Macedonian Church St.Jovan Kaneo Paper Model - by Pepachal
The Real Thing |
A really beautiful paper model created by Japanese designer Pepachal, in three sheets of paper, representing the Church St.Jovan Kaneo, in Macedonia. Saint John the Theologian, Kaneo, or simply Saint John at Kaneo is a Macedonian Orthodox church situated on the cliff over Kaneo Beach overlooking Lake Ohrid in the city of Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. The church is attributed to John the Theologian. The construction date of the church remains unknown but documents detailing the church property suggests that it was built before the year 1447. Archaeologists believe that the church was constructed some time before the rise of the Ottoman Empire very likely in the 13th century. Restoration work in 1964 led to the discovery of frescoes in its dome. In addition, it is also believed that the church of the Holy Mother Of God Perivleptos was built around the same few years as Kaneo. The church was built into the shape of a cruciform with a rectangular base. The architect of the church is unknown but it is believed that he was influenced by the architecture of Armenian churches. Reconstruction work was carried out on the church in the 14th century, shortly before the arrival of Ottoman Turks in Macedonia. A wooden iconostasis was constructed within the church and by the 20th century numerous saints along with the Virgin Mary have been portrayed on the apse. A fresco of Christ Pantocrator can be seen on the dome of the church. A fresco of Saint Clement of Ohrid (whose monastery, Saint Panteleimon, is located close to the church) accompanied by Saint Erasmus of Ohrid can also be seen on a wall of the church.

Um belíssimo modelo ocupando tês folhas de papel, criação do designer japonês Pepachal, retratando a Igreja de São João, na Macedônia. São João, o Teólogo, Kaneo, ou simplesmente São João em Kaneo é uma igreja ortodoxa macedónia situada sobre a falésia que dá vistas para a praia Kaneo Lago Ohrid , na cidade de Ohrid , na Macedônia . Sua fundação é atribuída a João, o Teólogo . A data de construção da igreja permanece desconhecida, mas os documentos que detalham a propriedade da igreja sugerem que ele foi construída antes do ano 1447. Os arqueólogos acreditam que a igreja foi construída algum tempo antes da ascensão do Império Otomano, no século 13 . O trabalho de restauração em 1964, levou à descoberta de afrescos em sua cúpula. A igreja foi construída na forma de uma cruz com uma base rectangular . O arquiteto da igreja é desconhecido, mas acredita-se que ele foi influenciado pela arquitetura das igrejas armênias. Um afresco de Cristo Pantocrator pode ser visto na cúpula da igreja. Um afresco de São Clemente de Ohrid (cujo mosteiro de São Pantaleão , está localizado perto da igreja), acompanhado por São Erasmo de Ohrid também pode ser visto em uma parede da igreja. -
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Thanks it is great, beautiful
ReplyDeleteGreeting From Macedonia
Hello, Vladimir,
DeleteMany thanks for the visit!
Greetings from Brazil!
Link is down :c
DeleteHello, Alper Yucel,
DeleteUnfortunately the model designer, Pepachal, decided to no longer want to make it available for free. I'm sorry.
Thanks fro visit and greetings from Brazil!
DeleteCan I ask about actual link to this model? Where I can download it?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately the model designer, Pepachal, decided to no longer want to make it available for free. I'm sorry.
DeleteThanks fro visit and greetings from Brazil!