Some Real Things |
A totem is a stipulated ancestor of a group of people, such as a
family, clan, group, lineage, or tribe. Totems support larger groups than the individual person. In kinship and descent,
if the apical ancestor of a clan is nonhuman, it is called a totem. Normally this belief is accompanied by a
totemic myth. Although the term is of
Ojibwe origin in North America, totemistic beliefs are not limited to
Native Americans. Similar
totem-like beliefs have been historically present in societies throughout much of the world, including
Africa, Asia, Australia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and the Arctic polar region. In modern times, some single individuals, not otherwise involved in the practice of a
tribal religion, have chosen to adopt a
personal spirit animal helper, which has special meaning to them, and may refer to this as a
totem. This non-traditional usage of the term is prevalent in the
New Age movement and the
mythopoetic men's movement. -
Um totem ou tóteme é qualquer objeto, animal ou planta que seja cultuado como Deus ou equivalente por uma sociedade organizada em torno de um símbolo ou por uma religião, a qual é denominada totemismo. Por definição religiosa podemos afirmar que é uma etiqueta coletiva tribal, que tem um caráter religioso. É em relação a ele que as coisas são classificadas em sagradas ou profanas.
A palavra
totem deriva de
'dodaim', que significa
aldeia ou residência de um grupo familiar". -
Link: Totem.Pole.Papercraft.by.Glitschka.Studios
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