Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mini Paper Cars In 1/100 Scale - by Papermau - Mini Carros


Some very easy-to-build paper cars in 1/100 scale. Nice for RPG games, school works or dioramas.

Alguns carros bem fáceis de montar em escala 1/100. Ótimos para jogos de RPG, trabalhos escolares ou dioramas.

Download: Mini.Paper.Cars.In.1/100.Scale.by.Papermau

More Papermau Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Volkswagen Transporter Van - by Papermau - Brazilian Kombi

Fire Brigade Truck - by Papermau - Vintage Style

Vintage Police Car - by Papermau - Carro De Polícia Antigo

Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 - by Papermau - Dark Version

Matsumoto Castle In Japan - by Paper Grade - Castelo Japonês


A beautiful version of the famous Matsumoto Castel, in Japan, created by designer Zen, from Paper Grade website. If you want see another paper model of a nice Japanese castle, the Kumamoto Castle, made by Canon, take a look in the link at the end of this post.


Uma bela versão em papel do famoso Castelo Matsumoto, no Japão, criado pelo designer Zen, do site paper Grade. Se você quiser outra versão de um castelo japonês, o Kumamoto, feita pela Canon, visite o link no final deste post.

Link to Matsumoto Castle by Paper Zen: Kumamoto.Castle.In.Japan.by.Paper.Grade

Link to Kumamoto Castle by Canon: Kumamoto Castle, in Japan - by Canon

More Paper Models of Castles related posts:

Old Church and Medieval Castle - by Papermau

Desktop Medieval Castle - by Papermau - Castelo Medieval

Medieval Castle For Kids - by Papermau - Castelo Medieval Para Crianças

Montsoriu Castle - by El Parc Natural del Montseny

Wacky Races - The Army Surplus Special - by Webdude - Carro Tanque

The Paper Thing...

The Army Surplus Special, the #6 "car", is the vehicle used by Sgt. Blast and Private Meekley in Wacky Races. Wacky Races is a 1968`s cartoon from Hanna-Barbera Studios.

O Army Surplus Special é o carro-tanque nº6, usado pelo Sargento Bombarda e o seu co-piloto, Recruta. Corrida Maluca é um um desenho animado de 1968, produzido pelos estúdios Hanna-Barbera.

...the Toon Thing and the "Real Thing.

Link: Wacky.Races.The.Army.Surplus.Special.by.Webdude

More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Chuck's Nerd Herd Paper Car - by Oniya

Funny Paper Bus For Kids - by Shiroi Prefecture

Rock`n`Roll Circus - The Beatles Kombi - Early Years - by Papermau

Donald Duck's Car Paper Model - by Seite 42 - Carro Do Pato Donald

Dutch Architetural Paper Model - Dronten House - by Iceberg Bowplaten


A modern Dutch paper house, by Iceberg Bowplaten.

Uma casa moderna da Holanda, do site Iceberg Bowplaten.

Link: Dutch.Architetural.Paper.Model.Dronten.House.by.Iceberg.Bowplaten

More Architecture and Buildings related posts:

1991`s Clinic Building - by Somodi Zoltan

German House Paper Model - by Sohland An Der Spree

European Style Buildings - by Boris - Projekt Bastelbogen

Hansel And Gretel House - by Unga Fakta - Casa De João E Maria

North American XB-70 Valkyrie Papercraft - by Camille Technical Reseach Institute


An easy-to-build paper airplane, by Japanese website Camille Technical Reseach Institute.


Link: North.American.XB.70.Valkyrie.Papercraft.by.Camille.Technical.Reseach.Institute

More Aircraft and Planes related posts:


45-Foot Paper Airplane - by The Great Paper Airplane Project

WWI, WW2 And Civil Planes - by Rittai0 - Avões Da Primeira E Segunda Guerra

Blue Impulse F-86F-40 Japanese Aerobatic Aircraft - by P Model

Vintage Igloo Kids Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Vintage Mouse


"From a 1960's issue of The Golden Magazine for Girls and Boys. Illustrated by Neva Schultz". - Vintage Mouse

"De uma revista chamada The Golden Magazine for Girls and Boys, dos anos 1960. Ilustração de Neva Schultz". - Vintage Mouse

Link: Vintage.Igloo.Kids.Dress.Up.Paper.Dolls.by.Vintage.Mouse

More Paper Dolls related posts:

Vintage Paper Dolls - by Centsprent - Via Picasa Web

Paper Doll`s House Furniture - by FcCafe - Mobília para Casas De Bonecas

Dressy Cats Playset Paper Model - by Joel Henriques

Halloween Special - Dolly Dingle`s Halloween - By Imprimibles

RockTroopers 2 - Backing Vocal Trooper Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi


A cool paper model of a Stormtroopper in a Rock`n`Roll version, by Noturno Sukhoi.

Um paper model muito legal de um Stormtrooper numa versão Rock`n`Roll. Do site Noturno Sukhoi.

Link: RockTroopers.2.Backing.Vocal.Trooper.Paper.Model.by.Noturno.Sukhoi

More Star Wars Paper Models related posts:

Star Wars` Vintage Hoth Ice With AT-AT Adventure Set - by Erick Stromtrooper

Yoda Paper Model With Follow Me Eyes - by Space Station 42

Star Wars` Life-Size Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber - by Yudhie Hatmadji

Star Wars` Chewbacca Big Head Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Monday, August 13, 2012

Kibbutz In Israel Diorama Vintage Papercraft - by Toto


PhotobucketA kibbutz is a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. Today, farming has been partly supplanted by other economic branches, including industrial plants and high-tech enterprises. Kibbutzim began as utopian communities, a combination of socialism and Zionism. In recent decades, some kibbutzim have been privatized and changes have been made in the communal lifestyle. A member of a kibbutz is called a kibbutznik . In 2010, there were 270 kibbutzim in Israel. Their factories and farms account for 9% of Israel’s industrial output, worth US$8 billion, and 40% of its agricultural output, worth over $1.7 billion. - Wikipedia


The Real Thing
Um kibutz é uma forma de colectividade comunitária israelita. Apesar de existirem empresas comunais (ou cooperativas) noutros países, em nenhum outro as comunidades colectivas voluntárias desempenharam papel tão importante como o dos kibutzim em Israel, onde tiveram função essencial na criação do Estado judeu. Combinando o socialismo e o sionismo no sionismo trabalhista, os kibutzim são uma experiência única israelita e parte de um dos maiores movimentos comunais seculares na história. Hoje, em alguns kibutzim há uma comunidade comunitária e são adicionalmente contratados trabalhadores que vivem fora da esfera comunitária e que recebem salários, como em qualquer empresa capitalista. - Wikipedia


Link: Kibbutz.In.Israel.Diorama.Vintage.Papercraft.by.Toto

More Vintage Diorama Paper models related posts:

Vintage Service Station - by Papermau - Posto de Gasolina Vintage

Vintage Paper Models - by Guido`s Paper works - Paper Models Antigos

French Vintage Diorama - by Agence Eureka - Diorama Francês

Paper Model History - 1860`s Model Zoo - by Power House Museum

Mars Express Orbiter Paper Model - by Solar System Nasa


The European Space Agency's Mars Express was designed to study the geology, atmosphere, surface environment, history of water and potential for life on Mars. Mars Express was Europe's first mission to another planet. It provided subsurface measurements with the first radar instrument ever flown to Mars, and discovered underground water-ice deposits. It sent back mineralogical evidence for the presence of liquid water throughout Martian history and studied the density of the Martian crust in detail. The orbiter's unique orbit also has allowed it make up-closed studies of Phobos, the larger of Mars' two moons. The mission has been extended several times.

The Paper Thing

A Agência Espacial Européia Mars Express foi projetada para estudar a geologia, clima, meio ambiente, superfície, buscar por água e o potencial para a vida em Marte. Mars Express foi a primeira missão européia para outro planeta. Forneceu medidas de subsuperfície com o uso do primeiro radar já enviado à Marte, e descobriu depósitos subterrâneos de água congelada. Enviou de volta evidências mineralógicas da presença de água líquida ao longo da história marciana e estudou a densidade da crosta marciana em detalhes. Esta missão foi prorrogado por diversas vezes.

Link to download the model: Mars.Express.Orbiter.Paper.Model.by.Solar.System.Nasa

Link to Mars Express page: Mars.Express.Orbiter.information.by.Solar.System.Nasa

More Space Paper Models related posts:

Mercury Capsule In 1/24 Scale - by Ton - via J.Leslie48

Voyager Space Probe Paper Model - by Pe2tr - Sonda Voyager

Columbia Space Shuttle Memorial Paper Model - by Delta 7 Studios

USA`s Orion Spacecraft In Several Configurations - by Pe2tr

Mopsy Goes Patriotic Dress Up Paper Doll - by Larry Bassin - via Marges8's Blog


A colorful paper doll created by designer Larry Bassin, via Marges8's Blog.

Link: Mopsy.Goes.Patriotic.Dress.Up.Paper.Doll.by.Larry.Bassin.via.Marges8's.Blog

More Paper Dolls related posts:

Vintage Pin-Up Paper Dolls - by Ondiraiduveau - via Flickr

1916`s French Paper Dolls - by Anne Schofield - via Power House Museum - Bonecas De Papel Francesas

The Pope Paper Models - by Rob Nance and Recortables

Vintage Paper Dolls And Furniture - by Doll House Paper