Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Pirenarium Building In Spain Paper Model - by José Enrique Ortega - via Mariona Moncunill

This beautiful paper model of the Pirenarium Building, in Pirineo Aragonés, Spain, was created by José Enrique Ortega and can be downloaded at Mariona Moncunill`s website.

 photo Pirenarium Building papercraft via Papermau.002_zpsg8qqlitx.jpg

Este belo modelo de papel do Edifício Pirenarium, nos Pirineos Aragoneses, Espanha, foi criado por José Enrique Ortega e pode ser baixado no site de Mariona Moncunill.

Direct link to the model: The.Pirenarium.Paper.Model.by.Mariona.Moncunill.&.José.Enrique.Ortega

Link to Pirenarium main page: Pirenarium.Project.by.Mariona.Moncunill.&.José.Enrique.Ortega.Main.Page

More Paper Models of Spanish Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Corregidor Chapel Paper Model - Ourense Series - by Edifícios De Papel

Nuestra Señora de La Natividad Church In Spain - by Visita Alborea

Santiago de Bernabeu Stadium - by Kaukapedia - Estádio De Futebol Espanhol

Mataró Station Paper Model - by Editorial Roma - via Maquetas & Modelos

Monday, October 31, 2016

Flambo Truck - A Vintage Advertising Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

This is an old paper model offered in the early twentieth century by Flambo, a French company, to promote its products. This little truck was preserved and now is shared by Agence Eureka website. You can choose between the original or a "clean" version, what will make you save a lot of ink when printing.

Este é um antigo modelo de papel oferecido no início do século XX pela Flambo, uma empresa francesa, para promover seus produtos. Este pequeno caminhão foi preservado e agora é compartilhado pelo site Agence Eureka. Você pode escolher entre o original ou uma versão "limpa", o que vai fazer você economizar um bocado de tinta na hora de imprimir.

Link to original version: Flambo.Truck.A.Vintage.Advertising.Paper.Model.by.Agence.Eureka.Original.Version

Link to cleaned version: Flambo.Truck.A.Vintage.Advertising.Paper.Model.by.Agence.Eureka.Cleaned.Version

More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

Vintage Doll House Paper Model With Furniture - by Bonnie Jones - via Picasa

German Vintage Locomotives - by Bastelbogen On Line

At The Photographer - Papercraft Vintage Diorama - by SarienSpiderDroid / Agence Eureka

Colonial Era Butcher Vintage Paper Model - by National Museum of Play - Açougueiro da Época Colonial

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Desecrated Tomb Diorama Paper Model - by Papermau
Download Now!

Here is the Desecrated Tomb Diorama paper model, ready to download. The model occupies eight sheets of paper, including the base. I also made illustrated instructions, only the most complicated parts, because the assembly of the parts at the base is very intuitive. The grave may be placed in several positions and can also be duplicated. Have fun! - I want to say thanks to Claudio A, Paperized Crafts and Kenku for the comments and ideas!

Aqui está o modelo de papel da Tumba Profanada, pronto para download. O modelo todo ocupa oito folhas de papel, incluindo a base. Eu fiz também instruções ilustradas, apenas das partes mais complicadas, pois a montagem das peças na base é bem intuitiva. O túmulo pode ser colocado em várias posições e pode ser também duplicado. Boa montagem! - Quero agradecer ao Claudio A, ao Paperized Crafts e ao Kenku pelos comentários e idéias!

Download Templates: The.Desecrated.Tomb.Diorama.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Templates

Download Instructions: The.Desecrated.Tomb.Diorama.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Instructions

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Desecrated Tomb Diorama Paper Model - by Papermau
Download Tomorrow!

My intention was to dispose this model for download today, but unfortunately I could not finish it. It would not be fair or good for anyone to release the model incomplete or poorly finished. At this point I'm arranging some parts that do not fit well and at the same time testing the assembly in 3D. Tomorrow the crypt will be ready, and on time for Halloween. Many thanks to Claudio A, Paperized Crafts and Kenku for the comments and ideas!

Minha intenção era dispor este modelo para download hoje, mas infelizmente não consegui terminá-lo. Não seria justo nem bom para ninguém lançar o modelo incompleto ou mal finalizado. Neste momento eu estou arrumando algumas partes que não encaixam bem e ao mesmo tempo testando a montagem em 3D. Amanhã a Crípta estará pronta, bem hà tempo para o Dia das Bruxas. Muito obrigado ao Claudio A, Paperized Crafts e Kenku pelos comentários e idéias!

