Sunday, September 28, 2014

How To Make Mini Origami Books - by Paper Kawaii

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Visit Paper Kawaii website to learn how to build these cute Mini Origami Books. You will find a very well done tutorial full of photos and a video detailing all the process.

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Visite o site da Paper Kawaii para aprender como fazer estes delicados Mini Livros de Origami. Você encontrará um tutorial muito bem feito e repleto de fotos e mais um vídeo, detalhando todo o processo.


More Origami Projects related posts:

Santa Claus Origami Papercraft - by Origami Kids - Papai Noel Em Origami

Christmas Time - Origami Star Christmas Decoration - by Slu6alka - via Instructables

Origami Architecture - by Baud&Bui - Origami Para Iniciantes

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Rock Star Origami Mask - by Alexander Oliveros

Halloween Special - Color Your Own Witch Paper Doll - by Krokotak

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Kids will love these funny Little Witches, to print, cut and color, by Krokotak, an educative Russian website.

As crianças irão adorar essas simpáticas Bruxinhas, para imprimir, recortar e colorir, do site educacional russo Krokotak.


More Halloween Projects related posts:

The Floating Candelabra Paper Model - by Ravens Blight

Halloween Special - Old School Dracula Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Halloween Special - Origami Skull Ghost - by Riki Saito

Elvira, Mistress of the Dark Paper Toy - by Rabisco Pop - A Rainha Das Trevas

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Six Arms Budha Paper Toy In Cubic Style - by 21st Century Paper Craft

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Here is an easy-to-build Six Arms Budha paper toy In cubic style, created by 21st Century Paper Craft, a Japanese website. There is another version of Budha, with two arms, and you will find the link for both just below.

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Aqui está um paper toy de Budha com Seis Braços , bem fácil de montar, em estilo Cúbico, criado pelo site japonês 21st Century Paper Craft. Há uma outra versão de Budha, com dois braços, no site e você vai encontrar o link para ambos logo abaixo.

Link to Six Arms Budha:

Link to Two Arms Budha:

More Paper Toys related posts:

Madagascar 3 - Europe`s Most Wanted Paper Toys - by Dreamworks

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax 3D Paper Toy - by HP Creative

Little Gnome Paper Toy - by Kai & Dakota

Rommy Sloth Paper Toys - by Kamimodel

South African Hedgehog Paper Model - by Yamaha Papercraft

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The Real Thing - A Puppy
"Despite its adorable appearance, the South African Hedgehog threatens the attacker by erecting its sharp quills on its back. It is classified as “Vulnerable (VU)” in the Red List. Download and enjoy the paper craft of the South African Hedgehog covered with distinctive short quills." - Yamaha Papercraft - This model occupies only three sheets of paper and you can even choose between color version or black and white version.

"Apesar de sua aparência adorável, o Porco-Espinho Sul-Africano é um desafio para seus predadores quando eriça seus afiados espinhos em suas costas. É classificada como animal"Vulnerável (VU)" na Lista Vermelha dos animais em perigo de extinção. Baixe o template e monte o seu próprio Porco-Espinho Sul-Africano." - Yamaha Papercraft - Este modelo ocupa apenas três folhas de papel e você ainda pode escolher entre uma versão colorida ou em preto e branco.


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Colorful Parrot Papercraft - by Education Scholastic

Paper Aquarium - Dolphin Show Diorama - by Canon

Golden Fish Papercraft - by Pepachal - Peixe Dourado

Common Kingfisher Bird Paper Model - by Canon

Battle Vs Chess - Black Queen Paper Model - by Lubre 53

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This beautiful and big (120cm tall) paper model of the Black Queen, from Battle Vs Chess videogame, was created by Australian designer Lubre 53 and was originally posted at DeviantArt. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

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Este belo e grande (120 cms de altura) modelo de papel da Rainha Negra (Black Queen), do game Battle Vs Chess, foi criado pelo designer australiano Lubre 53 e originalmente postado no DeviantArt. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:

