Thursday, November 24, 2011

Brexbachtal Railway Paper Model - Celebration of 125 Years - by Neuwied

A nice kit with the observation tower and two wagons, in HO scale, by German site Neuwied.

Um kit bem legal, com a torre de observação e dois vagões em escala HO, do site alemão Neuwied.


More Trains and Acessories related posts:

Deshler Tower Paper Model - by Dan Merkel - Torre Ferroviária

Porter 1887 Locomotive - by The Wood Engraver - Locomotiva Antiga

European Style Buildings - by MAGs - Construções Européias

Medieval Buildings Paper Models - by Desktop Wargames


This is a paradise for RPG gamers. All you need to build a medieval city and more: buildings, village models, war models, sci-fi, scene fillers and paper figures. A great site!

Este é um paraíso para RPG Gamers. Tudo que você precisa para construir uma cidadela medieval e mais: habitações variadas, vilarejos, war models, sci-fi, objetos para dioramas e personagens. Um grande site!



More RPG related posts:

Medieval Dice Tower - by Paper Make It - Torre para RPG Games

Buildings For RPG Games - by GHQ Models

Table Top RPG Games - by Zio Prudencio - Jogos de RPG

Rare Animals Of The World - by Yamaha Japan - Animais Raros


More than twenty animals rare or endangered, by Yamaha Japan.

Mais de vinte animais raros ou ameaçados de extinção, do site japonês Yamaha.



More Animals related posts:

Paper Animals - by Peramodel - Animais em Papel

Animated Japanese Insects - by Kids Net - Insetos Animados

Sea Creatures - by Paper Museum - Criaturas Marinhas

Pop-Up Greetings Cards - by Yamaha.Japan - Cartões Pop-Up

Download the greeting cards that surprises and delights you for free! - Yamaha








Link: Let`s.Ride,

More Pop-Up related posts:

Christmas Time - Vintage Pop-Up Crib - by Paper Model Kiosk

Pop-Up Origamic Architecture Skull - by Extreme Cards

Pop Up Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Dr. Jose Melian Rodriguez

Christmas Time - Czech Crib - by Milan Zábransky - Via Paper Model Kiosk

An one sheet model of a vintage crib, by Milan Zábranský, via Paper Model Kiosk.

Um presépio antigo, em apenas uma folha de papel, de Milan Zábranský, via Paper Model Kiosk.



More Christmas related posts:

Three Miniature Putz Christmas Houses - by Miniatures.About.Com

Christmas Time - Winter Style House - by Gasmaschinenzentrale

Christmas Time - 3D Crib - Lambs Creche - by Paper Model Kiosk

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Columbia Space Shuttle Memorial Paper Model - by Delta 7 Studios

A beautiful tribute to the astronauts who lost their lives in search of new frontiers and knowledge to all mankind, by Delta 7 Studios.

Uma bela homenagem aos sete astronautas que perderam suas vidas em busca de novas fronteiras e conhecimentos para toda a humanidade, do site Delta 7 Studios.


The Real Thing
Space Shuttle Columbia (NASA Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-102) was the first spaceworthy Space Shuttle in NASA's orbital fleet. First launched on the STS-1 mission, the first of the Space Shuttle program, it completed 27 missions before being destroyed during re-entry on February 1, 2003 near the end of its 28th, STS-107. All seven crew members were killed. Following an independent investigation into the cause of the accident, President Bush decided to retire the Shuttle orbiter fleet in 2010 in favor of the Constellation program and its manned Orion spacecraft. However, President Obama signed the NASA Authorization Act of 2010 on October 11 which officially brought the Constellation program to an end. - Wikipedia

Columbia`s Crew
Columbia foi o segundo ônibus espacial construído pelos Estados Unidos da América, baseado no protótipo Enterprise. O ônibus espacial Columbia foi o primeiro de uma série de cinco naves espaciais reaproveitáveis. Esta nova forma de viajar ao espaço foi uma tentativa dos Estados Unidos de transformar os voos espaciais em lançamentos rotineiros, de forma a serem economicamente mais viáveis. Quando o Columbia foi lançado, em 12 de abril de 1981, a previsão que os primeiros modelos fariam até 100 voos e haveria uma média de 24 lançamentos por ano. Contudo, passados mais de 27 anos do primeiro lançamento foram realizados um total de 124 voos, tendo ocorrido dois grandes desastres com a morte das duas tripulações, e o recorde de lançamentos foi de apenas 9 em 1985. No dia 1 de Fevereiro de 2003, durante o regresso da sua 28ª missão, o Columbia desapareceu dos radares quando sobrevoava, a grande altitude, o estado americano do Texas. Um pedaço de espuma que se soltara durante a decolagem danificou a protecção de cerâmica da asa esquerda, provocando uma pequena fissura. Este problema não foi detectado nem durante a decolagem, nem durante a missão. Quando da reentrada na atmosfera, o calor causado pela fricção com a atmosfera aumentou o tamanho da fissura, acabando por destruir a asa e consequentemente toda a nave, causando a morte dos sete tripulantes. - Wikipedia


