Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 14
Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 14

Fourteenth day of quarantine. 5,717 official confirmed cases and 201 deaths in Brazil. The crisis worsens in the Government. The president bet high minimizing the pandemic and now pays the price. Allies are not so friendly and enemies attack in packs, politically taking advantage of the tragedy. Well, in the end we know, it is the people who suffer.

Debts. Today was the day to renegotiate all the debts that were considered to be practically paid off and now there is simply no money. I spent the day between phone calls and email exchanges, combining installments and postponements when possible. Today I had to leave home, pay some unavoidable debts and more importantly, get water. The streets of the neighborhood are empty like a holiday, the roads like a dream. I have to control myself not to step on the accelerator on this practically deserted road.

The mood at home is not the best. Ordinary things are grounds for exasperated arguments. Books and films to keep the mind busy, but the reality of the epidemic, concern for my daughters, the bills, doubts about the future, all this is like another person in the house, it is almost a physical presence, which simply does not let I relax.

Well, see you tomorrow. May it be a better day. Take care.


Décimo quarto dia da quarentena. 5.717 casos oficiais confirmados e 201 mortes no Brasil. A crise se agrava no Governo. O presidente apostou alto minimizando a pandemia e agora paga o preço. Aliados se mostram não tão amigos assim e e inimigos atacam em bando, aproveitando politicamente a tragédia. Bem, no final sabemos, quem sofre é o povo.

Dívidas. Hoje foi dia de renegociar todas as dívidas que eram dados como praticamente quitados e agora simplesmente não há dinheiro. Passei o dia entre telefonemas e trocas de e-mails, combinando parcelamentos e adiamentos quando possível. Hoje tive que sair de casa, pagar alguma dívidas inadiáveis e mais importante, buscar água. As ruas do bairro vazias como em um feriado, as estradas como um sonho. Tenho que me controlar para não pisar fundo no acelerador nessa estrada praticamente deserta.

O humor em casa não está dos melhores. Coisas banais são motivos para discussões exasperadas. Livros e filmes para manter a mente ocupada, mas a realidade da epidemia, preocupação com minhas filhas, as contas, as dúvidas sobre o futuro, tudo isso é como uma outra pessoa na casa, é quase uma presença física, que simplesmente não deixa que eu relaxe.

Bem, nos vemos amanhã. Que seja um dia melhor. Cuidem-se.

More "A Little Quarantine Diary" related posts:

A Little Quarantine Diary - Days 1,2,3,4 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dias 1,2,3,4

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 5 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 5

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 6 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 6

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 7 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 7

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 8 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 8

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 9 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 9

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 10 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 10

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 11 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 11

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 12 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 12

A Little Quarantine Diary - Day 13 - Um Pequeno Diário da Quarentena - Dia 13

1 comment:

  1. Checking in from the Seattle area of the usa. Hello Mr Mauther! You nailed it, it is alike another presence in our homes, a specter of what if? indeed the moods swing and i am quick to temper with my kids antics sometimes, but we are doing what we can. our local state governor got out earlier than other states did as far as limiting gatherings and putting the schools out for 6 weeks.
    unfortunately our state serves as a portal from countries from the east side of the pacific, so we got this dang thing earlier than the other places with hot spots, but we are making a flat in the curve, this WILL burn out. keep on with the washing the hands and not getting too close to others... we have made calls to places too, our govt suspended student loan interest and payments until oct. theres lots of talks about suspending rent and or house notes for 3 months. as well as other govt sanctioned economic items to assist, but still tis stressful and theres no clear timeframe and it seems from the talking heads on the various news channels that this will never end, unless we elect someone else to deal with it...O_o i wont take up much more of your comments section Mr Mauther... just want to check in and let you know from hundreds of miles away we say a prayer for you all down there ;)

    Mike James and Family in Seattle Washington area usa.
