Saturday, September 15, 2012
The Weekend Pic - Peterbilt 281 Truck - by RonaldoM / PaperRoom
A great paper model work by Brazilian designer RonaldoM, from PaperRoom and OniPapel websites: the Peterbilt 281 Truck, from the classic Steven Spielberg`s movie "Duel". The original assembly was posted at Le Forum En Papier, a great French Forum about paper models.
Um grande trabalho em papel do designer brasileiro RonaldoM, dos sites PaperRomm e OniPapel: o Caminhão Peterbilt 281, do clássico de Steven Spielberg, "Duel". A montagem original foi postada no Le Forum En Papier, um grande forum francês de papelmodelismo.
Link to download the model:
Link to construction report:
About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums, blogs or sites around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.
Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns, blogs ou sites ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.
More The Weekend Pics related posts:
The Weekend Pic - Daughter Yukata - by Eatcrow2 / Moekami
The Weekend Pic - Passenger-Carrying Coache - by MiZi / Paper Camera
The Weekend Pic - Horyuji Pagoda - by Alan G / Canon
The Weekend Pic - Yamaha Dragstar Classic 11 - by Reinhard Fabisch / Yamaha
Dotblock Robot Paper Model - by G422 - Robô Hidráulico
A very different and complex paper robot, by Japanese designer G422, via Pepakura Gallery. To visualize and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version program (link at the end of this post).
Um robô de papel bem diferente e complexo, do designer japonês G422. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models of Robots related posts:
Bazamu Medabot Paper Model - by Orekue Tuzikaze
Gorilla Rescue Machine Paper Model - by Paradius - via Pepakura Gallery
Aibo Robotic Pet Paper Model - by Robosquare - Cão Robô
Articulated Poplock Robot Paper Toy - by Paper Posables - Robô Articulado
3EyedBear Paper Toys - by Maarten Janssens
"3EyedBear has landed on earth as a pioneer to investigate conquering the earth. The Bear reproduces itself by being printed out and being put love, cutting and glue in it. He can pop up anywhere in the world, but don’t worry, he is about spreading love, not war! He’s a real talisman, buddy and bringer of luck". - Maarten Janssens
"3EyedBear chegou como pioneiro na exploração e conquista da Terra. Suareprodução se dá pela impressão e adição de amor, tesoura e cola. ele pode aparecer em qualquer lugar do mundo, mas não se preocupe, ele veio em missão de paz, não de guerra! Ele é um verdadeiro talismã, companheiro e imã de sorte." - Maarten Janssens
More Paper Toys related posts:
Halloween Special - Mummy Paper Toy - by Disney Family go
3D Colorful Maze Papercraft - by Canon - Labirinto 3D
Valentina - Italian Paper Doll - by Zio Prudenzio - Boneca Italiana
Czech Folklore Paper Toys - by Mimikri
Friday, September 14, 2012
Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - More Some Advances
Here are some advances of the Witch's House in the Forest Diorama. In the front door you can see owr host, Mr. Chucky. Next step: more graves and the trees` tutorial.
Aqui, mais alguns avanços do Diorama da Casa da Bruxa na Floresta. Na porta da frente, você pode ver nosso anfitrião, o Sr. Chucky. Próximo passo: mais túmulos e o tutorial das árvores.
More Witch's House In The Forest Diorama related posts:
Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - Next Project
Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - Some Advances
Hulk Bust Paper Model - by Paper Juke - Busto do Hulk
A cool Hulk Bust paper model, by French designer Paper Juke. A nice collectible for all Avengers fans.
Um belo modelo de papel do Hulk, do designer francês Paper Juke. Um belo ítem colecionável para qualquer fã dos Avengers.
More Paper Models of Super Heroes related posts:
X-Men - Colossus Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome
Batman Paper Toy In South Park Style - by Paper Inside
Spiderman`s Bust In Classic Suit - by Paper Juke
Adorable Cat Series Paper Models - Iron Man And Nick Fury - by CMPA
German Vintage Train Station Paper Model In HO Scale - by Neuwied
Here some very well done buildings in Ho scale (1/87 scale), representing a typical German Vintage Train Station, by Neuwied website.
Aqui, algumas contruções em escala HO (escala 1/87), representando uma típica Estação de Trens Antiga Alemã, do site também alemão, Neuwied.
