Saturday, October 4, 2014
RMS Mauretania Ocean Liner Paper Model In 1/250 Scale
by Sharunas Viikas - via Paper Modelers
This perfect paper version in 1/250 scale of the RMS Mauretania Ocean Liner was created by Lithuanian designer Sharunas Viikas. RMS Mauretania was an ocean liner of the British Cunard Line, launched in 1907. After capturing the Blue Ribbon for the fastest transatlantic crossing during her 1909 inaugural season, Mauretania held the speed record for twenty years! To download this model you need to be registered and active member of Paper Modelers forum. Paper Modelers is a great place for those who like the hobby of papercraft. Registration is easy and free.
Esta perfeita versão em papel em escala 1/250 do Transatlântico RMS Mauretânia foi criado pelo designer lituano Sharunas Viikas e originalmente postado no forum Paper Modelers. O RMS Mauretania foi um transatlântico da British Cunard Line, comissionado em 1907. Depois de conquistar a Fita Azul por ser o mais rápido transatlântico da temporada de 1909, ele ainda manteve o recorde de velocidade por vinte anos! Para baixar este modelo gratuíto você precisa ser registrado e ser membro ativo do forum Paper Modelers. Este é um ótimo lugar para todos que apreciam o papelmodelismo. O registro é fácil, rápido e a participar do forum é de graça.
Link: RMS.Mauretania.Ocean.Liner.Paper.Model.In.1/
Link to Paper Modelers main page: Paper.Modelers.North.American.Paper.Model.Forum.Main.Page
More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:
Titanic - 100 Years - A Tribute In Paper
Orient Line SS Oriana Cruise Liner - by Senaun - Navio De Cruzeiro Japonês
Ship Kasato Maru Paper Model - 100 Years of Japanese Immigration in Brazil - 100 Anos da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil
Japan Coast Guard Ships - by 01 Kanku - Barcos Japoneses
1/250 scale,
paper model,
Grumpy Cat Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Dover Publications
The most grumpy cat in the world can now be yours with this dress up paper doll, shared as a freebie by Dover Publications.
O gato mais mal humorado do mundo agora pode ser seu, com este paper toy em estilo Dress Up, oferecido como brinde pela Dover Publications.
Link to sheet 01:
Link to sheet 02:
Link to sheet 03:
Link to sheet 04:
Link to sheet 05:
More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:
Vintage Dress Up Aviator Bear - by Sue Tarr - via Flickr
1950`s Norske Bunader Paper Doll - by National Museum Of Play Online Collections
Trini And Nieves Vintage Paper Dolls - by The Paper Collector
Vintage Pin-Up Paper Dolls - by Ondiraiduveau - via Flickr
dress up doll,
paper doll,
paper model,
paper toy,
pop culture
Halloween Special - A Page Full Of Halloween Treats - by Ravensblight
Ray O´Bannon created this Special Page, full of original papercrafts for Halloween 2014. There are a lot of new models such as the Jack-O-Lantern decorative display, the Two Feet Tall Skeleton, The Bat Decorations, a lot on new Security signs, a Halloween Treat Box, a Vampire Stake, a brilliant and very simple to make Vampire Shadow Caster and three Shelfy Sentry paper toys. There are more: a little videogame , first person shooter in 90`s style and some audio files. All you need to your Halloween Night!
Ray O'Bannon criou esta página especial, cheia de papercrafts originais para o Dia das Bruxas de 2014 Há uma série de novos modelos, como o display decorativo do Jack-O-Lantern, o Esqueleto Decorativo de 60 cms de altura, Morcegos para pedurar pela casa, um monte de novas Placas de Alerta, uma Caixinha para Doces em formato de Caixão, uma Estaca para Vampiros, uma Sombra do Vampiro Nosferatus para ilumunar sua sala e três simpáticos paper toys para decorar sua estante de livros do Stephen King. Há mais: um pequeno jogo de videogame, um first person shooter em estilo dos anos 90 e alguns arquivos de áudio (em inglês). Tudo que você precisa para a sua Noite de Dia das Bruxas!
More Halloween Paper Models related posts:
Halloween Special - Cat And Pumpkin Paper Toy - by Chemical 9
Halloween Special - Teddy Bear Bag Paper Model - by Canon
Zombie In A Barrel - by Papermau - Download Now!
