Thursday, February 12, 2015

Halloween Special - The Frightening Mummy Paper Toy - by Dikids

By Indonesian designer Dadik Triadi, from Dikids website, this is the Frightening Mummy paper toy. You need only one shee tof paper to build this "creepy" paper toy.

 photo mummy.papertoy.dikids.002_zpsdeyojaxt.jpg

Do designer indonésio Dadik Triadi, do site Dikids, este é o paper toy da Múmia Assustadora. Você precisa de apena suma folha de papel para montar este "horripilante" paper toy.


More Halloween Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Friendly Frankenstein Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Halloween Special - Trick-or-Treat Monitor Monsters - by Scout Creative

Monsters and Characters For RPG And Wargames - by Crow Stuff

Halloween Special - Pop-Up Vampires Paper Toys - by RavensBlight

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I Built The Jack Sparrow Mask Paper Model - by Hyakunin

I assembled the mask of Jack Sparrow, from Pirates of Caribbean, created by Japanese designer Hyakunin and I have to say it's easy assembly, with precise fittings, and great fun. I spent half an hour to put it together, with a break for coffee. Hyakunin manages to capture the expression of the characters he chooses, with only a few paper folds. If you also want to build your own mask of Jack Sparrow, the download link is below, at the end of this post.

 photo j.sparrow.mask.hyakunin.002_zpsah1cffx7.jpg

Eu montei a máscara do Jack Sparrow, dos Piratas do Caribe, criada pelo designer japonês Hyakunin e eu tenho que dizer que é uma montagem fácil, com encaixes precisos, e muito divertida. Eu gastei uma meia hora para montar tudo, com uma pausa para o café. Hyakunuin consegue captar a expressão dos personagens que ele escolhe, com apenas algumas dobras de papel. Se você também quer montar sua própria máscara do Jack Sparrow, o link para download está logo abaixo, no final deste post.

 photo imagem_zpspd8li6xo.jpg
The mask of Jack Sparrow with a Playmobil miniature to give you an idea of size.
A máscara de Jack Sparrow com uma miniatura Playmobil, para se ter uma idéia de tamanho.

Link: Pirates.Of.The.Caribbean.Jack.Sparrow.Mask.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Masks related posts:

Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model - by Papermau - Máscara de Tutankamon

Dr. Who - CyberShade Face Mask Paper Model - by BBC

Scarecrow Mask Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Gankutsu-O-Taku

Guy Falkes Mask - by Mckackr - Máscara de Guy Falkes

Stromtrooper Mask Paper Model In 1/50 Scale - by Hyakunin

Here is a paper model that will make the day of Star Wars fans: a Stormtrooper mask in 1/50 scale, creation of the Japanese designer Hyakunin. And you need only one sheet of paper to build this.
 photo stormtrooper.mask.papercrat.0002_zps8vxmgrw8.jpg

Aqui está um modelo de papel que fará a alegria dos fãs de Star Wars: uma máscara de Stormtrooper na escala 1/50, criação do designer japonês Hyakunin. E Você precisa de apenas uma folha de papel para montá-la.

Link: Stromtrooper.Mask.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Star Wars Paper Models related posts:

Star Wars - X-Wing Starfighter - by J. Leslie

Star Wars Droid R2D2 - by SF Papercraft - Robô R2D2

Star Wars "AT-AT" Walker Vehicle - by SF Papercraft

Star Wars`T-47 Snowspeeder Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika

Minecraft - Steve With Diamond Armor Paper Toy - by Craftman Korea

 photo minecraft.joe.paper.toy.001_zpsz2sp6cp6.jpg

By Craftman Korea website, here is Steve, character from Minecraft videogame, with his Diamond Armor and acessories. Take a look at the second photo of this post to learn how to download this cool paper toy.

 photo minecraft.joe.paper.toy.002_zpslz4cojsx.jpg

Do site Craftman Korea, este é Steve, personagem do game Minecraft, com sua Armadura de Diamantes e acessórios. Dê uma olhada na segunda foto deste post para aprender como baixar este paper toy muito bacana.


