The H. K. Porter Company was one of this country's most well known locomotive manufacturers. It was the third largest producer, in terms of number of locomotives built, and was the leading producer of what Porter called 'Light Locomotives'. These were engines built specifically for industrial applications, mining, logging, plantations, or lightly built narrow gauge railroads. They helped to build the West, and are found in every country from Argentina to Zanzibar. - Wikipedia
A H. K. Porter Company foi uma das mais famosas fabricantes de locomotivas americanas. Era a terceira maior em escala de produção, em termos de números de locomotivas entregues, e era a líder entre as chamadas " locomotivas leves". Eram máquinas especialmente construídas para uso industrial, mineração, carga, transporte de alimentos perecíveis e outoros. Elas ajudaram a colonizar o Oeste Americano e se espalharam por todo o mundo, até aqui no Brasil.
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More Paper models of Locomotives and Trains related posts:
German Locomotive P6 Paper Model - by Albrecht Pirling - via Kartonbau.De
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Japanese Trains And Wagons - by Kokensha - Trens E Vagões Japoneses
German Battery-Powered Train Paper Model - by Albrecht Pirling - via Kartonbau Forum