Showing posts with label 25 mm scale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 25 mm scale. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Savage Wheels GTO Cars Paper Models For RPG And Wargames
by Grey Wolf

Grey Wolf is a designer and board game enthusiast specializing in the Wargame style, who has developed a website to share his creations. 

The vehicle featured in the images of this post is an example of his detailed and creative work. 

He designed the vehicles known as Savage Wheels GTOs in 25/28 mm scale, intended for use in modern or post-apocalyptic RPGs, such as Deadlands: Hell on Earth and other similar games. 

On Grey Wolf's website, you will find many other papercraft models, including these same Savage Wheels GTOs in a smaller scale of 15 to 20 mm, with an even greater variety of colors and custom accessories.

Grey Wolf é um designer e entusiasta de jogos de tabuleiro no estilo Wargame, que desenvolveu um website para compartilhar suas criações. 

O veículo apresentado nas imagens deste post é um exemplo de seu trabalho detalhado e criativo. 

Ele criou os veículos chamados Savage Wheels GTOs na escala de 25/28 mm, projetados para uso em RPGs modernos ou pós-apocalípticos, como Deadlands: Hell on Earth e outros jogos do gênero. 

No site de Grey Wolf, você encontrará muitos outros modelos de papercraft, incluindo esses mesmos Savage Wheels GTOs em uma escala reduzida de 15 a 20 mm, com uma variedade ainda maior de cores e acessórios personalizados.


More Papercraft Vehicles related posts:

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Four Tudor-Style Houses Paper Models For Dioramas And Wargames
by Dave Alcombe

Created by British designer and modeler Dave Alcombe, author of the great website Teetering by-the-Well and ideal for use in wargames and medieval-themed dioramas, these four Tudor-style houses (am I right?) are perfect for 25mm to 28 mm miniatures. 

From what I read on his website, Mr (Or Sir?) Alcombe worked for 26 years in the cellars of the British Parliament, so I think he must have some great stories to tell. I would love to hear them. 

A little tip for those who liked the houses and intend to download them: If you are going to download, click on the green arrows (written "HERE") so that the PDF templates open in a new page. 

Only then will you save the templates on your computer. If you try to save directly from the main page, when you open the PDF, you will get an error message.

Criadas pelo designer e modelista britânico Dave Alcombe, autor do ótimo website Teetering by-the-Well e ideiais para serem usadas em wargames e dioramas de temática medieval, estas quatro casas em estilo Tudor (estou certo?) são perfeitas para miniaturas de 25 mm a 28 mm. 

Pelo que eu li em seu website, o Sr (Ou Sir?) Alcombe trabalhou durante 26 anos nas adegas do Parlamento Britânico, então creio que ele deva te rótimas histórias para contar. Eu adoraria ouví-las. 

Uma pequena dica para aqueles que gostaram das casinhas e pretendem baixá-las: Se vocês forem baixar, cliquem nas setas verdes (escritas "AQUI") para que os templates em PDF abrem em uma nova página. 

Só então vocês salvarão os templates em seu computador. Se tentarem salvar direto da página principal, ao abrir o PDF, receberá uma mensagem de erro.


More Architectural Paper Models For Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Sunday, November 15, 2020

A Lot Of Easy-To-Build Architectural Paper Models For Dioramas, RPG
& Wargames - by Germy

Perfect for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames, all these easy-to-build architectural paper models were created by British designer Germy. He said: - "Here are my 25/28mm scale buildings. They are fairly generic "present day/near future" in style. All of the buildings have been designed like a shoe box. They have removable roofs and interiors."

Perfeitos para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames, todos esses modelos de papel arquitetônicos bem fáceis de montar foram criados pelo designer britânico Germy. Ele disse: - "Aqui estão os meus edifícios nas escalas de 25/28 mm. Eles são bastante genéricos em um estilo "presente/futuro próximo". Todos os edifícios foram projetados como uma caixa de sapatos. Eles têm tetos removíveis e interiores."

Link: A.Lot.Of.Easy.To.Build.Architectural.Paper.Models.For.Dioramas.RPG.&

More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Barriers Paper Models For RPG and Wargames - by Papermau Download Now!

2D Mini Figures And Acessories For RPG And Wargames - by One Monk Miniatures

Santa Fe Grains & Goods Warehouse Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Zombie Plague - Complete Boardgame Papercraft - by R Squared Studios

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Easy-To-Build Blarney Castle Paper Model - by Build Model Castles

Blarney Castle was built in 1446 in County Cork, Ireland. It is one of the most famous castles in the world. Kissing the Blarney stone, located in one of the murder holes on the under side of the machicolated battlements, about 80 feet above the ground, is said to bring you good luck and bring you back to Ireland. The castle is designed on a very small scale, for 15 mm figures. It can be reproduced on a larger scale for 25 mm figures.

