Sunday, October 9, 2011

Abandoned Gas Station - Assembled by Amo Vitam


Very nice assemble of Abandoned Gas Station, by Amo Vitam, German modeler, from the great Kartonbau.De forum. Great photos too. Thanks, Amo Vitam, for this nice. build.

If someone has built one of my models and want to show the photos on the blog, just send e-mail and I'll post it.

Bela montagem do Abandoned Gas Station, por Amo Vitam, modelista alemão, lá do grande forum, também alemão, Kartonbau.De. Belas fotos também. Obrigado, Amo Vitam.

Se alguém montou algum de meus modelos e quiser mostrar seu trabalho , é só mandar as fotos por e-mail, que eu posto aqui no blog.

Send e-mail to :



See the original post with more photos at Kartonbau.De:


More Papermau`s Gas Stations related posts:

Vintage Service Station - by Papermau - Posto de Gasolina Vintage

Joe`s Garage - by Papermau - Garagem Do Joe

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - by Papermau - Download Now!

1/72 Scale Military Vehicles - by Yoshidom - Veículos Militares


This vehicles are little, but very detailed. Nice for dioramas in 1/72 Scale, like the Paper Tiger Armaments paper buildings posted here in the blog.

Estes veículos militares são muito pequenos, porém são bem detalhados. Ótimos para dioramas em escala 1/72, como as casas do Paper Tiger  Armaments, postados há pouco aqui no blog.

Link: 1/

More Military related posts:

Russian Paper Models - by KartonWagen

WW1 and WW2 Paper Tanks - by Wayne McCullough - Tanques Da 1ª e da 2ª Guerra

Czech Republic Military Base - by Rawen & Tichy - Base Militar Tcheca

Halloween Special - Three New Little Monsters - by Macula.TV


Three new little monsters by Macula, just in time for Halloween. You will find more three candy boxes, in a ghost and spooky houses shapes.

Três novos monstrinhos do Macula, bem a tempo para o Halloween. Você encontrará também três caixas para doces, em formatos de fantasma e de casas mal assombradas.


More Halloween related posts:

Halloween Special - Jack And The Halloween Dancers - by Canon

Halloween Special - Jack`O`Lantern Tribal Style - by Line Art Paint Marker

Halloween Special - Darc Mansion - by Ray O'Bannon - Raven`s Blight

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Scotland Yard Building - by YPS Fan Page

Here, an old model from 1970`s, generously shared by YPS Fan Page.

Aqui, um antigo modelo, de 1970, partilhado generosamente por YPS Fan Page.

The Real Thing
Scotland Yard is often used as a metonym for the Metropolitan Police Service of London, UK. It derives from the location of the original Metropolitan Police headquarters at 4 Whitehall Place, which had a rear entrance on a street called Great Scotland Yard. The Scotland Yard entrance became the public entrance to the police station. Over time, the street and the Metropolitan Police became synonymous. The New York Times wrote in 1964 that, just as Wall Street gave its name to the New York financial world, Scotland Yard did the same for police activity in London. Although the Metropolitan Police moved away from Scotland Yard in 1890, the name New Scotland Yard was adopted for the new headquarters. - Wikipedia

A Scotland Yard (também conhecida por New Scotland Yard ou Yard) é a sede central ou quartel general da Polícia Metropolitana de Londres (Metropolitan Police Service). Popularmente, o termo New Scotland Yard é usado como metonímia para designar a Polícia Metropolitana ou a polícia judiciária de Londres. O nome deriva da sua antiga localização, na Great Scotland Yard , uma rua situada em Whitehall.  A exata origem do nome é desconhecida mas, segundo uma hipótese, no local se encontrava a missão diplomática dos reis da Escócia, antes da união de 1707 entre Inglaterra e Escócia.  Outra possibilidade é que, durante o Medievo, o local pertencesse a um homem chamado Scott, ou ainda que as diligências para a Escócia saíam dessa rua .  - Wikipedia


More European Architecture related posts:

