Thursday, August 18, 2011

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - Update - Almost Done

Now, some tires and a car, just the body, old and desmounted. Maybe next week it will be done. Next, the ground and more acessories, maybe some tools...

Agora, alguns pneus e uma carcaça de um daqueles carros dos anos 40 e 50, depenada. Eu acho que até semana que vem eu termino. O próximo passo é fazer a base, o piso, e mais acessórios. Algumas ferramentas, talvez...




Below, other posts with the progress of this model:
Abaixo, outros posts com progressos deste modelo:

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - More One Next Project

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - Some Advances

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - First Building

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - Second Building And Gas Pump


  1. hi, there..
    i'm trying to make abandoned gas station too..
    where'd you get the gas pump texture?

  2. I take the image searching on Google: type vintage gas pump. It`s not a texture, its a photo. I aplied using MsPaint. If you want to build this model, wait a little. When I finish it, I will put to download for free. Do you see my other vintage gas station? It`s in my blog, to download.
    Greetings from Brazil!