More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:

Little Monsters from Mostruo Nintendo Game- by Ushimitsu

Big Sister From BioShock2 - by Destro2k - via Deviant Art

Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft - by GOLLUM 999 Papercraft - Robô Cão de Half-Life 2

Assassin`s Creed - Altair Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron V-Wing Paper Model - by Dávid Pethes

Created by Czech designer Dávid Pethes, aka Imclod, this paper model of the V-Wing spaceship, from Star Wars - Rogue Squadron videogame, occupies only one sheet of paper with its pieces.

 photo star.wars.v.wing.papercraft.003_zpsdyxflasy.jpg

Criado pelo designer checo David Pethes, aka Imclod, este modelo de papel da nave V-Wing, do game Star Wars - Rogue Squadron, ocupa apenas uma folha de papel com as suas peças.

 photo star.wars.v.wing.papercraft.002_zpsi08291e0.jpg


More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:

Transformers Bumblebee Paper Model - Simple Version - by Paper Replika

Federation UFO Paper Model - by MTK`s Card Craft

BSG Colonial Viper Mk 1 Paper Model - by Sirius Replicas

Star Trek - Enterprise And Intrepid Spaceships - by Repap Studios

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Citroen HY Truck "Papermau" Paper Model - by Papadenati

I'm always visiting the French forum Le Forum En Papier in search of new techniques and models and, to my surprise, when I took a look at the news in the post of Citroen Hy by Camille, I see that my friend Papadenati kindly made a Citroen HY with Papermau logo. He chose vibrant colors, it has everything to do with the blog. I can not find the right words to describe my joy to see this model. - Thank you, Papadenati, for this precious model and the kindness to include Papermau in your beautiful collection of Citroen HY. - If you want to build your own Citroen HY Truck "Papermau" Paper Model - by Papadenati, the link to download is right below, at the end of this post.


Eu estou sempre visitando o Le Forum En Papier em busca de novas técnicas e modelos e, para minha surpresa, quando dei uma olhada nas novidades no post dos Citroen Hy by Camille, vejo que meu amigo Papadenati gentilmente fez um Citroen HY com o logo Papermau. Ele escolheu cores vibrantes, que tem tudo a haver com o blog. Eu não consigo achar as palavras certas para descrever minha alegria ao ver este modelo. - Muito obrigado, Papadenati, por este precioso modelo e pela gentileza em incluir o Papermau em tua belíssima coleção de Citroens HY. Se você também quiser montar seu próprio Citroen HY Truck "Papermau" Paper Model - by Papadenati, o link para download está logo abaixo, no final deste post.



More Citroen HY Paper Models related posts:

Citroën HY Monster Truck Paper Model - by Atlas 83 / Camille

Citroen HY 1962 Manfriet Paper Model - by Papercrafts.It

Citroën HY "Bosch" Paper Model - by Camille & Atlas 83 - via Le Forum En Papier

Citroen HY Netherland's State Police Paper Model - by Papercrafts.It

Pirates Of The Caribbean - Jack Sparrow Mask Paper Model
In 1/50 Scale - by Hyakunin

More one nice decorative mask paper model created by Japanese designer Hyakunin. This mask of the pirate Jack Sparrow, in 1/50 scale, is perfect to decorate your DVDs shelf.

 photo jack.sparrow.mask.papercraft.0002_zpsvcjfhgyn.jpg

Mais uma bela máscara decorativa de papel criada pelo designer japonês Hyakunin. Esta máscara do pirata Jack Sparrow, na escala 1/50, é perfeita para decorar sua estante de DVDs.