European Architecture - by Old Fred - Arquitetura Européia

European Houses and Gas Station - by MAGs Papiermodelle Casa Européias

European Dioramas - by Toto - Dioramas Europeus

Imaginary Train Station - by Papermau - Some Updates


Here is the Imaginary Train Station, with some changes and adds. I want to thank the friends of Paper Modelers and Zealot Forums, that give me Several ideas to this project. Some of than are very good ideas and were incorporated into the model. Other ideas were not incorporated into this model simply because it is getting very complicated, and many details that will complicate when I deploy it in Pepakura. I'm sure many textures will lose and I will have to apply almost all the textures in MsPaint, one by one. - Mauther

Eis aqui a Velha Estação de Trem Imaginária, com algumas alterações e adicionais. Quero agradecer os amigos dos foruns Paper Modelers e Zealot, que me deram várias idéias para este projeto. Algumas das idéias são muito boas e foram incorporadas ao modelo. Outras não foram incorporadas simplesmente porquê isto já está ficando muito complicado, com muitos detalhes que vão atrapalhar quando eu for "desdobrar" no Pepakura. Tenho certeza que muitas texturas vão se perder e eu vou ter de aplicar quase todas (as texturas) no MsPaint,novamente, uma por uma. - Mauther


More Imaginary Train Station related post:

Imaginary Train Station - by Papermau - More One Next Project

WW2 Houses In 1/72 Scale - by Paper Tiger Armaments


Simple and very well textured houses in 1/72 scale by Paper Tiger Armaments. Perfect for RPG Games or dioramas.

Simples, porém com ótimas texturas, estas casas em escala 1/72 do Paper Tiger Armaments. Perfeitas para jogos de RPG ou para dioramas.

Link: WW2.Houses.In.1/

More WW2 related posts:

Jeep SAS - Desert Rats - Paper Model - by Toni Mauricio & Dark Vador

WWII Italian Submarine Enrico Toti - by Delfini d'Acciaio

WW2 Spitfire Airplane SD Style - by ADV Studio - Avião WW2

WW2 Concentration Camp Paper Model - by E Bob Miniatures

All Images In This Post Are From E Bob Miniatures

In this site you will find these paper models and rules to play this WW2 based RPG game called Stalat Luft III, offered by E Bob Miniatures.

Neste site você encontrará os modelos e também as regras para jogar este game de RPG baseado na Segunda Grande Guerra, chamado Stalat Luft III.


More RPG related posts:

One Monk Miniatures - Free Paper Models

Sansara Sci Fi Vehicle - by Toposolitario

Medieval Castle And City - by Wizards - Castelo E Cidade Medievais

Friday, October 7, 2011

Walking Mech Warrior Paper Model Automata - by J.Hodgie


A paper Mech Warrior made to appear to walk when a crank is turned. This model is designed after the Madcat/Timberwolf type from the video games.
This is my first attempt at designing my own papercraft automation. It was inspired by an addiction to the Mech Warrior video games and was originally a birthday gift for someone similarly addicted.
There are two options for downloading. the first is a template I have coloured and the second is blank template for people inspired to make their own. If you would like the Photoshop, SVG or just about any CAD file type, just let me know and I will upload them. - J.Hodgie

Link: Walking - via

More Sci-Fi related posts:

Batlletech Mad Cat - by Nebulastation

Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper

Articulated Paper Robots- Robôs Articulados "Mazinger"

Hamlet Medieval Village - by Alternate Realms - Vilarejo Medieval


Recriation Of A Small Medieval Village

Village Life In The Middle Ages 

The peasants, including serfs, freeman and villeins, on a manor lived close together in one or more villages. Their small, thatch-roofed, and one-roomed houses would be grouped about an open space (the "green"), or on both sides of a single, narrow street. The only important buildings were the parish church, the parsonage, a mill, if a stream ran through the manor, and possibly a blacksmith's shop. The population of one of these villages often did not often exceed one hundred people. -

