Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 8
Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 8

Eighth day. Despite the fact that most of us from São Paulo and Brazilians have been at home for a week, the quarantine in São Paulo was officially announced today, Wednesday and will last, initially until April 7th. Doubts: will people survive the virus locked at home? How will things be if we stay without working for a long time and the economy goes to the hole? What's worse, dying of a virus or starving? I'm not a genius, but I know that a month off is enough to break half of the country's small businesses and informal workers. Economics is a gigantic and complex machine. It is very easy to stop it, as it was actually done in a day or two. But to start operating at the same level again this machine will take more than a year, for sure. This is a real war: from narratives of groups opposed and in favor of the government, a war against an invisible enemy. Is it wrong to call it the Chinese Virus? Didn't it come from China? Who benefits from prolonging this situation? Someone, some country or countries, certainly benefit from this. Everything is very confusing ...

Take care and be well. See you tomorrow.



Oitavo dia. Apesar de a maioria de nós paulistanos e brasileiros estarmos recolhidos em casa há uma semana, a quarentena em São Paulo foi anunciada oficialmente hoje, Quarta-Feira e vai durar, inicialmente até dia 07 de Abril. Dúvidas: as pessoas sobreviverão ao vírus trancadas em casa? Como serão as coisas se ficarmos muito tempo parados sem trabalhar e a economia for pro buraco? O que é pior, morrer de vírus ou morrer de fome? Eu não sou nenhum gênio, mas sei que um mês parado é o bastante para quebrar a metade das pequenas empresas e dos trabalhadores informais do país. A Economia é uma máquina gigantesca e complexa. É muito fácil pará-la, como de fato foi feito em um dia ou dois. Mas para pôr em funcionamento no mesmo nível novamente esta máquina demorará mais de um ano, com certeza. Esta é uma verdadeira guerra: de narrativas de grupos contrários e favoráveis ao governo, uma guerra contra um inimigo invisível. É errado chamá-lo de Vírus Chinês? Não veio da China? Quem ganha com o prolongamento dessa situação? Alguém, algum país ou países, certamente ganham com isso. Tudo muito confuso...

Cuidem-se e fiquem bem. Nos vemos amanhã.


More "A Little Quarantine Diary" related posts:

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 1,2,3,4 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 1,2,3,4

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 5 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 5

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 6 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 6

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 7 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 7


  1. Hello from The Northwest of the USA Master Mauther! Tonight starts our areas 2 week stay at home official timeframe. Its going to be aOK! at first people were like no way is this for real? then they started shutting down gatherings and events, schools closed for 6 weeks and maybe more. businesses were told to close or close interior shopping/eating. we can still go out and do things, shop, get gas, have a oil change if theres a mechanic willing to stay open,
    walk the dogs, but keep a distance. we are stocked up and can go out to buy fresh things, order pizza, rent movies from automated boxes at the local stores. its surreal my child said to her friends on a zoom chat yesterday...
    we will get thru. we are a lot smarter than we were 100 years ago the last time one of these blew around the globe. from seattle we salute you! cheers to you and your family! keep the studies going, i cannot go out to print the fabulous things you are uploading yet, but i have quite a collection of things to make when this blows over and i can print things again ;)
    Be safe everyone! Mike James <Seattle Wa. usa


    1. Hi Mike,

      First at all, many thanks for your words, I am very glad to know you and all yours are ok.

      I hope you are not upset about publishing your report in the diary. Anything, please, just tell me, ok?

      Greetings from Brazil and keep safe, my friend, you and all yours.