Inquisition Hanging Cage Diorama - by Professor Plastik - Diorama Medieval - Inquisição
paper model,
paper toy,
Friday, October 3, 2014
Breaking Bad - Walter White And Jesse Pinkman Paper Toys
by Pedro Lot
By Brazilian designer Pedro Lot, here are Walter White And Jesse Pinkman, from Breaking Bad tv series, in cool paper toy versions.
Do designer brasileiro Pedro Lot, aqui estão Walter White e Jesse Pinkman, da série Breaking Bad, em divertidas versões em papel.
More Breaking Bad Paper Models related posts:
Breaking Bad - Final Episode Today! - And A Bunch Of Paper Toys
Breaking Bad - Heisenberg Sketch Paper Toy - by DSGustus
Breaking Bad - Walter, Jesse, Gustavo, Hector & The Van Paper Toys by Gus Santome
Breaking Bad - Mr. White Dress Up Character - by Trimdoll - via Yorokobu
Eragon - Zar'roc Sword Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by Tower Dweller
Cosplayers will love this very nice paper model in 1/1 scale of the Zar'roc Sword, from Eragon books, created by designer Suzanne, from Tower Dweller website. To download this free model, just add it to the cart and go to checkout. In the new page inform a valid e-mail and the link to download will be liberated. You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.
Os cosplayers irão adorar este modelo de papel bem legal em escala 1/1 da Espada de Zar'roc, da série de livros Eragon, criada pela designer Suzanne, do site Tower Dweller. Para baixar este modelo gratuíto, basta adicioná-lo ao carrinho e clicar em checkout. Na nova página, informe um e-mail válido e o link para download será liberado. Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.
Link to download the model: Eragon.Zar'roc.Sword.Paper.Model.In.1/
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models in 1/1 Scale related posts:
Pikachu Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke
Stormtrooper Helmet With EVA Foam In 1 / 1 Scale - by Julius Perdana/Paper Replika
Halloween Special - Twisted Metal - Needles Kane's Mask - by Paper Juke
Capitain America Shield In 1 / 1 Scale - by Scanner Joe
1/1 scale,
paper model,
Halloween Special - Vampire Mickey Candy Box Paper Model
by Disney Family
"Vampire Mickey is the perfect dose of Disney to add to your Halloween décor, but he’s also an easy papercraft that you’ll be dying to sink your teeth into." - Disney Family
"O Mickey Vampiro é a dose perfeita de Disney para a sua decoração de dia das Bruxas, e é também uma caixinha para doces bem fácil de montar, que fará você ficar com água na boca." - Disney Family
More Halloween Paper Models related posts:
Halloween Special - Jack And The Halloween Dancers - by Canon
Halloween Special - Skeleton and Haunted House - by Ben&Jerry`s
Halloween Special - Human Skull - by Ravens Blight - Crânio Humano
Zombie In A Barrel - by Papermau - Download Now!
paper model,
paper toy,
Robo Cup Mascot Paper Toys - by Robo Cup Japan Open 2014
Rather than a robot that moves by human manipulation such as RC, RoboCup is a competition by the autonomous mobile robot which moves to think on their own. Participants with their robots, from over 40 countries gather each year for the World Congress is held every year in a different country. In 2014, it is scheduled to held in Joao Pessoa, Brazil.
Ao invés de um robô que se move por manipulação humana, como os radio-controlados, a RoboCup é uma competição na qual o robô é móvel autônomo, ou seja, ele se move e pensa por conta própria. Participantes com seus robôs, de mais de 40 países se reunem todos os anos, para o Congresso Mundial é realizado cada ano em um país diferente. Em 2014, ele está programado para se realizar em João Pessoa, Brasil.
More Paper Models of Mascots related posts:
Kawaiipunk Mascot Papertoys - by Ruang Antho
Japanese Shoyu Mascot Mittan Paper Doll - by Cafetera
Tea Factory Mascot - by Kagoshima - Mascote De Fábrica de Chá
Despicable Me - Minions Paper Toys - by Paper Replika
paper model,
paper toy,
school work,
Paper Model History - 1924`s German Zeppelin Paper Model
by Ptak Science Books
This vintage paper model of an German Aerostatic Balloon, or Zeppelin, was originally published in 1924 by Esselingen Publishers. The size of the original template is 36 x 86 cm. Visit the page to download a high resolution version of this rare model.
