Saturday, May 6, 2017
Gun & Fun Gun Shop Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames by Papermau - Download Now!
Here is the Gun & Fun Gun Shop, an easy-to-build paper model to be used in Dioramas, RPG And Wargames. This model is something about 1/64 scale, for Hot Wheels miniatures and the like. Have fun!
Aqui está a Casa de Armas Gun & Fun, um modelo de papel bem fácil de montar para ser usado em Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Este modelo está em uma escala aproximada de 1/64, para miniaturas Hot Wheels e similares. Boa Montagem!
Download: Gun.&!
More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:
Castle Facade And Towers Paper Models - by Norbtach
Princess Medieval Castle Paper Model - by Hugo L`Escargot
Le Salon - French Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka / SarienSpiderDroid
Engine Shed Paper Model In 1/72 And 1/87 Scales - by Projekt Bastelbogen
Star Wars - Death Star Playset Paper Model - by Erick Stormtrooper
"Thanks to Dan "The Man" Curto, who graciously disassembled this huge play set and scanned it in pieces. The play set has been completely scanned though, and Dan even scanned the clips that hold it together. These many scans are currently bundled together in one convenient ZIP file. Since most of the pieces of the play set are double sided, many pieces in the ZIP file are named with a "-1" and "-2" appendix, to indicate that they go back-to-back." - Erik Stormtrooper - This playset is suitable for 3,75 inch miniatures.
"Obrigado a Dan "The Man" Curto, que cuidadosamente desmontou este enorme playset e escaneou-o em pedaços. O conjunto foi completamente escaneado, e Dan até mesmo digitalizou os clipes que originalmente prendem o playset. Tudo convenientemente agrupado em um arquivo ZIP. Uma vez que a maioria das peças do conjunto são dupla face, muitas peças no arquivo ZIP são nomeadas com um "-1" e "-2", para indicar que eles vão de costas um para o outro." - Erik Stormtrooper - Este playset é adequado para miniaturas de 3,75 polegadas.
More Star Wars Paper Models related posts:
Star Wars - Boba Fett Paper Model - Version II - by Noturno Sukhoi
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron V-Wing Paper Model - by Dávid Pethes
Star Wars - Clone Trooper Mask Paper Model In 1/50 Scale - by Hyakunin
Star Wars - Millennium Falcon Paper Model - by Sci-Fi Papercraft
paper model,
pop culture,
Star Wars
Da Vinci`s Mechanical Hammer Automata Paper Model - by Paper Pino

Esta é uma das mais simples máquinas projetadas por Leonardo Da Vinci, a fim de melhorar o desempenho humano. Uma alavanca conectada a um martelo, que é movido por meio de uma câmara excêntrica. Em cada volta do punho, o martelo dá uma batida. Nos esboços de Leonardo, o martelo real é alimentado por uma turbina de água. - Paper Pino

The model is made up with 44 parts, that can be assembled without glue thanks to the Removable Interlocking Pin System (RIPS).
The complete set, inclusive of the assembling instructions, can be contained in an elegant kit box (to build).
O modelo é composto de 44 peças, que podem ser montadas sem cola graças ao sistema Removable Interlocking Pin System (RIPS).
O conjunto completo, incluindo as instruções de montagem, podem ser guardadas numa elegante caixinha decorativa.
Link: Da.Vinci`
More Automata Paper Models related posts:
Jade Dragon Automata Papercraft - by Home Spun Magixx - Dragão De Jade
Animated Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Kids Net - Tiranossauro
Walking Mech Warrior Paper Model Automata - by J.Hodgie
Mario Coin Automata Papercraft - by Ddi7i4d - via DeviantArt
paper model,
school work,
Friday, May 5, 2017
Guardians Of The Galaxy Paper Toy Collection - by Fold Up Toys
Here are Star Lord, Drax, Gamora, Groot and Rocket Raccoon, the Guardians of the Galaxy, in nice paper toy versions offered by Fold Up Toys website.
