Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Diwali - The Festival Of Lights Papercraft Collection - by Canon

Diwali, or Dipawali, is India's biggest and most important holiday of the year. The festival gets its name from the "row" (avali) of "clay lamps" (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. This festival is as important to Hindus as the Christmas holiday is to Christians.

Diwali, ou Dipawali, é o maior e mais importante feriado anual da Índia. O festival recebe este nome pela conjunção das palavras "linha/barbante" (avali) e "lâmpadas de argila" (deepa) que os indianos usam para iluminar a fachada de suas casas, simbolizando a luz interior que os protege das trevas espirituais. Em uma comparação, este festival é tão importante para os hindus como o feriado de Natal é para os cristãos.

Link: Diwali.The.Festival.Of.Lights.Papercraft.Collection.by.Canon

More Lucky Itens Paper Models related posts:

Chinese Dragon Papercraft - by Tina Kraus - Dragão Chinês

Takarabune Ship Paper Model - by Niku Mansei - Barco Fantasma Da Sorte

Kadomatsu Good Luck Amulet - by Yamaha - Amuleto Asiático

Calendar And Japanese Lucky Itens Paper Models - by Kirin

Medieval Themed Dice Tower Paper Model For RPG & Wargames
by TJ Games

Offered by TJ Games website, here is an easy-to-build Dice Medieval themed Tower paper model for your RPG and Wargames. The whole model occupies five sheets of paper.

Oferecido pelo site da TJ Games, eis aqui um modelo de papel de uma Torre de Dados com temática Medieval bem fácil de montar para suas partidas de RPG e Wargames. O modelo todo ocupa cinco folhas de papel.

Link: Medieval.Themed.Dice.Tower.Paper.Model.For.RPG.&.Wargames.by.TJ.Games

More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

New RPG Monsters - by Fantasy Paper Miniature

Magic, The Gatheing RPG Game Dek Box - by Firebrand Creations

Miniatures For RPG Games - by Sirro B1

Acessories For RPG And Dioramas - by Stones-Edges

Monday, November 5, 2018

2018`s Honda Modulo NSX-GT Miniature Paper Model - by Epson

This is the 2018`s Honda Modulo NSX-GT, from Epson Nakajima Racing team, in a miniature paper model version in only one sheet of paper. Recommended for beginners, without using glue, you can easily assemble this paper model with a high degree of completeness by simply cutting out parts and making slits.

Este é o Honda Modulo NSX-GT 2018, da equipe Epson Nakajima Racing, em uma versão em miniatura que ocupa apenas uma folha de papel. Recomendado para iniciantes, sem usar cola, você pode facilmente montar este modelo de papel com um alto grau de completude, simplesmente cortando as partes e fazendo fendas de encaixe.

Link: 2018`s.Honda.Epson.Modulo.NSX.GT.Miniature.Paper.Model.by.Epson

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Porsche 911 GT1 98 Paper Car - by Mame Craft

Grand Theft Auto Paper Cars - by IGrandTheftAuto.Com

Three 3D Monster Trucks Papercraft - by HP - Caminhões Monstro

Carretera Slot Car Paper Model - by Paperslotcar - Carenagem para Autorama

Christmas Time - Christmas Tree Advent Calendar Paper Model
by Putgram

This Advent Calendar in the shape of a Christmas tree was created by Japanese designer Putgram, for Canon website. 

It is composed of 24 drawers and the idea is to put a candy or souvenir in each of these drawers, then the children will open one by one, counting the days until Christmas.

Este Calendário do Advento em formato de uma árvore de Natal foi criado pelo designer japonês Putgram, for Canon website. 

Ele é composto de 24 gavetas e a idéia é que se ponha um docinho ou lembrancinha em cada uma destas gavetas, então as crianças vão abrindo uma a uma, contando os dias até o Natal.

Link: Christmas.Time.Christmas.Tree.Advent.Calendar.Paper.Model.by.Putgram

More Christmas Paper Models related posts:

Japanese Helicopters Paper Models In 1/48 Scale - by Craft Hanger

On this Japanese website called Craft Hanger you will find four paper models of Helicopters in 1/48 scale. - To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post). - Attention: Because they were designed a few years ago, so that the textures of these models work correctly you will have to use version 3.0 of Pepakura Viewer Free version (the link is also on the same Pepakura downloads page).

