Monday, January 16, 2012

Articulated Poplock Robot Paper Toy - by Paper Posables - Robô Articulado


A cool articulate model of a funny blue robot, by Paper Posables.

Um modelo articulado de um simpático robozinho azul, do site Paper Posables.



More Robots related posts:

Vintage Style Robot Paper Model - by Toki - Robô Estilo Vintage

Easy-To-Build Robot Paper Toy - by UOL - Robô Paper toy Para Crianças

Meca Chico Paper Toy - by Shozy

Japanese Robot - Vintage Style - by 222.Co.Jp - Robô Japonês

Build Your Own Victorian Village - by Museum Of Childhood - Vilarejo Vitoriano


A very old model by Australian site Museum Of Childhood. There are eight templates to make a great Vitorian Village.

Um modelo bem antigo do site australiano Museum Of Childhood. são oito folhas com peças para construir um grande vilarejo em estilo vitoriano.




More Australian Models related posts:

Paper Model History - 1860`s Model Zoo - by Power House Museum

Australian Farm - by Power House Museum - Fazenda Australiana

Locomotive Nº 1 - by Power House Museum

PC 6 Turbo Porter In Australian Army Colors - by Paper Tiger Armaments

Dinosaur Papercraft - Triceratops - by Canon - Tricerátopo - Dinossauro De Papel

Artistic Interpretation Of A Triceratops
Triceratops is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur which lived during the late Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous Period, around 68 to 65 million years ago (Mya) in what is now North America. It was one of the last dinosaur genera to appear before the great Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. The term Triceratops, which literally means "three-horned face," is derived from the Greek τρί- (tri-) meaning "three", κέρας (kéras) meaning "horn", and ὤψ (ops) meaning "face". Bearing a large bony frill and three horns on its large four-legged body, and conjuring similarities with the modern rhinoceros, Triceratops is one of the most recognizable of all dinosaurs and the best known ceratopsid. It shared the landscape with and was preyed upon by the fearsome Tyrannosaurus, though it is less certain that the two did battle in the manner often depicted in traditional museum displays and popular images. - Wikipedia

Triceratops Skeleton
O tricerátopo (Triceratops horridus, do latim "cabeça com três chifres") foi um tipo de dinossauro herbívoro e quadrúpede que viveu no fim do período Cretáceo, principalmente na região que é hoje a América do Norte. O tricerátopo possuía enormes chifres e, ao que se sabe, foi o maior de todos os dinossauros com essa característica, media em torno de 9 metros de comprimento, 3 metros de altura e pesava em torno de 6 toneladas. A descoberta do primeiro crânio de tricerátopo ocorreu em 1888 em Denver, no estado americano do Colorado. Já em 1889, um ano após a descoberta, Othniel Charles Marsh fez a nomeação oficial da espécie. É um dos dinossauros mais conhecidos do público, tendo aparecido no filme Jurassic Park de Steven Spielberg. Nos Estados Unidos, é um dos símbolos oficiais do Wyoming.
Há indícios que, na verdade, o tricerátopo seja a versão jovem do torossauro, porém ainda não há provas irrefutáveis. - Wikipedia


More Dinosaurs related posts:

Dinosaur Papercraft - Supersaurus - by Canon - Superssauro - Dinossauro De Papel

Dinosaur Papercraft - Stegosaurs - by Canon - Estegossauro - Dinossauro De Papel

Dinosaur Papercraft - Apatosaurus - by Canon - Apatossauro - Dinossauro De Papel

Dinosaur Papercraft - Allosaurus - by Canon - Alossauro - Dinossauro De Papel

Jade Dragon Automata Papercraft - by Home Spun Magixx - Dragão De Jade


A precious automata model, by Steven Marshall, from Home Spun Magixx, a Jade Dragon that winds when you turn the crank.
The word Automaton is the latinization of the Greek αὐτόματον,... automaton, (neuter) “acting of one’s own will”. It is more often used to describe non-electronic moving machines, especially those that have been made to resemble human or animal actions, such as the jacks on old public striking clocks, or the cuckoo and any other animated figures on a cuckoo clock. An evolution of the mechanized toys developed during the 18th and 19th centuries is represented by automata made with paper. Despite the relative simplicity of the material, paper automata intrinsically are objects with a high degree of technology, where the principles of mechanics meet the artistic creativity. - Wikipedia

