Saturday, October 9, 2021

Halloween Special - Jack-O-Lanterns And Flying Witch Papercrafts
by Yamaha

In September 2018 Yamaha decided to stop sharing its beautiful paper models on its website. I made a post about it and you can access it below: 

  Yamaha Papercraft Website Will Officially Close In September 2018 

Now, to our surprise and as a way to encourage "stay home" due to the pandemic, Yamaha decided to relaunch some of its models. These, in particular, of a Witch and a Pumpkin Head, were originally published in October 1998. I advise that, if you liked it, download it soon, as we do not know until when these models will be available.

Em Setembro de 2018 a Yamaha decidiu deixar de compartilhar seus belos modelos de papel em seu website. Eu fiz uma postagem a respeito e você pode acessá-la abaixo: 

O site da Yamaha Papercraft será oficialmente fechado em setembro de 2018 

Agora, para nossa surpresa e como uma forma de incentivar o "fique em casa" devido a pandemia, A Yamaha resolveu relançar alguns de seus modelos. Estes, em particular, de uma Bruxinha e um Cabeça-de-Abóbora, foram originalmente publicados em Outubro de 1998. Eu aconselho que, se você gostou, baixe logo, pois não sabemos até quando estes models estarão disponíveis.


Friday, October 8, 2021

Halloween Special - Frankenstein, The Grim Reaper And The Mummy
by The Bigfoot Studio

Trystan Mitchell, an illustrator and designer living and working in Cornwall, created these nice paper toys of monsters: Frankenstein, the Grim Reaper And the Mummy.

Trystan Mitchell, um ilustrador e designer que vive e trabalha na Cornualha, criou estes paper toys de monstros bem bacanas: Frankenstein, o Ceifador e a Múmia.


More Monsters Paper Toys related posts:

Frankey The Little Monster Paper Toy - by Gulali / Tougui

Rawr Monster Paper Toy - by Andrew Power - via Dribbble

Monster University - Art The Furry Monster Paper Toy - by Spoonful

Halloween Special - Trick-or-Treat Monitor Monsters - by Scout Creative

Easy-To-Build Watermelon Gift Box Decorative Papercraft - by Sanglota

Offered by Sanglota website, here is a nice papercraft in watermelon format that can be used as a gift box for small souvenirs or as a decoration.

Oferecida pelo site Sanglota, eis aqui uma simpático papercraft em formato de melancia que pode ser usada como caixa de presentes para pequenas lembranças ou como decoração.


More Paper Models of Gift Boxs and Greetings Cards related posts:

Vintage Matches Gift Box - by Papermau - Download Now!

Funny Gift Boxes Papercraft - by Kirin - Caixinhas De Presente

Handmade Exploding Box Card - by Baw CraftWorx

Polaroid Camera Pop Up Card Papercraft - by Extreme Cards

Halloween Special - Halloween Party 3D Picture Papercraft
by Yukari Nakayama & Izumi Hashiguchi

This Halloween themed 3D frame, a kind of relief scene, was created by Japanese designers Yukari Nakayama and Izumi Hashiguchi, exclusively for Canon website.

In the words of the creators themselves, this is "a paper embossing for Halloween. It's fun to make and it's a cool item to decorate your room."

The green frame is not included, so you can download it from the other attached link.

Download the photo frame (compatible with 210 x 147 mm size) which is also free from Canon's Creative Park.

Este quadro em 3D, uma espécie de cena em relevo foi criada pelos designers japoneses Yukari Nakayama e Izumi Hashiguchi, exclusivamente para o site da Canon.

Nas palavras dos próprios criadores, este é "um relevo de papel para o Halloween. É divertido de fazer e é um item legal para decorar seu quarto."

A moldura verde não está incluída, então você pode baixá-la no outro link anexado.

Faça o download do porta-retratos (compatível com o tamanho de 210 x 147 mm) que também é gratuíto no Creative Park da Canon.

Link to 3D Picture: & Izumi Hashiguchi

Halloween Special - Catcubetopia Halloween Themed Paper Toys
by Bad Cat

These paper toys in Cubeecraft style, from a series called Catcubetopia, are offered by Bad Cat website

There are five Halloween themed paper toys and also many other models to download and print.

Estes paper toys em estilo Cubeecraft, de uma série chamada Catcubetopia, são oferecidos pelo site Bad Cat

Existem cinco paper toys temáticos de Halloween e também muitos outros modelos para baixar e imprimir.


More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Child`s Hearse Paper Model - by Vinsart

Halloween Special - Teddy Bear Bag Paper Model - by Canon

Halloween Special - Halloween Kombi Paper Model - by Papermau

Trick-Or-Treat Scene Papercraft For Kids - by Joel

Mister Koko - 4th Bird-Day Paper Toy - by Kamila Olszewska

Occupying only one sheet of paper, this is Mister Koko, the Bird paper toy, created by Polish designer and modeler Kamila Olszewska.

Ocupando apenas uma folha de papel, este é o Mister Koko, o pássaro paper toy, criado pela designer e modelista polonesa Kamila Olszewska.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante

A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide

Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos

Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Squid Game - Circle, Square And Triangle Pink Soldiers Paper Toys
by Paperized Crafts

Created by my friend, the Philippine designer and modeler Paulo, from Paperized Crafts website, these are the paper toy versions of Circle, Triangle and Square soldiers, from the new South Korean series Squid Game, by Netflix.

Criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista filipino Paulo, do site Paperized Crafts, estas são as versões paper toy dos soldados Círculo, Triângulo e Quadrado, da nova série sul-coreana Squid Game, da Netflix.

Link to Circle Soldier:

More Tv Series Paper Models related posts: