Saturday, October 15, 2016
Halloween Special - Anzu Mascot Paper Doll - by Pierce Papercraft
This cute little demon girl is called Anzu. She is the mascot of North American designer and modeler Dallas M. Pierce, aka Pierce Papercraft.
Esta fofa garotinha demônio se chama Anzu. Ela é a mascote da designer e modelista norte-americana Dallas M. Pierce, aka Pierce Papercraft.
More Halloween Paper Models related posts:
The Pope Mobile Paper Model - by Slam Design - O Papa Móvel
Mecha Bunny War Machine Paper Toy - by Ruang Antho
Mini Severus Snape And Llily Evans Paper Toys - by Gustavo Santome
He Man And The Masters Of The Universe Paper Toys - by Designlad
Halloween Special - Day Of The Dead Dress Up Paper Dolls
by Dover Publications
Offered by Dover Publications, here are Mister Katrin and Lady Katrina, in cool dress up paper doll versions, with costumes and offerings, that are perfect for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos celebrations.
Oferecidos pela Dover Publications, aqui estão o Senhor Katrin e a Dama Katrina, em divertidas versões dress up paper doll, com trajes e oferendas, que são perfeitos para as celebrações de Dia de los Muertos e Dia das Bruxas.
Link to paper dolls:
Link to costumes page 01:
Link to costumes page 01:
Link to the offerings:
More Halloween Paper Models related posts:
The Pope Mobile Paper Model - by Slam Design - O Papa Móvel
Mecha Bunny War Machine Paper Toy - by Ruang Antho
Mini Severus Snape And Llily Evans Paper Toys - by Gustavo Santome
He Man And The Masters Of The Universe Paper Toys - by Designlad
WALL-E The Compactor Robot Paper Model - by Paper Replika
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Model Assembled and Photo by Rafael Saldaña, aka Ikarus Media |
I believe that WALL-E needs no introduction. Everyone knows the story of the lonely compactor robot that one day find love and hope of a new beginning for all mankind, in the 3D animation from Disney-Pixar.
This perfect paper model version of WALL-E was created by Indonesian designer Julius Perdana, from Paper Replika website and all the photos that ilustrate this post are by Mexican designer and modeler Rafael Saldaña, aka Ikarus Media.
Eu creio que WALL-E não precisa de apresentações. Todos conhecem a história do solitário robô-operário que um dia encontra o amor e a esperança de um novo começo para toda a humanidade, na animação em 3D da Disney-Pixar.
Esta perfeita versão em papel do WALL-E foi criada pelo designer indonésio Julius Perdana, do site Paper Replika e todas as fotos que ilustram este post são do designer e modelista mexicano Rafael Saldaña, aka Ikarus Media.
More Paper Models of Robots related posts:
Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft - by GOLLUM 999 Papercraft - Robô Cão de Half-Life 2
Easy-To-Build Robot Paper Toy - by UOL - Robô Paper toy Para Crianças
Super Robot - BoxZet Paper Toy Series - by Byman Studio
Vintage Style Robot Paper Model - by Toki - Robô Estilo Vintage
Seasonal Scenes Of Japan - Goldfish Paper Model - by Yamaha
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Model Assembled and Photo by Meep KuroiSenshi |
Offered by Yamaha website, this goldfish paper model express a typical summer scene of Japan. The model in the first photo of this post was assembled by Dutch modeler Meep KuroiSenshi.
Oferecido pelo site da Yamaha, este modelo de papel de um peixinho dourado expressa uma cena típica do verão do Japão. O modelo da primeira foto deste post foi montado pela designer holandesa Meep KuroiSenshi.
More Paper Models of Aquatic Animals related posts:
Aquarium Diorama Paper Model For Kids - by Karabou Soft
King Penguin Paper Model - by Kay Craft - via Nagasaki Aquarium
Aquarium In A Box Diorama Papercraft For Kids - by Epson
Lobster Paper Model - by Kozin-Z - Lagosta Em Papercraft
Friday, October 14, 2016
Halloween Special - Jack-O-Lantern Full Head Mask Paper Model
by Chappy Okamoto
You will need 12 sheets of paper to build this cool wearable Jack-O-Lantern Full Head Mask paper model, created by Japanese designer Chappy Okamoto, comissioned by Canon website. There are other masks and you will find the links for them right below.