Um modelo precioso, estilo autômata, do designer Steven Marshall, do site Home Spun Magixx, um dragão de jade que serpenteia quando se gira a manivela.
A palavra Automaton é uma adaptação do grego αὐτόματον, ou agir por si próprio. É mais usado para descrever máquinas com movimentos não eletrônicos, tais como bonecos de corda ou mola, relógios cuco, ou qualquer outra figura animada, por meios que não os elétricos ou eletrônicos. Uma evolução dos brinquedos mecânicos, desenvolvidos durante os séculos XVIII e XIX são os autômatos feitos em papel. Apesar da relativa simplicidade do material usado, no caso o papel, os chamados "paper automata" são objetos com alto grau de tecnologia, onde os rígidos princípios da mecânica harmonizam-se com a criatividade e liberdade artísticas.



More Automata related posts:

Clown in the Clouds Paper Model - by Paper Pino

Walking Mech Warrior Paper Model Automata - by J.Hodgie

Animated Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Kids Net - Tiranossauro

Da Vinci`s Mechanical Hammer - by Paper Pino - Martelo de Da Vinci

The Pope Mobile Paper Model - by Slam Design - O Papa Móvel

The pope is pop and he really suits the style of this car.

O papa é pop e ele reamente combina com o estilo deste carro.


Link: The.Pope.Mobile.Paper

More Pope and Catholic Religion related posts:

The Pope Paper Models - by Rob Nance and Recortables

Three Catholic Churches - by Pepachal - Três Igrejas Católicas

La Asunción Church - by Blog De Tobarra - Igreja De La Asunción Em Tobarra

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Time Machine Discos Diorama - by Papermau - Some Advances

Here the first template of Time Machine Discos Diorama. I think some details like plates on windows, a trash can, some posters and windows at lateral walls will enrich the model.

Eis aqui a primeira folha de teste do Time Machine Discos Diorama. Creio que alguns detalhes como placas de propagandas nas janelas do andar superior, uma lata de lixo, alguns posters e janelas nas paredes laterais, darão uma enriquecida no modelo.



More One Time Machine Discos Diorama related post:

Time Machine Discos Diorama - by Papermau - Next Project

Drum Set Paper Model - by Canon - Bateria Completa


The Real Thing
A drum kit (also drum set) is a collection of drums, cymbals and often other percussion instruments, such as cowbells, wood blocks, triangles, chimes, or tambourines, arranged for convenient playing by a single person, sometimes called the drummer. The individual instruments of a drum kit are hit by a variety of implements held in the hand, including sticks, brushes, and mallets. Two exceptions include the bass drum, played by a foot-operated pedal, and the hi-hat cymbals, which may be struck together using a foot pedal in addition to being played with sticks or brushes. Although other instruments can be played using a pedal, the feet are usually occupied by the bass drum and hi hat, and as a result the drummer often plays in a seated position. Percussion notation is often used by drummers to signify which drum kit components are to be played. A full size drum kit without any additional percussion instruments includes a bass drum, floor tom, snare drum, tom-toms, and a variety of cymbals including hi-hat cymbals, a ride cymbal and one or more crash cymbals. The exact set-up is dictated by the type of music played and the drummer's personal preferences. For example, in most forms of rock music, the bass drum, hi-hat and snare drum are the primary instruments used to create a drum beat, whereas in jazz, ride and snare patterns tend to be more prevalent and the hi-hat is played with the foot. - Wikipedia

