Saturday, October 13, 2012
It Is Not Paper, But... - Cheesecloth Ghosts - by Chicken Blog - Fantasma de Gazes
If you want to know how to make this nice Cheesecloth Ghost, take a look in the link at the end of this post.
Se você quer saber como fazer este simpático Fantasma de Gazes (dessas de fazer curativos), dê uma olhada nesse tutorial (em inglês). O link você encontra no final deste post.
More "It Is Not Paper, But..." related posts:
It Is Not Paper, But... - Make Your Own Boat In A Lamp - by Msolek - via Instructables
It Is Not Paper, But... - PET Bottle Penguins - by Claudio Belmudes - Pinguins De Garrafa PET
It Is Not Paper, But... - Homemade Palm Trees - by Dervel - via The Miniatures Page
It Is Not Paper, But... - Make A Miniature Working Light House - by Lesley Shepherd
Vintage Batman Paper Model - by Acme Novelty Archive
This is the paper toy of Batman with the costume of his first appearance in issue 27 of the comic book Detective Comics, published in May 1939.
This paper toy was created by designer Chip Kidd as a promotional item produced for the 1996 San Diego Comic Con.
Este é paper toy do Batman com o traje de sua primeira aparição na edição 27 da revista em quadrinhos Detective Comics publicada em maio de 1939.
Este paper toy foi criado pelo designer Chip Kidd como um item promocional produzido para a San Diego Comic Con de 1996.
More Super Heroes and Villains Paper Models related posts:
Batman And Mini Batman Paper Toys - by Papermau - Download Now!
Bender, Batman, Superman And Robocop - Paper Models Of Pop Characters - by Pedro Seidel
Spiderman Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome
Batman - Arkham City - The Joker Paper Model - by Sabi 96
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Halloween Special - Haunted House Assembled by Edon Tuazon Fabreo
Eu já postei essa Casa Assombrada do Paper Toys.Com aqui no blog, mas eu tinha que mostrar essas fotos do modelo montado pelo meu amigo Edon Tuazon Fabreo, das Filipinas. Aqui você pde ver como pequenas intervenções podem dar nova vida à um modelo simples. Muito obrigado, Edon, por essas belas fotos! Veja mais fotos da Casa Assombrada de Edon no link no final deste post.
Link to Edon`s Haunte House:
Link to download the model:
More Paper Models of Haunted Houses related posts:
Halloween Special - Twin Brothers` House - by Papermau - Download Now
Halloween Special - Haunted Mansion And Monsters - by Ray O`Bannon
Halloween Special - Haunted House - by Angels & Ghosts.Com
Halloween Special - The Skoolhouse - by Ray Keim
Adventure Time Paper Toys - Finn & Jake - by Rabisco Pop
Adventure Time Paper Toys, by Brazilian designer Vic Matos, from Rabisco Pop website. Nice!
Paper Toys da animação Hora de Aventura, criados pelo designer brasileiro Vic Matos, do site Rabisco Pop. Muito legal!
Link: Adventure.Time.Paper.Toys.Finn.&
More Paper Toys related posts:
SpongeBob SquarePants - Mr. Krabs Papercraft - by Ddi7i4d
Artist`s Special Paper Toys - by Toy-A-Day
Vintage Paper Toy Shop - by Angelika Oeckl
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss Paper Toy - by Brian Castleforte
Evangelion`s YAGR N 101 Sci-Fi Spaceship - by Paper Jurnal
Indonesian designer Pepakuraviewer says: - This aircraft is called YAGR N 101, seen on Evangelion movie 2.0.
O designer indonésio Pepakuraviewer diz: - Esta nave é chamada YAGR N 101, vista no filme Evangelion 2.0.
Link: Evangelion`
More Sci-Fi Paper models related posts:
V - The Visitors - Skyfighter, Transport and Tanker Paper Models - by Infochaos
UFO - S.H.A.D.O. Mobile Vehicle Paper Model - by Gary Pilsworth
Space Jockey Helmet In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Toys Clemper
Terminator - T 101 Arnold Paper Model - by Paper Juke
Friday, October 12, 2012
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Lemon Out Of Jail - by Papermau - Download Now!