Aqui estão Star Lord, Drax, Gamora, Groot e Rocket Raccoon, os Guardiões da Galáxia, em versões paper toy bem legais oferecidas pelo site Fold Up Toys.
More Super Heroes themed Paper Models related posts:
Batman - Arkham Asylum Playset Paper Model - by Professor Plastik
New Charles Xavier School Mini Paper Toys - by Gus Santome
Batman Paper Toy - Version Four - Michael Keaton - by Vladimir Micas
Iron Man Mark 2 Paper Toy - by Vladimir Micas
paper model,
paper toy,
pop culture
Discworld - The Luggage Paper Model - by Mike Hungerford
Mike Hungerford, the North American designer of this beautiful paper model, says: - "This is my interpretation of "The Luggage" from Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" novels. Colored and textured to simulate sapient pearwood with octiron bindings. Overall length is approximately 1-1/2 inches at 1/24 scale. Fabrication of hundreds of little feet is left as an exercise for the builder."
Mike Hungerford, o designer norte-americano deste modelo de papel bem bacana, diz: - "Esta é a minha interpretação de "A Bagagem" do livro Discworld, de Terry Pratchett. Colorido e texturizado para simular madeira antiga com reforços de metal. o comprimento total é de aproximadamente uma polegada e meia, na escala 1/24. A fabricação de centenas de pequenos pés é deixada como um exercício para o modelista."
More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:
New RPG Monsters - by Fantasy Paper Miniature
Magic, The Gatheing RPG Game Dek Box - by Firebrand Creations
Miniatures For RPG Games - by Sirro B1
Acessories For RPG And Dioramas - by Stones-Edges
1/24 scale,
paper model,
rpg game,
The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 04
Here is the fourth part of the Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection, offered by Canon website. Have fun!
Esta é a quarta parte da Coleção de Papercrafts de Dia das Mães, oferecida pelo site da Canon. Divirtam-se!
Link 01: Message Origami (Mother) Papercraft - by Cochae - via Canon
Link 02: Mini Card - Flower 0002 Papercraft - by Chihiro Shimizu - via Canon
Link 03: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0003 - by Megumi Mitsuda - via Canon
Link 04: Carnation Card Set Papercraft - by Sino - via Canon
Link 05: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0006 - by Ayako Kishi - via Canon
Link 06: Mother's Day Squirrel Family Card Set - Shoko Sugiyama - via Canon
Link 07: Mother's Day Handbag Card Set - by Tomomi Miyamatsu - via Canon
Link 08: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0002 Papercraft - by Shoko Sugiyama - via Canon
Link 09: Pop-up Card (Bouquet) Papercraft - by Hiroko - via Canon
More Mother`s Day Paper Models related posts:
Flowers, Flowers And More Flowers - by Keisuke Saka - via Kirin
Mother`s Day Special - Happy Dolls - by Scout Creative - via DePapercraft
A Simple Flower Paper Model - by Projekt Bastelbogen
Mother`s Day Special - Cute Love Bear Papercraft - by Paper Replika
Mother`s Day,
paper model,
pop up
Ender's Game - Dreadnought Paper Model - by RocketmanTan
From 1985`s military science fiction novel Ender's Game, writen by American author Orson Scott Card, here is a nice paper model version of the Dreadnought spaceship, created by North American designer and modeler Bryan Tan, aka RocketmanTan.
Baseado no livro de ficção científica de 1985, Ender's Game, escrito pelo autor americano Orson Scott Card, eis aqui uma versão em papel bem legal da espaçonave Dreadnought, criada pelo designer e modelista norte-americano Bryan Tan, aka RocketmanTan.