A bateria é um conjunto de tambores (de diversos tamanhos e timbres) e de pratos colocados de forma conveniente com a intenção de serem percurtidos por um único músico, denominado baterista, geralmente, com o auxílio de um par de baquetas, vassourinhas ou bilros, embora no caso de alguns executantes, possam também ser usadas as próprias mãos. - Wikipedia



More Musical Instruments related posts:

Classic Guitar - by Renova Models - Violão Clássico

Grand Piano Paper Model - by Canon

Violin Paper Model - by Hiroshi Chiba - via Canon

Eletric Guitars - by - Paper Guitar.Com - Guitarras Elétricas

Fatal Frame Camera Obscura Papercraft - by Action Papercrafts


A cool model to decorate your desktop or your shelf, by Blue Dragon, from Action Papercrafts.

Um modelo bem bacana para decorar sua mesa de trabalho ou estante, do designer Blue Dragon, do site Action Papercrafts.



More Videogames related posts:

Tokyo Gold Artifact From Tomb Raider: Legend - by Saschacraft

Shiva Statue From Tomb Raider 3 - by Sascha Craft

Classic Pinball Machines Paper Models - by Matica

Revolver And Pistol Paper Models - by X Diem

Vita Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami - Boneca Estilo Anime


More one great model by Japanese designer Moekami.

Mais um belo modelo de boneca estilo anime, do designer japonês Moekami.



More Paper Dolls related posts:

Playboy Blondie Girl Paper Model - by Neolxs

Korean Paper Doll Anime Style - by Paper 101 - Boneca Coreana

Bamboo Blade Anime Paper Dolls - by A C Gateway

Maid Doll Anime Style - by Moekami - Boneca Estilo Anime

Assassin`s Creed - Altair Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi


A group of great designers in one of the best sites of videogame recriations in paper of all net: Noturno Sukhoi. Incredible models, all for free!

Um grupo de grandes designers reunidos em um dos melhores sites de recriações de personagens de videogames de toda a net: Noturno Sukhoi. Modelos incríveis, downloads gratuítos!


PhotobucketAssassin's Creed is a historical fiction action-adventure open world stealth video game series that as of 2012 consists of four main games and a number of supporting materials. All of the Assassin's Creed games take place in 2012, featuring the protagonist Desmond Miles, a bartender who is a descendent of a line of Assassins; though raised as an Assassin, he fled his nomadic family to seek out a more common lifestyle. He is initially kidnapped by the megacorporation Abstergo Industries, the modern-day face of the Knights Templar who are aware of Desmond's lineage. Desmond is forced to use the "Animus", a device that allows him to experience his ancestral memories. Abstergo is seeking to discover the location of several artifacts, or "Pieces of Eden", that hold great power, to control mankind and alter its fate, bringing humanity into a single unified group. Desmond is later rescued by a small team of modern-day Assassins and taken to a secure location; agreeing to work with them, Desmond uses their version of the Animus to continue to experience the memories of his ancestors to discover the locations of additional Pieces of Eden so they can be recovered before Abstergo can do so. While experiencing these memories, some of their abilities are genetically leaked into Desmond, known as the Bleeding Effect, giving him some of the Assassin skills of his predecessors at the cost of living with multiple sets of memories and personalities in his mind. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketAssassin's Creed é um jogo eletrônico de ação-aventura em terceira-pessoa desenvolvido pela Ubisoft Montreal e publicado pela Ubisoft. Foi lançado mundialmente em Novembro de 2007 para os consoles PlayStation 3 e Xbox 360, e em Abril de 2008 para Windows. Teve também uma conversão para celular que foi lançada em 2007 e uma sequência intitulada Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles lançada para Nintendo DS e iPhone, em 2008 e 2009, respectivamente. A história se ambienta em setembro de 2012, focando-se em Desmond Miles, um bartender sequestrado e levado a um laboratório de uma empresa chamada "Indústrias Abstergo", que conduz pesquisas sobre memória genética. Através de sessões com Desmond, o jogador toma conhecimento de que ele é o descendente de Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad ("Filho de Nenhum"), um membro do "Clã dos Assassinos" de 1191, que esteve em uma missão de obter um "Pedaço do Éden", um artefato capaz de criar ilusões, dos Templários. Ao longo da história, é revelado que a administração do laboratório é uma versão moderna dos Templários, e que eles estavam cientes da ascendência de Miles. Quando o real objetivo deles é revelado, o jogador toma conhecimento de que eles estão tentando localizar um Pedaço do Éden, o qual eles acreditavam estar escondido nas memórias de Miles. - Wikipedia