A Vida Em Umm Vilarejo Na Idade Média

Os camponeses, incluindo os servos, os homens livres e os e locais, viviam juntos em uma ou mais aldeias. Suas pequenas casas, com telhados de palha, na maioria das vezes com um único cômodo, agrupavam-se em uma área aberta aberto, ou descampado (o "verde"), ou em ambos os lados de uma única rua estreita. Os únicos edifícios importantes eram a igreja paroquial, o presbitério, um moinho, sempre próximo a um rio, e, possivelmente, um ferreiro. A população de uma aldeia típica dessa época, raramente passava de uma centena de pessoas. -


More Medieval related posts:

Medieval Church - by Papermau - Igreja Medieval

European Tower Bridge - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia

Three Bells` Chapel - by Papermau - Capela Dos Três Sinos

Maiko, Aprenttice Geisha Bust - by Mugi - Maiko, Gueixa Aprendiz


Tokyo Geisha With,  1870
Geisha , Geiko or Geigi  are traditional, female Japanese entertainers whose skills include performing various Japanese arts such as classical music and dance. Apprentice geisha are called maiko , literally "dance child" or hangyoku , "half-jewel" (meaning that they are paid half of the wage of a full geisha), or by the more generic term o-shaku , literally "one who pours (alcohol)".  The white make-up and elaborate kimono and hair of a maiko is the popular image held of geisha. A woman entering the geisha community does not have to begin as a maiko, having the opportunity to begin her career as a full geisha. Either way, however, usually a year's training is involved before debuting either as a maiko or as a geisha. A woman above 21 is considered too old to be a maiko and becomes a full geisha upon her initiation into the geisha community. However, those who do go through the maiko stage can enjoy more prestige later in their professional lives. The only modern maiko that can apprentice before the age of eighteen are in Kyoto. So on average, Tokyo hangyoku (who typically begin at 18) are slightly older than their Kyoto counterparts (who usually start at 15).  Historically, geisha often began the earliest stages of their training at a very young age, sometimes as early as at 3 or 5 years. The early shikomi (servant) and minarai (watching apprentice) stages of geisha training lasted years, which is significantly longer than in contemporary times.

It is still said that geisha inhabit a separate reality which they call the karyūkai or "the flower and willow world." Before they disappeared the courtesans were the colorful "flowers" and the geisha the "willows" because of their subtlety, strength, and grace. - Wikipedia

A Maiko And A Geiko Hosting Tea Ceremony.
Gueixa, ou Gueigi são mulheres japonesas que estudam a tradição milenar da arte da sedução, dança e canto, e se caracterizam distintamente pelos trajes e maquiagem tradicionais. Contrariamente à opinião popular, as gueixas não são um equivalente oriental da prostituta. Elas não trabalham com sexo. Podem chegar a flertar, mas seus clientes sabem que não irá passar disso, e esse é o fato que muitos homens se encantam com a cultura de uma gueixa. No Japão a condição de Gueixa é cultural, simbólica e  repleta de status, delicadeza e tradição. São em muitos aspectos similares às Kisaeng coreanas. O termo geiko  é também usado no dialeto de Quioto para descrever as gueixas, especialmente no bairro Hanamachi. Ao contrário do que se verificava nos séculos XVIII e XIX, as gueixas são atualmente em número bastante  reduzido.  Maiko  é o termo utilizado para designar uma gueixa aprendiz. O elegante  ambiente de alta cultura do qual a gueixa faz parte é chamado karyūkai , ou "o mundo da flor e salgueiro".  Uma gueixa famosa, Mineko Iwasaki, disse que isso é porque "a gueixa é como uma flor, bela em seu próprio estilo, e como um salgueiro, graciosa, flexível, e forte."  - Wikipedia


More Japanese Traditions related posts:

Sento - Japanese Bath House - by 222.Co - Casa De Banho Japonesa

Hinakazari Japanese Decoration - by Canon - Decoração Japonesa

Samurai Helmets And Masks - by Mogami Yoshiaki