Você vai precisar de 12 folhas de papel para montar esta Máscara Fechada do Cabeça de Abóbora, ou Jack-O-Lantern, criada pelo designer japonês Chappy Okamoto, comissionado pelo site da Canon. Há outras máscaras lá e você vai encontrar os links para elas logo abaixo.
Link to Jack-O-Lantern:
Link to the other masks:
More Paper Models of Masks in 1/1 Scale related posts:
Assassin`s Creed Hellequin Mask - by Winged Crafts - Máscara de Arlequim
Saw Mask Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by JP Papercraft
Scarecrow Mask Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Gankutsu-O-Taku
DarkSiders II - Death Mask In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Freddie Mercury Paper Toy - by Omura Art
If alive, Freddie Mercury would have done 70 years old on 05 September 2016. The lead singer of Queen, one of the greatest rock bands of all time has been immortalized in this paper toy created by the Japanese designer Yojira Omura, from Omura Art website. If you are a fan of Freddie and Queen, I advise you to download this model quicky, because I do not know how long Mr. Omura will make it available for download.
Se estivesse vivo, Freddie Mercury teria feito 70 anos de idade no dia 05 de setembro de 2016. O vocalista e líder de uma das maiores bandas de rock de todos os tempos foi imortalizado neste paper toy criado pelo designer japonês Yojira Omura, do site Omura Art. Se você é fã do Freddie e do Queen, eu aconselho que você baixe logo este modelo, pois eu não sei por quanto tempo o Sr. Omura irá disponibilizá-lo para download.
More Rock`n`Roll Circus Paper Models related posts:
RockTroopers 2 - Backing Vocal Trooper Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Led Zeppelin Kombi - by Papermau
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Grateful Dead Bus Paper Model - by GDAO
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Frank Zappa Paper Toy - by State Of Shock
Halloween Special - The Bleak State Haunted House Paper Model
by Ravensblight
Ray O`Bannon, from Ravensblight website, the North American designer of this really nice paper model, says: _"Everyone agrees that this house is haunted, but there's a lot of uncertainty regarding who exactly might be haunting the place. It could be the souls that were once trapped here, and can now find no place else to reside. Or it might be the spirits of those buried in the cemetery beneath the property. It might even be the 'child' that's said to live in the attic. But if you're interested in owning the place, the realtor will probably be very glad to meet you."
Ray O`Bannon, do site Ravensblight, o designer norte americano deste modelo de papel muito show, diz: - "Todos concordam que esta casa é assombrada, mas há muita incerteza sobre quem exatamente pode estar assombrando o lugar. Poderiam ser almas aprisionadas, que não têm nenhum outro lugar para ir. Ou podem ser os espíritos das pessoas enterradas no cemitério abaixo da propriedade. pode até ser a "criança" que dizem morar no sótão. Mas se você estiver interessado em comprar esta casa, o corretor de imóveis provavelmente ficará muito feliz em conhecê-lo."
More Halloween Paper Models related posts:
Halloween Special - The Cemetery Keeper Spooky House Paper Model by Papermau - Download Now!
Halloween Special - Animal Crossing`s Jack - by Ultimate Papercraft
Little Monsters from Mostruo Nintendo Game- by Ushimitsu
Halloween Special - Twin Brothers` House - by Papermau - Download Now
Little Red Riding Hood Paper Toy - by Kaorin Minogue - via Canon
Comissioned by Canon Japan and designed by Kaorin Minogue, from Graphig company, this is Little Red Riding Hood paper toy in Chibi style.
Comissionado pelo site da Canon Japan e criado por Kaorin Minogue, da companhia Graphig, este é o paper toy da Chapeuzinho Vermelho em estilo Chibi.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Dookie-Poo Arcade Set Paper Toy - by Toys Are Evil
Voodoo Toothpick Dispenser - by Saltnpaper Toy Blog
Oop & Eep Monsters Paper Toy - by A G Paper Toys
Miss Fortune Paper Toy - by Qooplo Papercraft
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Ancient Fountain House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
This is a simple paper model of an Ancient Fountain House. I believe it will be useful for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. Have fun!
Este é um modelo de papel bem simples de uma Antiga Fonte de Água. eu acredito que será útil para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Boa montagem!
More Papermau Architectural Paper Models related posts:
Desktop Architecture - More One Village House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
The Ruins Of Some Ancient Civilization Diorama - by Papermau - Download Now!
Egyptian Elements For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Papermau - Download Now!
The Modern Shed Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Lucky Star - Kagami Hiiragi In Maid Suit Paper Doll - by Flavio24hh
Created by Brazilian designer and modeler Flavio24hh, this is a perfect paper doll version of Kagami Hiiragi, character of Japanese anime and mangá series Lucky Star. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Criada pelo designer e modelista brasileiro Flavio24hh, esta é uma perfeita versão em papel de Kagami Hiiragi, personagem da série de animes e mangás japonesa Lucky Star. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Dolls in Anime Style related posts:
Magical Girl Kazumi Paper Doll - by Seisaku Diary
Princess Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami
Morrigan Paper Doll Anime Style - by Alclione - via Fox In A Hole
Dissidia Final Fantasy - Vaan Gunmetal Vest - by Ace Crafts
Rilakkuma Family Paper Toy Cubes For Kids - by Kumarila
These cute Rilakkuma Family Paper Toy Cubes were created by Japanese designer and modeler Kumarila and the models you see in the photo above were assembled by Australian modeler Tsunaide.
Estes fofos paper toys "cubos" da Família Rilakkuma foram criados pelo designer e modelista japonês Kumarila e os modelos que você vê na foto acima foram montados pela modelista australiana Tsunaide.
Link page 01:
Link page 02:
More Paper Toys related posts:
Werewolf Paper Toy - by UOL - Lobisomem De Papel
Pepetz Friends Paper Toys - by Pepetz.Com - Paper Toys Made in France
The Big Bang Theory Paper Toys - by Ditch-scrawls - Hako Paper Characters
Japanese Shoyu Mascot Mittan Paper Doll - by Cafetera
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki Paper Toy - by Paperized
From Tokyo Ghoul, anime and mangá series, here is Ken Kaneki, in a nice paper toy version created by my friend, the designer and modeler Paperized, from Paperized website.
Da série de animes e mangás Tokyo Ghoul, aqui está Ken Kaneki, em uma simpática versão paper toy criada pelo meu amigo, o designer e modelista Paperized, do site Paperized.
More Anime and Mangá Paper Models related posts:
Komati Japanese Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Pontacerone
Tachibana Kanade Paper Doll Version 2 - by Btt Modeler
Naruto - Sasuke Uchiha Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome
Pikachu Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
GTA V - Sandy Shores Service Station Paper Model - Assembled by Tim Crowe
My friend from USA, the modeler Tim Crowe built the Sandy Shores Service Station paper model and posted some photos of his nice work on a thread at Paper Modelers forum. He added artificial grass and some little rocks that give a nice look for the model. - "Thanks, Tim, for the great assemble and for the photos! Greetings from Brazil to USA!" - Mauther - If you want to build your own Sandy Shores Service Station, the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.
Meu amigo dos EUA, o modelista Tim Crowe montou o modelo de papel do Posto de Serviços de Sandy Shores e postou algumas fotos de seu ótimo trabalho em um tópico no fórum Paper Modelers. Ele adicionou grama artificial e algumas pequenas rochas que deram uma nova aparência ao modelo. - "Muito obrigado, Tim, pela bela montagem e pelas fotos! Saudações do Brasil aos EUA!" - Mauther - Se você quiser montar seu próprio Posto de Serviços de Sandy Shores, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo.
Link to download the model:!
More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends related posts:
Nosferatu Vignette Paper Model - Assembled by ASC Mclaren
Play House Papercraft Assembled by OldSchoolDM
Abandoned Gas Station Paper model- Assembled by Amo Vitam
Van Gogh`s Yellow House - Assembled by Kevin WS
Halloween Special - Three Jack-O'-Lanterns Decorative Paper Models
by Bocchino Kamino Asobiba
Created by Japanese designer Bocchino Kamino Asobiba, these cute Jack-O'-Lanterns are easy-to-build models and perfect for Halloween decor.

Criadas pelo designer japonês Bocchino Kamino Asobiba, estas Abóboras "Jack-O'-Lanterns" são modelos fáceis de montar e perfeitas como decorações de Dia das Bruxas.
More Halloween Paper Models related posts:
Halloween Special - Classic Movies Monsters - by Andreas Hartung
Halloween Special - Frankenstein Follow-Me Head - by Frankenpaper
Halloween Special - Halloween House - by Canon
Halloween Special - Evil Dead Diorama - by Oh-Sheet Paper Toys