Saturday, March 8, 2014
The Weekend Pic - The Hobbit House Paper Model - by Olvar - via Papiermodell Austria
More one very weel done and original paper model created by German designer Oliver Bizer, aka Olvar. This time Olvar shares with us the Hobbit House, from Lord of the Rings saga. Olvar made a very a detailed tutorial too, full of photos, teching how to build this nice model. If you want to build your own Hobbit House, make a visit to Papiermodell Austria Forum and download yours.
Mais um belo e muito original modelo de papel criado pelo designer alemão Oliver Bizer, aka Olvar. Desta vez Olvar compartilha conosco a Casa do Hobbit, da saga do Senhor dos Anéis. Olvar também fez um tutorial muito bem detlahdo, repleto de fotos, ensinando como montar esse modelo. Se você quiser montar sua própria Cada do hobbit, faça uma visita ao forum Papiermodell austria e baixe a sua.
Link to download the model:
Link to construction report:
About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums, blogs or sites around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.
Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns, blogs ou sites ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.
More The Weekend Pics related posts:
The Weekend Pic - Zulu War / 1879 Rorke`s Drift - by Oliver Bizer
The Weekend Pic - Horyuji Pagoda - by Alan G / Canon
The Weekend Pic - The Pharos - Lighthouse Of Alexandria - by Kurt Streu / Delta Seven Studios
The Weekend Pic - The Clock Tower Diorama - by Papermau
Medieval Soldier Paper Toy - by My Little House
This little Medieval Soldier Paper Toy was created by French designer Didier, from My Little House website.
Este pequeno paper toy de um Soldado Medieval foi criado pelo designer francês Didier, do site My Little House.
More Medieval Paper Models related posts:
Castle Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - More Some Advances
Medieval Knight - Lord Codrington - by Zio Prudenzio - Cavaleiro Medieval
King Henry VIII Website - Paper Models Of Tudor Era - Modelos De Papel Medievais
Inquisition Hanging Cage Diorama - by Professor Plastik - Diorama Medieval - Inquisição
Star Wars Paper Models For RPG And Wargames - by Momir Farooq
These nice miniatures of Star Wars spaceships were created by designer Momir Farooq and the models that you see in the photo below were assembled by modeler SarienSpiderDroid.
They are perfect for dioramas, RPG and wargames.
Estas miniaturas de espaçonaves do universo de Star Wars foram criadas pelo designer Momir Farooq e os modelos que você vê na foto acima foram montados pela modelista SpiderSariendroid.
Perfeitas para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.
Captain Jack Sparrow Dress Up Paper Doll - by Beriquito
This cool Captain Jack Sparrow Dress Up Paper Doll was created by Finnish designer Beriquito and you can download it at her DeviantArt page.
Este boneco em estilo Dress Up do Capitão Jack Sparrow foi criado pela designer finlandesa Beriquito e você pode baixá-lo em sua página no DeviantArt.
More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:
Navy Scouts Vintage Paper Dolls - by Marges8's Blog
Mopsy Goes Patriotic Dress Up Paper Doll - by Larry Bassin - via Marges8's Blog
1930`s German Dress Up Paper Dolls - by The Paper Collector
Trini And Nieves Vintage Paper Dolls - by The Paper Collector
Japanese Rapid Train Nankai 50000 Paper Model - by Vayashi
This beautiful and easy-to-build paper model of the Japanese Rapid Train Nankai 50000 was created by designer KDWK, from Vayashi website.
Este bonito e Trem Rápido japonês Nankai 50000 bem fácil de montar foi criado pelo designer KDWK, do site Vayashi.
Link to download the model:
Link to instructions page:
More Paper Models of Trains and Locomotives related posts:
German Locomotive V-22 In 1/48 Scale - by Jagsttalbahn - Locomotiva Alemã
1936`s Locomotive D51 498 - by Canon Japan - Locomotiva Japonesa
Build Your Own Tweetsie Rail Road - 3D Trains And Town Sets - by Tweetsie
Hungarian Locomotive C 50 - LÁEV C02-407 - by LÀEV Papirmakett
Friday, March 7, 2014
Japanese Dragonfly Paper Model - by Yunnan
A beautiful Dragonfly paper model, that is perfect for School Works, by Japanese website Yunnam.
Um belo modelo de papel de uma Libélula, que é perfeito para Trabalhos Escolares, do site japonês Yunnan.
More Paper Models of Animals related posts:
Japanese Insects - by Paper Museum.JP - Insetos Japoneses
Animated Japanese Insects - by Kids Net - Insetos Animados
Aquarium Diorama Papercraft - by Epson
Scorpion Paper Model - by Wombat
Japanese Allegorical Parade Cars Paper Models - by Kamiyama
Three cool Luck Items paper models, offered by Kamiyama, Japanese website. When you visit the site, scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the downloadable templates.
Três Objetos da Sorte Japoneses, oferecidos pelo site Kamiyama. Quando visitar o site, role a página até o final para achar os modelos para download.
Japanese Airplanes In Only One Sheet Of Paper - by Iwatsuki Club
Looking at the photos illustrating this post, it is hard to believe that almost all these Japanese aircraft paper models, with the exception of two, are made from a single sheet of paper. By Iwatsuki Club website.
Olhando para as fotos que ilustram este post, é difícil acreditar que quase todos esses modelo de papel de aviões japoneses, com excessão de dois, são feitos a partir de uma única folha de papel. Do site Iwatsuki Club.
Abaixo você pode ver um exemplo em baixa resolução da engenhosidade dos modelos.
Below you can see an example in low resolution of the ingenuity of the models.
More Paper Models of Aircrafts and Planes related posts:
Fairchild AU-23A Peacemaker - by Best Paper Models
Boeing X-20 Dyna Soar - by Takumi - Nasa Paper Model
Czech Aircraft Carrier - by Michal Tichy - Porta Aviões Diorama Tcheco
Mi 24 Hind Helicopter 1/250 Scale - by Rawen & Tichy
Aliens Vs. Predator - Human Skull Paper Model - by Tektonten
From Aliens Vs. Predator videogame, here is a nice Skull Paper Model, created by designer Tektonten. The template download includes Letter and A4 PDF templates and a Pepakura PDO file. The scale of the skull is slightly smaller than life. If you do not have the Pepakura Viewer Free Version, you will find the download link below, at the end of this post.
Do game Aliens Vs. Predator, eis aqui uma Caveira bem legal criada pelo designer Tektonten. no arquivo para downlçoad você encontrará o modelo no formato carta e A4 e também o formato PDO, para ser aberto no Pepakura viewer. Se você ainda não tem o Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, você encontrará o link para baixá-lo logo abaixo, no final deste post.
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models of Human Skulls related posts:
Human Skull Paper Model - by Vincent Ignacio - via Pepakura Gallery
Human Skull Paper Model - by Saeid72 - via Pepakura Gallery
Halloween Special - Skull In The Palm Of Your Hand - by Glue2 Chronicle
Wilbur The Worm And His Skull Puppet Paper Model - by Griffith - via Nice Paper Toys
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Halloween Special - Haunted TV Trinket Boxes Paper Models - by Ravensblight

"Aqui está um conjunto de três pequenos televisores assombrados. Você notará que os filmes de terror sendo mostrados estão parados, deixando as imagens surpreendentemente brilhantes nas telas, embora nenhum desses televisores fossem ligados por muitos anos. O mais legal, talvez, é que você pode usá-los como caixas de presente ou para guardar pequenas bugigangas e coisas do tipo." - Ray O`Bannon
More Halloween Paper Toys related posts:
Halloween Special - Teddy Bear Paper Model - by Canon
Halloween Special - Mummy Paper Toy - by Disney Family go
Halloween Special - Child`s Hearse Paper Model - by Vinsart
Halloween Special - Bad Pumpkin Candy Box - by Papermau
Cubotoy Paper Toys - by Angello Garcia Bassi
These nice paper toys are creation of Chilean designer Angello Garcia Bassi.
Estes paper toys bem legais são criações do designer chileno Angello Garcia Bassi.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World
Camo Paper Toy - by Papermau
Rilakkuma Happy Cupcake Papercraft - by Ikarus Media
Pirate Papercraft - by Poof Rabbit - via Instructables
The Bone Shaker Hot Rod Paper Model - by Wongday Papercraft
Only three sheets of paper to build this cool Bone Shaker Hot Rod paper model, created by Indonesian designer Dayat Wong, aka Wongday. Don`t forget the password to open the model (is the nickname of the author).
Apenas três folhas de papel para montar este modelo de papel do Bone Shaker Hot Rod, criado pelo designer indonésio Dayat wong, aka Wongday. Não esqueça da senha para abrir o modelo (é o apelido do autor).
More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 Straight To Hell - by Papermau - Download Now!
1963`s Chevrolet Impala Paper Car - by Jimdo
Volkswagen Typ 2 Kombi Lufthansa 1959 - by Papercrafts.It
Vintage Citroen Paper Cars - by Les Solides De Mene
Alien - Starfreighter Nostromo Paper Model - by RocketmanTan
From Alien sci-fi horror movie, here is the Starfreighter Nostromo spaceship, in a cool paper model version created by designer bryan Tan, aka RocketmanTan.
Do filme de horror/sci-fi "Alien", aqui está a nave espacial Starfreighter Nostromo, em uma bela versão em papel criada pelo designer Bryan Tan, aka RocketmanTan.
More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:
Terminator - T 101 Arnold Paper Model - by Paper Juke
Tron`s Legacy Recognyzer Paper Model - by Marco Scheloske
Predator Head Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Noturno Sukhoi
Sci-Fi Spaceships - by Jay's Box of Sci-Fi Card Toys
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Architectural Paper Models For Dioramas, RPG and Wargames - by Card Models by Tony
In this website created by British designer Tony, you will find a lot of Architectural Paper Models that are perfect for Train Sets, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.
Neste site criado pelo designer britânico tony, você encontrará um monte de modelos de papel arquitetônicos que são perfeitos para Maquetes Ferroviárias, Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.
More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
German Station In 1/160 Scale - by Michael Hochmuth - Estação Alemã
Hotel-Casino Buildings in Las Vegas Diorama - by Aurelien - via Le Forum En Papier
Paper Models For RPG Games And Dioramas - by Barrow Hill
Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Paper Building - by Game Architect