Saturday, July 12, 2014
Japanese Custom House Paper Model - by Tokaworks
This is the sixth building of the architectural series by Japanese website Tokaworks. Visit the page to download this and the other models of this series.
Este é o sexto prédio da série de modelos arquitetônicos do site japonês Tokaworks. Visite a página para baixar este e os outros modelos desta série.
More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Palazzo Auditore From Assassin`s Creed - by Papermau
The Tithe Barn Paper Model In 1/160 Scale - by Roger Pattenden
Lunch-O-Matic Restaurant Paper Model - by Papermau
Rose Hotel And Chinese Restaurant Paper Models - by Papermau
Japanese Single Ended Diesel Car Paper Model - by Peparama
A beautiful paper model of an old Japanese Single Ended Diesel Car in HO scale (1/87 scale), created by Japanese designer Peparama. This model occupies only one sheet of paper.
Um lindo modelo em papel de um antigo trem a diesel japonês na escala HO (escala 1/87), criado pelo designer japonês Peparama. Este modelo ocupa apenas uma folha de papel.
Hellboy - Karl Ruprecht Kroenen Paper Toy - by Lazy Life
The "Real" Thing |
Dos quadrinhos e filmes do Hellboy, aqui está o Coronel Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, em uma divertida versão paper toy criada pelo designer Lazy Life. De acordo com a Wikipedia, Karl Ruprecht Kroenen é um personagem fictício da série de quadrinhos Hellboy, criado por Mike Mignola e publicado pela Dark Horse Comics. Nos quadrinhos, Kroenen foi relativamente um cientista do Nazi SS, cuja característica mais marcante era que sempre usava uma máscara de gás e bodysuit protetora, que Mignola atribui a um acidente que desfigurou seu rosto.
More Paper Models from Comics related posts:
Captain America Paper Model Character - by T&M Paper Models
Spawn Paper Model - by The Webdude - via Pepakura Gallery
Sandman - Neil Gaiman's Death Paper Doll - by Fanzineria
The Human Torch Paper Model - by Alfredo Podesta & Professor Plastik
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Tommy Ramone - 1952/2014 - The Last Ramone

If you believe in life after death (I do not), they probably are now gathered, with the appearance they had in 1976, on the cover of the first LP. To celebrate one of the bands I listened day and night when I was 14 or 15 years, here's the Ramones VW Type. This model was originally shared here in February, 19, 2012. Thomas Erdelyi (born Erdélyi Tamás; January 29, 1952 – July 11, 2014), also known by his stage name Tommy Ramone, was a Hungarian American record producer and musician. He was the drummer of the influential punk rock band the Ramones. He had been diagnosed with bile duct cancer, and was in hospice care following unsuccessful treatment for it when he died on July 11, 2014.

Link to download the model:!
More Rock`n`Roll Circus related posts:
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss - Gene Simmons Paper Toy - by Papermau Download Now!
Shake The King Paper Toy - by Papermau - Download Now!
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Frank Zappa Paper Toy - by State Of Shock
Rock`n`Roll Circus - The Beatles - Abbey Road Diorama - by Garry Willis
Friday, July 11, 2014
Funny Miniature Egg Hats Paper Models - by Digitprop
Although Markus, the designer of these fun little hats, have made them for Easter, they also look great on Barbie dolls and if you decrease the scale a bit, they also will serve to Playmobil miniatures, Pollys dolls, etc. My little daughter Maiú ask me to build the Witch/Wizard hat and it fits nicely at Barbie`s head, as you can see in the photo bellow.
Embora Markus, o designer destes divertidos pequenos chapéus, os tenha feito para a Páscoa, eles também ficam ótimos em bonecas Barbie e se você diminuir a escala um pouco, eles também servirão para miniaturas Playmobil, bonecas Pollys, etc. Minha filhinha Maiú me pediu para construir o Chapéu da Bruxa/Mago e ele ficou bem legal na cabeça da Barbie, como você pode ver na foto abaixo.
More Miniature Paper Models related posts:
Fallout Ranger Hat Papercraft - by The Dutchy Guy - via DeviantArt
Desktop House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Popcorn Machine And Printable Popcorn Containers In Dollhouse Scale by Miniatures About
Vintage Television Paper Model In 1/12 Scale - by Panasonic
WW2`s German Tank Tiger Paper Model - by Falcon 01 - via DeviantArt
This nice and easy-to-build paper model of a German Tank Tiger, was created by North American designer and modeler Falcon 01. The model consists of four sheets of paper and I think it is something about 1/25 scale, but I am not sure.
Este modelo de papel bem legal e fácil de montar de um Tanque Alemão Tiger, foi criado pelo designer e modelista norte-americano Falcon 01. O modelo todo ocupa quatro folhas de papel e eu acho que está na escala 1/25, mas não tenho certeza.
Link to page 01: WW2`
Link to page 02: WW2`
Link to page 03: WW2`
Link to page 04: WW2`
More Paper Models of Tanks related posts:
Renault FT 17 Paper Model- The World's First Modern Tank - by PeaGrafis - via Le Forum En Papier
1927`s Interwars Light Tank T1E1 Paper Model - by Alberto Perilli - via Thailand Namotasa
The Weekend Pic - Jagdpanther Tank Paper Model - by Maxe / Rawen
WW2`s Russian Tank BT-5 Paper Model - by Cardmodel Blog 54
Guardhouse With Sandbag Barricade Paper Model In A Box - Assembled by Godai
Polish designer and modeler Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki built the Guardhouse With Sandbag Barricade paper model and now he sent me some photos of the model in a display box. He says: - "I decided to add a case for the diorama. And just somehow ended with adding a lamp. It's a traditional 1.5 V bulb. The lamp itself is kinda strange, but I'm glad it works at all. :)" - Thanks, Godai, I really liked the result. The yellow light gives a nice atmosphere to the model! - If you want to Build your own Guardhouse With Sandbag Barricade Paper Model, the link is below, at the end of this post.
