Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Batman Vs. Superman - Batman Paper Toy - by Tonchat Jaizue

Inspired by 2016`s movie Batman Vs. Superman, Thai designer Tonchat Jaizue, from Tjaizue website, created this nice and easy-to-build Batman paper toy.

Inspirado pelo filme Batman Vs. Superman, o designer tailandês Tonchat Jaizue, do site Tjaizue, criou este paper toy bem legal e fácil de montar do Batman.


More Super Heroes and Villains Paper Models related posts:

Batman And Mini Batman Paper Toys - by Papermau - Download Now!

Bender, Batman, Superman And Robocop - Paper Models Of Pop Characters - by Pedro Seidel

Spiderman Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Batman - Arkham City - The Joker Paper Model - by Sabi 96

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Halloween Special - Jack O' Lantern Miniature Paper Toy
by COSPA & Kaorin Minogue

Here is a cute Halloween themed paper toy created by COSPA & Kaorin Minogue, comissioned by Canon, Japanese website: this Jack O' Lantern paper toy in GRAPHIG style occupies three sheets of paper and is perfect to decorate your home this Halloween.

Eis aqui um paper toy com temática de Dia das Bruxas criado pelos designers COSPA & Kaorin Minogue, comissionados pelo site da Canon, do Japão: este paper toy do Cabeça-de-Abóbora em estilo GRAPHIG ocupa três folhas de papel e é perfeito para decorar a sua casa nesse Dia das Bruxas.


More Halloween themed Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Day Of The Dead Fashions Dress Up Paper Dolls
by Dover

Offered by Dover Publications, here are two "Day of the Dead" dress up paper dolls, perfect to get in the mood of Halloween.

Oferecidas pela Dover Publications, aqui estão duas dress up paper dolls de "Dia de los Muertos", perfeitas para entrar no clima do Dia das Bruxas.

Link to sheet 01:

Link to sheet 02:

Link to sheet 03:

More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:

1942`s French Dress Up Paper Doll - by Agence Eureka

Drive - The Driver Dress Up Paper Doll - by Kyle Hilton

Marilyn Monroe Dress Up Paper Doll - by Cory Jensen

Mopsy Goes Patriotic Dress Up Paper Doll - by Larry Bassin - via Marges8's Blog

Halloween Special - Vintage Style Cardboard Halloween House
by Howard Lamey & Paul Race

Visit Big Indoor Trains website to learn how to build this cool Vintage-Style Cardboard Halloween House, created by Howard Lamey & Paul Race.

 You will find a very well done tutorial and also the template of this little house to print. It will give a very unique touch to your Halloween decor.

This project will require you to do more than just print and assemble

You have to use your imagination to paint and decorate your little house, but the result will be worth it.

Visite o site Big Indoor Trains para aprender como construir esta Casa de Dias das Bruxas em estilo Vintage, criada por Howard Lamey & Paul Race.

Você vai encontrar um tutorial muito bem feito e também o molde desta casinha para imprimir. Vai dar um toque todo especial para sua decoração de Dia das Bruxas.

Este projeto vai exigir que você faça mais do que só imprimir e montar

Você terá que usar sua imaginação para pintar e decorar sua casa, mas o resultado valerá a pena.


More Halloween Projects with Tutorials related posts:

This Is Not Paper, But... - Make Your Own Cute And Spooky Ghosts - by My So Called Crafty Life

This Is Not Paper, But... - Rock Jack-O-Lanterns - by No Time For Flash Cards

It Is Not Paper, But... - Cheesecloth Ghosts - by Chicken Blog - Fantasma de Gazes

Mega Lego Skeleton - by ZombieGorilla - via Instructables

Leonardo da Vinci`s Paddle Boat Paper Model - by M. Kajiwara

The Japanese designer and modeler M.Kajiwara, commissioned by Canon website, created this really nice papercraft inspired by a paddle boat sketched by Leonardo da Vinci.

Occupying only three sheets of paper, this paddle boat is perfect for schoolworks, wargames or even, , with some modifications, for Steampunk dioramas. 

More one time I say thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger, from USA, fro this nice find!

O designer e modelista japonês M.Kajiwara, comissionado pelo site da Canon, criou este papercraft bem legal inspirado em um barco a remo desenhado por Leonardo da Vinci. 

Ocupando apenas três folhas de papel, este barco a remo é perfeito para trabalhos escolares, jogos de guerra ou mesmo, com algumas modificações, para dioramas Steampunk.

Novamente brigado ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger, dos EUA, por este belo achado!


Halloween Special - Jack-O'-Lantern Miniature Paper Toy
by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

Occupying only one sheet of paper, this cute Jack-O'-Lantern miniature paper toy was created by Japanese designers Ayumu Saito and Craft Pocket, comissioned by Canon website.

Thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger, from USA, fro this nice find!

Ocupando apenas uma folha de papel, este simpático paper toy em miniatura do Cabeça-de-Abóbora foi criado pelos designers japoneses Ayumu Saito e Craft Pocket, comissionados pelo site da Canon.

Obrigado ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger, dos EUA, por este belo achado!


More Halloween themed Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special Meets Rock`n`Roll Circus - Zombie Rocker - by Papermau

Halloween Special - Barbie Scale Guillotine - by Tektonten

Halloween Special - Classic Movies Monsters - by Andreas Hartung

Halloween Special - Bobblehead Monsters - by Frankenpaper

A Medieval House Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames
by Christian Sturke

This easy-to-build Medieval House was created by German designer Christian Sturke, from Rorschach Hamster website. 

Occupying three sheets of paper, this is a nice model for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

By clicking the link below, you will be directed to the download page of the site where you will find this model and many others, all free.

As the page is extensive, full of links and written in German, I also leave below direct links to the three parts of this beautiful architectural model.

Este Casa Medieval bem fácil de montar foi criada pelo designer alemão Christian Sturke, do site Rorschach Hamster. 

Ocupando três folhas de papel, é um ótimo modelo para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

Clicando no link abaixo, você será direcionado para a página de downloads do site, onde encontrará este modelo e muitos outros, todos gratuítos.

Como a página é extensa, cheia de links e escrita em alemão, eu deixo abaixo também os links diretos para as três partes desse belo modelo arquitetônico.

Link to download page: