Sunday, January 23, 2022

The French Cafe Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

I was going to post the templates to this model after I finished publishing the complete assembly, but I couldn't edit all the photos, and, as I said I was going to post the templates today, here's the French Cafe paper template, ready for download. 

The rest of the build, which I believe will take up two more posts, will come in the next few days. Have fun and have a good week everyone.

Eu só ia postar os templates deste modelo depois que terminasse de publicar a montagem completa, mas, eu não consegui editar todas as fotos e, como eu havia dito que ia postar os templates hoje, eis aqui o modelo de papel do Café Francês, pronto para download.

O resto da construção, que eu creio ocupará mais duas postagens, virão nos próximos dias. Boa montagem e uma boa semana a todos.

The French Cafe Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

1 comment:

  1. This is marvelous. I'd not seen it when I wrote to you earlier today. Perhaps this is Mary's Roadside Cafe? You simply provide too many good choices!
