Monday, March 24, 2014

Macedonian Church St.Jovan Kaneo Paper Model - by Pepachal

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The Real Thing
A really beautiful paper model created by Japanese designer Pepachal, in three sheets of paper, representing the Church St.Jovan Kaneo, in Macedonia. Saint John the Theologian, Kaneo, or simply Saint John at Kaneo is a Macedonian Orthodox church situated on the cliff over Kaneo Beach overlooking Lake Ohrid in the city of Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. The church is attributed to John the Theologian. The construction date of the church remains unknown but documents detailing the church property suggests that it was built before the year 1447. Archaeologists believe that the church was constructed some time before the rise of the Ottoman Empire very likely in the 13th century. Restoration work in 1964 led to the discovery of frescoes in its dome. In addition, it is also believed that the church of the Holy Mother Of God Perivleptos was built around the same few years as Kaneo. The church was built into the shape of a cruciform with a rectangular base. The architect of the church is unknown but it is believed that he was influenced by the architecture of Armenian churches. Reconstruction work was carried out on the church in the 14th century, shortly before the arrival of Ottoman Turks in Macedonia. A wooden iconostasis was constructed within the church and by the 20th century numerous saints along with the Virgin Mary have been portrayed on the apse. A fresco of Christ Pantocrator can be seen on the dome of the church. A fresco of Saint Clement of Ohrid (whose monastery, Saint Panteleimon, is located close to the church) accompanied by Saint Erasmus of Ohrid can also be seen on a wall of the church.

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 photo 800px-Sveti_jovan_kaneo89_zpsffdb0ae5.jpgUm belíssimo modelo ocupando tês folhas de papel, criação do designer japonês Pepachal, retratando a Igreja de São João, na Macedônia. São João, o Teólogo, Kaneo, ou simplesmente São João em Kaneo é uma igreja ortodoxa macedónia situada sobre a falésia que dá vistas para a praia Kaneo Lago Ohrid , na cidade de Ohrid , na Macedônia . Sua fundação é atribuída a João, o Teólogo . A data de construção da igreja permanece desconhecida, mas os documentos que detalham a propriedade da igreja sugerem que ele foi construída antes do ano 1447. Os arqueólogos acreditam que a igreja foi construída algum tempo antes da ascensão do Império Otomano, no século 13 . O trabalho de restauração em 1964, levou à descoberta de afrescos em sua cúpula. A igreja foi construída na forma de uma cruz com uma base rectangular . O arquiteto da igreja é desconhecido, mas acredita-se que ele foi influenciado pela arquitetura das igrejas armênias. Um afresco de Cristo Pantocrator pode ser visto na cúpula da igreja. Um afresco de São Clemente de Ohrid (cujo mosteiro de São Pantaleão , está localizado perto da igreja), acompanhado por São Erasmo de Ohrid também pode ser visto em uma parede da igreja. - Wikipedia


More Ancient Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Petra Treasure Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Papermau - Download Now!

Constantine's Arch and the Roman Colosseum - by Travel & Stuff 4 Kids

Greek-Roman Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - Ruínas Greco-Romanas Download Now!

The Forbiden City In China Paper Model - by Canon - A Cidade Proibida

Shizue Japanese Mascot Paper Doll - by Cafetera

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This cute paper doll was created by designer Japanese designer Cafetera to promote a brand of breakfast cereal. You can download her with School suit or Lolita suit. In the downloadable file you will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura). You can use the Pepakura format as guide to help with the assembly of this model. If you don`t have the Pepakura Viewer Free Version program, you will find the link to download it at the end of this post.

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Esta delicada boneca de papel foi criada pelo designer japonês Cafetera para promover uma marca de cereais matinais. você pode baixá-la na versão uniforme escolar ou na versão Lolita. No arquivo para downloa você encontrará essa boneca em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura). Você pode usar o modelo em Pepakura como guia para ajudá-lo na montagem. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo está logo abaixo, no final deste post.