More Space related posts:

Boeing X-20 Dyna Soar - by Takumi - Nasa Paper Model

Apollo Lunar Module - by U-Don`s Factory - Módulo Lunar Apollo

Astronaut Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika

Christmas Time - Dancing Santa Claus - by Canon


Turn the handle and watch Santa wiggle his hips and dance! Have a fun Christmas season with this cheerful dancing Santa. - Canon


More Christmas and Decoration related posts:

Christmas Time - Xmas Wreaths - by Canon - Coroas Natalinas

Christmas Time - Navajo Nativity Set Paper Model - by Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - New Decorative Stars - by Projekt-Bastelbogen

Aircraft Hangar 1/144 Scale - by Tomtom-Net


In 1995 I constructed the aircraft hangar together with two barracks for a diorama with my Luftwaffe aircraft. Construction is quite simple - drawings are made in black and white, I used different cardboard colors to get different wall, roof and floor colors. - Tomtom-Net


Link: Aircraft.Hangar.1/

More Aircraft and Buildings related posts:

Goodyear Blimp - by Carrera For Fun - Zeppelin da Goodyear

Link Trainer Flight Simulator - by Currell Graphics - 1º Simulador de Voo

United Airlines Flight 93 Aircraft - by Jules Perdana

Japanese Houses - by Beaver House.Net - Casas Japonesas



More Japanese Houses related posts:

Japanese Houses - by Anraku - Casas Japonesas

Japanese House - by Yoshinaka - Casa Japonesa

"My Neighbor Totoro" House - by 222.Co - Casa "De Meu Vizinho Totoro"

Savage Wheels 28mm Sports Car - by Grey Wolf



A cleaned-up version of the original "Savage Wheels" sports car design, with a few new props, suitable for modern, post-apocalyptic and "zombie apocalypse" scenarios. - Greywolf.Critter.Net

Link: Grey.Wolf

More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Ford Cortina/Taunus and Service Station

Nissan Pao Paper Model Car - by Ken`s Lab

Camp-Inn Trailer With Interior - French Model - Trailer De Viagem

Long Boat Paper Model - by Fitz.Jsr - Barco Longo


This is a work in progress which I've been meaning to get around to finishing for a good long time now. I've since become resigned to the fact that finishing it may be some way off in the distant future, so I've elected instead to upload the model now, since it's in a more-or-less useable state. (NOTE: The figures don't come with the model. Just in case you thought I had some magic way of storing 25mm lead figures in a PDF file.)- Fitz.Jsr.Com



More Boats and Ships related posts:

Kon-Tiki - by Bgbiomass

Boat Cleopatra - by Waldenfont.Com - Barco Cleopatra

Lelievlet Fishing Boat - by Elfrink-Bouwplaten

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa


Just got an email from Blogger warning me about unauthorized content on my blog. The content is "Chevelle Highway To Hell". I believe that the claim came from the advocates of the brand AC/DC, because the link to the van (Kombi) had been deleted without any kind of warning. To avoid losing my blog and respond in a process that I would lose for sure, after all, rights are rights and whether a trademark is registered, it was foolish of me to use it without permission, even if the model distributing free. I want to inform readers of the blog that the models of vehicles containing the logos and the name of an album and a song of this band are no longer available for download or any other form of distribution. I would, however, make clear that there are several sites on the Internet, most of Eastern Europe that make uploading files from other designers and publisher houses, their livelihood. I want to make clear that I'm not part of any of these sites, nor have any relationship with any kind of people for these sites. Unfortunately, what was to be a tribute was transformed into an ugly, comic and criminal thing.
I apologize to all who follow the blog for the inconvenience of having to read this statement. Sorry by the bad English.



Eu acabei de receber um email do Blogger me alertando de conteúdo não autorizado em meu blog. O conteúdo se trata do "Chevelle Highway To Hell" , creio que a reclamação parta dos advogados da marca AC/DC, pois o link para a Kombi já havia sido deletado sem nenhuma espécie de aviso. Para evitar perder meu blog e responder um processo em que eu com certeza perderia, afinal de contas, direitos são direitos e se uma marca é registrada, foi no mínimo uma grande tolice de minha parte usá-la sem autorização, mesmo que distribuindo o modelo gratuitamente. Eu Informo então aos leitores do blog que os modelos de papel de veículos contendo as logomarcas e o nome de um album e uma canção da referida banda, não estão mais disponíveis para download ou qualquer outra forma de distribuição. Eu gostaria, porém, de deixar claro que há na internet vários sites, a maioria do leste europeu, que fazem do upload de arquivos de outras pessoas seu ganha pão. Quero deixar claro que não faço parte de nenhum desses sites e nem tenho nenhuma espécie de vínculo com qualquer responsável por esses sites. Infelizmente, o que era para ser uma homenagem foi transformado em uma coisa feia e criminosa.
Peço desculpas a todos que acompanham o blog pela inconveniência de ter que ler esta declaração.


