Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Redneck Motorhome - by Papermau - Download Now!


Here is the Redneck Motorhome, or Hillbilly Snail, in two versions: MsPaint simple textures and realistic textures. It is a very simple model in just two sheets. Enjoy!


Aqui, O Trailer do Caipira, ou Redneck Motorhome, ou aind Hillbilly Snail, em duas versões: texturas simples, em MsPaint e texturas mais realistas, tiradas de fotos. É um modelo bem simples, em apenas duas folhas. Boa montagem!

You can build just the truck or just the house /  Você pode montar apenas o caminhão ou a casa.

The Two Versions: Realistic and Simple Textures

Link: The.Redneck.Motorhome.by.Papermau.Download.Now!

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Old Bus to Nowhere - by Papermau - Ônibus Para Lugar Nenhum

Old Yellow House - by Papermau - Velha Casa Amarela

Volkswagen Transporter Van - by Papermau - Brazilian Kombi

Lake`s House Refuge With Some Improvements - by Papermau

Airwolf Santini Air Bell 206 Micro Paper Model - by ThunderChildFTC


A really tiny paper model of a helicopter Airwolf Santini Air Bell, by South Afican designer ThunderChildFTC.

Um modelo realmente minúsculo de um helicóptero Airwolf Santini Air Bell, do designer sul-africano ThunderChildFTC.

Link: Airwolf.Santini.Air.Bell.206.Micro.Paper.Model.by.ThunderChildFTC

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Bell OH-13 Sioux Helicopter In "Pin" Scale - by Chiawatkom - via Paper Modelers

Helicopter A129 Agusta Mangusta Paper Model - by Yuthdaw

Helicopters and Airplanes - by Kurukuru Packn

Mi 24 Hind Helicopter 1/250 Scale - by Rawen & Tichy

Football Money Box Papercraft - by Canon - Cofrinho De Futebol


A nice safe bank to put your coins, by Japanese site Canon.

Um bonito cofrinho para você juntar suas moedinhas, do site japonês Canon.

Link: Football.Money Box.Papercraft.by.Canon

More Decorative and Useful paper Models related posts:

Vintage Matches Gift Box - by Papermau - Download Now!

Chinese Lantern Papercraft - by Canon - Lanterna Chinesa

Asian Good Luck Amulets - by Canon - Objetos Da Sorte Asiáticos

Forest Animals Pop-Up Card -by Japan Post - Cartão Pop Up

Airbus A320 Cebu Pacific Paper Model - by Paper Replika


More one great model by Indonesian website Paper Replika.

Mais um belo modelo do site indonésio Paper Replika.

Link: Airbus.A320.Cebu.Pacific.Paper.Model.by.Paper.Replika

More Aircraft Paper Models related posts:

1930`s Farman F-250 Aircraft Paper model - by Monsieur E

NA-50 "Torito" - 1941`s Peruan Air Force Plane - by Modelismo y Maquetas

Goodyear Blimp - by Carrera For Fun - Zeppelin da Goodyear

Albatros DrII WWI Plane - by Paper Inside - Avião da Primeira Guerra

Congreve Rocket Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Rocketman Tan

Another nice and unusual paper model by Bryan Tan, aka Rocketman Tan: the Congreve Rocket , in a cool 1/1 scale.

Mais um modelo bem bacana e pouco comum do designer Bryan Tan, ou Rocketman Tan: o Foguete Congreve, na escala 1/1.

Model Assembled and Photo by Bryan Tan

The Real Thing
The Congreve Rocket was a British military weapon designed and developed by Sir William Congreve in 1804.
The rocket was developed by the Royal Arsenal following the experiences of the Second, Third and Fourth Mysore Wars. The wars fought between the British East India Company and the kingdom of Mysore in India made use of rockets as a weapon. After the wars, several Mysore rockets were sent to England, and from 1801, William Congreve set on a research and development programme at the Arsenal's laboratory. The Royal Arsenal's first demonstration of solid fuel rockets was in 1805. The rockets were used effectively during the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. - Wikipedia