Link: Ender'
More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:
Predator Head Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Noturno Sukhoi
Tron`s Legacy Recognyzer Paper Model - by Marco Scheloske
Doctor Who Tardis Paper Model With Interior - by Desktop Wargames
Perry Rhodan - Stardust Space Ship - by Paper Aviation
paper model,
Thursday, May 4, 2017
The Ephemeral Museum - Seven-Spotted Ladybug Paper Model
Assembled by Aldo Ross
My friend Aldo Ross, from Ohio, USA, built the Seven-Spotted Ladybug and kindly sent me some photos of his nice work. Aldo said: - "I assembled the Canon Paper Craft “Seven Spotted Ladybug” this weekend, then realized that the directions showed the wings and the spotted casings in the wrong positions (second picture, on logs), so I removed them, repositioned the casings, and while I had it apart I replaced the wings with new ones printed on translucent vellum." - "Many thanks, Aldo, for more one nice model! Greetings from Brazil to USA!" - Mauther - If you want to build your own Seven-Spotted Ladybug, the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.
Meu amigo Aldo Ross, de Ohio, EUA, montou a Joaninha de Sete Manchas e gentilmente enviou-me algumas fotos de seu belíssimo trabalho. Aldo disse: - "Eu montei a Joaninha de Sete Manchas do site da Canon neste final de semana, então percebi que as instruções mostravam as asas internas em posição errada (segunda foto, sobre o tronco), então eu as removi, reposicionado-as, e aproveitei para substituí-las por novas impressas em papel translúcido." - "Muito obrigado, Aldo, por mais um belo modelo! Saudações do Brasil aos EUA!" - Mauther - Se você quiser montar sua própria Joaninha de Sete Manchas, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo, no final deste post.
Link to download the model: Seven-Spotted Ladybug Paper Model - by Y.Watanabe - via Canon
About the Ephemeral Museum:
I "am in the paper modeling" since 2005, although I've had contact with paper models from my childhood in the 1970s, via magazines that were sold sporadically in newsagents. I remember magazines with houses to build and dioramas/playsets of airports, western forts, nativity scenes and the like. With the advent of the internet what happened was simply a revival of the papercraft hobby for me and many other people of my generation. Today I am opening a new session here on the blog, the Ephemeral Museum , which is a place where I will show some of the models that I built all these years. I would also like this to be a space where all modelers friends could show their work, so if anyone wants to participate in this "museum", just send photos of your work and a few words, if you want, to the e-mail:
All who submit their work will be published, without exceptions.
Eu "estou no papelmodelismo" desde 2005, embora eu já tivesse contato com modelos de papel desde minha infância, nos anos 1970, via revistas que eram vendidas esporadicamente em bancas de jornal. Lembro que haviam revistas com casas para montar e dioramas/playsets de aeroportos, fortes-apache, presépios e coisas do tipo. Com o advento da internet o que houve foi simplesmente um renascimento do hobby do papelmodelismo para mim e muitas outras pessoas de minha geração. Hoje eu estou inaugurando uma nova sessão aqui no blog, o Ephemeral Museum, que é um lugar aonde irei mostrar alguns dos modelos que eu construí em todos estes anos. Também gostaria que esse fosse um espaço aonde todos os amigos modelistas pudessem mostrar seus trabalhos, sendo assim, se alguém quiser participar deste "museu", basta mandar fotos de seu trabalho e algumas palavras para o e-mail abaixo:
Todos que enviarem seus trabalhos serão publicados, sem exceções.
More The Ephemeral Museum related posts:
The Ephemeral Museum - An Ancient Ship Papercraft - by Papermau
The Ephemeral Museum - 1957`s Chevy Monster 4X4 Paper Model - by James Catalano
The Ephemeral Museum - Sherman "Fury" M4A3E8 Tank Paper Model - Assembled by Tim Crowe
The Ephemeral Museum - Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - Assembled by Matheus Tarsis Fernandes
The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 03
Here is the third part of the Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection, offered by Canon website. Have fun!
Esta é a terceira parte da Coleção de Papercrafts de Dia das Mães, oferecida pelo site da Canon. Divirtam-se!
