Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween Special - Animal Crossing`s Jack - by Ultimate Papercraft


Happy October, everybody! In order to give you time to build it, we're releasing our Halloween themed papercraft now.
Jack is an Animal Crossing character who only appears on the evening of October 31st. On this day, all the townsfolk dress up like Jack and demand candy from you. Refuse, and you too will be 'cursed' with a rather cool pumpkin head. It's up to you to find which one is the real Jack, czar of Halloween! - Ultimate Papercraft

Link: Halloween.Special.Animal.Crossing`

More Halloween related posts:

Halloween Special - Papercraft Skull #1: Half-Life - by Tektonten

Halloween Special - Evil Dead Diorama - by Oh-Sheet Paper Toys

Halloween Special - The Skoolhouse - by Ray Keim

T-12 Soviet Tank - by Dragos - Tanque de Guerra Soviético

This cool model was made by Dragos, a Romanian designer and paper modeler. In this site you will find several fine exclusive models.

Este modelo bem realista foi feito por Dragos, um desiner e papel modelista Romeno. no seu site você encontrará vários modelos exclusivos, do nível deste aqui postado.



This was the first tank to be manufactured at the Kharkiv Locomotive Plant in 1929. The required documentation was developed by the tank design team headed by Ivan N. Aleksenko building on the technical project of the 1-12-32 tank developed by the design bureau of the Ordinance Arsenal Trust. A single specimen of the vehicle was manufactured and subjected to trials. The trials showed clearly that there were major drawbacks in the design of the power pack, transmission and running gear. The tank was never accepted for service. -

Esta foi a primeira tentativa de produzir um veículo de combate na Kharkiv Locomotive Plant, uma fábrica de locomotivas soviética, em 1929. Seu projeto e desenvolvimento foi encabeçado por uma equipe comandada por Ivan N. Aleksenko, trabalhando sobre o projeto técnico de outro tanque, o 1-12-32 . apenas um tanque t-12 foi construído e posto à prova. Os testes mostraram claramente que houve grandes erros de projeto na transmissão, na energia necessária e nos rolamentos das esteiras. O tanque T-12 nunca foi aprovado para combate. -

The Real Thing


More Tanks and Military related posts:

WW1 and WW2 Paper Tanks - by Wayne McCullough - Tanques Da 1ª e da 2ª Guerra

M1A1 Abrams Tank Papercraft - by Yudho - Tanque Americano Abrams

WW2 German Tank PzKpwf VI. Tiger In 1/100 scale - by Rawen

Kinkaku ji Japanese Temple - by Kids Net - Templo Japonês


The Real Thing

Kinkaku-ji, or Temple of the Golden Pavilion, also known as Rokuon-ji (Deer Garden Temple), is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. The garden complex is an excellent example of Muromachi period garden design. It is designated as a National Special Historic Site and a National Special Landscape, and it is one of 17 locations comprising the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto World Heritage Site. It is also one of the most popular buildings in Japan, attracting a large number of visitors annually. It has also been made widely familiar as being featured in a photograph in the desktop picture art of Apple's OS X computer operating system, labeled simply as "Golden Palace". - Wikipedia

O Kinkaku-ji, ou Templo do Pavilhão Dourado, é o nome dado ao templo Rokuon-ji, situado na cidade de Quioto no Japão e rodeado pelo Kyōko-chi (lago espelhado). Todo o pavilhão, exceto andar térreo, está coberto de folha de ouro puro e no telhado do pavilhão está uma fenghuang dourada (fénix chinesa).
O local onde o Pavilhão Dourado (designado formalmente por 'Shariden') se situa foi usado por volta de 1220 como local de descanso para Kintsune Saionji, mas o pavilhão em si só foi construído em 1397, para servir como local de descanso para o shogun Yoshimitsu Ashikaga. O seu filho foi o responsável pela conversão num templo Zen de orientação Rinzai. Durante a Guerra de Onin o templo foi queimado várias vezes. O neto de Yoshimitsu criou o Ginkaku-ji inspirado no Kinkaku-ji, e tencionava cobrir o novo templo budista de prata, o que acabou por não conseguir fazer.
Em 1950, o templo foi incendiado por um monge que sofria de perturbações mentais, sendo relatada uma versão ficcionada dos acontecimentos no livro O Templo do Pavilhão Dourado, de Yukio Mishima, que foi publicado pela primeira vez em 1956. A estrutura actual data de 1955.
Recentemente verificou-se que o revestimento estava um pouco estragado tendo-se reparado esta situação e colocado uma nova cobertura de folha de ouro, muito mais espessa que a original. Além destas medidas também se restaurou o interior do edifício, incluíndo as pinturas, sendo o telhado restaurado em 2003. - Wikipedia