Picture ShowingThe Use Of Congreve Rockets In Napoleonic Wars

Launching The Congreve
Em 1805, o primeiro ministro inglês, acompanhado pelos secretários da guerra e dos negócios estrangeiros assistiram a um teste com os novos projéteis de Congreve. Muito impressionados – talvez pelo fato de que parte dos testes foi feita à noite –, os políticos determinaram a fabricação dos novos e impressionantes projéteis. Usando esses primeiros modelos (ainda com os tradicionais invólucros de papel, que limitavam a potência dos motores), foi feito um ataque em novembro de 1805 contra navios franceses ancorados em Boulogne, com a condução do Comodoro Sidney Smith. Esta operação foi um fracasso, mas a amizade de Smith com Congreve e a perseverança dos dois fizeram com que novas tentativas fossem executadas. A mais famosa delas – e que traria fama mundial para a arma de Congreve, foi o bombardeio de Copenhagem em 1807, quando o efeito incendiário e moral dos foguetes foi considerado terrível pelos próprios dinamarqueses. - leia mais em portal.são.francisco.congreve

Link to the model: Congreve.Rocket.Papercraft.In.1/1.Scale.by.Rocketman.Tan

Rocketman Tan main page: Rocketman.Tan.Main.Page.at.DeviantArt

More Military Weaponss related posts:

Panzerfaust 60 1/1 Scale - by RocketmanTan - Bazuca Anti-Tanques Alemã

Chinese Broadsword Vignette - by Sui-Shing Mak

French Medieval Gunner Paper Figure - by Zio Prudenzio

Medieval Weapons - by Sheila`s Papermodels - Armas Medievais

Tangerine Toil Bot Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

A cool Robot Paper Toy, by designer Bry, from Chemical 9 website.


Link: Tangerine.Toil.Bot.Paper.Toy.by.Chemical.9

More Robots Paper models related posts:

Super Robot - BoxZet Paper Toy Series - by Byman Studio

Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft - by GOLLUM 999 Papercraft - Robô Cão de Half-Life 2

Axioo Mecha Unit Robot Paper Toy - by Ruang Antho - Robot Mecha Toon Style

Intergalactic Robot Mecha...Thing - by Bryan Tan

Japanese Style House Paper Model - by Akafuku


A beautiful paper model of a Japanese traditional house, by Akafuku website.

Um belo modelo de casa no estilo tradicional japonês, do site Akafuku.

Link: Japanese.Style.House.Paper.Model.by.Akafuku

More Japanese Traditional Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Chuson-ji Temple Konjiki-do (Golden Hall) in Japan - by Canon

Gasshoku Japanese House - by Canon - Casa Tradicional Japonesa

Great Torii of Itsukushima In Japan - by Bernard Buzuc - Grande Torii

Monday, June 25, 2012

1920`s Molly Munsing Vintage Paper Doll - by The Paper Collector

1920`s Munsingwear advertising paper doll, preserved and shared by The Paper Collector website. You can print on magnetic paper and make beautiful and unique magnets to put on your refrigerator door.


Uma boneca da década de 1920 usada como propaganda de uma confecção de roupas prontas (pret-a-porter), uma novidade na época, preservada e compartilhada pelo site The Paper Collector. Você pode imprimir em papel magnético e fazer belos e exclusivos imãs para por na porta de sua geladeira.

Link: 1920`s.Molly.Munsing.Vintage.Paper.Doll.by.The.Paper.Collector

More Vintage Paper Dolls related posts:

Vintage Paper Dolls And Furniture - by Doll House Paper

Halloween Special - Dolly Dingle`s Halloween - By Imprimibles

Vintage House Paper Model With Furniture - via Casita De Papel

1916`s French Paper Dolls - by Anne Schofield - via Power House Museum - Bonecas De Papel Francesas

Disney`s Ursula Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Gus Santome presents his new model of Disney Villains series: Ursula, from The Little Mermaid animated movie, in a nice Mini Paper Toy style.


Link: Disney`s.Ursula.Mini.Paper.Toy.by.Gus.Santome

More Paper Toys related posts:

Vintage Paper Toy Shop - by Angelika Oeckl

Urfin`s Wooden Soldier Paper Toy - by Paper Aviation - Soldado De Madeira

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Japanese Mascots Paper Toys - by My Jam Brand