Gerald Marschall is the modeler of this cool
WWI Era tank, a very nice
one page model, or two if you count the base.
According to John Milsom in Russian Tanks 1900-1970,
Mendeleev's first Tank project (the 170-ton machine with 120mm gun) was designed between
1911 and
1915. It had a pneumatic suspension system and caterpillar tracks of some kind.
Was one of the 1st projects of
super-heavy tanks in the world. Was planned in
1911!!! Weight - 173,2 tons, crew - 8 members, length - 10000mm, length with a main cannon - 13000mm, height - 4450mm. Weaponry: 120mm naval main cannon {51 shells} (I repeat 120mm naval main cannon ), 1 machine gun at the top(rotated at 360 degrees), speed - 24 km/h. Project was not accepted because it's armor was too heavy and cannon
was too powerfull(unnecessary) fot those times. It was more a moving bunker than a tank. -
O engenheiro russo Vasiliy Mendeleev trabalhou em um projeto de um novo tanque de guerra entre os anos de
1911 e 1915, sem ajuda nenhuma.
Como se pode ver nas imagens deste post, o tanque mais parecia uma
caixa de sapatos sobre rodas. Era armado com um canhão de 120 mm e uma metralhadora em uma torre. Sua blindagem frontal de 150 mm e lateral de 100 mmm faziam com que este monstro de ferro e aço chegasse ao
peso aproximado de 170 toneladas e comportava oito homens em seu interior. Seu tamanho e peso exagerados acabaram fazendo com que fosse um projeto impossível para a época.
Inside The Monster |
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