O castelo de Blarney foi construído em 1446 no condado de Cork, Irlanda. É um dos castelos mais famosos do mundo. Diz-se que beijar a pedra de Blarney, localizada em uma das seteiras no lado inferior das ameias usinadas, a cerca de 15 metros do chão, traz boa sorte e faz com que a pessoa volte à Irlanda. O castelo foi projetado em uma escala muito pequena, para figuras de 15 mm. Pode ser reproduzido em uma escala maior para figuras de 25 mm.


More Paper Models of Castles related posts:

Desktop Medieval Castle - by Papermau - Castelo Medieval

Hampton Castle of Sterling Diorama Paper Model - by Wurlington Press

Medieval Castle Facade For Mini Figures In 1/25 Scale - by Papermau Download Now!

Old Church and Medieval Castle Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Lot Of Sci-Fi Papercraft Buildings For Dioramas, RPG & Wargames
by Germy

Created by British designer Germy, here are some very nice paper models of Sci-Fi style Buildings that are perfect for Dioramas, RPG And Wargames. Germy says: - "Here are my 25/28mm scale buildings. They are fairly generic 'present day/near future' in style. All of the buildings have been designed like a shoe box. They have removable roofs and interiors."

 photo germy.papercrafts.via.papermau.002_zpsjkxlj0th.jpg

Criados pelo designer bitânico Germy, aqui estão alguns Prédios em estilo Sc-Fi que são perfeitos para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Germy diz: - "Aqui estão os meus edifícios na escala de 25/28mm. Eles têm um estilo "futuristicamente" genérico. Todos os edifícios foram concebidos como uma caixa de sapato. Eles têm telhados removíveis e também interiores."

 photo germy.papercrafts.via.papermau.003_zpsaisnzcas.jpg


More Architectural Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG And Wargames related posts:

Old Church and Medieval Castle - by Papermau

Buildinds and Acessories For RPG Games - by Combat Storm

Tents From Roman Campaign - by Papermau - Tendas Romanas

Castle With Drawbridge - by Somodi Zoltan - Castelo Com Ponte Levadiça

Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Lot Of Easy-To-Build Architectural Paper Models For Dioramas, RPG
& Wargames - by Germy

Perfect for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames, all these easy-to-build architectural paper models were created by British designer Germy. He said: - "Here are my 25/28mm scale buildings. They are fairly generic "present day/near future" in style. All of the buildings have been designed like a shoe box. They have removable roofs and interiors."

Perfeitos para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames, todos esses modelos de papel arquitetônicos bem fáceis de montar foram criados pelo designer britânico Germy. Ele disse: - "Aqui estão os meus edifícios nas escalas de 25/28 mm. Eles são bastante genéricos em um estilo "presente/futuro próximo". Todos os edifícios foram projetados como uma caixa de sapatos. Eles têm tetos removíveis e interiores."

Link: A.Lot.Of.Easy.To.Build.Architectural.Paper.Models.For.Dioramas.RPG.&

More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Barriers Paper Models For RPG and Wargames - by Papermau Download Now!

2D Mini Figures And Acessories For RPG And Wargames - by One Monk Miniatures

Santa Fe Grains & Goods Warehouse Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Zombie Plague - Complete Boardgame Papercraft - by R Squared Studios

Monday, July 2, 2018

Laketown`s Great House Paper Model - by Inkjet Paper Scissors

Perfect for miniatures in 25 mm/30 mm, this Laketown`s Great House was created by Canadian designer and modeler Grendels_Mother64. A really nice model for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Perfeita para miniaturas de 25 mm/30 mm, esta Casa Grande de Laketown foi criada pelo designer e modelador canadense Grendels_Mother64. Um ótimo modelo para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

Link: Laketown`

More Architectural Paper Models related posts:

The Ministry Of Education Building Paper Model In Washington - by Derrick83

National Gallery Of Arts Building Paper Model In 1/500 Scale - by Derrick 83 - via Le Forum En Papier

Maersk Alabama Paper Model In 1/500 Scale - by RocketmanTan

Fukuoka Japanese Elementary School Paper Model - by Yoshinaka

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Whitewash City - Imperial Saloon Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG
& Wargames - by Eric Hotz

North American designer Eric Hotz, the author of this ingenious architectural paper model, says: - "The Imperial Saloon is a typical Whitewash City PDF model product: an authentic Wild West building, with authentic floor plans, high quality artwork, and is very easy to build. Whitewash City PDF models are 30mm (1/60th) scale building models that come with complete 30mm (1/60th scale) floor plans of every floor, of every building, so you do not have to use up your time drawing them! Just print and play!"

