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My New Favorite Toy - Mauther - 2020 |
Today, Tuesday, the twenty-eighth day of the quarantine and here in Brazil we have 1,532 dead by the CHINESE VIRUS, better known as Covid 19, and 25,262 infected.
The mainstream media, made up of major television networks and print and online newspapers of wide circulation and audience, are making a lot of money from this pandemic. How do they do this? Disclosing everything that is bad, only what is bad and keeping people hypnotized in what looks like the end of the world. Everyone is at home, the mainstream media has never had such a captive audience, literally. Manipulating people when they are vulnerable is easy.
Politicians here in Brazil also take the opportunity to approve all kinds of measures to benefit only them. They are scoundrels who would sell their mothers themselves if they earned a few coins from it. Right now they stopped voting on a proposal for the "3 BILLION REAIS" of the electoral fund (a shameful agreement that only exists here in Brazil, of course) to be reversed to fight the pandemic. They are so damned that not even at a time like this, they can stop thinking only of them. And the people cannot even take to the streets to protest, paralyzed by the fear spread daily, with greater efficiency than that of the nefarious virus, by the mainstream media.
Understand, I am not against virus prevention: clear and direct information, without sensationalism, is much better than the media terrorism that is being done here. People are inactive, accepting all that is imposed by governors and mayors with dictatorial fetishes, and are still thanking, as if this bunch of scoundrels really care about someone other than themselves.
We have to take care of ourselves, wash our hands, wear masks, keep the protocol distance, but we can't stop the country. The big businessmen have their big magazines open, because they sell food (essential products) together with TVs, video games, computers, clothes and everything else that is prohibited to small traders. There can be no two measures, either everyone is prohibited or nobody is prohibited. Speaking of which, Governor João Doria, Cracolândia, two streets below my house, is running at full speed, 24 hours a day.
Well, I think this diary is coming out a little bit of what can be called diary, but it is difficult to see all this happening and not say anything.
See you tomorrow. Stay safe.
Hoje, terça-feira, vigésimo oitavo dia da quarentena e aqui no Brasil temos 1.532 mortos pelo VÍRUS CHINÊS, mais conhecido como Covid 19, e 25.262 infectados.
A grande mídia, formada por grandes redes de televisão e jornais impressos e online de grande circulação e audiência, estão ganhando muito dinheiro com essa pandemia. Como eles fazem isso? Divulgando tudo que é ruim, só o que é ruim e mantendo as pessoas hipnotizadas no que parece o fim do mundo. Todos estão em casa, a grande mídia nunca teve tanta audiência cativa, literalmente. Manipular as pessoas quando eles estão vulneráveis é fácil.
Os políticos aqui do Brasil também aproveitam para aprovar toda espécie de medida para beneficiar somente a eles. São canalhas que venderiam as próprias mães se eles ganhassem algumas moedas com isso. Agora mesmo deixaram de votar uma proposta para que os "3 BILHÕES DE REAIS" do fundo eleitoral (um vergonhoso acordo que só existe aqui no Brasil, claro) fossem revertidos para combater a pandemia. São tão malditos que nem em uma hora como essa, conseguem deixar de pensar apenas neles. E o povo nem ao menos pode sair às ruas para protestar, paralisados pelo medo diariamente espalhado, com eficiência maior que a do nefasto vírus, pela grande mídia.
Entenda, eu não sou contra a prevenção ao vírus: informação clara e direta, sem sensacionalismo, é muito melhor que o terrorismo midiático que está sendo feito por aqui. As pessoas estão sem ação, aceitando tudo que é imposto por governadores e prefeitos com fetiches ditatoriais, e ainda estão agradecendo, como se esses canalhas realmente se importassem com alguém a não ser eles mesmos.
Temos que nos cuidar, lavar as mãos, usar máscaras, manter a distância protocolar, mas não podemos parar o País. Os grandes empresários estão com seus grandes magazines abertos, pois vendem alimentos (produtos essenciais) junto com Tvs, videogames, computadores, roupas e tudo mais que está proibido aos pequenos comerciantes. Não pode haver duas medidas, ou se proíbe todos ou não se proíbe ninguém. Por falar nisso, governador João Doria, a Cracolândia, duas ruas abaixo de minha casa, está funcionando à todo vapor, 24 horas por dia.
Bem, acho que esse diário está saindo um pouco do que pode se chamar diário, mas é que é difícil ver tudo isso acontecendo e não falar nada.
Nos vemos amanhã. Fiquem bem.
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Prezado Mauther, bom dia! Parabéns pelo trabalho que você vem desenvolvendo no blog. Estou acompanhando seu "Diário da Quarentena" e compartilho da sua indignação em relação a toda essa situação provocada pelo Vírus Chinês e os oportunistas de plantão: políticos, empresários e a mídia sensacionalista. Parabéns pelos desenhos que você posta no blog, sua arte é fantástica!!! Um abraço pra você e sua família, se cuidem!!!
ReplyDeleteHello again from far to the north in seattle!
ReplyDeleteMr Mauther i agree 100% with the medis in my country doing the same as media everywhere, hyper sensationalizing the crisis for people to then click on the article and thus the media website earns ad revenue. it is why sooo many tv stations and shows and social media "influencers" are doing live streaming they have a captive audience who in many cases are "donating" cash to have their message highlighted in a fast scrolling live chat no one can read.
"silicon valley" executive are saying that the online industry is needing govt money because of the poor industry being hurt by this crisis too <<< not kidding. but you see the online streaming services are making the money hand over fist right now. Zoom meetings fro all the school kids and after school activities. skype and other person to person video calling services, the video game industry is EXPLODING with people buying games and computers having things delivered by amazon etc. the internet industry is lucky this crisis happened because of the riches they are stockpiling.
but my friend, i say nothing before because it is not relevant to our online back and forth messages we have here, but sir, my wife she is a Registered Nurse at our local hospital, she cares for covid infected patients daily even up here in the small farm town of 11.000 people spread out of MILES of land.
the virus is as bad as they say, the projected worst case scenarios are indeed as dire as they say, IF we do nothing at all of course. Now since you and i seem to see things very similarly from our ends of this world as far as this hobby and the current events, we are doing our part to "flatten the curve" and it is working. people do not take it seriously enough because of the human " it wont happen to me" thing we all have in our brains... sadly this virus is as contagious and deadly as the media says, but the media should stop at reporting the facts and not the political hyperbole they currently are spewing. argh! It is very frustrating to us all Mr Mauther, and not much different in our two countries, corruption at the highest levels is exposed all the time, what is that saying? "with great power comes great responsibility" too bad the politicians are using the "absolute power corrupts absolutely" proverb instead.
Head Up Good Sir! the sun is shining and summer comes soon, the people who vote outnumber the politicians. we will rise above it and conquer this crisis.
Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your communities, from seattle in friendship
Sincerely, Mike James