More Japanese Architecture related posts:

Japanese Castles and Temples - Castelos e Templos Japoneses

209 Japanese Lighthouses - by Tokokai.Org - 209 Faróis Japoneses

Japanese Houses - by Anraku - Casas Japonesas

DDG-178 Ashigara Japanese Ship - by Masayu - Navio Japonês


In the late 1990s with the completion of their four Kongo class AEGIS destroyers, the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) identified a need to develop and build an upgraded version of the Kongo Class to a similar specification as the US Navy Flight IIA Arleigh Burke class destroyers. Accordingly in their year 2000 budget, a plan to build two of these destroyers was set forth.
These vessels retain all of the armament of the Kongo class (whereas the Flight IIA Burkes removed the Harpoon missiles and CIWS systems) while still adding hangar space for two SH-60 helicopters. The LAMPS III package was added in keeping with the Flight IIA capability. The displacement of the Atago class is 10,000 tons full load.
In accordance with the Japanese constitution and the self defense nature of the Japanese military forces, the Atago class, like the Kongo class, carries no Land Attack Cruise Missiles (LACM).
Ashigara, was launched in August of 2006 and was commissioned in 2008.
The Atago class, as well as the Kongo class will be upgraded to Theater Ballistic Missile Defense capability to offset the rising danger of North Korean ballistic missiles. -

The Real Thing


More Boats and Ships related posts:

Ship Kasato Maru Paper Model - 100 Years of Japanese Immigration in Brazil - 100 Anos da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil

Riverboat Krakus - by Carapace - Barco à Vapor Krakus

Lightship Ambrose in 1:250 scale - by Digital Navy - Barco Farol

Joe`s Cafe Papercraft Diorama - by Castoyrama

Very nice model by Maulana jodi, from Castoyrama.

Modelo bem legal de Maulana Jodi, do site Castoyrama.


Link: Joe`

More Buildings and Dioramas related posts:

Little Urban Diorama - by Papermau - Pequeno Diorama Urbano

Vintage Service Station - by Papermau - Posto de Gasolina Vintage

60`s Formula 1 Dioramas - by Kamaboko - Formula 1 Dos Anos 60

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Halloween Special - Haunted Mansion And Monsters - by Ray O`Bannon

RavensBlight Manor is a very unusual old ruin. Much dryer and weathered than it should be on the outside, far damper and colder than it should be on the inside...rumored to bring ruin to anyone involved with it...and now it can be YOURS! The assembly instructions and all the parts are listed below. Just click each page, print out the parts, and build your own spooky little paper nightmare!  Does your Ghost House model need a few occupants?
Does your Battle-Hearse need a zombie to smash?
Perhaps the mortician from your Hearse Playset just needs someone to chat with? Here are some miniature monstrosities to solve all the problems listed above.- Ray O`Bannon



More Haunted Houses related posts:

Halloween Special - Bates House - by Haunted Dimensions

Halloween Special - Phantom Manor - by Ray Keim

Halloween Special - Haunted House - by Angels & Ghosts.Com

Balinese Legong Dancers - by Julius Perdana - Dançarinas de Bali

More one great model by Julius Perdana, from Paper-Replika.

Mais um belo modelo de Julius Perdana, do site Paper-Replika.

Legong is a classical Balinese dance, originally it always performs by a pair of dancers who are two young girls that never have menstruation yet. The word Legong comes from a word Leg, which mean slow dance movement in balinese. It is characterised by highly stylised slow movements. Its delicacy is heightened by the fact that is performed by richly costumed young dancers, sometimes only four years old, many of whom retire at the tender age of 18. The word Legong firstly announced to western public was through a silent movie by an American director titled Legong: Dance of the Virgins in 1935 in New York Theater. That movie was made on Bali island in 1933, all cast are from that island of gods natives. However, Legong dance was rediscovered and maintained by Indonesian goverment on early 1960. - Julius Perdana

Legong é uma dança característica de Bali, que tradicionalmente é feita por um par de dançarinas muito jovens, que ainda não menstruaram. A palavra Legong significa "dança com movimentos lentos". essa delicadeza é realçada pelos trajes ricamente decorados das jovens dançarinas, muitas vezes com idades a partir de 4 anos. O Ocidente ouviu falar do Legong pela primeira vez  em 1935, através de um filme feito em Bali, por um  cineasta americano. - Julius Perdana.