More HO Scale Paper models related posts:
Swedish Railway Museum In Hennan - by Berner Modellbautreff - Museu Ferroviário Sueco
Prairie Grain Elevator In HO Scale - by Shaw - Elevador De Grãos
Cooder`s Place General Store - by Evan Design - Armazém De Beira De Estrada
Hammerhead Tower Castrop-Rauxel - by Hammerkopfturm
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Orange Goblin Paper Toy - by Stelan
Stelan says: - "I fell in love with the british stonerband Orange Goblin some time ago. Not just because of the music, but for the energy. Since they have a really cool name, I started to think of a hommage papertoy for 'em and here it is!" In two versions: with or without beard!
Stelan diz: - "Tenho curtido o som dessa banda britânica, Orange Goblin, já Há algum tempo. Não só pela música, mas também pela energia. Como ela tem um nome muito legal, eu comecei a pensar em fazer um paper toy em sua homenagem e, aqui está ele". Em duas versões: com ou sem barba!
More Rock`n`Roll Circus paper Models related posts:
Rock`n`Roll Circus -Slash Paper Toy - by Paper Krap
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Ramones Kombi - by Papermau
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Henry Rollins - by KNGL - via Paper Toy France
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss Paper Toy - by Brian Castleforte
Octa Newflyer D60 Bus Paper Model - by Papercrafts.It
This nice and realistic estyle paper bus is im HO scale and was created by Italian website Papercrafts.It. The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is the public sector transportation planning body and mass transit service provider for Orange County, California. - Papercrafts.It
Este modelo de papel em escala HO de um ônibus californiano foi criado pelo site italiano Papercrafts.It.
Link to the model:
More Paper Models of Buses related posts:
Japanese Buses And Cabs - by Ibukikobo - Ônibus E Táxis Japoneses
Old Bus to Nowhere - by Papermau - Ônibus Para Lugar Nenhum
Funny Paper Bus For Kids - by Shiroi Prefecture
Chinese Buses Paper Models - by C H Garage - Ônibus Chineses
1959`s Vintage Shell Gas Station Paper Model - by Kaukapedia
Here is a really old and rare paper model on a gas station with Shell logo, preserved and shared by German website Kaukapedia.
Eis aqui um modelo de papel realmente antigo e raro de um posto de gasolina com logo da Shell preservado e compartilhado pelo site alemão Kaukapedia.
Link part 1: 1959`
Link Part 2: 1959`
More Vintage Paper Models related posts:
Arab Tent Diorama - via Agence Eureka - Assembled by Eatcrow2
Russian Floating Tank Paper Model - by J T Digest Narod
Panhard Et Levassor 1894 Vintage Paper Car - by Denis - via Le Forum En Papier
A Brief History Of Paper Models In The WW2 - by Philip Koopman, Sr. Uma Breve História Do Papelmodelismo Na Segunda Guerra
Paper Models Of Egyptian Pyramids - by Korthals Altes
Cheops Pyramid Paper Model |
Three paper models of Egyptian Pyramids: the famous Cheops Pyramid, and the not so famous Bent Pyramid and Step Pyramid, all designs by Korthals Altes website. Perfect for Dioramas, RPG games and School Works.
Step and Bent Pyramids Paper Models |
Três modelos de papel de Pirâmides Egípcias: a famosa Pirâmide de Quéops, e as não tão famosas Pirâmide Inclinada e Pirâmide de Degraus, todas do site Korthals Altes. Perfeitas para dioramas, jogos de RPG e Trabalhos Escolares.
The Real Things |
More Egyptian Paper Models related posts:
Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model - by Papermau - Máscara de Tutankamon
Egyptian Memory Game - by Papermau - Jogo Da Memória Egípcio
Egyptian Guys 3D Pop-Up - by Papermau
1940`s Temple Of Isis Papercraft - by Toto - Templo Da Deusa Isis
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Andy's Room Diorama - Toy Story 3 Paper Model - by Paper Replika
A really beautiful and very original paper model diorama, the Andy's Room, from Toy Story 3 animation.
This cool paper model was created by Indonesian designer Julius Perdana, from Paper Replika website.