Neste website japonês chamado Craft Hanger você vai encontrar quatro modelos de papel de Helicópteros na escala 1/48. - Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post). - Atenção: Por terem sido desenhados há alguns anos atrás, para que as texturas destes modelos funcionem corretamente você terá que usar a versão 3.0 do Pepakura Viewer versão Gratuíta (o link também se encontra na mesma página de downloads do Pepakura).

Link to download the model: Japanese.Helicopters.Paper.Models.In.1/48.Scale.by.Craft.Hanger

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Helicopters related posts:

Helicopter AH-6 Paper Model - by Clever Santoro - via Pepakura Gallery

Helicopter Agusta Westland Da Vinci Paper Model In 1/36 Scale - by Bob Card Models

Helicopter MD 902 Explorer Paper Model - by Craft Hanger

MI-6 Soviet Helicopter Paper Model in 1/48 Scale - by Di-3

Motorola DynaTAC 8000X Paper Model - The First Automatic Mobile Telephone System - by Fibre Design

DynaTAC is a series of cellular telephones manufactured by Motorola, Inc. from 1983 to 1994. With several different models, plus newer models under the Classic and Ultra Classic names, it was the first line of cell phones commercially produced by Motorola, with the first member of the DynaTAC series, the 8000x, being the first cell phone to receive U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) acceptance in 1983. DynaTAC was actually an abbreviation of Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage. - Wikipedia

SRA/Ericsson MTA (Mobile Telephone System A) - Year: 1956 - In the days before cellular phone networks, the world's mobile phones lacked a unifying standard. Instead, they used varying communication methods defined on a company-by-company basis. The 88-pound MTA phone (in the photo below), shown here, is typical in size and weight of early mobile phone systems from the pre-integrated-circuit era. Most were so heavy and power-hungry that they required permanent installation in a car or other vehicle. Very few people owned, used, or even encountered such devices; for example, the service for the model shown here existed in only two Swedish cities and served a mere 125 subscribers from 1956 to 1967. Notable qualities: The first automatic mobile telephone system (it didn't require a human operator to manually connect the user to an outside phone line)

Vinte e Sete Anos Da Telefonia Celular No Brasil - Em setembro deste ano completou-se vinte e sete anos anos desde que o primeiro telefone celular chegou ao Brasil. Para lembrar a data, nada melhor que um modelo de papel do primeiro celular realmente móvel inventado no mundo: o Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, um verdadeiro tijolo, que pesava quase um quilo. Eu disse realmente móvel porque o primeiro aparelho celular mesmo foi a Ericson quem criou.

O Primeiro Celular da História - Há meio século, precisamente no dia 16 de outubro de 1956, era criado o primeiro celular, aquela época conhecido como sistema automático de telefonia móvel ou MTA como ficou conhecido. O equipamento, inventado pela Ericsson, era bem diferente dos pequenos aparelhos portáteis de hoje, ainda que com a mesma funcionalidade. De início, a telefonia móvel era sinônimo de comunicação por meio de rádios, operando na faixa dos 160MHz, instalados em automóveis, barcos, etc. O aparelho MTA pesava nada mais, nada menos que 40 kilos. - www.mdig.com.br

O DynaTAC 8000X foi anunciado oficialmente pela Motorola em 1983, e custou uma média de 15 anos de pesquisas e U$ 100 milhões para a empresa. O aparelho pesava uma base aproximada de 800g (quase 100 vezes mais que os aparelhos atuais!) e era vendido por cerca de U$ 4.000,00, apesar de contar apenas com recurso de voz e ter capacidade para apenas 1 hora de conversação.

Link: Motorola.DynaTAC.8000X.Paper.The.First.Automatic.Mobile.Telephone.System

More Paper Models of Science and Technology related posts:

IPad 2 Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by Hisashi - via Pepakura Gallery

Apple iPhone 5c Paper Model In Several Colors - by Chani 0221

Apple Watch Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by András Horváth

Apple I and Apple II PCs - by Julius Perdana - Paper-Replika

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Canon Creative Park Popularity Ranking - Top 10 - October 2018

01: Halloween - Jack-O'-Lantern Miniature Paper Toy - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

02: Jack-O'-Lantern "GRAPHIG" Paper Toy - by Cospa & Kaorin Minogue

03: Jack-O'-Lantern Candy Box Paper Model - by Hirai Tosiaki

04: Articulated Skeleton Miniature Paper Doll - by Osamu Yamaguchi

05: Haunted House Pop-Up Card Paper Model - by Kagisippo & Storm Machine Graphics

06: Miniature Skeleton "GRAPIG" Paper Toy - by Cospa/Sifca

07: Decorative Jack-O'-Lantern Paper Model - by Minya & Chie Katayama

08: Black Cat Miniature Paper Toy - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

09: Shiba Inu Miniature Paper Toy - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

10: Jack-O'-Lantern Decorative Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga & Pinoart

More Papercraft Collections related posts:

The World’s Great Stadiums Papercraft Collection - by Noah Macmillan

The Dinosaurs Papercraft Collection - by Canon

The Great Space And Science Papercraft Collection - by Canon

Easy-To-Build Little Houses Papercraft Collection - by Papermau - Download Now!

