Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Holland Lop Pet Paper Model - by Canon - Coelho Holandês


The Real Thing
The Holland Lop is the smallest breed of lop-eared rabbit. It is a popular rabbit native to Holland. 
Overall they are very cute and look like soft, cuddly toys, but they are actually quite big-boned and muscular. They don't mind being touched and are very friendly and calm. In Europe and the United States, they are often used in animal therapy programs.

O Mini Lop, ou Holland Lop, é conhecido como um coelho pequeno de orelhas caídas, com um olhar doce irresistível e um saltar incomum e engraçado.
 Poucos são os que ficam indiferentes a esta raça de coelhos. Por seu temperamento dócil, é muito usado na Europa e nos Estados Unidos em programas de terapia ocupacional com animais.


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Golden Fish Papercraft - by Paper-Craft.Info - Peixe Dourado

Paper Aquarium - Blue-Green Puller - by Canon

Cape Penguim Papercraft - by Konica Minolta - Pinguim Do Cabo

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World

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