Link: Pirates.Of.The.Caribbean.Jack.Sparrow.Mask.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Masks related posts:

Guy Falkes Mask Paper Model - by Mckackr - Máscara de Guy Falkes

Assassin`s Creed Hellequin Mask - by Winged Crafts - Máscara de Arlequim

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Slipknot - Mick Thompson Mask Papercraft - by ZRP Papercrafter

Saw Mask Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by JP Papercraft

General Atomics MQ-1 Predator Paper Model - by Colleader

This is the General Atomics MQ-1 Predator, here in a very well done paper model version created by Chinese designer Colleader and originally posted at Card Model China forum. The General Atomics MQ-1 Predator is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) built by General Atomics and used primarily by the United States Air Force (USAF) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Initially conceived in the early 1990s for reconnaissance and forward observation roles, the Predator carries cameras and other sensors but has been modified and upgraded to carry and fire two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles or other munitions. The aircraft, in use since 1995, has seen combat over Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Serbia, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, and Somalia. - read more at

 photo predatpro.01.papercraftp.china.02_zpsvmlwbrsy.jpg

Este é a General Atomics MQ-1 Predator, aqui em uma muito bem feita versão em papel criada pelo designer chinês Colleader e originalmente postada no forum Card Models China. O General Atomics MQ-1 Predator é um veículo aéreo não tripulado (UAV), construído pela General Atomics e usado principalmente pela Força Aérea dos EUA (USAF) e pela Agência Central de Inteligência (CIA). Inicialmente concebido no início dos anos 1990 para reconhecimento e observação avançada, o Predator carrega câmeras e outros sensores, mas foi modificado e atualizado para transportar e disparar dois mísseis AGM-114 Hellfire ou outras munições. A aeronave, em uso desde 1995, já foi posta à prova em combates no Afeganistão, Paquistão, Bósnia, Sérvia, Iraque, Iêmen, Líbia, Síria e Somália. - saiba mais em

 photo predatpro.01.papercraftp.china.03_zpsk2wz0fej.jpg


More Aircraft and Planes related posts:

Dakota Seulawah RI-001 Aircraft - by ZRP Papercrafter - Avião Indonésio

Cold War Era Airplanes - by Paragon Card Models

Suicide Attacker Ohka Paper Model - by Thai Paper Works

Boeing F/A-18 Hornet Aircraft - by Stahlhart Papercraft

Albert Einstein Paper Toy - by Makss - via Card Model China

Albert Einstein (1879/1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist and philosopher of science, one of the greatest geniuses the world has ever known. Now he is a paper toy too, created by Chinese designer Makss and originally posted at Card Model China forum.
If you want to know more about Einstein, take a look here:

 photo einstein.papertoy.0001_zpsnab1hbzz.jpg

Albert Einstein (1879/1955) foi um físico teórico e filósofo científico alemão, um dos maiores gênios que o mundo já conheceu. Agora ele também é um paper toy, criado pelo designer chinês Makss e originalmente postado no forum Card Model China.
Se você quiser saber mais sobre Einstein, dê uma olhada aqui:


More Paper Toys related posts:

The Pope Paper Models - by Rob Nance and Recortables

Tea Factory Mascot - by Kagoshima - Mascote De Fábrica de Chá

Matryoshka - Russian Paper Dolls - by Canon - Bonecas Russas

3EyedBear Paper Toys - by Maarten Janssens

Spiderman Mask Paper Model In 1/50 Scale - by Hyakunin

This Spiderman 3D mask paper model, in 1/50 scale, was created by Japanese designer Hyakunin. You need only one sheet of paper to build this.

 photo spiderman.mask.papercraft.002_zpsetzitow7.jpg

Esta máscara em 3D do Homem-Aranha, na escala 1/50, foi criada pelo designer japonês Hyakunin. Você precisa de apenas uma folha de papel para montá-la.

Link: Spiderman.Mask.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Masks related posts:

Setsubun Festival Masks And Acessories Papercrafts - by Kirin

Guy Falkes Mask - by Mckackr - Máscara de Guy Falkes

Halloween Special - Friday The 13th - Jason`s Mask And Weapons - by Papercraft Museum

Scarecrow Mask Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Gankutsu-O-Taku