Friday, November 9, 2012

Christmas Time - Santa's Sleigh Mobile Papercraft - by Canon - Trenó Do Papai Noel


This mobile shows a team of Santa Clauses flying through the Christmas Eve sky, as they deliver presents to people's houses. The sleigh can move up and down in the breeze, or with the gentle touch of a hand. This movement also causes the other items to sway and move for your entertainment. Hang up this beautiful mobile and make your Christmas season even more fun! - Canon

Este móbile mostra uma equipe de Papai Noeis voando pelo céu na véspera de Natal, entregando seus presentes. O trenó se move para cima e para baixo com a brisa, ou com o toque suave de sua mão. Este movimento também faz com que os outros itens balancem. Pendure esse bonito móbile e faça o seu Natal ainda mais divertido! - Canon

Link: Christmas.Time.Santa'

More Mobiles and Decorative Paper Models related posts:

Pac Man Mobile Papercraft - by Johan Ronstrom - via Instructables

Mobile Balloon Papercraft - by Paper Matrix

Hanging Hinakazari - Doll Decoration - by Canon - Móbile Japonês

Tea With Witch Helena Papercraft - by Fox In A Hole - Chá Com A Bruxa Helena

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