O designer e modelista polonês Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki montou o Posto de Guarda com Barricada e agora ele enviou-me algumas fotos do modelo em um display feito por ele mesmo. Ele diz: - "Eu decidi fazer um case para o diorama. E de alguma forma, acabei colocando uma lâmpada. É uma lâmpada comum de 1,5 volts. Ficou um pouco estranha, mas eu estou contente que tenha funcionado. :)" - Obrigado, Godai, eu realmente gostei da idéia. A luz amarelada deu uma atmosfera bem bacana ao modelo! - Se você quiser montar seu próprio modelo de papel do Posto e Guarda com Barricada, o link está logo abaixo.
Link to the model: Guardhouse.With.Barricade.Paper.Model.In.1/!
More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends:
The Little Urban Diorama Paper Model - Assembled by Sven
Nosferatu Vignette Paper Model - Assembled by ASC Mclaren
Van Gogh - The Yellow House Paper Model - Assembled by Barek Aroussi
Abandoned Gas Station in 1/220 scale - Assembled by Ufhc - Via Paper Modelers
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Skyrim - Helm Of Yngol Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by ZombieGrimm
This cool paper model in 1/1 scale of the Helm of Yngol, from Skyrim videogame, was created by North American designer ZombieGrimm. This is pefect for Cosplayers and you can easily change textures with Pepakura Viewer, as I did in the image below. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Este modelo de papel muito bacana em escala 1/1 do Elmo de Yngol, do game Skyrim, foi criado pelo designer norte-americano ZombieGrimm. É um modelo perfeito para Cosplayers e você pode adicionar as texturas facilmente no Pepakura Viewer, como eu fix na imagem abaixo. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to download the model: Skyrim.Helm.Of.Yngol.Paper.Model.In.1/
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More 1/1 Scale Paper Models related posts:
Stahlhelm German Helmet Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by D Mind
3PO Face Mask Paper Model - by MTK`s Card Craft
World Of Warcraft - Medieval Sword - by Hobby WOW
The Avengers` Mjolnir - Thor Hammer - by Behold The Geek
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Volkswagen Kombi Type II Lowrider Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!
More one Volkswagen Type II paper model, this time a Lowrider version with detached bumps.
The entire model takes up just one sheet of paper and can be easily and securely downloaded directly from Google Drive.
Mais uma Kombi para a coleção, dessa vez uma rebaixada, ou lowrider, com pára-choques destacados.
O modelo todo ocupa apenas uma folha de papel e pode ser baixado fácil e seguramente direto do Google Drive.
More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Alfa Romeo GTA 1300 Paper Car In SD Style - by Metmania
Miura Paper Car In SD Style - By Mazda Family
New York Yellow Cab In SD Style - by GT40 - via Pepakura Gallery
Camaro Bunblebee In SD Style - by Bamboogila - Camaro Amarelo
Complete Stell Plant Papercraft Series In Six Different Scales - by Edifícios De Papel
Spanish designers Mónica and Anibal, from Edifícios de Papel website just finish the Stell Plant Papercraft Series. The series consists of 51 buildings with variations of textures at their doors and windows.
Os designers espanhois Mónica e Anibal, do site Edificios de Papel acabam de finalizar a Série . A série é composta de 51 edifícios com variações de texturas em suas portas e janelas.
Combine the various buildings to create an unique diorama that can be used in School Works, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.
Combine os vários edifícios para criar um diorama único que pode ser usado em Trabalhos Escolares, Dioramas , RPG e Wargames.
And you can choose from six different scales: 1/56 scale(28mm), 1/72 scale, HO scale (1/87), 1/100 scale (15mm), N scale (1/160) and Z scale (1/220).
E você ainda pode escolher entre seis escalas diferentes: escala 1/56 (28 mm), escala 1/72, escala HO (1/87), escala 1/100 (15 mm), escala N (1/160) e escala Z (1/220).
More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Castello Delle Rocche - Italian Castle - by Domatine / Help Finale Emilia
The Temple Of Artemis At Ephesus - by Delta Seven Studios
Open House Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau
Slite Maritime Museum Paper Model - by Gunnar Sillén
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
The Cipher Machine Cryptograph Paper Model - by Digitprop
This cryptograph machine paper model that really works called Cipher Machine was created by German graphic designer Markus Fischer, from Digitprop website.
A really beautiful and very original paper model which can be very useful for schoolworks or just to decorate your Steampunk memorabilia shelf.
Este modelo de papel de uma máquina de criptografia que realmente funciona, foi criada pelo designer gráfico alemão Markus Fischer, do site Digitprop.
Ele a batizou de Cipher Machine e é um belo modelo de papel que pode ser bem útil para trabalhos escolares ou apenas para decorar sua estante de memorábilia Steampunk.
1972`s Alfa Romeo GTA 1300 Junior DRM Paper Model - by Metmania
This is the 1972`s Alfa Romeo GTA 1300 Junior DRM in SD style (super deformed style). This is the third paper model of this series created by Japanese website Metmania.
Este é o Alfa Romeo GTA 1300 Junior DRM im estilo SD (estilo super deformado). Este é o terceiro modelo desta série criada pelo site japonês Metmania.
Link: 1972`
More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles in SD Style related posts:
Camaro Bunblebee In SD Style - by Bamboogila - Camaro Amarelo
Ferrari 512BB Le Mans In SD Style - by Ya Demon - via Pepakura Gallery
Alfa Romeo GTA 1300 Paper Car In SD Style - by Metmania
Porsche 917K In SD Style - by Ya Demon - via Pepakura Gallery