More Papermau Next Projects related posts:

The Lamen Shop Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project

Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances

Stone House In Toscana Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Bermuda Triangle Lighthouse Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Halloween Special - Ocarina Of Time 3D - ReDead Paper Model
by Sabidiet

This is the ReDead, from the Nintendo`s videogame Ocarina Of Time 3D. This really nice paper model version of the ReDead was created by French designer and modeler Sabidiet, from Paper Zelda website. You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.

 photo redead.paper.toy.via.papermau.002_zpsgyvlhogy.jpg

Este é o ReDead, do videogame Ocarina Of Time 3D, da Nintendo. Esta versão em papel muito bem feita do ReDead foi criada pelo designer e modelista francês Sabidiet, do site Paper Zelda. Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.

 photo redead.paper.toy.via.papermau.003_zpsrbp1kmrh.jpg

Link to download the model: Halloween.Special.Ocarina.Of.Time.3D.ReDead.Paper.Model.by.Sabidiet

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

The Dark Promise Pirate Ship - by Ravens Blight - Nau Pirata

Halloween Special - Zombie Freud Paper Toy - by Matt Hawkins

Halloween Special - Complete Halloween Party Kit - by Kirin

Inquisition Hanging Cage Diorama - by Professor Plastik - Diorama Medieval - Inquisição

Friday, October 28, 2016

Halloween Special - Green Zombie Paper Toy - by Jeff Porkswords

Using as base an original model created by Paper Dude, the North American modeler Jeff Porkswords created this cool Green Zombie paper toy.

Usando como base um modelo original de Paper Dude, o modelista norte-americano Jeff Porkswords criou este paper toy bem legal de um Zumbí Verde.

Link: Halloween.Special.Green.Zombie.Paper.Toy.by.Jeff.Porkswords

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Friendly Frankenstein Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Halloween Special - Johnny Handsome`s Coffin - by Papermau

Halloween Special - Origami Hand Skeleton - by Jeremy Shafer

Tokyo Ghoul - Touka Kirishima Paper Toy - by Paperized

From Tokyo Ghoul, anime and mangá series, here is Touka Kirishima, in a nice paper toy version created by my friend, the designer and modeler Paperized, from Paperized website.

Da série de animes e mangás Tokyo Ghoul, aqui está Touka Kirishima, em uma simpática versão paper toy criada pelo meu amigo, o designer e modelista Paperized, do site Paperized.

Link: Tokyo.Ghoul.Touka.Kirishima.Paper.Toy.by.Paperized

More Paper Model Characters in Anime Style related posts:

Sasuke - The Demon Princess Paper Doll - by Fumia - via Pepakura Gallery

Snow Miku Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami

Ichinose Kotomi Paper Doll Anime Style - by Ani Papercraft

Angel Lightning Paper Dolls - by 3RS Real - via Pepakura Gallery

Halloween Special - Zombie Rocker And The Esqueleto Paper Toys
by Papermau - Download Now!

These two paper toys were already posted here at the blog, but they are just in time for Halloween celebrations. The Zombie Rocker was originally posted in October, 2012 and the Esqueleto was posted last month.

Estes dois paper toys já foram postados aqui no blog, mas eles vêm em boa hora para o Dia das Bruxas. O Zombie Rocker foi originalmente postado em Outubro de 2012 e o Esqueleto no mês passado.

Link to Zombie Rocker: Halloween.Special.Zombie.Rocker.Paper.Toy.by.Papermau.Download.Now!

Link to The Esqueleto: Halloween.Special.The.Esqueleto.Paper.Toy.by.Papermau.Download.Now!

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Classic Movies Monsters - by Andreas Hartung

Halloween Special - Frankenstein Follow-Me Head - by Frankenpaper

Halloween Special - Halloween House - by Canon

Halloween Special - Evil Dead Diorama - by Oh-Sheet Paper Toys

Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Paper Toys - by Paper Foldables

Created by North American designer Bryan, from Paper Foldables website, here are two funny paper toy versions of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Criados pelo designer norte-americano Bryan, do site Paper Foldables, aqui estão os paper toys de Hillary Clinton e Donald Trump.

Link: Hillary.Clinton.&.Donald.Trump.Paper.Toys.by.Paper.Foldables

More Pop Culture Paper Models related posts:

Star Trek - Classic Mr.Spock Paper Toy - by Ryan Permana

Classic Videogames - Contra Diorama Paper Model - by Mister Manolo

Halloween Special - Famous Serial Killers From Movies Paper Toys - by Cubeecraft

The Legend Of E.T. Cartridges Buried In The Desert Paper Model - by Tubbypaws

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Winzing Train Station - A Vintage Austrian Paper Model
by Zeitschriftenverlag Ployer & Co.

This vintage paper model of the Winzing Train Station was originally printed in 1948, by Zeitschriftenverlag Ployer, an Austrian publisher. The model was preserved and now is shared by swiss collector Michael Studt.

Este antigo modelo de papel da Estação de Trens de Winzing foi originalmente impressa em 1948, pela Zeitschriftenverlag Ployer, uma editora austríaca. O modelo foi preservado e agora é compartilhado pelo colecionador suíço Michael Studt.

Link: The.Winzing.Train.Station.A.Vintage.Austrian.Paper.Model.by.Zeitschriftenverlag.Ployer.&.Co

More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

Paper Model History - 1860`s Model Zoo - by Power House Museum

Father Soap Paper Toy Vintage Advertsing - by Agence Eureka

Make your Own Theater And Circus - by Victoria and Albert Museum

Vintage Paper Dolls - by Centsprent - Via Picasa Web