Lemon está de volta! Se vocês acompanham o blog, vocês devem saber que Lemon foi pego com uma guitarra de um famoso rockstar dos anos 80. Os advogados do cara deram queixa à Lei de Direitos Autorais digitais do Milênio (DMCA) e o post foi removido do blog pelo próprio Blogger. Eu deixei Lemon na cadeia por alguns dias para que ele aprenda que não devemos pegar o que não é nosso. Paguei sua fiança hoje de manhã, mas só depois que ele prometeu que nunca mais vai fazer algo como isto novamente. Vamos ver se ele aprende a lição agora....
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Lemon and Moonjava , together once again, for the sake of Rock `n` Roll!!! |
More Rock`n`Roll Circus Paper Models related posts:
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Moonjava, The Bass Player - by Papermau
Rock`n`Roll Circus - The Beatles Kombi - Early Years - by Papermau
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Nirvana Kombi - by Papermau
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Ramones Kombi - by Papermau
Halo 3 Cobra Spartan Helmet Paper Model - by MTK Card Craft
More one nice paper model in 1/1 scale, by MTK Card Craft website. If you really want, you can make little adaptations to use it as Cosplay.
Mais um modelo muito legal em escala 1/1, do site MTK Card Craft. Se você realmente quiser, você pode adaptar esta armadura para ser usada como Cosplay.
More 1/1 Scale ans Cosplay Paper Models related posts:
Borderlands Psycho Mask Paper Model - by Antonio - via Pepakura Gallery
DarkSiders II - Death Mask In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke
Wolverine Claws Papercraft In 1 /1 Scale - by Paper Juke
Capitain America Shield In 1 / 1 Scale - by Scanner Joe
Death Knight Helmet And A Cockroach Paper Models - by WOW Papercraft
Barbarian, the designer of these cool paper models says: - For our collection of Death Knight items. DK Helm (male human version): 4 skins, medium difficulty level, PDO and PDF included.
Barbarian, o designer destes dois modelos bem legais diz: - Para nossa coleção de itens do Death Knight. DK Helmet (versão masculina adulto): 4 texturas, dificuldade média, PDO (Pepakura) e PDF incluídos.
He also says: - ...and this one you can make a gift for your ex-girlfriend (or ex-boyfriend) to show your true love...
Ele também diz: - ...e este aqui você pode embrulhar para presente e dar para sua ex-namorada (ou ex-namorado) para mostrar seus verdadeiros sentimentos...
More 1/1 Scale Paper Models related posts:
Judge Dredd`s Lawgiver, Book Of Law and Badger - by Jan Rúkr
Panzerfaust 60 1/1 Scale - by RocketmanTan - Bazuca Anti-Tanques Alemã
Stahlhelm German Helmet Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by D Mind
Fire Axes Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Brandom / Z8-0
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Dockwise Vanguard Cargo Ship Paper Model - by MegaMoonLiner
Another great paper model by MegaMoonLiner. DOCKWISE VANGUARD is a heavy lift ship, being currently built at Hyundai Heavy Industries' ship yards, in South Korea. When completed, VANGUARD will be capable to carry any kind of loads of up to 117 000 metric tons, according to Dockwise's expectations. She will also take the title of largest and most capable heavy lift vessel in the World from her fleet mate, the BLUE MARLIN. - MegaMoonLiner
Mais um grande modelo de papel do designer MegaMoonLiner. VANGUARD Dockwise é um navio de carga pesada, ainda sendo construído nos estaleiros da Hyundai Heavy Industries, na Coréia do Sul. Quando terminado, o VANGUARD será capaz de carregar até 117 000 toneladas. - MegaMoonLiner
More Boats and Ships related posts:
1935`s Vintage Italian Sailboat Paper Model - by Toto - Barco à Vela
Titanic Sunk Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project
Flower Class Corvette Diorama Paper Model - by Oliver Bizer - Navio De Guerra
The Ghost Ship Paper Model - by Ravens Blight - Navio Fantasma
Mammoth Paper Model - by J. Ossorio - Mamute
Mammoth`s Fossil |
Lyuba, a mummified woolly mammoth, at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago |
More Pre-Historic and Extinct Animals related posts:
Mammoth Skeleton Papercraft - by Ungafakta - Esqueleto De Mamute
Dodo - Extinct Bird Paper Model - by Kizuna Avenue - Pássaro Extinto
Dinosaur Papercraft - Stegosaurs - by Canon - Estegossauro - Dinossauro De Papel
Tiranossaurus Rex Fossil Paper Model - by Paper M Japan
Star Wars - Clone Trooper Helmet - Green Version - by MTK Card Craft
A nice Clone Trooper Helmet in 1/1 scale, created by MTK Card Craft. With some adaptations it will be perfect for Cosplayers.
Um modelo muito bem feiot de um capacete de Clone Trooper em escala 1/1, do site MTK Card Craft. Com algumas adaptações, ficaria perfeito para Cosplayers.
More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:
Star Trek - Terran Empire Knife In 1 /1 Scale - by Tektonten
Star Wars` Life-Size Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber - by Yudhie Hatmadji
Monolith Paper Model From 2001 A Space Odissey - by Godzillu
Spindrift Space Ship Paper Model - by Gary Pilsworth - via Dpileggi
Deadpool Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome
Deadpool is the new mini paper toy by designer Gus Santome, from Mini Papercraft website.
Deadpool é o novo mini paper toy do designer Gus Santome, do site Mini Papercraft.
More Mini Paper Toys related posts:
Raving Rabbids Paper Toy - Jack Sparrow Version - by Paper Juke
Rinoceronte Lucha Libre Papertoy - by Bamboogilla
Foodland Rock`N`Roll Band Paper Toys - by UOL
Valentina - Italian Paper Doll - by Zio Prudenzio - Boneca Italiana
1880`s Kaiser Frederick The 3rd and Kaiserin Victoria - by 19th Century Paper Dolls
Here is a very beautiful German set of dolls. They are Kaiser Frederick III and his wife consort Victoria. The dolls date from the late 1880s and have the most gorgeous color. Paper dolls of German manufacture during this period were quite impressive and royal personalities were a favorite subject (they were the movie stars and the tabloid fodder of their day).
Eis aqui um belo conjunto de bonecaos de papel alemão. Eles representam o Kaiser Frederick III e sua esposa consorte. Estes nonecos datam de 1880 e ainda mantém suas cores vívidas originais. Paper dolls produzidas na Alemanha neste período eram impressionantemente bem feitas e personagens da realeza eram o tema preferido ( eles eram como as estrelas de cinema dos dias de hoje).
Link: 1880`
More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:
Vintage Igloo Kids Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Vintage Mouse
Halloween Special - Dolly Dingle`s Halloween - By Imprimibles
1950`s Norske Bunader Paper Doll - Norwegian National Costumes - by National Museum Of Play Online Collections
Victoria Lacey Vintage Style Paper Doll - by Plush Possum Studio
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tiesto Neoplan Mega Spaceliner Paper Model - by MegaMoonLiner
One of the most cool paper models created by Portuguese designer MegaMoonLiner: the Tiesto Neoplan Mega Spaceliner Bus.
Um dos modelos de papel mais legais criados pelo designer português MegaMoonLiner: o Õnibus Tiesto Neoplan Mega Spaceliner.
More Paper Models of Buses related posts:
New York City Bus Paper Model - by Papercrafts It
Brazilian Bus MB O-326 Oriental - Rio De Janeiro - by Ronaldo M - Ônibus Carioca
London Double-Decker Bus Paper Model - by Kallboys - Ônibus Londrino
Japanese Buses - by Play Town Bingo - Ônibus Japoneses
Solar System Exploration Paper Models - by Nasa
Build Your Own Space Exploration Fleet - Right now, a bunch of super tough robots are out there exploring our solar system.
You can build paper versions of many of them right here on Earth. - Nasa
Monte Sua Frota de Exploração Espacial - Agora mesmo, um grupo de super-robôs durões estão por aí explorando nosso sistema solar.
Você pode construir versões em papel de muitos deles aqui mesmo na Terra. - Nasa
Halloween Special - Ouch! My Heaaaddd Diorama Paper Toy - by Salazad
A very original Paper Toy Diorama, by Indonesian designer Salazad. perfect for your Halloween decoration!