Link to School suit version:

Link to Lolita suit version:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Dolls related posts:

Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Paper Toy - by Elias Silveira

Tea Factory Mascot - by Kagoshima - Mascote De Fábrica de Chá

Dragon Mascot Motorbiker Paper Toy - by Dragons Official Website

Johnny Cupcakes Mascot Paper Model - by Charlmeleon

Play Fruits Paper Toys for Kids - by Mr. Printables

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"Tutti Frutti! Play fruit is a must for your play kitchen or grocery stand! Although there are many lovely wooden or soft ones available out there, if you love paper craft and making something yourself, try these printable templates to make some juicy fruit! They will also make colorful decoration in kids rooms. - Mr. Printables

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"Tutti Frutti! Estas frutas de papel vão fazr sucesso na sua cozinha ou mercearia de brinquedo! Embora existam muitas frutas de madeira ou plástico disponíveis nas lojas de brinquedo, se você gosta de artesanato de papel e quer fazer com as próprias mãos, tente estes modelos de papel de "apetitosas" frutas tropicais! Elas também são ótimas como decoração em quartos de crianças." - Mr. Printables


More Food Paper Models related posts:

The Tasty Sandwich Paper Model - by Kids Nifty

Banana Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by Rob Ives Designs

Persimmon, Chestnut, Pumpkin and Eggplant Paper Models - by Otomo Sika

Picnic Basket Paper Model - by Kirin - Cesta de Piquenique

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - Download Now!

Here is the Redneck Motorhome - Version II, ready to download!

Aqui está o Trailer do Caipira, ou Redneck Motorhome - Version II, pronto para download!

The models occupies 6 sheets of paper and is not so hard to build.

O modelo ocupa 6 folhas de papel e não é tão difícil de montar.

In the downloadable file, you will find the model in two formats: JPG, in six separate sheets and PDF, which is the most convenient way to print, since all the leaves will be on the same scale automatically.

No arquivo para baixar, você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: JPG, em seis folhas separadas e em PDF, que é a forma mais prática para imprimir, já que todas as folhas estarão na mesma escala, automaticamente.

I would like to thank my friend modeler AT6, from Paper Modelers Forum, for the idea of increasing this model.

Eu gostaria de agradecer ao meu amigo modelista At6, do Forum Paper Modelers, pela idéia de incrementar esse modelo.

If you liked the Vintage Gas Pumps that appear in the photos below and above, you will find the link to download them at the end of this post.

Se você gostou das Bombas de Gasolina Antigas que aparecem nas fotos acima e abaixo, O link para baixá-las se encontra no final deste post.


More Redneck Motorhome related posts:

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part I

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part II

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part III

Vintage Gas Pump Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Redneck Motorhome - Version I - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part III

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Here is the third and last part of the assembly of the Redneck Motorhome - Version II. During the work, I created new details, such as detached headlights and taillights, fenders in 3D and side view mirrors.

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Aqui está a terceira e última parte da montagem do Trailer do Caipira, ou Redneck Motorhome - Versão II. durante o trabalho, eu criei novos detalhes, tais como faróis e lanternas traseiras destacadas, pára-choques em 3D e espelhos retrovisores laterais.

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I am finishing the templates and in a little while I post more photos of the finished model and the link to download.

Estou terminando de organizar o s templates e daqui a pouco posto mais fotos do modelo terminado e o link para download.

More Redneck Motorhome related posts:

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part I

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part II

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - Download Tomorrow!

The Redneck Motorhome - Version I - by Papermau - Download Now!

Skyrim - Imperial Flagship Katariah Paper Model - by RocketmanTan

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from Skyrim videogame, here is a beautiful paper model of the Imperial Flagship Katariah, created by North American designer Bryan Tan, aka RocketmanTan.

Do game Skyrim, aqui está um belo modelo de papel do Navio Capitânia Imperial Katariah, criado pelo designer norte-americano Bryan Tan, aka RocketmanTan.