Este modelo de papel antigo de um Balão Aerostático Alemão, ou Zeppelin, foi originalmente publicado em 1925, pela Editora Esselingen. O tamanho original dessa folha é de 36 x 86 cms. Visite o site para baixar uma versão em alta resolução deste raro modelo.
Link: Paper.Model.History.1924`
More Paper Models of Aerostatic Balloons and Zeppelins related posts:
Goodyear Blimp - by Carrera For Fun - Zeppelin da Goodyear
British Airship R100 Vintage Zeppelin - by Currell Graphics - Zepelim Britânico
Imperial Russian Airship Giant Paper Model - by Currell Graphics
SteamPunk Spaceships - by Mayhem In Paper
paper model,
Paper Model History,
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Halloween Special - Jack O'Lantern Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga
This Jack O'Lantern decorative paper model was created by Japanese designer Katsuyuki Shiga, comissioned by Canon website.
Depending on how it is assembled, this paper model can be used as ornament or as a mask.
Este modelo de papel decorativo do Jack O'Lantern foi criado pelo designer japonês Katsuyuki Shiga, comissionado pelo site da Canon.
Dependendo do modo como é montado, este modelo de papel pode ser usado como ornamento ou como uma máscara.
More Halloween Paper Models related posts:
The Pope Mobile Paper Model - by Slam Design - O Papa Móvel
Mecha Bunny War Machine Paper Toy - by Ruang Antho
Mini Severus Snape And Llily Evans Paper Toys - by Gustavo Santome
He Man And The Masters Of The Universe Paper Toys - by Designlad
paper model,
Hellsing - 454 Casull Automatic Pistol Paper Model - by Hoborginc
This 454 Casull Automatic Pistol paper model in 1/1 scale was created by North American designer Hoborginc. This model is based in the anime Helsing, but is the version that appears at the OVA (Original Video Animation).
Esta Pistola Automática 454 Casull na escala 1/1 foi criada pelo designer norte-americano Hoborginc. Este modelo é baseado no anime Helsing, mas esta é a versão que aparece no OVA (Vídeo Animação Original).
More Paper Models of Weapons related posts:
Panzerfaust 60 1/1 Scale - by RocketmanTan - Bazuca Anti-Tanques Alemã
Uzi Pistol Paper Model In 1 /1 Scale - by Bamboogila
Semi-Automatic Rifle AR-15 Paper Model - by Hoborginc - Fuzil AR-15
AK-47 Assault Rifle Paper Model - by Hoborginc - via DeviantArt
1/1 scale,
paper model,
Grand Theft Auto V - Xero Market Paper Model - by Papermau
Download Now!
I always admired the architecture in GTA V and sometimes walking along Route 68 I'm ambushed while I'm distracted photographing facades of gas stations and convenience stores. This is a first experience with textures taken directly from the game (PS3). I photograph and send it to the Rockstar Social Club and then open the photo and take a printscreen. Then I open it in MSPaint and separate the various parts, such as doors, windows, parts of the walls that want relief, plates and signboards, etc. Save it in a .bmp file and open in SketchUp for 3D modeling. Sounds complicated but it is actually very easy to make and great fun too. This first model was a bit raw because I did it more as a test. Anyway, if it please you, below you will find the templates with the parts for the assembly in three paper formats (A3, A4 and Letter) and also the model in Pepakura (.pdo format), so you can change the scale and print freely. Enjoy!
Eu sempre admirei a arquitetura no GTA V e ás vezes passeando pela Rota 68 eu sou emboscado enquanto estou distraído fotografando as fachadas dos postos de gasolina e lojas de conveniência. Esta é uma primeira experiência com texturas tiradas diretamente do jogo (PS3). Eu fotografo e mando para o Rockstar Social Club e depois abro a foto e dou um printscreen. Aí abro no MsPaint e separo as várias partes, tais como portas, janelas, partes das paredes que quero em relevo, as placas e letreiros, etc. Salvo em um arquivo .bmp e abro no Sketchup para a modelagem em 3D. Parece complicado mas na verdade é muito fácil de fazer e muito divertido também. Este primeiro modelo ficou um pouco cru porque eu o fiz mais como um teste. De qualquer forma, se isto lhe agradou, abaixo você encontra os templates com as peças para a montagem em três formatos de papel (A3, A4 e Carta) e também o modelo em Pepakura (.pdo formato), para que você possa mudar a escala livremente e imprimir. Bom divertimento!