Occupying nine sheets of paper, this is not a hard to build model and the instructions are very detailed and full of ilustrations.
Um modelo de papel muito original e bem feito, o diorama do quarto do Andy, tirado da animação toy History 3.
Este belo modelo foi criado pelo designer indonésio Julius Perdana, do site Paper Replika.
Ocupando nove folhas de papel, este não é um modelo difícil de montar e as instruções são bem detalhadas e repletas de ilustrações.
Witch Tower In Jülich Paper Model - by M. Knobloch
Model Assembled and Photo by M. Knobloch |
Here a great paper model of a real landmark of Jülich City, in German: the Witch Tower, or Hexenturm, in 1/100 scale. This beautiful paper model was created by German designer M. Knobloch and was originally posted at Kartonist.De Forum.
Eis aqui um belo modelo de papel de um marco histórico da cidade alemã de Jülich: A Torre da Bruxa, ou Hexenturm, na escala 1/100. este belíssimo modelo foi criado pelo designer alemão M. Knobloch e originalmente postado no Forum Kartonist.De.
The Real Thing and the Paper Thing, Side by Side. |
Link to download model: Witch.Tower.In.Jü
Link to photo gallery: Witch.Tower.In.Jü
More European Architeture and Buildings related posts:
European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia
Hamlet Medieval Village - by Alternate Realms - Vilarejo Medieval
Swiss Wood Cabin - by Papermau - Cabana de Madeira Suíça
Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!
Frank Lloyd`s Fallingwater House Paper Model - by Paper Toys.Com
Model Assembled and Photo by Gunter - via Kartonist.De Forum |
Logo após ser terminada, já era considerada o melhor de todos os trabalhos de Wright.
Está listada pelo Museu Smithsonian como um dos 28 lugares para se visitar antes de morrer e foi considerada um Patrimônio Histórico Nacional em 1966. Em 1991, foi considerada pelo Instituto Norte-Americano de Arquitetos o "Melhor Trabalho de Arquitetura Americana de Todos os Tempos". - Wikipedia
The Real Thing |
Link: Frank.Lloyd`
More Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Second Part
Bob Staake Studio - by Bob Staake.Com
The Statue of Liberty, in USA - by Canon - Estátua da Liberdade
Apartment Building in Ostia, Rome - by Grundschul Material Online
British Phone Cabin Paper Model - by Hans-Jürgen Dramowski - via Kartonist.De
A cool paper model of a classic British Phone Cabin, in 1/22 scale, created by German designer Hans-Jürgen Dramowski, via Kartonist.De Forum.
Um belo modelo de papel de uma clássica cabine Telefônica inglesa, na escala 1/22, criada pelo designer alemão Hans-Jürgen Dramowski, via forum Kartonist.De.
More Cabins Paper Models related posts:
Parking Cabin Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Doctor Who Tardis Paper Model With Interior - by Desktop Wargames
Yokohama Telephone Cabin - by Pepachal - Cabine Telefônica Japonesa
K6 Britsh Phone Box - by Dossier Models - Cabine Telefônica Inglesa
1948`s Citroen Paper Car - by Ichiyama`s Paper Cards
A beautiful paper model of a French vintage 1948`s Citroen paper car, by Japanese website Ichiyama`s Paper Cards.
Um belo modelo de papel de um carro francês antigo, um Citroen modelo 1948, do site japonês Ichiyama`s Paper Cards.
Link: 1948``s.Paper.Cards
More Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Voisin Laboratoire 1923 Paper Car - by Pierreg.Free.Fr
Vintage German Trailer Paper Model - by Burgstaller.Co - Trailer Alemão
Roadster "Orange Juice" - by Papermau
Lomax Britsh Paper Car - by Faehnrichweb.De
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tents From Roman Campaign - by Papermau - Tendas Romanas
Here two simple paper models of Roman tents for dioramas or RPG games. In the images below you can see two ways to organize a Roman military camp. These models are very simple and easy to assemble, but when placed side by side, give a beautiful effect.
Aqui dois modelos de papel simples de tendas Romanas, para dioramas or RPG games. Nas imagens logo acima e abaixo, você pode ver dois modos de organizar um acampamento militar Romano. São modelos muito simples e fáceis de montar, mas quando dispostos lado a lado, criam um belo efeito.