O designer norte-americano Eric Hotz, autor deste engenhoso modelo de papel arquitetônico, diz: O Imperial Saloon é um modelo típico da Whitewash City: um autêntico edifício do Velho Oeste, com autênticas plantas baixas, arte de alta qualidade e bem fácil de montar. Os modelos da série Whitewash City estão na escala de 30 mm (1/60), com plantas baixas também de 30 mm (1/60) para cada andar, para que você não precise gastar tempo desenhando! Basta imprimir e jogar/brincar!

Link: Whitewash.City.Imperial.Saloon.Paper.Model.For.Dioramas.RPG.&

More Old West Paper Models related posts:

Red Dog Saloon Paper Model Diorama - by Papermau - Saloon do Cão Vermelho

The Lone Ranger Frontier Town - by Thrilling Days.Com

Old West City Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka - Cidade Do Velho Oeste

1979`s Western Fort Paper Model - by Seite 42 - Forte Apache

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Samurai Castle Builder - Rickshaw Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Papier Schnitzel

Created by my friend, the Austrian designer and modeler Christopher, from Papier Schnitzel website, this little Rickshaw paper model is perfect for Dioramas, RPG And Wargames between 25mm and 30mm. Chris says: - "Build as many rickshaws as you like. Build them with or without the rain roof and in different textures and colors. Ideal for roleplaying or wargames. Combine with paper, plastic or metal miniatures."

 photo rickshaw.papercraft.via.papermau.001_zpsvsteyrnj.jpg

Criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista austríaco Christopher, do site Papier Schnitzel, este pequeno modelo de papel de um Riquixá é perfeito para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames entre 25mm e 30mm. Chris diz: - "Construa tantos riquixás quanto queira .Construa-os com ou sem o capota e em diferentes texturas e cores. Ideal para roleplaying ou wargames. Combine com miniaturas de papel, plástico ou metal."

 photo rickshaw.papercraft.via.papermau.003_zpssgyzknyx.jpg


More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Acessories For RPG And Dioramas - by Stones-Edges

Old Factory Paper Model - by Jlhcorp - via Deviant Art

Table Top RPG Games - by Zio Prudencio - Jogos de RPG

Buildings For RPG Games - by GHQ Models

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Lot Of Sci-Fi Papercraft Buildings For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Germy

Created by British designer Germy, here are some very nice paper models of Sci-Fi style Buildings that are perfect for Dioramas, RPG And Wargames. Germy says: - "Here are my 25/28mm scale buildings. They are fairly generic 'present day/near future' in style. All of the buildings have been designed like a shoe box. They have removable roofs and interiors."

 photo germy.papercrafts.via.papermau.002_zpsjkxlj0th.jpg

Criados pelo designer bitânico Germy, aqui estão alguns Prédios em estilo Sc-Fi que são perfeitos para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Germy diz: - "Aqui estão os meus edifícios na escala de 25/28mm. Eles têm um estilo "futuristicamente" genérico. Todos os edifícios foram concebidos como uma caixa de sapato. Eles têm telhados removíveis e também interiores."

 photo germy.papercrafts.via.papermau.003_zpsaisnzcas.jpg


More Architectural Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG And Wargames related posts:

Old Church and Medieval Castle - by Papermau

Buildinds and Acessories For RPG Games - by Combat Storm

Tents From Roman Campaign - by Papermau - Tendas Romanas

Castle With Drawbridge - by Somodi Zoltan - Castelo Com Ponte Levadiça

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Savage Wheels GTO Muscle Cars Paper Models - by Grey Wolf

This Savage Wheels GTO paper model was created by designer GreyWolf and is reproduced at 25/28mm scale for use with modern or post-apocalyptic RPGs and Wargames.


Este modelo de papel de um Savage Wheels GTO foi criado pelo designer Grey Wolf e é reproduzido aqui na escala 25/28 mm para ser usado em RPGs e Wargames modernos ou pós-apocalípticos.


Link: Savage Wheels GTO Muscle Cars Paper Models - by Grey Wolf

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BMW Z4 M Coupe Paper Car - by Farewell The End

American Beauties - Classic Cars - by PHH29 - Carros Clássicos

Clark Kent`s Nash Healey Paper Car - by Richard Taylor

Chevrolet Chevelle Rising Sun - by Papermau - Download Now