Next Model - Chevrolet Chevelle Rising Sun - by Papermau

This Week...

More Chevrolet Chevelle related posts:

Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 - Dark Version - by Papermau

Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 - Nascar Body - by Papermau

New Hungarian Building - by Somodi Zoltan - Prédio Húngaro


A very nice new model by Somodi Zoltan: a classic Hungarian building.

Um modelo novinho em folha de Somodi Zoltan: um prédio húngaro em estilo clássico.



More Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Red Dog Saloon - by Papermau - Saloon do Cão Vermelho

Japanese Pagoda - by Otonchin.Soreccha.JP - Pagode Japonês

Boyen Fortress - Poland - by Renova Model - Fortaleza Boyen

Danger Mouse`s Car Paper Model - by Armada Models


PhotobucketAs the name implies Danger Mouse is no ordinary mouse. He is a one-eyed British secret agent whose adventures are wonderfully portrayed in the eponymous cartoon by Cosgrove Hall. Our 160gsm card model of Danger Mouse's flying Sports car was created in 2008 as a private project; not for circulation. With the demise of Cosgrove Hall in 2009 we decided to make this model kit freely available - as a download at the bottom of this page - to act as a reminder of what quality British animation once was. - Armada Models

The "Real" Thing

DangerMouse é um desenho animado britânico produzido pela Cosgrove Hall Films para a Thames Television, que apresenta um rato agente secreto chamado DangerMouse. O show é uma paródia do universo da espionagem, principalmente de James Bond. No Brasil esse desenho foi exibido pela Rede Record na década de 1980 e dublado pela Herbert Richers. - Wikipedia


Link: Danger.Mouse`

More TV Shows Cars and Vehicles:

1966 Batmobile Paper Car - by Paper Inside - Batmóvel

Clark Kent`s Nash Healey Paper Car - by Richard Taylor

Dodge Charger "General Lee" - by Cemodelazil

Hammerhead Tower Castrop-Rauxel - by Hammerkopfturm

Very realistic model in 1/87 scale of a hammerhead tower, by German site Hammerkopfturm.

Modelo bem realista de uma torre em escala 1/87, do site alemão Hammerkopfturm.



More Towers, Architecture and Buildings related posts:

The Clock Tower Diorama - by Papermau - Torre do Relógio

Eiffel Tower Paper Model - by Canon - Torre Eiffel

Old Ryounkaku Tower, in Japan - by 12 Kai.Com - Torre Japonesa

Mazda K 360 Three-Wheeled Vehicle - by Nurarihyon


The Real Thing
The Mazdago or K360 was a three-wheeled open "truck" first produced in 1931 that resembled a motorcycle with an open wagon or truck bed. It was steered with handlebars and powered with an air-cooled 1-cylinder engine/transmission combination unit. It was sold by Mitsubishi in Japan. It was considered to be the first autorickshaw. Over the years, it would be produced in different variants and spawned other similar designs such as the Hopestar and Daihatsu Midget. It was also the first vehicle manufactured by Mazda. - Wikipedia

O Mazdago, ou K360, era uma espécie de mini caminhão de três rodas. Era comercializado no Japão pela Mitsubishi. Ao longo dos anos, seria produzida em diferentes variantes, e gerou outros projetos semelhantes, como o Daihatsu Midget. Foi o primeiro veículo fabricado pela Mazda Motors do Japão. - Wikipedia



More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Volkswagen Transporter Van - by Papermau - Brazilian Kombi

Trabant - East German Car - Carro da Extinta Alemanha Oriental

Shell Vintage Cars - by Camill - Veículos Antigos

Christmas Time - Vintage Pop-Up Crib - by Paper Model Kiosk


A few cuts and folds create a three-dimensional nativity. - Crechemania

Apenas alguns cortes e dobras fazem um presépio tridimensional. - Crechemania


More Christmas and Cribs related posts:

Christmas Time - 3D Crib - Jennifer's Creche - by Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - Brandyská Nativity Set - by Papermodel Kiosk

Christmas Time - 1900`s 3D Crib - Svatava Nativity - by Paper Model Kiosk

Fuel Supply Ship - by Pepakuratimatima - Navio De Reabastecimento



More Boats and Ships related posts:

Six Boats And Ships - by Kallboys - Seis Embarcações

Japan Coast Guard Ships - by 01 Kanku - Barcos Japoneses

Japanese Army Vehicles - by Ministry Of Defense Kids Site

Monday, November 21, 2011

Four Medieval Cathedrals Paper Models - by Norbtach - Quatro Catedrais

Four Cathedrals without textures, by Norbtach.