Um Paper Toy Diorama bem original, do designer indonésio salazad. Perfeito para sua decoração de Dia das Bruxas!
Link: Halloween.Special.Ouch!
More Halloween Paper Toys related posts:
Halloween Special - Skeleton and Haunted House - by Ben&Jerry`s
Halloween Special - Bobblehead Monsters - by Frankenpaper
Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - More Some Advances
Halloween Special - Teddy Bear Paper Model - by Canon
This Is Not Paper, But... - Make A Miniature Working Light House - by Lesley Shepherd
In this article at Miniatures.About.Com website, you will learn how to make a Miniature Working Light House, in a very detailed tutorial with photos, by artist Lesley Shepherd.
Neste artigo no site Miniatures.About.Com, você aprenderá como fazer Farol em Miniatura que acende, em um tutorial bem detalhado, com fotos, da artesã Lesley Shepherd.
More Not Paper, Unusual and Tutorials related posts:
It Is Not Paper, But... - PET Bottle Penguins - by Claudio Belmudes - Pinguins De Garrafa PET
It Is Not Paper, But... - Make Your Own Boat In A Lamp - by Msolek - via Instructables
House Made From Matches - by English Russia - Casa De Fósforos
Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos
Borderlands - CL4P-TP Paper Robot - by Destro2k - via DeviantArt
A very detailed paper model of the CL4P-TP Robot, from Borderlands videogame. Created by Destro2k, via DeviantArt.
Um modelo super detalhado do Robô CL4P-TP, do jogo de videogame borderlands. Criação do designer Destro2k, via DeviantArt.
Link: Borderlands -
More Paper Models of Robots related posts:
Vintage Style Robot Paper Model - by Toki - Robô Estilo Vintage
Gundam F90 Mech - by Designers 3D Bolivia - Robô Estilo Gundam
Gundam RX-78 Diorama In 1/144 Scale - by Paper Hobby
Klank - The Cranky Robot Paper Toy - by Chemical 9
Chrono Cross - Lynx Paper Character - by Lubdar`s Papercraft
From Chrono Cross videogame, here is Lynx, created by designer Lubdar, from Lubdar`s Papercraft.
Do jogo de videogame Chrono Cross, eis aqui Lynx, criado pelo designer Lubdar, do site Lubdar`s Papercraft.
More Videogames Paper Characters related posts:
Dissidia Final Fantasy - Vaan Gunmetal Vest - by Ace Crafts
Assassin's Creed - Ezio Auditore Di Firenze - by Noturno Sukhoi
Final Fantasy X-2`s Tonberry Paper Model - by Fezco Crafts
Parasite Eve`s Aya Brea Paper Doll - by Uncle B / JP Papercraft
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Sex Pistols Diorama - by Gary Willis - via Paper Toy France
The First Formation.... |
The Sex Pistols were an English punk rock band that formed in London in 1975. They were responsible for initiating the punk movement in the United Kingdom and inspiring many later punk and alternative rock musicians. Although their initial career lasted just two-and-a-half years and produced only four singles and one studio album, Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols, they are regarded as one of the most influential acts in the history of popular music.
...and The Second Formation, with Sid Vicious (L) |
Sex Pistols foi uma célebre banda inglesa de punk rock, formada em Londres, no ano de 1975. Embora não tenham sido a primeira banda punk do país, foram influentes por trazer o movimento punk britânico para a mídia mundial, e inspiraram diversos artistas posteriores de punk e rock alternativo. Sua carreira durou apenas dois anos e meio, e produziu apenas quatro singles e um álbum de estúdio, Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols. A banda era composta originalmente pelo vocalista Johnny Rotten, o guitarrista Steve Jones, o baterista Paul Cook e o baixista Glen Matlock. Matlock foi substituído por Sid Vicious no início de 1977.
More Rock`n`Roll Circus Paper Models related posts:
Rock`n`Roll Circus - ZZ Top`s Eliminator - by Patrick Pasques
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Henry Rollins - by KNGL - via Paper Toy France
Rock`n`Roll Circus - The Beatles Kombi - Early Years - by Papermau
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Nirvana Kombi - by Papermau