Link 01: Gift Box C (Red) Papercraft - by Yukiko Tanikoshi - via Canon
Link 02: Gift Box G (Blue) Papercraft - by Erico - via Canon
Link 03: Message Doll (Mother on Her Day off) - by UPLIFT - via Canon
Link 04: Mini Roses Papercraft - by Yukiko Tanikoshi - via Canon
Link 05: Photo Frame (Rose) Papercraft - by Yukari Nakayama - via Canon
Link 06: Photo Frame Card (Pink) Papercraft - by Minya - via Canon
Link 07: Photo Frame (Brick) Papercraft - by Yukari Nakayama - via Canon
Link 08: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0009 Papercraft - by Miki Saito - via Canon
Link 09: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0001 - by Tomomi Miyamatsu - via Canon
More Mother`s Day Paper Models related posts:
Valentine`s Day - Boxed Geometric Heart Paper Model - by Minieco
Valentine`s Day - Bit Bot Love Robots Paper Toys - by Oh-Sheet
Mother`s Day Special - Gift Boxes - by Canon - Caixas De Presente
Mother`s Day Special - Happy Dolls - by Scout Creative - via DePapercraft
Mother`s Day,
paper model,
pop up
Gun & Fun Gun Shop Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames
by Papermau - Download This Week!
This is the Gun & Fun Gun Shop, an easy-to-build paper model to be used in Dioramas, RPG And Wargames. I will try to make this model on an approximate 1/64 scale, for Hot Wheels miniatures and the like. The Gun & Fun will be done until the end o this week.
Esta é a Casa de Armas Gun & Fun, um modelo de papel bem fácil de montar para ser usado em Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Eu vou tentar fazê-lo em uma escala aproximada de 1/64, para miniaturas Hot Wheels e similares. A Gun & Fun ficará pronta até o final desta semana.
More Papermau Next Projects related posts:
Old House In Olaria Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances
Titanic Sunk Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Images
The Kitchen Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau - Next Project
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
The Ephemeral Museum - Lake`s House Refuge Paper Model
Assembled by Garnizé Duarte
It is always a pleasure and an honor to see one of my models assembled by a friend modeler. When this friend is from Brazil, I'm even happier. My new friend, Garnizé Duarte, sailor and modeler from Itajaí, Santa Catarina, kindly sent me many photos of models assembled by him. In addition, he writes on a very interesting website about the Brazilian Navy, boats and everything related to the sea and the life of the sailors. I recommend to all friends of the blog take a look there. - "Thank you, Garnizé, for the beautiful photos and for your kind words. A big hug from São Paulo to Itajaí!" - Mauther - If you want to build your own Lake`s House Refuge, the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.
É sempre um prazer e uma honra ver um de meus modelos montado por um amigo modelista. Quando este amigo é aqui do Brasil, eu fico mais contente ainda. Meu novo amigo, Garnizé Duarte, marinheiro e modelista de Itajaí, Santa Catarina, montou a Casa Brasileira Abandonada e gentilmente enviou-me muitas fotos de modelos montados por ele. Além disso, ele toca um website muito interessante que fala sobre a Marinha Brasileira, barcos e tudo relacionado ao mar e a vida dos marinheiros. Eu recomendo aos amigos do blog darem uma olhada lá. - "Muito obrigado, Garnizé, pelas belas fotos e pelas tuas palavras amáveis. Um grande abraço de São Paulo até Itajaí!" - Mauther - Se você quiser montar seu próprio Refúgio da Casa do Lago, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo, no final deste post.