A Classic Scene of Assassin`s Creed

Link: Assassin`

More Videogames Characters related posts:

Bioshock Paper Models - by Chamoo232 and Bryan Green

Dissidia Final Fantasy Paper Models - by Aaron Ang

Big Sister From BioShock2 - by Destro2k - via Deviant Art

Tomb Raider Legend Lara Croft - by Ninjatoes

Smart Mini Taxi Paper Car - by My Crazy Taxis - via Ninjatoes


An easy-to-build model of a Smart, british vehicle, in a cab version, from German site My Crazy Taxis. I want to thank Ninjatoes for this nice find.

Um modelo bem fácil de montar, de um carro inglês Smart, aqui na versão táxi, do site alemão My Crazy Taxis . Gostaria de agradecer à Ninjatoes por este achado bem legal.


Link to the model:

Ninjatoes Main Page: Ninjatoes.Papercraft.Webpage.Have.Fun.Building

More British Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Mini Cooper Paper Car - by Max Neumeyer

Lotus Europa Paper Car - by Takumi

Lomax Britsh Paper Car - by Faehnrichweb.De

Morris Comercial Light Van - by Transport Nostalgia

Saturday, January 14, 2012

MG TC Midget Paper Car - by Canon

Model assembled and Photos by Harrow Modelling Society.Co.UK

The Real Thing
The MG TC Midget is probably one of the best known MGs to come out of Abingdon since the Second World War. As soon as the war was over the factory resumed car production after six years of producing tanks, armoured cars and aeroplane engines for the war effort. The basis of the new car was the pre-war MG TB, it was to have a similar engine and gearbox and axles, the only significant changes would be to the body which was widened by nearly 4" across the seats without changing the basic chassis, wings and running-boards or facia layout. The TC was improved in detail too, the sidescreens now had flaps to facilitate hand signalling, the electrical equipment was also updated with the twin 6 volt batteries removed from the underfloor position of the TB to a bulkhead box containing a large 12 volt battery. There were also changes to the suspension, hydraulic lever arm dampers were fitted and the road springs were mounted in shackles rather than the traditional sliding trunnions. This change allowed the use of war-proven rubber suspension bushes which gave smoother quieter feel to the car as did the fitment of rubber engine mountings. Otherwise it was exactly the same as the 1936 design of the MG TA which started the T series line. Within 5 weeks of the official end of the war in October 1945, The MG Car Company announced the TC Midget and by the end of that year had proudly produced 81 examples which was no mean feat as so many materials were in short supply, especially sheet steel. -



More Classic Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Jaguar E-Type Paper Car - by Canon

Chevrolet Confederate Deluxe Sport Roadster - by Canon

Aston Martin DBS Coupe Paper Model - by Odontogriphus

Alfa Romeo 8C2900B Corto Paper Car - by Canon

Santiago de Bernabeu Stadium - by Kaukapedia - Estádio De Futebol Espanhol


The Real Thing
The Estadio Santiago Bernabéu is an all-seater football stadium in Madrid, Spain. It was inaugurated on 14 December 1947 and is owned by Real Madrid Club de Fútbol. It has a current capacity of 85,454 spectators. El Bernabéu, re-named in honour of their former chairman Santiago Bernabéu Yeste, is one of the world's most famous and prestigious football venues. It has hosted the European Cup final on three occasions: in 1957, 1969 and 1980, and the UEFA Champions League Final in 2010. The finals for the 1964 European Nations' Cup and the 1982 World Cup have also been held at the Bernabéu. - Wikipedia