![]() |
The building used as base to this paper model. It can be found at Route 68. |
Link to A3 format:
Link to A4 format:
Link to Letter format:
Link to Pepakura Viewer template:
Link to Pepakura Designer Template:
More European Architecture and Buildings related posts:
European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia
European Architectural Models - by Bastelbogen Online
Hungarian Houses - by Somodi Zoltan - Casas Húngaras
European Architecture - by Old Fred - Arquitetura Européia
WW2`s Tank Churchill AVRE Paper Model In 1/100 Scale
by PR Models
Can you believe this detailed paper model of the WW2`s British Tank Churchill AVRE is a little smaller than a matchbox? It`s true, this 1/100 scale paper model was created by Czech designers Rawen and Michal Tichy, from PR Models website.
Dá para acreditar que este modelo de papel do Tanque Inglês Churchill AVRE, da Segunda Grande Guerra, é um pouco menor que uma caixa de fósforos? É verdade, este modelo em escala 1/100 foi criado pelos designer tchecos Rawen e Michal Tichy, do site PR Models.
Link: WW2`s.Tank.Churchill.AVRE.Paper.Model.In.1/
More WW2`s Military Vehicles related posts:
Jeep SAS - Desert Rats - Paper Model - by Toni Mauricio & Dark Vador
WW2`s Soviet Heavy Tank IS-2 Paper Model - by X-Diem
WW2`s Tank M3A Honey Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Konradus
Scammell 6X6 Gun Tractor Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Dark Vador via Le Forum En Papier
1/100 scale,
paper model,
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
2009`s Rally Truck Kamaz Dakar Paper Model - by Spida Models
This detailed paper version of the 2009`s Rally Truck Kamaz Dakar in 1/53 scale came from Spida Models, a Czech website. You will find many more models there.
Esta versão em papel super detalhada do Caminhão de Rally Kamaz Dakar 2009 na escala 1/53 vem de um site tcheco, o Spida Models. Você encontrará muitos outros modelos lá.
Link: 2009`
More Paper Models of Trucks related posts:
Scania Truck R500 Highline Dangerman Paper Model - by Chris
Toyota Hilux Rally Truck 4×4 Paper Model - by Paper Cruisers
The Old Military Cargo Truck Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
2005`s Team Gauloises Rally Truck Paper Model - by G. Rutka
1/53 scale,
paper model,
Halloween Special - 3D Witch Face Papercraft For Kids - by Krokotak
A nice and easy-to-build 3D Witch Face papercraft, that is perfect for Halloween decoration, by Krokotak, a Russian educative website.
Um papercraft bem legal e fácil de montar de uma Carinha de Bruxa em 3D, que é perfeito para decoração de Dia das Bruxas. Lá do site educativo russo Krokotak.
More Halloween Papercraft Projects for Kids related posts:
Halloween Special - Jumping Frankenstein And Jack O'Lantern Paper Toys Project For Kids - by Gail Bartel
Halloween Special - Monster Ring Toss Paper Toy - by Ray O`Bannon
Halloween Special - Make A Haloween Pop Up Card - Tutorial With Templates - by Creative In Chicago
Halloween Special - Color Your Own Witch Paper Doll - by Krokotak
paper model,
school work
Kingdom Hearts - Soul Eater Sword Paper Model - by EuTytoAlba
From Kingdom Hearts videogame, here is the Soul Eater Sword paper model in 1/1 scale, created by North American designer EuTytoAlba. You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.
Do game Kingdom Hearts, aqui está o modelo de papel da Espada Soul Eater na escala 1/1, criação do designer norte-americano EuTytoAlba. Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More 1/1 Scale Paper Models related posts:
Scarecrow Mask Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Gankutsu-O-Taku
Medieval Brodsword Paper Model - by Ray O`Bannon
Unadon Traditional Japanese Food In 1 / 1 Scale - by Wombat
The Weekend Pic - Colt M1911 Silverballer In 1 /1 Scale - by Freeline46 Paper Replika
1/1 scale,
paper model,
The Tiny Secret Garden Pop-Up Card Papercraft - by The Toymaker
Marilyn Scott Waters is the designer of this cute Pop-Up card. She says in her page: - "Here is a little pop-up toy based on a bit of the art I did for A Year In The Secret Garden. Little Fox is hiding in the flowers."