More Boats and Ships related posts:

Korean Turtle Ship - by How Paper Cafe - Barco de Guerra Antigo

The Ship From Fide Church - by Gunnar Sillén - Galé Antiga Do Báltico

Christopher Columbus` Santa Maria Spanish Ship - by Paper Toys

La Navis Oneraria Paper Model - by Paul - Pequeno Barco Francês

Rilakkuma Paper Toy With Kimono Suit - by Kumarila

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The" Real "Thing
A cute paper toy of Rilakkuma and friend with traditional suit, created by Japanese designer Kumarila. - Rilakkuma, a combination of the Japanese pronunciation of relax and the Japanese word for bear, is a Japanese character designed by Aki Kondo, produced by San-X in 2003. Rilakkuma and Tarepanda, another San-X character, have been described as "huge hits in Japan" by The New York Times. As of May 2010, Rilakkuma ranked as the fifth most popular character in Japan in a survey of the Character Databank. - Wikipedia

Um paper toy fofo do Rilakkuma e amigo com trajes tradicionais japoneses, criados pelo designer Kumarila. - Rilakkuma é um personagens japonês desenhado por Aki Kondo, produzido pela San-X no ano de 2003. Rilakkuma e Tarepanda, outro personagem da San-X, têm sido considerados como os "grandes sucessos no Japão" pelo The New York Times, um jornal de circulação diária, internacionalmente conhecido. Em maio de 2010, Rilakkuma foi classificado como o quinto personagem mais popular no Japão, em um levantamento da Databank. - Wikipedia


More Paper Toys related posts:

Adventure Time Paper Models - Assembled by Malu And Maiu

Adventure Time Papercraft - Finn Paper Toy - by Paper Pokes

Finger Puppet Paper toys - by Salazad / Happy Play

Box Zet Paper Toy - Stuntman Kit - by Byman Studio

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - Download Tomorrow!

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It's four o'clock in the morning here in Brazil and I finished assembling the Redneck Motorhome right now! Above the first photo of the model ready. This Sunday I'll post the last part of the assembly with photos and finish organizing the pieces on the sheets. If I can, put the template for download later on Sunday or latest on Monday.

São quatro horas da manhã e eu terminei de montar o Redneck Motorhome agora! Acima a primeira foto do modelo pronto. Este domingo eu posto a última parte da montagem com fotos e termino de organizar as peças nas folhas. Se eu conseguir, posto o modelo para download ainda neste domingo ou, mais tardar, na segunda-feira.

More Redneck Motorhome related posts:

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part I

The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - The Assembly Part II

The Redneck Motorhome - Version I - by Papermau - Download Now!

More Papermau Original Vehicles related posts:

Dragster Hell`s Team 1970 - by Papermau - Download Now!

Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 Straight To Hell - by Papermau - Download Now!

Truck And Caravan Paper Models - by Papermau - Download Now!

WW2 Truck Bedford - by Papermau - Caminhão Da Segunda Guerra

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Easy-To-Build Athene Ruins Paper Model - by Iceberg Bowplaten

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This is the Easy-To-Build Athene Ruins paper model, created by Dutch designer Peter J. Visser, from Iceberg Bowplaten website. A nice model for School Works, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

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Este é um modelo de papel bem fácil de montar das Ruínas de Atenas, criado pelo designer holandês Pepter J. Visser, do site Iceberg Bowplaten. Um ótimo modelo para Trabalhos Escolares, Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

Link to the model:

Link to Iceberg Bowplaten main page: Iceberg.Bowplaten.Dutch.Paper.Models.Main.Page

More Paper Models of Ancient Architecture related posts:

Pompeii Diorama Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Greek-Roman Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - Ruínas Greco-Romanas Download Now!

Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Parthenon In Greece Paper Model - by Canon

Citroen Hy Horse Transport Paper Model - by Camille & Jeanbi

This is the Citroen Hy Horse Transport vehicle paper model, created by Camille and customized by Jean-François. The model was posted at Le Forum En Papier by Atlas 83.

Este é o modelo de papel do Citroen HY para Transporte de Cavalos, criado por Camille e customizado por Jean-François. O modelo foi postado no Le Forum En Papier por Atlas 83.


More Paper Models of Vehicles in 1/50 Scale related posts:

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dutch Robots Paper Toys And Many More - by Design Koningin

From Dutch website Design Koningin, here are some paper toys, highlighting the cool series of robots.

I think we can say that these little robots fit the "Urban Paper Toy" style.

Do site holandês Design Koningin, aqui estão alguns paper toys bem legais, com destaque para a série de robôs. 

Acho que podemos dizer que estes robozinhos se enquandram no estilo "Urban Paper Toy".


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