O Estádio Santiago Bernabéu é um estádio de futebol localizado em Madrid (Espanha), de propriedade do Real Madrid. Localizado no lugar do antigo estádio do Real Madrid, o Estádio Charmatín, o Santiago Bernabéu foi projetado por Luis Alemany Soler e Manuel Muñoz Monasterio, o estádio teve sua pedra fundamental instalada em 27 de Outubro de 1944. Foi inaugurado em 14 de dezembro de 1947 numa partida o Real Madrid e Belenenses de Portugal, com o nome de Estádio Chamartín. À época possuía uma capacidade para 75.145 espectadores, dos quais 27.645 tinham assentos (7.125 cobertos) e 47.500 de pé (2 mil cobertos). Em 4 de janeiro de 1955, depois de uma grande remodelação, reuniu-se a Assembleia Geral de Sócios Compromissários, quando resolveu-se adoptar o nome actual, em homenagem ao ex-presidente do clube e principal artífice da construção do estádio, o dirigente Santiago Bernabéu. Em 2003, o Santiago Bernabéu foi denominado pela UEFA como Estádio 5 Estrelas. - Wikipedia



More Spanish Architecture and buildings related posts:

Montsoriu Castle - by El Parc Natural del Montseny

Tiana`s Observatory - by Astro Tiana Org - Obervatório Astronômico

Manresa Paper Models - by Isegon - Arquitetura de Manresa, Catalunha

Projekt Bastelbogen - Five Years Of Great Paper Models For All Ages


PhotobucketProjekt Bastelbogen, by German designer Boris, has just completed five years of existence always bringing beautiful models for all ages and always for free. Train sets, buildings, vehicles, decoration projects and much more. A very instructive site for all who enjoy paper models.

Projekt Bastelbogen acaba de completar cinco anos de existência, sempre nos trazendo os mais belos modelos em papel, e sempre de graça. Trens, acessórios, casa e prédios, veículos, projetos de decoração e muito mais. um site muito instrutivo para todos que gostam de paper models em geral.


Link: Projekt.Bastelbogen.Five.Years.Of.Great.Paper.Models.For.All.Ages

More Projekt Bastelbogen related posts:

Trains, Cars And German Houses - by Projekt-Bastelbogen - Trens, Carros E Casas

Two Houses HO Scale - by Projekt Bastelbogen - Casas Escala HO

Old German Factory - by Projekt-Bastelbogen - Fábrica Alemã

Polarfuchs / Artic Fox Boat Paper Model - by Oliver Bizer - Barco Raposa Do Ártico


More one great model by German designer Oliver Bizer., from Olli`s models.

Mais um grande modelo do designer alemão Oliver Bizer, do site Olli`s Models.



In this page you will find instructions with photos to assemble this model: Olli`s.Polarfuchs.Instructions

More Boats and Ships related posts:

The Ship From Fide Church - by Gunnar Sillén - Galé Antiga Do Báltico

Norwegian Fishing Boat And Mobile - by Norwegen Fisch

Korean Turtle Ship - by How Paper Cafe - Barco de Guerra Antigo

Boat Cerberus Paper Model - by Paper Shipwright - Barco Cerberus

Japanese School Suitcase Papercraft - by Hattori - Bolsa Escolar Japonesa

As my daughters would say: "this is cute!"

Como minhas filhas diriam: "isto é cute!"



