Blog
Ninja Girl Paper Doll - by JP Papercraft
A new paper model by JP Papercraft: Ninja Girl, with 45 cm tall and occupying 10 sheets of paper. To view and print this model you will nedd Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Um novo modelo de papel do designer JP Papercraft: Ninja girl, com 45 cm de altura e ocupando 10 folhas de papel. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Dolls related posts:
Kyuo Fujibayashi Paper Doll Anime Style - by Ani Papercraft
Reset Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami
Hatune Miku Paper Doll Anime Style - by Paper Works
Parasite Eve`s Aya Brea Paper Doll - by Jp Papercraft
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Petra Treasure Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Papermau - Assembling The Model
Here is the second part of the assembling of Petra Treasure Paper Model In 1/72 Scale.
Aqui, a segunda parte da montagem do Tesouro de Petra em Escala 1/72.

In the next post, the assembly of the display box.
No próximo post, a montagem da caixa display.
More Petra Treasure Paper Model related posts:
Company Of Heroes Buildings Paper Models - by Dave`s Geeky Ideas
Two little buildings, a barrack and some sand bags to be used with RPG and Wargames, thanks to Dave Delisle, from Dave`s Geeky Ideas website.
Dois prédios, uma barraca de campanhe e algumas barreiras, para se usar em jogos de RPG e Wargames, graças ao designer Dave Delisle, do site Dave`s Geeky Ideas.
Link to barrack and sandbags:`s.Geeky.Ideas
Link to buildings:`s.Geeky.Ideas
More RPG and Wargames Paper Models related posts:
Medieval Buildings Paper Models - by Desktop Wargames
New Characters For RPG Games - by Fantasy Paper Miniatures
Acessories For RPG And Dioramas - by Stones-Edges
Magic, The Gatheing RPG Game Dek Box - by Firebrand Creations
Bobby Zombie Paper Toy - by Life Is Better In Paper
By French designer MechantMartin, from Life Is Better In Paper website, here is Bobby Zombie Paper Toy!
Do designer francês MechantMartin, do site Life Is Better In Paper, eis aqui o Bobby Zombie Paper Toy!
More Paper Models of Zombies related posts:
Zombie In A Barrel - by Papermau - Download Now!
Halloween Special - Zombie Chuck - by Matt Hawkins
Halloween Special Meets Rock`n`Roll Circus - Zombie Rocker - by Papermau
Zombie Eye Glasses - by Rise Again - Óculos Zumbis
The Cocktail Party Cut Out Diorama - by Maxim Dalton
Maxim Dalton, designer of this coll paper model diorama says: - "Build your own mid-century modern house in 15 minutes. Then have a cocktail party to celebrate. Here’s a cut-out set to make your dream come true".
Maxim Dalton, o designer deste belo diorama, diz: - "Monte sua própria casa moderna dos anos 50 em 15 minutos. Então dê um cocktail para celebrar. Aqui um recortável para fazer seu sonho virar realidade".
More Paper Model Dioramas related posts:
Japanese Scenes Dioramas - by Stork - Dioramas Da Vida Japonesa
Brick Street Diorama - by Papermau - Rua de Paralelepípedos
Moving Train Diorama - by Time Tripper - Diorama Com Movimento
The Clock Tower Diorama - by Papermau - Torre do Relógio