Super Smash Brothers - Mario and Luigi Paper Models - by Ignatius - via DeviantArt

Niko, The Pirate Paper Model - by SqueezyCheeseCake

Majora's Mask - Skull Kid Paper Model - by Nintendo Papercraft

Pikmin - Captain Olimar Paper Model - by Paperlegend

Friday, September 26, 2014

Yotsuba&! - Danbo Cardboard Robot Articulated Paper Model
by WXY Paper

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This very well done articulated paper model of the famous Danbo was created by Chinese designer WXY, from WXY Paper website. Danbo is a fictional cardboard box robot character from Yotsuba&! mangá. It is also known by several other name variations around the Internet, like Danboru and Danbooru.

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Este modelo de papel articulado muito bem feito do famoso Danbo, foi criado pelo designer chinês WXY, do site WXY Paper. Danbo é um robô de papelão, personagem do mangá Yotsuba&! Ele é conhecido por diversos nomes na internet, tais como Danboru e Danbooru.

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Link: Yotsuba&!

More Anime and Mangá Paper Models related posts:

Totoro And Friends Paper Models - by Studio Of MM

Kiki`s Delivery Service Paper Doll - by Kujira - Paper Doll Estilo Anime

My Neighbor Totoro - Studio Glibli Characters Paper Toys - by Bunzodo

"My Neighbor Totoro" House - Casa "De Meu Vizinho Totoro"

Kokeshi Paper Dolls Are Coming - by Papermau - Download Soon!

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Classic Kokeshi Dolls
According to Wikipedia, Kokeshi are Japanese dolls, originally from northern Japan. They are handmade from wood, have a simple trunk and an enlarged head with a few thin, painted lines to define the face. The body has a floral design painted in red, black, and sometimes yellow, and covered with a layer of wax. One characteristic of kokeshi dolls is their lack of arms or legs. The bottom is marked with the signature of the artist. The origin and naming of kokeshi is unclear, with historical ateji spellings including 小芥子, 木牌子, 木形子, and 木芥子. The hiragana spelling こけし was agreed on at the All-Japan Kokeshi Exhibition (全国こけし大会) at Naruko Onsen in August 1939. A plausible theory is that "kokeshi" is derived from wooden (木 ki, ko?) or small (小 ko?), and dolls (芥子 keshi?). Kokeshi were first produced by kijishi (木地師), artisans proficient with a potter's wheel, at the Shinchi Shuraku, near the Tōgatta Onsen in Zaō from where kokeshi making techniques spread to other spa areas in the Tōhoku Region. It is said that these dolls were originally made during the middle of the Edo period (1600–1868) to be sold to people who were visiting the hot springs in the north-east of the country.

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A Modern Kokeshi Doll
De acordo com a Wikipedia, Kokeshi são bonecas japonesas, originárias do norte do país. Elas são manufaturadas em madeira, possuindo um tronco simples e uma grande cabeça, pintadas com finas linhas para delinear o rosto. Seu corpo tem desenhos florais, pintados sobre fundo vermelho, preto, e algumas vezes amarelo, envernizadas por uma camada de cera. Uma marcante característica das Kokeshi é a ausência de braços e pernas. Na parte inferior é marcada com a assinatura do artista. As Kokeshi foram produzidas inicialmente pelos Kiji-shi (artesãos da madeira), em Shinchi, em Tagata (Miyagi), de onde a técnica se espalhou para outras áreas das estâncias termais da região de Tohoku. Diz-se que estas bonecas foram feitas originalmente em meados do período Edo (entre 1600-1868) para serem vendidas como souvenires aos visitantes das fontes termais do nordeste do Japão.

Download soon. / Download em breve.