Marilyn Scott Waters é a designer deste fofo paper toy em estilo Po-up. Ela diz em sua página: - "Aqui está um pequeno paper toy em estilo pop-up baseado na arte que eu fiz durante um ano para o livro The Secret Garden. A Pequena Raposa está escondida entre as flores."
More Pop-Up Paper Models related posts:
Gerbera Bouquet Pop Up Card - by Canon
3D Pop-Up House Papercraft - by UOL - Casa 3D Pop-Up
Make A Pop Up Grand Piano In Minutes - by Belsey / Instructables
Pop Up Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Dr. Jose Melian Rodriguez
paper model,
paper toy,
pop up
American McGee's Alice - Cheshire Cat Paper Model - by ALIENmantis
This cool paper model of the Cheshire Cat from American McGee's Alice videogame, was created by Slovenian designer ALIENmantis and was originally posted at DeviantArt. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Este modelo de papel bem bacana do Cheshire Cat, do game American McGee's Alice, foi criado pela designer eslovena ALIENmantis e originalmente postado no DeviantArt. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to download the model: American.McGee'
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models from Videogames related posts:
Chrono Cross - Lynx Paper Character - by Lubdar`s Papercraft
Borderlands - CL4P-TP Paper Robot - by Destro2k - via DeviantArt
Classic Raving Rabbids Paper Toy - by Paper Juke
Final Fantasy - Yuna Paper Doll - by Ace Crafts
paper model,
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Osprey MV-22 Military Aircraft Paper Model - by Lazy Life
This is the Osprey MV-22 Military Aircraft, used by the United States Marine Corps. This beautiful paper model in 1/72 scale was created by Japanese designer Lazy Life.
Este é o Avião Militar Osprey MV-22, usado pela Marinha norte-americana. Este belo modelo de papel na escala 1/72 foi criado pelo designer japonês Lazy Life.
Link to download the model:
Link to instructions:
More Aircraft and Planes related posts:
WWI, WW2 And Civil Planes - by Rittai0 - Avões Da Primeira E Segunda Guerra
Supersonic Interceptor Aircrafts - by TSMC Japan - Aviões Supersônicos
Santos Dumont`s Demoiselle Nº 20 Airplane - by C.R. Liberato
Fairchild AU-23A Peacemaker - by Best Paper Models
1/72 scale,
paper model,
Tyrannosaurus Rex Skull Decorative Paper Model - by Gedelgo
This stunning paper model of a T- Rex Skull was created by Canadian designer Gedelgo. Gedelgo says the assembled model measures about 40 cms. You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.
Este modelo de papel impressionante de um Crânio de T-Rex foi criado pela designer canadense Gedelgo. Gedelgo diz que o modelo montado mede em torno de 40 cms. Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models of Skulls and Skeletons from Pre-Historic Animals related posts:
Stegosaurus Skeleton Paper Model - by Torimusi
Tiranossaurus Rex Fossil Paper Model - by Paper M Japan
Decorative Pterodactyl Skeleton Puzzle Papercraft - by Capaso
Mammoth Skeleton Papercraft - by Ungafakta - Esqueleto De Mamute
paper model,
school work,
DB Speaker System Mini Paper Toys - by Shin Tanaka
These cool DB Speaker System mini paper toys were created by designer Shin Tanaka. Download these Urban Style paper toys while you can!
Estes originais DB Speaker System mini paper toys foram criados pelo designer Shin Tanaka. Baixe essses paper toys em Estilo Urbano enquanto eles estão disponíveis!
More Paper Toys related posts:
Death Proof - BoxZet Paper Toy Series - by Byman Studio
Winnie The Pooh And Friends Paper Toys - by Boxes Header Workshop
Psy - Oppa Gangana Style Paper Toy - by Boxes Header Workshop
Rilakkuma Mario Bros Tribute Paper Model - by Rafael Saldaña
paper model,
paper toy,
pop culture
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