More Japanese Objects and Decoration related posts:

Decorative Cactus Paper Models - by Canon

Fish Themed Perpetual Calendar - by Canon - Calendário Perpétuo

New Year Special - Asian Luck Itens - by Kirin

Star Festival Decoration Set - by Canon - Festival Das Estrelas No Japão

Paris Metro's Railcars Paper Models - by Pierre Free France - Metrô De Paris


Paris Metro's Railcar: this is the old Sprague-Thomson train set that formed the basis of the metro's rolling stock build from 1926 to 1935 until their withdrawal in the early 1980s. A train was formed with two engined railcars and three cars (one red in the middle of train for first class). Model's scale HO: 1:87 -

Antigos Vagões do Metrô Parisiense: Este aí em cima é um antigo vagão de metrô Sprague-Thomson, que formava a base do Metrô de Paris, quando da sua construção, entre 1926 e 1935 e que rodaram até os anos 1980, quando foram definitivamente aposentados. Um comboio padrão era formado por dois vagões motorizados e três vagões de passageiros ( o vermelho, que ficava no meio do comboio, era reservado para os passageiros de primeira classe). Este modelo foi feito em escala HO/escala 1/87. -


Link: Paris.Metro'

More Metro, Trains and Railcars related posts:

Mitake Mountain Cable Car - by Keio - Bonde da Montanha Mitake

Passenger-Carrying Coache - by Paper Camera - Vagão de Passageiros

Le Petit Train - by Agence Eureka - Pequeno Trem Francês

San Francisco Street Car Paper Model - by Archidigm - Bonde Californiano

Vintage Toblerone`s Truck - by Agence Eureka - Caminhão da Toblerone

Model Assembled and Photos by Agence Eureka

A really nice and old model by Toblerone Swiiss Chocolate Maker, via Agence Eureka.

Um modelo realmente legal e antigo da fabricante de chocolates suíça Toblerone, via Agence Eureka.


Link: Vintage.Toblerone`

More trucks and Vehicles related posts:

Citroën HY Van 1/43 Scale - by Schaalbouw

44 European Cargo Trucks - by Norbtach - Caminhões De Carga

Truck Unimog Paper Model - by Toni Mauricio - Caminhão Unimog

Friday, January 13, 2012

3D Town Paper Model Diorama For Kids - by Parents Choice.Org - Cidade De Papel

A really nice project for kids, by Parents Choice.Org.

Um projeto realmente muito bacana para crianças, do site Parents Choice.Org.



More Dioramas related posts:

Little Urban Diorama - by Papermau - Pequeno Diorama Urbano

One Monk Miniatures - Free Paper Models

Japanese Scenes Dioramas - by Stork - Dioramas Da Vida Japonesa

Colonial Diorama For Kids - Diorama Colonial para Crianças

Trinity Buoy Wharf Lighthouse - by Paper Shipwright - Farol Inglês


London’s only lighthouse was designed by James Douglass and built at Trinity House’s Bow Creek depot in 1866. Properly referred to as the Experimental Lighthouse, it was never intended to be used operationally – but rather was used to test new lighting technologies and to train new lighthouse keepers. The tower was built beside the Chain and Buoy Store, built in 1864, and replaced an earlier experimental lighthouse. The new tower was used by Michael Faraday for his work investigating electric lights as a possible light source. Trinity House closed the depot in 1988 and the site is now run by Urban Space Management under the name Trinity Buoy Wharf. It provides studio space for artists, flats and other spaces. - Paper Shipwright

O único farol de Londres, foi desenhado por James Douglass e construído em Bow Trinity House Creek em 1866. Adequadamente chamado de Farol Experimental, nunca chegou a ser usado operacionalmente , mas foi usado para testar novas tecnologias de iluminação e de formar novos guardas de farol. A nova torre foi usada por Michael Faraday que ali desenvolveu seus experimentos de como usar a energia elétrica como fonte de luz.O farol agora é administrado pela Administração do Espaço Urbano Inglês sob o nome de Trinity Buoy Wharf. Ele agora é usado como estúdio de artes e apartamentos. - Paper Shipwright

The Real Thing


More Lighthouses related posts:

Swedish Lighthouse - by Bildrum.Se - Farol Sueco

209 Japanese Lighthouses - by Tokokai.Org - 209 Faróis Japoneses

Nord Bank Dublin Lighthouse - by Groupb - Farol Irlandês