More Papermau Next Projects related posts:

Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project

The Limo Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Old House In Olaria Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Los Pollos Hermanos Roadside Cafe - by Papermau - Next Project

How To Make An Origami Elephant - by Origami Spirit

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"There are many origami elephants, but this one, created by Mr. Fumiaki Kawahata, is one of my all-time favorite origami animals!" - Leyla Torres/Origami Spirit

"Existem muitos elefantes de origami, mas este, criado pelo Sr. fumiaki Kawahata, é um dos meus origamis de animais favoritos de todos os tempos!" - Leyla Torres/Origami Spirit


More Origami projects related posts:

Halloween Special - Origami Skull Ghost - by Riki Saito

Origamic Architecture For Beginners - by Baud And Bui

Origami Gift Box In Air Mail Style - by Print, Cut, Paste, Craft

How To Make An Origami - Batman Toy - by TC Games

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Halloween Special - The Cemetery Keeper Spooky House Paper Model by Papermau - Download Now!

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As I promissed yesterday, here is the Cemetery Keeper Spooky House, a Halloween themed paper model in three sheets of paper (four, if you count the optional background). This is not a hard to build model and you can choose between simple or detached windows. I made the model in three different formats: A3, A4 and Letter, so you can choose the better size for your interests.

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Como eu prometi ontém, aqui está a Assustadora Casa do Zelador do Cemitério, um modelo de papel para o Dia das Bruxas em três folhas de papel (quatro, se você contar o fundo opcional). Este não é um modelo difícil de montar e você pode escolher entre as janelas simples ou destacadas. Fiz o modelo em três formatos diferentes: A3, A4 e Carta (Letter), para que você possa escolher o melhor tamanho para os seus interesses.

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Link to A3 version:

Link to A4 version:

Link to Letter version:

More Haunted Houses Paper Models related posts:

Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Twin Brothers` House - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Phantom Manor - by Ray Keim

Halloween Special - Haunted Mansion And Monsters - by Ray O`Bannon

Halloween Special - The Ghost Train Paper Model - by Ray O`Bannon

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"They say if you happen to be in a certain field at Midnight, you'll hear the ghostly whistle of an old steam locomotive that once ran through the area. Some say you might even see the rusty old train go clattering by, eerie green lights shining in all the windows. Where could it be going? Who are its passengers? And what might happen if you were to decide to hop on board?" - Ray O`Bannon - Ray created a very well done tutorial full of photos for those who want to build this really cool model.

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"Dizem que se acontecer de você estar em um determinado campo à meia-noite, você vai ouvir o apito fantasmagórica de uma velha locomotiva a vapor que há muito passava por ali. Alguns dizem que você pode até mesmo ver o velho trem enferrujado e barulhento, com misteriosas luzes verdes brilhando em todas as janelas. O que pode estar acontecendo? Quem são seus passageiros? E o que aconteceria se você decidisse subir a bordo?" - Ray O`Bannon - Ray criou um tutorial muito bem feito e repleto de fotos para todos que quiserem montar este belo modelo.


More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Pumpkin Coin Bank Papercraft - by Papermau

Halloween Special - Halloween Treat Boxes - by We Love To Illustrate

Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Old School Dracula Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Digimon - Guilmon The Dino Paper Model - by Podragon

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From Anime Digimon, here is Guilmon, the Dino, in a nice paper version created by designer Podragom, from Papermon website. Guilmon is a Rookie-level virus digimon with the appearance of a dinosaur with winged ears. He is red with a white belly and black virus and biohazard symbols about his body. The beautiful model that you see in the photo above was assembled by modeler Destro2K.

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Do Anime Digimon, este é Guilmon, o Dino, em uma caprichada versão em papel criada pelo designer Podragom, do site Papermon. Guilmon é um digimon vírus novato com a aparência de um dinossauro com orelhas aladas. Ele é vermelho com uma barriga branca e tem o símbolo de risco biológico em seu corpo. O belo modelo que você vê na foto acima foi montado pelo modelista Destro2K.


More Anime and Mangá Paper Models related posts:

Naruto - Sasuke Uchiha Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Sasuke - The Demon Princess Paper Doll - by Fumia - via Pepakura Gallery

No Name Paper Doll - by Tomowo - via Pepakura Gallery

Capitain Harlock Cosmo Dragoon Pistol - by Studio Time-Ring