Link to A3 version: Lake`
Link to A4 version: Lake`
Link to Letter version: Lake`
Garnizé`s personal website:
If you have any questions on how to download my models via ADfly in a safe way, please take a look at the post below:
Link: How To Download Papermau Original Models via Adfly Without Freak Out Your Computer
Se você tem alguma dúvida de como baixar meus modelos via ADfly de um modo seguro, por favor, dê uma olhada no post abaixo:
Link: Como Baixar Modelos Originais Papermau via ADfly Sem Detonar Seu Computador
About the Ephemeral Museum:
I "am in the paper modeling" since 2005, although I've had contact with paper models from my childhood in the 1970s, via magazines that were sold sporadically in newsagents. I remember magazines with houses to build and dioramas/playsets of airports, western forts, nativity scenes and the like. With the advent of the internet what happened was simply a revival of the papercraft hobby for me and many other people of my generation. Today I am opening a new session here on the blog, the Ephemeral Museum , which is a place where I will show some of the models that I built all these years. I would also like this to be a space where all modelers friends could show their work, so if anyone wants to participate in this "museum", just send photos of your work and a few words, if you want, to the e-mail:
All who submit their work will be published, without exceptions.
Eu "estou no papelmodelismo" desde 2005, embora eu já tivesse contato com modelos de papel desde minha infância, nos anos 1970, via revistas que eram vendidas esporadicamente em bancas de jornal. Lembro que haviam revistas com casas para montar e dioramas/playsets de aeroportos, fortes-apache, presépios e coisas do tipo. Com o advento da internet o que houve foi simplesmente um renascimento do hobby do papelmodelismo para mim e muitas outras pessoas de minha geração. Hoje eu estou inaugurando uma nova sessão aqui no blog, o Ephemeral Museum, que é um lugar aonde irei mostrar alguns dos modelos que eu construí em todos estes anos. Também gostaria que esse fosse um espaço aonde todos os amigos modelistas pudessem mostrar seus trabalhos, sendo assim, se alguém quiser participar deste "museu", basta mandar fotos de seu trabalho e algumas palavras para o e-mail abaixo:
Todos que enviarem seus trabalhos serão publicados, sem exceções.
More The Ephemeral Museum related posts:
The Ephemeral Museum - An Ancient Ship Papercraft - by Papermau
The Ephemeral Museum - 1957`s Chevy Monster 4X4 Paper Model - by James Catalano
The Ephemeral Museum - Sherman "Fury" M4A3E8 Tank Paper Model - Assembled by Tim Crowe
The Ephemeral Museum - Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - Assembled by Matheus Tarsis Fernandes
The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 02
Here is the second part of the Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection, offered by Canon website. Have fun!
Aqui a segunda parte da Coleção de Papercrafts de Dia das Mães, oferecida pelo site da Canon. Divirtam-se!
Link 01: Gift Box F (Brown) Papercraft - by Erico - via Canon
Link 02: Gift Box E (Pink) Papercraft - by Yukiko Tanikoshi - via Canon
Link 03: Gift Box A (Pink) Papercraft - by Yukiko Tanikoshi - via Canon
Link 04: Mother's Day Card Papercraft 0032 - by UPLIFT - via Canon
Link 05: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0010 Papercraft - by Aya Honda - via Canon
Link 06: Message Doll (Mother) Papercraft - by UPLIFT - via Canon
Link 07: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0011 Papercraft - byEriko Takemoto - via Canon
Link 08: Photo Album (Mother's Day) 02 Papercraft - by UPLIFT - via Canon
Link 09: Mother's Day Card 0034 Papercraft - byKotori Neiko - via Canon
More Mother`s Day Paper Models related posts:
Link: Mother`s Day Special - Happy Dolls - by Scout Creative - via DePapercraft
Link: A Lot Of Papercraft Pop Up Cards For All Occasions - by Kirin
Link: Mother`s Day Special - Last Minute Mother's Day Gift Cards - by Extreme Cards
Link: Mother`s Day Special - Cute Love Bear Papercraft - by Paper Replika
Mother`s Day,
paper model,
pop up
The Totomic Ice-Creams Decorative Paper Toys - by Sanglota
Offered by Sanglota, a French educative website, here are some nice decorative and "playable" paper toys of ice-creams.