One Sheet Miniature Villa Paper Model - by Gunnar Sillén

The real house that inspired this miniature paper model was built in the city of Djursholm, Sweden in 1988. It was made by designer and architect Gunnar Sillén as a gift to his mother.

A verdadeira casa que inspirou este modelo de papel em miniatura foi construída na cidade de Djursholm, Suécia, em 1988. Ela foi feita pelo designer e arquiteto Gunnar Sillén como um presente para sua mãe.

Link: One.Sheet.Miniature.Villa.Paper.Model.by.Gunnar.Sillén

More Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Japanese Country Station Diorama In HO Scale - by Peparama

Little Country Home - by Somodi Zoltan - Pequena Casa De Campo

Desktop Architecture - Series 03 - by Papermau

Boyen Fortress - Poland - by Renova Model - Fortaleza Boyen

Gray Wolf Miniature Paper Model - by Noordland - via Pepakura Gallery

This miniature paper model of a Gray Wolf was created by Japanese designer Noordland and was originally posted at Pepakura Gallery. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

Este modelo de papel em miniatura de um Lobo Cinzento foi criado pelo designer japonês Noordland e foi originalmente publicado no site Pepakura Gallery. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model: Gray.Wolf.Miniature.Paper.Model.by.Noordland.via.Pepakura.Gallery

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Cats, Cats and More Cats - by Canon

Shih Tzu Paper Dog - by Canon

Dandy Frog Paper Toy - by Olette - via Behance

Seven-Spotted Ladybug Paper Model - by Canon - Joaninha De Papel

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Christmas Time - Christmas Train Paper Model - by Keisuke Saka

This beautiful Christmas Train was created by Japanese designer Keisuke Saka, commissioned by Canon, Japanese Website. The whole model occupies 11 sheets of paper and is perfect for your Christmas decoration.

Este lindo Trenzinho de Natal foi criado pelo designer japonês Keisuke Saka, comissionado pelo site da Canon do Japão. O modelo todo ocupa 11 folhas de papel e é perfeito para a sua decoração de Natal.

Link: Christmas.Time.Christmas.Train.Paper.Model.by.Keisuke.Saka

More Christmas Paper Models related posts:

Christmas Time - Christmas Decoration With Paper Toys - Paper Toys De Natal

Christmas Time - Nativity Scene Papercraft For Kids - by 7Aters Cubees

Christmas Time - Christmas Village Papercraft Set - by Sirius Artworks

Christmas Time - Santa Claus Reading Letter Paper Toy - by Little Rainey Illustration

The Nutcracker Ballet Dress-Up Paper Dolls - by Dover Publications

Offered by Dover Publications, here are the dress up paper dolls of Clara and Fritz, characters from "The Nutcracker", the 1892`s classic two-act ballet.

Oferecido por Dover Publications, aqui estão os bonecos de papel de vestir de Clara e Fritz, personagens de "O Quebra-Nozes", o clássico balé de dois atos de 1892.

Link to sheet 01: Nutcracker.Ballet.Dress.Up.Paper.Dolls.by.Dover.Publications.Sheet.01

Link to sheet 02: Nutcracker.Ballet.Dress.Up.Paper.Dolls.by.Dover.Publications.Sheet.02

Link to sheet 03: Nutcracker.Ballet.Dress.Up.Paper.Dolls.by.Dover.Publications.Sheet.03

Link to sheet 04: Nutcracker.Ballet.Dress.Up.Paper.Dolls.by.Dover.Publications.Sheet.04

More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:

Vintage Igloo Kids Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Vintage Mouse

Vintage Pin-Up Paper Dolls - by Ondiraiduveau - via Flickr

1950`s Norske Bunader Paper Doll - Norwegian Costumes - by National Museum Of Play Online Collections

Paper Model History - 1902`s Nestlé Promotional Paper Doll - by Eichwaelder