More Paper Models for Dioramas and RPG Games related posts:
Parking Cabin Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Medieval Dice Tower - by Paper Make It - Torre para RPG Games
Acessories For RPG And Dioramas - by Stones-Edges
One Monk Miniatures - Free Paper Models
Mausoleum Of Hadrian Paper Model - Castel Sant'Angelo - by Canon
The Mausoleum of Hadrian, usually known as the Castel Sant'Angelo (English: Castle of the Holy Angel), is a towering cylindrical building in Parco Adriano, Rome, Italy. It was initially commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum for himself and his family. The tomb of the Roman emperor Hadrian, also called Hadrian's mole, was erected on the right bank of the Tiber, between 135 AD and 139 AD. The building was later used by the popes as a fortress and castle, and is now a museum. - Wikipedia
The Real Thing - Today |
O Castelo de Santo Ângelo (em língua italiana, "Castel Sant' Angelo"), também conhecido como Mausoléu de Adriano, localiza-se à margem direita do rio Tibre, diante da ponte Sant'Angelo, a pouca distância do Vaticano, em Roma, na Itália. A sua primitiva estrutura foi iniciada em 139 pelo imperador Adriano como um mausoléu pessoal e familiar (Tumbas de Adriano), vindo a ser concluído por Antonino Pio em 139. O castelo é hoje um museu.
More Ancient Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Petra Treasure, Jordania - by Papermau - Petra, na Jordânia
Greek-Roman Ruins - by Papermau - Ruínas Greco-Romanas
St Michael Old Chapel - by Papermau - Capela de São Miguel - Download Now!
Roman Villa - by Armada Models - Vila Romana
Myasishev M-3 Bison Soviet Aircraft - by Hollo Papirmakett
The aircraft was assigned the NATO reporting name of "Bison". The initial M-4 (Bison-A) went into serial production later in 1954 and entered service. The more powerful 3M (Bison-B) first flew in early 1955 and entered service in 1957. - Wikipedia
The Real Thing |
More Postwar Aircraft and Planes related posts:
Chinese Mig-17 In 1/72 Scale - by Gabriel Panai - Jato Chinês
WW2`s Lavochkin La-7 Soviet Aircraft - by Stahlhart
Soviet Transport Helicopter Mi-4 - by Di-3 - via Kartombau.De
Bell X-1 Supersonic Aircraft Paper Model - by Mamecraft
Common Kingfisher Bird Paper Model - by Canon
A beautiful decorative paper model for Nature lovers, by Japanese website Canon.
Um belo modelo de papel decorativo para os amantes da Natureza, do site japonês Canon.
More Paper Models of Animals related posts:
Colorful Parrot Papercraft - by Education Scholastic
Easy-To-Build Paper Birds - by Gansuke - Pássaros De Papel
Dodo - Extinct Bird Paper Model - by Kizuna Avenue - Pássaro Extinto
King Eagle Paper Model - by Paper Juke - Águia Rei
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Senet - Ancient Egypt Game Paper Model - by Paper Replika
A Senet game from the tomb of AmenhotIII Brooklin Museum - NY |
Um belo modelo, muito original, do designer indonésio Julius Perdana, do site Paper Replika. Senet pode ser o mais antigo jogo de tabuleiro de todo o mundo. Foram encontradas evidências deste jogo em câmaras mortuárias do Período Pré-Dinástico e da Primeira Dinastia, por volta de 3500 aC e 3100 aC, respectivamente. Senet também apareceu em uma pintura do túmulo do Faraó Merknera (3300-2700 aC). Outra imagem deste jogo antigo foi encontrada no túmulo de Hesy (c. 2686-2613 aC), da Terceira Dinastia. Ele também é retratado em uma pintura na tumba de Rashepes (c.2500 aC). - Wikipedia
Nefertari playing Senet. Painting in tomb of Egyptian Queen Nefertari (1295–1255 BC). |
More Boardgames Paper Models related posts:
Table Top RPG Games - by Zio Prudencio - Jogos de RPG
Bingo Game Papercraft - by Canon - Jogo De Bingo Para Imprimir
Paper Ships For RPG Games And Dioramas - by Pro Fantasy
Jumanji Board Game Papercraft - by Scanner Joe - via DeviantArt