Oferecido por Sanglota, um site educativo francês, aqui estão alguns belos paper toys decorativos e "brincáveis" de sorvetes.
More Decorative Paper Models related posts:
Out Of This Wall – Papercraft Sculpture - by Kamibox - via Instructables
I Dream Of Jeannie Bottle Paper Model - by Gary Pilsworth - via Pepakura Gallery
Fallout - Security Camera Paper Model - by MTK Card Craft
Make Your Own Online Gallery Playset Papercraft - by Aram Bartholl
paper model,
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
The Great Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection - by Canon - Part 01
Here is the first part of the Mother`s Day Papercraft Collection, offered by Canon website. Have fun!
Esta é a primeira parte da Coleção de Papercrafts de Dia das Mães, oferecida pela Canon. Divirtam-se!
Link 01: Flower Arrangement - Rose (Red) - by Minya - via Canon
Link 02: Carnation (Pink) - by Yukiko Tanikoshi - via Canon
Link 03: Pop-up Card (Flower Gift) - by Kotori Neiko - via Canon
Link 04: Mother's Day Card 0035 - by Eriko Takemoto - via Canon
Link 05: Mini Card - Mother's Day 0012 - by UPLIFT - via Canon
Link 06: Photo Album (Mother's Day) 01 - by Aya Honda - via Canon
Link 07: Mini Bouquet (Carnations) - by MINYA - via Canon
Link 08: Box - Pop Box 01 Flowers (Multicolor) - by Aya Honda - via Canon
Link 09: Mother's Day Card 0036 - by UPLIFT - via Canon
More Mother`s Day Paper Models related posts:
Link: Mother`s Day Special - Happy Dolls - by Scout Creative - via DePapercraft
Link: A Lot Of Papercraft Pop Up Cards For All Occasions - by Kirin
Link: Mother`s Day Special - Last Minute Mother's Day Gift Cards - by Extreme Cards
Link: Mother`s Day Special - Cute Love Bear Papercraft - by Paper Replika
Mother`s Day,
paper model,
pop up
Monday, May 1, 2017
Sihoubuta Dukuri House Paper Model - by Sakamoto Sanda
Offered by Sakamoto Sanda website, this is a Sihoubuta Dukuri House, a Japanese family home, which eventually became standard in the Tokushima region. The Japanese word Sihoubuta can be freely translated as eaves or eaves and refers to the eaves present on the four sides of the roof. Originally the roofs were made of straw, but currently, most of the houses are covered with metal shingles. This model is in a scale between 1/144 and 1/160 (N scale), so it is perfect for Dioramas, Train Sets, RPG and Wargames. When on the page, click on the red and yellow buttons to download the templates and instructions. - Attention: download while you can, because Sakamoto Sanda models are available for a short period.
Oferecida pelo site Sakamoto Sanda, esta é a Sihoubuta Dukuri, uma casa de família que acabou tornando-se padrão na região de Tokushima. A palavra japonesa Sihoubuta pode ser traduzida livremente como beiral ou beirais e refere-se aos beirais presentes nos quatro lados do telhado. Originalmente os telhados eram feitos de palha, mas atualmente a maioria das casas são cobertas com telhas de metal. Este modelo está entre as escalas 1/144 e 1/160 (escala N), então é perfeito para Dioramas, Maquetes Ferroviárias, RPG e Wargames. Quando na página, clique nos botões vermelhos e amarelos para baixar o modelo e as instruções. - Atenção: baixe enquanto pode, pois os modelos da Sakamoto Sanda ficam disponíveis durante um curto período.
