Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Designing a Simple House Papercraft With MsPaint - by Papermau

A video tutorial showing how to design a papercraft of a simple house using only MsPaint. If you are going to try this I recommend the old version of MsPaint, released with Windows XP (ownload below). 

I hope this video will help those who want to try to create their own paper models without having to learn to use complicated 3D programs.

Also, don't forget to deselect the "Draw Opaque" option in the Image tab, so that the lines can overlap. 

This is a very simple model, in black and white, so if you want to download the template so that your children can color, cut and assemble, the link is also below.

Um vídeo tutorial mostrando como projetar um papercraft de uma casa simples usando apenas MsPaint. Se você for tentar isso eu recomendo a versão antiga do MsPaint, lançada com o Windows XP (download abaixo). 

Eu espero que esse video ajude aqueles que querem tentar criar seus próprios modelos de papel sem precisar aprender a usar programas 3D complicados.

Também não esqueça de desmarcar a opção "Draw Opaque" na aba Imagem, para que as linhas possam se sobrepor. 

Este é um modelo bem simples, em preto e branco, então se você quiser baixar o template para que suas crianças possam colorir, recortar e montar, o link também está logo abaixo.

Link to download the papercraft:
A Simple House Papercraft Made With MsPaint 

Link to download MsPaint XP: MsPaint Design Program Windows XP Version

Link to tutorial on Youtube: Designing a Simple House Papercraft With MsPaint by Papermau on Youtube

Colorful Birds Papercraft Collection - Malurus Splendens Paper Model
by Ikuo Anazawa

This cute paper model of a Malurus Splendens was created by Japanese designer Ikuo Anazawa, commissioned by Canon website. Thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger, from USA, for more one nice find!

Este lindo modelo de papel de um Malurus Splendens foi criado pelo designer japonês Ikuo Anazawa, comissionado pelo site da Canon. Meus agradecimentos ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger, dos EUA, por mais um beloa achado!


Desktop Architecture - Four Simple Little Houses - by Papermau
Download Now!

As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in May, 2015. Here are four simple Little Houses, perfect for kids and to decorate your desktop. these models take two sheets of paper, and one more if you want to print the optional bases. As usual, they are ready for download in three different formats: A3, A4 and Letter, so you can choose the better size for your interests. Have fun!

Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Maio de 2015. Aqui estão quatro Casinhas simples que são perfeitas para as crianças montarem e para decorar sua mesa de trabalho. Estes modelos ocupam duas folhas de papel, e mais uma se você quiser imprimir as bases opcionais. Como de hábito, eu fiz os modelos em três formatos diferentes: A3, A4 e Carta (Letter), para que você possa escolher o melhor tamanho para os seus interesses. Bom divertimento!

Link to A3 format: Link: Desktop.Architecture.Four.Simple.Little.Houses.by.Papermau.A3.Format

Link to A4 format: Link: Desktop.Architecture.Four.Simple.Little.Houses.by.Papermau.A4.Format

Link to Letter format: Link: Desktop.Architecture.Four.Simple.Little.Houses.by.Papermau.Letter.Format

Monday, February 15, 2021

Generic Encrusted Blue Crystals Papercraft - by Kyabe2 Craft

Created by Japanese designer and modeler Kyabe, from Kyabe2 Craft website, this paper model of blue crystals encrusted in a rock was designed as part of the operational training of 3D modeling software. I think this model will be useful for creating alien atmospheres in Sci-Fi themed wargames.

Criado pelo designer e modelista japonês Kyabe, do site Kyabe2 Craft, este modelo de papel de cristais azuis encrustrados em uma rocha foi projetado como parte do treinamento operacional de um software de modelagem 3D. Eu creio que esse modelo será útil para criar atmosferas alienígenas em wargames de temática Sci-Fi.


Four Contemporary Japanese Houses Papercraft - by Eyeful Home

Here are four Contemporary Japanese Houses, offered by Eyeful Home website. Each little house occupies only one sheet of paper.