Quatro catedrais sem texturas, de Norbtach.


1 - Medieval Cathedral 1

2 - Medieval Cathedral 2

3 - Medieval Cathedral 3

4 - Medieval Cathedral 4

More Medieval Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Medieval Bridge - by Toshach Miniatures - Ponte Medieval

Medieval Castle For Kids - by Papermau - Castelo Medieval Para Crianças

Dol Anduin Castle - by Toshach Miniatures - Castelo Miniatura

Super Robot - BoxZet Paper Toy Series - by Byman Studio


BoxZet Papertoy is a project for anyone who likes PaperCraft. And anyone who want to design boxset by themselves. BoxZet Papertoy, first started at the well-known Art Exhibition in Bangkok,Thailand. And now, it's ready for worldwide!. You can download all model for free. And print out to create your own collection. But If you wanna create your own design, just click "Join us!" . And send your design to show everyone on this Website. And give it to the wold.
Load it!, Print, Cut, Fold 'N Glue. Have fun! - Byman Studio


More Robots related posts:

Vintage Style Robot Paper Model - by Toki - Robô Estilo Vintage

Japanese Robot - Vintage Style - by 222.Co.Jp - Robô Japonês

Articulated Paper Robots- Robôs Articulados "Mazinger"

Christmas Time - Four Christmas Trees - by Canon

Four cool Christmas trees, by Japanese site Canon.


1 - Miniature Tree (Basic)

2 - Christmas Tree Basic

3 - Miniature Tree (Pop)

4 - Christmas Tree with Ornaments

More Christmas related posts:

Santa Claus House Diorama - by Canon - Casa do Papai Noel

Christmas Time - Decorative Stars - by Projekt Bastelbogen

Christmas Time - Paper Crib - Nativity Set - by My Little House

Sukhoi - 26 / 29 / 31 - Russian Acrobatic Airplanes - by Mamecraft

Sukhoi-26 and Sukhoi-29

The Real Thing - Sukhoi-29
Sukhoi Company is a major Russian aircraft manufacturer, headquartered in Begovoy District, Northern Administrative Okrug, Moscow,famous for its fighters. It was founded by Pavel Sukhoi in 1939 as the Sukhoi Design Bureau (OKB-51, design office prefix Su). Sukhoi's Su-24, Su-25, Su-27, Su-30, Su-34, and shipborne Su-33 aircraft are in service with the Russian Air Force and Navy. Sukhoi attack and fighter aircraft have been supplied to Armenia, India, China, Poland, the Czech Republic, Iraq, Slovakia, Hungary, Georgia, East Germany, Syria, Algeria, North Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Angola, Ethiopia, Peru, Eritrea, and Indonesia. More than 2000 Sukhoi aircraft were supplied to foreign countries on export contracts.
With its Su-26, Su-29 and Su-31 models Sukhoi is also a manufacturer of aerobatic aircraft.

The Real Thing - Sukhoi-31
A Sukhoi é uma grande empresa russa fabricante de aeronaves, mais conhecida por seus caças militares. Fundada por Pavel Sukhoi em 1939 como Gabinete de Projetos Sukhoi (OKB-51, escritório de design prefixo Su), é atualmente conhecida como Sukhoi Corporation. A empresa é formada pela joint-venture da JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau de Moscou, Novosibirsk Aviation Production Association (NAPO), Komsomolsk-na-Amure Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO) e a Irkutsk Aviation. Atualmente, os Su-27, Su-30, Su-24, Su-25, Su-24M e Su-33 para porta-aviões estão em serviço para a Forca Aérea Russa e para a Marinha Russa. Caças Sukhoi foram fornecidos para a Índia, China, Polónia, República Checa, Eslováquia, Hungria, Alemanha, Síria, Algéria, Coréia do Norte, Vietname, Afeganistão, Yemen, Egito, Líbia, Irão, Angola, Etiópia, Peru e Venezuela. Um total de mais de 2.000 aviões Sukhoi foram fornecidos a países estrangeiros em contratos de exportação.
Com os modelos Su-26, Su-29 e Su-31, a Sukhoi também é uma das líderes no mercado de aviões acrobáticos.


More Aircraft related posts:

Polikarpov I-16 Russian Plane - by Modele-Kartonowe - Avião Russo

WW2 Czech Plane Avia B-135 - by Quasi - via Papermodelers.Sk

WW2 P51 Mustang and Lublin R-XVI Airplanes - by Kartonmodelle