More Japanese Traditional Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Old Japanese Village - via Paper Modelers Forum - Velha Vila Japonesa
Former Niigata Custom House - by Uhu 02
Japanese Classic Building - by Akafuku - Construção Clássica Japonesa
Gasshoku Japanese House - by Canon - Casa Tradicional Japonesa
1/144 scale,
1/160 scale,
N scale,
paper model,
rpg game,
Tiranossaurus Rex Fossil Paper Model - by Paper Museum Japan
![]() |
Model Assembled and Photo by Dolanan |
Offered by Paper M Japan website, this is the paper model of a Tyrannosaurus Rex Fossil. Tyrannosaurus Rex (rex meaning "king" in Latin), commonly abbreviated to T. rex, is a fixture in popular culture. It lived throughout what is now western North America, with a much wider range than other tyrannosaurids. Fossils are found in a variety of rock formations dating to the Maastrichtian age of the upper Cretaceous Period, 67 to 65.5 million years ago. It was among the last non-avian dinosaurs to exist prior to the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event. Like other tyrannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to the large and powerful hindlimbs, Tyrannosaurus forelimbs were small, though unusually powerful for their size, and bore two clawed digits. Although other theropods rivaled or exceeded Tyrannosaurus rex in size, it was the largest known tyrannosaurid and one of the largest known land predators, measuring up to 12.8 m (42 ft) in length,up to 4 metres (13 ft) tall at the hips, and up to 6.8 metric tons (7.5 short tons) in weight. By far the largest carnivore in its environment, Tyrannosaurus rex may have been an apex predator, preying upon hadrosaurs and ceratopsians, although some experts have suggested it was primarily a scavenger. The debate over Tyrannosaurus as apex predator or scavenger is among the longest running in paleontology. - Wikipedia
Oferecido pelo site Paper M Japan, este é o modelo de papel de um Fóssil de um Tiranossauro Rex. O Tiranossauro, "lagarto tirano rei", foi um dos maiores carnívoros terrestres encontrados até hoje, perdendo apenas para o Giganotossauro e para o Carcarodontossauro, seus parentes, possivelmente menos agressivos. Inicialmente ele foi chamado de Dynamosaurus imperiosus, mas logo recebeu um nome mais apropriado. Este magnífico e assustador animal que foi descoberto no Oeste Americano, tinha a cabeça gigantesca, cerca de 12,00 metros de comprimento e suas mandíbulas eram tão grandes que podiam deglutir um ser humano inteiro e exercer uma pressão de 1300 quilos, dez vezes mais que o grande Tubarão-Branco. Isso também prova que o Tiranossauro era um caçador, e não um necrófago como pensam alguns cientistas, já que, para se alimentar de carniça não precisaria de uma mordida tão violenta. Seus dentes afiados eram ligeiramente curvos, de forma a agarrar melhor suas presas. Como o tubarão, uma vez que o Tiranossauro pegava sua vítima, ela não tinha chance de escapar de suas mandíbulas e fugir. Possuía cerca de cinqüenta desses dentes afiadíssimos de até 20 cm, uma perfeita máquina mortífera. Com o ataque, saltava para a frente agarrando a presa com os dentes até dominá-la por completo. Suas vítimas prediletas eram os Hadrossauros. O Tiranossauro andava sobre duas pernas, que eram fortes o suficiente para sustentar o grande corpo e movimentá-lo à uma velocidade de até 48km/h. Cada pata possuia garras fortíssimas. Três desses dedos eram de apoio e um nem tocava o chão. Os bracinhos minúsculos, com apenas dois dedos cada chegavam a ser até meio ridículos se comparados ao tamanho desse animal. Não se sabe ao certo para que o Tiranossauro usava esses braços; se para se apoiar ou para agarrar a presas. - Wikipedia
More Paper Models of Dinosaurs related posts:
Dinosaur Papercraft - Supersaurus - by Canon - Superssauro - Dinossauro De Papel
Dinosaur Papercraft - Stegosaurs - by Canon - Estegossauro - Dinossauro De Papel
Dinosaur Papercraft - Apatosaurus - by Canon - Apatossauro - Dinossauro De Papel
Dinosaur Papercraft - Allosaurus - by Canon - Alossauro - Dinossauro De Papel
paper model,
school work,
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