Saturday, March 22, 2014
Easy-To-Build Athene Ruins Paper Model - by Iceberg Bowplaten
This is the Easy-To-Build Athene Ruins paper model, created by Dutch designer Peter J. Visser, from Iceberg Bowplaten website. A nice model for School Works, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.
Este é um modelo de papel bem fácil de montar das Ruínas de Atenas, criado pelo designer holandês Pepter J. Visser, do site Iceberg Bowplaten. Um ótimo modelo para Trabalhos Escolares, Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.
Link to the model:
Link to Iceberg Bowplaten main page: Iceberg.Bowplaten.Dutch.Paper.Models.Main.Page
More Paper Models of Ancient Architecture related posts:
Pompeii Diorama Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Greek-Roman Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - Ruínas Greco-Romanas Download Now!
Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!
The Parthenon In Greece Paper Model - by Canon
Citroen Hy Horse Transport Paper Model - by Camille & Jeanbi
This is the Citroen Hy Horse Transport vehicle paper model, created by Camille and customized by Jean-François. The model was posted at Le Forum En Papier by Atlas 83.
Este é o modelo de papel do Citroen HY para Transporte de Cavalos, criado por Camille e customizado por Jean-François. O modelo foi postado no Le Forum En Papier por Atlas 83.
1/50 scale,
paper model,
Friday, March 21, 2014
Dutch Robots Paper Toys And Many More - by Design Koningin
From Dutch website Design Koningin, here are some paper toys, highlighting the cool series of robots.
I think we can say that these little robots fit the "Urban Paper Toy" style.
Do site holandês Design Koningin, aqui estão alguns paper toys bem legais, com destaque para a série de robôs.
Acho que podemos dizer que estes robozinhos se enquandram no estilo "Urban Paper Toy".
paper model,
paper toy,
Kill Bill - Beatrix Kiddo - The Bride Paper Model - by Paper Robots 1999
This cool articulated paper model of Beatrix Kiddo, the Bride from Kill Bill movie, was created by designer Paper Robot, from Paper Robots 1999 website. A very nice collectible for all fans of Tarantino movies.
Este modelo de papel articulado bem bacana da Beatrix Kiddo, a Noiva do filme Kill Bill, foi criado pelo designer Paper Robot, do site Paper Robots 1999. Um belo ítem colecionável para todos os fãs dos filmes do Tarantino.
More Paper Models from Movies related posts:
Ghostbusters Ecto 1 Paper Car - by Paper Inside - Carro Dos Caça-Fantasmas
Predator Head Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Noturno Sukhoi
Tron`s Legacy Recognyzer Paper Model - by Marco Scheloske
Spiderman Paper Model In A Classic Pose - by PH3DM
paper model,
pop culture
Leonardo Da Vinci Submarine Paper Model - by British Broadcasting Corporation
Leonardo da Vinci by Himself |
His genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". - He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. - Wikipedia
Da BBC, eis aqui o Submarino de Leonardo da Vinci, um belo modelo de papel que é perfeito para Trabalhos Escolares. Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci, ou simplesmente Leonardo da Vinci (Anchiano, 15 de abril de 14522 — Amboise, 2 de maio de 1519), foi um polímata italiano, uma das figuras mais importantes do Alto Renascimento. Ele destacou-se como cientista, matemático, engenheiro, inventor, anatomista, pintor, escultor, arquiteto, botânico, poeta e músico. É ainda conhecido como o precursor da aviação e da balística. - Wikipedia
More Paper Models of Leonardo Da Vinci Inventions related posts:
Leonardo Da Vinci`s Ornithopter Paper Model - by Rozhlas
Da Vinci`s Mechanical Hammer - by Paper Pino - Martelo de Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci Glider Paper Model - by British Broadcasting Corporation
paper model,
school work,
Snake Marble Track Paper Toy For Kids - by Kartonmodellbau.Org
An easy-to-build paper toy for kids of a Marble Track, from Kartonmodellbau.Org, a German website.
Um paper toy bem fácil de montar para crianças de uma Pista para Bolinhas de Gude, do site alemão Kartonmodellbau.Org.
Direct link to the model:
More Paper Toys related posts:
Paper Toy Robots In Cubic Style - by 7eater`s Cubees
Halloween Special - Easy-To-Build Mini Skeleton - by Ben & Jerry`s
We All Need Some Nirvana Sometimes Paper Toys - by Little Plastic Man
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Lemon Out Of Jail - by Papermau - Download Now!
paper model,
paper toy,
school work
Thursday, March 20, 2014
The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part II
Here more some updates of the assembly of the The Redneck Motorhome - Version II. In this post you will see how to build the tires and the beginning of the assembly of the cabin.
Aqui mais algumas atualizações da montagem do Trailer do Caipira, ou Redneck Motorhome - Versão II. Neste post você vai ver como montar os pneus e o início da montagem da cabana.
More soon! / Mais em breve!
More The Redneck Motorhome Paper Model - Version II related posts:
The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly - Part I
More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Rock`n`Roll Circus - ZZ Top`s Eliminator - by Patrick Pasques
Wacky Races - The Army Surplus Special - by Webdude - Carro Tanque
Panhard Et Levassor 1894 Vintage Paper Car - by Denis - via Le Forum En Papier
1967`s Lotus 49 Formula 1 Paper Car - by Kamaboko
Prussian Diesel Locomotive Baureihe T3 Paper Model - by T3 Club
A beautiful and detailed paper model in black and white of an old train, the Prussian Diesel Locomotive Baureihe T3, from T3 Club Ostheide German website.
