Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Shiba Inu Puppies Mini Paper Toys - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

Occupying only one sheet of paper, these cute little dogs, the Shiba Inu puppies, were created by Japanese designers Ayumu Saito and Craft Pocket for Canon website.

Attention: now to download some of the paper models from Canon you need to register on the site. The good news is that signing up is easy, as long as you provide a valid email address. You can also log in using your Google or Facebook account.

Ocupando apenas uma folha de papel, esses cachorrinhos fofos, os filhotes de Shiba Inu, foram criados pelos designers japoneses Ayumu Saito e Craft Pocket para o site da Canon.

Atenção: agora para baixar alguns dos modelos de papel da Canon é necessário que você se cadastre no site. A boa notícia é que o cadastro é fácil, bastando para isso que você forneça um e-mail válido. Você também pode logar usando sua conta do Google ou do Facebook.


More Paper Models of Dogs related posts:

Link: Dog Paper Model Esculpture - by Happy Mizuno - via Pepakura Gallery

Link: Yappie - The Little Dog Paper Model - by Shusaku

Link: Shiba Inu Miniature Paper Toy - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

Link: 2018`s Year Of The Dog Paper Toy - by Mak - via Paper Modelers


  1. Christopher A. FariaApril 4, 2020 at 11:12 AM

    Thank you for your posts- I'm homebound because of health issues (non-virus) and really enjoy the models you post. Blessings.

    1. Hello, Chris,

      I am glad you like it. I hope you get well soon.

      Thanks for the visit and greetings from Brazil!

