The Sovereign class is a class of
Starfleet starship in the fictional
Star Trek science fiction franchise. The
Sovereign-class USS Enterprise-E was designed by
Herman Zimmerman and illustrator John Eaves for
Star Trek: First Contact. As of 2373, the
Enterprise-E is the most advanced
Starfleet ship to have been built, and is the
Federation flagship as late as 2379.
The Sovereign-class Enterprise has an elliptical saucer section attached to the central mass with two symmetrical nacelles running parallel to the main hull. The bridge, impulse engines, main shuttlebay, lifeboats, and phaser arrays are on the dorsal surface of the saucer section while additional phaser arrays, lifeboats, torpedo launchers, and the captain's yacht occupy the ventral side. The engineering section features the main navigational deflector, two large warp nacelles, the warp reactor, and torpedo launchers. The ship is armed with both photon torpedoes and quantum torpedoes. -
Classe Sovereign é a sucessora da
Enterprise D. Foi cenário dos filmes
StarTrek VIII-First Contact,
StarTrek IX-Insurrection e StarTrek X-Nêmesis, onde trava sua batalha final contra a nave de guerra do planeta
Remo: Cimitarra. -
The "Real" Thing |
Link: Star.Trek`
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