Um belo modelo de papel bem detalhado de um trem antigo, a Locomotiva à Diesel Prussiana Baureihe T3, do site alemão T3 Club Ostheide.
More Paper Models of Locomotives related posts:
German Locomotive P6 Paper Model - by Albrecht Pirling - via Kartonbau.De
German Locomotive KPEV T-3 Paper Model - by Bastelbogen Online
British Locomotive 3404 Paper Model - by Oilette - via Tuck DB
Convoy Paper Model - by Boris / Projekt Bastelbogen - Comboio Ferroviário
paper model,
Lobo Feroz - The Werewolf Paper Toy - by Machintoy
A colorful funny paper toy of a Werewolf called Lobo Feroz, designed by designer Machintoy.
Um colorido e engraçado Lobisomem chamado Lobo Feroz, criado pelo designer Machintoy.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante
A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide
Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos
Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel
paper model,
paper toy,
Mechwarrior 4 - Wolfhound Mecha Robot Paper Model - by Blaar - via Paper Modelers
A very nice paper model with great textures of the Wolfhound Mecha Robot , from Mechwarrior 4 videogame, created by designer Blaar and originally posted at Paper Modelers forum. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Um modelo de papel bem legal e com ótimas texturas de um Wolfhound Mecha Robot, do game Mechwarrior 4, criado pelo designer Blaar e originalmente postado no forum Paper Modelers. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Original post by Blaar:
Direct link to the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models of Mecha Robots related posts:
Mech D9 Mech Warrior Robot Paper Model - by Jan Rükr / Aliens Papercraft
MechWarrior 4 - MW4 Zeus Paper Model - by MechWarrior 3 Org
Front Mission Nunsekar Robot Paper Model - by Square Enix
MekTek Black Knight Papercraft - by Monkeyrum - via Deviant Art
paper model,
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part I
I taked the The Redneck Motorhome, an original paper model posted here in June 26, 2012 and did some upgrades, like an interior with seats, panel, steering wheel and gearshift lever for the truck, 3D tires and detached door and windows to the cabin. Today I am posting the first part of the test build. During the assemble, as always, I am finding some little mistakes and correcting them. As soon as I finish assembling the model and review the templates, I put it for download. At the end of the post you will find the link to the original 2012 model.
Eu peguei o Trailer do Caipira, ou Redneck Motorhome, um modelo original postado aqui no blog em 26 de junho de 2012 e fiz algumas atualizações, como um interior com bancos, painel, volante e alavanca de câmbio para o caminhão, pneus 3D e porta e janelas destacadas para a cabana. Hoje estou postando a primeira parte da montagem de teste. Durante a montagem, como sempre, eu estou encontrando alguns pequenos erros e corrigindo-os. Assim que eu terminar de montar o modelo e revisar os templates, o ponho para download. No final do post você encontra o link para o modelo original de 2012.
More soon! / Mais em breve!
Link to Redneck Motorhome 2012: The Redneck Motorhome - by Papermau - Download Now!
More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Six Vintage Paper Cars - by Kaukapedia - Seis Carros Antigos
Traditional London Bus - by Stagecoach Fan - Ônibus Londrino
Saab 900 Turbo Paper Car - by I Love Saab
Terrific`s Ridge Racer Paper Car - by Jan Rükr
Le Paper Globe - Build your Own Terrestrial Globe - by Joachim Robert
French designer Joachim Robert, author of this beautiful paper model, says: - "Le Paper Globe is the template of a do-it-yourself terrestrial globe. Not only will it look neat in your living room, it is also a very good learning tool for Geography and Geometry."
O designer francês Joachim Robert, autor deste belo modelo de papel, diz: - "Le Paper Globe é um template/molde para que você faça seu próprio globo terrestre. Ele não apenas ficará lindo em sua sala de estar, como também é uma ótima ferramenta de estudo para Geografia e Geometria."
More Geological and Geometrical Paper Models related posts:
Earth Planet With Internal Structure Paper Model - by Shinaig - via DeviantArt
Kepler-Poinsot Polyhedra Paper Models - by Gijs Korthals Altes
Geological Paper Models - by Geoblox - Modelos Geológicos
Just Playing With Forms - Twisted Hexagon Paper Model - by Papermau
Toilet Roll Planes Papercraft Project For Kids - by Creative Therapy
Kids will love create their own Toilet Roll Planes! Download the template and using recycled cardboard, have a fun time with your children constructing and painting these friendly airplanes! By Creative Therapy, a nice educational website.
As crianças irão adorar estes Aviões de rolo de papel reciclado! Baixe o template e usando papelão e tubos de papel higiênico vazios, passe um tempo divertido com suas crianças construíndo e pintando esses simpáticos aviõezinhos! Do Creative Therapy, um site educacional russo.
Link to original post: Toilet.Roll.Planes.Papercraft.Project.For.Kidsby.Creative.Therapy
Download the templates:
More Papercraft Projects for Kids related posts:
Make Your Own Carboard Bed For Dolls - by Hellobee - Cama De Papelão para Bonecas
Dressy Cats Playset Paper Model - by Joel Henriques
A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide
The Great Cardboard Castle Project - by Spoonful - O Grande Projeto Do Castelo De Papelão
paper model,
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