More Tradition, Myth and Culture related posts:

Maiko, Aprenttice Geisha Bust - by Mugi - Maiko, Gueixa Aprendiz

Hindu Myth Paper Model - by PDF Land - Mito Hindú Da Criação

Bali’s Queen Of Witches - by Salazar - Rainha das Bruxas de Bali

Abandoned Gas Station`s Old Furgon Truck - by Papermau

Here an old furgon truck, to use in Abandoned Gas Station`s diorama. There are ten colors in the .rar file. Later I will make a tow truck version.

Aqui um velho caminhão de entregas, que pode ser estilizado para ser um caminhão de mecânico. Perfeito para se usar no diorama do Posto de Gasolina Abandonado. Mais para frente farei a versão de caminhão guincho na mesma escala.


Link: Abandoned.Gas.Station`

More Gas Stations related posts:

Vintage Service Station - by Papermau - Posto de Gasolina Vintage

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - by Papermau - Download Now!

Joe`s Garage - by Papermau - Garagem Do Joe

Commodore SX-64 First Portable PC - by Erik Schubach


The Real Thing
 The Commodore SX-64, also known as the Executive 64, or VIP-64 in Europe, is a portable, briefcase/suitcase-size "luggable" version of the popular Commodore 64 home computer and holds the distinction of being the first full-color portable computer.
The SX-64 features a built-in five-inch composite monitor and a built-in 1541 floppy drive. It weighs 10.5 kg (23lb). The machine is carried by its sturdy handle, which doubles as an adjustable stand. It was announced in January 1983 and released a year later, at US$ 995.

O Commodore SX-64, também conhecido como Executive ou VIP-64 em outros países, foi um dos primeiros computadores pessoais portáteis. Dobrável, ele se transformava em uma maleta de 10 quilos (?!?) e trazia o sistema operacional Commodore Basic 2.0. Quando foi lançado, em 1984, o computador custava 995 dólares. Foi também o primeiro portátil a ter uma tela colorida, de 5 polegadas.



More Inventions related posts:

Apple I and Apple II PCs - by Julius Perdana - Paper-Replika

Da Vinci`s Mechanical Hammer - by Paper Pino - Martelo de Da Vinci

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bamboo Blade Anime Paper Dolls - by A C Gateway

Bamboo Blade is a Japanese manga series written by Masahiro Totsuka, and illustrated by Aguri Igarashi. The manga was first serialized in the Japanese seinen manga magazine Young Gangan starting December 3, 2004. An anime adaptation was broadcast in Japan between October 2, 2007 and April 2, 2008 on TV Tokyo. The series tells the story of Toraji Ishida, a luckless high school Kendo instructor, who is challenged by his former upperclassman, also a kendo instructor, to a competition between their female students. The bet inspires Toraji to gather and train a team of five girls. Fortuitously, at this time he meets Tamaki Kawazoe, a gifted young female kendo practitioner. - Wikipedia

Bamboo Blade conta o dia-a-dia de um clube escolar de kendo. O clube tem como treinador o azarado professor Toraji Ishida que, no começo do anime, enfrenta uma crise, pois apenas um membro do clube está em atividade. Inicialmente a série mantém o foco na luta do clube pela sobrevivência, já que, para existir, é preciso ter uma quantidade mínima de membros. Aos poucos o grupo vai sendo formado, e é aí que a coisa esquenta: os personagens da série são extremamente cativantes. Sobre o enredo de Bamboo Blade não há muito o que dizer. É quase um ”slice of life“, acompanhando a vida dos membros do clube em seus treinamentos e campeonatos. É um anime muito gostoso de ser assistir, dono de um clima muito bem humorado, de um ritmo perfeito e que apresenta situações muito engraçadas. A série também conta com alguns momentos sérios, já que todos os personagens possuem algum problema ou frustração. -


More Paper Dolls related posts:

Sophitia - Japanese Paper Doll - by Rokunoya

Bamboo Blade Anime Paper Dolls - by A C Gateway

Ruri Ruri Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami - Boneca Estilo Anime