Aqui estão quatro Casas Contemporâneas Japonesas, oferecidas pelo site Eyeful Home. Cada casinha ocupa apenas uma folha de papel.


More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Lunch-O-Matic Restaurant Paper Model - by Papermau

Rose Hotel And Chinese Restaurant Paper Models - by Papermau

Suburbia Diorama - by Papermau - Download Now!

Swiss Wood Cabin Paper Model- by Papermau - Download Now!

Saito Lighthouse Paper Model In 1/100 Scale - by Neko Higeyah

Offered by Neko Higeyah website, this is a paper model version in 1/100 scale of the Saito Lighthouse, in Japan. Saito Lighthouse is located in Kosui-ku Misaki. Although the height of the building is about 14 meters, it is located at an altitude of 278 meters and is also famous as a lighthouse to be built in the highest elevation in Japan. The light distance reaches 43 km.

Oferecido pelo site Neko Higeyah, esta é uma versão em papel na escala 1/100 do Farol de Saito, no Japão. O Farol de Saito está localizado em Kosui-ku Misaki. Embora a altura do edifício seja de cerca de 14 m, ele está localizado a uma altitude de 278 metros e é famoso como o farol construído na maior elevação do Japão. A distância de seu facho de luz chega a 43 km.

Link: Saito.Lighthouse.Paper.Model.In.1/100.Scale.by.Neko.Higeyah

More Paper Models of Lighthouses related posts:

1930`s Old Breton Lighthouse Paper Model - The Model Assembled

Sabine Pass Lighthouse In Louisiana Paper Model - by Jay Riedl

Lighthouse On The Ocean Vintage Paper Model - Preserved And Shared by Agence Eureka

A Lighthouse Paper Model For Kids - by The Toy Maker

Kofu Castle Ruins Paper Model And More - by Yamanashi Prefecture

Visit the official website of the city of Iamaguchi (Japan) to download this paper model in 1/100 scale of the Kofu Castle. You'll find some more interesting models of Japanese traditional architecture there.

Visite o site oficial da Prefeitura da cidade de Iamaguchi (Japão) para baixar este modelo de papel na escala 1/100 do Castelo de Kofu. Você encontrará mais alguns modelos de papel bem interessantes de arquitetura tradicional japonesa lá

Link: Kofu.Castle.Ruins.Paper.Model.And.Much.More.by.Yamanashi.Prefecture

More Japanese Architectural Paper Models related posts:

209 Japanese Lighthouses - by Tokokai.Org - 209 Faróis Japoneses

Old Japanese Village - via Paper Modelers Forum - Velha Vila Japonesa

Gasshoku Japanese House - by Canon - Casa Tradicional Japonesa

Takadono Tatara - Old Steel Industry - by Sugatani

RWBY - Ruby Rose With Crescent Rose Paper Toy - by Paperized

Created by my friend, the Philippine designer and modeler Paulo, from Paperized website, this is the paper toy version of Ruby Rose, from RWBY, anime and mangá series. Ruby Rose is a former student of Beacon Academy and the main protagonist of RWBY. Ruby's weapon of choice is her High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe known as Crescent Rose. You will need two sheets of paper to build your own Ruby Rose.

Criada por meu amigo, o designer e modelista filipino Paulo, do site Paperized, esta é a versão paper toy de Ruby Rose, personagem da série de animes e mangás RWBY. Ruby Rose é uma ex-aluna da Beacon Academy e principal personagem de RWBY. A arma preferida de Ruby é a High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe conhecida como Crescent Rose. Você vai precisar de duas folhas de papel para montar sua própria Ruby Rose.

Link: RWBY.Ruby.Rose.With.Crescent.Rose.Paper.Toy.by.Paperized

More Anime and Mangá Paper Models related posts:

Komati Japanese Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Pontacerone

Tachibana Kanade Paper Doll Version 2 - by Btt Modeler

Naruto - Sasuke Uchiha Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Pikachu Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke