Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Time - Pardie’s Celestial Globe Ornament Paper Model - by Paper Pino

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Here is the Christmas Ball version of Pardies’ Celestial Globe, created by Italian designer Giuseppe Civitarese, from Paper Pino website.

Eis aqui a versão de bola de Natal do Globo Celestial de Pardie, criado pelo designer italiano Giuseppe Civitarese, do site Paper Pino.

Link: Christmas.Time.Pardie’

More Christmas Paper Models related posts:

Christmas Time - Svatava`s Paper Crib Nº 5 - by Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Story House Paper Model - by Space Station 42

Christmas Time - Christmas Characters - by Asahi.Net

Christmas Nativity Diorama - by Scrapbook Scrapbook - Presépio Em Papel

Gnome In A Jar Decorative Paper Toy - by Hedgehog Studio

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Make a puppet Gnome in a forest of mushrooms. Use a plastic pot if working with children. A very easy and nice project for parents and children to do together. By Hedgehog Studio website.

Faça um Gnomo em uma floresta de cogumelos. Um projeto bem legal para os pais e as crianças fazerem juntos. Use um pote de plástico se for trabalhar com crianças. Do site Hedgehog Studio.


More Decorative Paper Models related posts:

Desktop Architecture - Series 03 - by Papermau - Download Now!

Three Miniature Putz Christmas Houses - by Miniatures.About.Com

Desktop Model - Mississipi Shop - by Papermau - Download Now!

Desktop Toucan Paper Model - by DigitProp - Tucano De Papel

24 Cone Paper Dolls In Matryoshka Style - by Dans Mon Bocal

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These cute Cone Paper Dolls are a Advent Calendar, but can be used as Christmas Tree decoration or even to learn numbers for little kids. By Dans Mon Bocal, a really nice French website. Color and black and white printable versions.

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Estas delicadas Bonecas de Papel Cônicas formam um Calendário do Advento, mas podem muito bem ser usadas como enfeites de árvores de Natal ou até mesmo para ensinar números para crianças pequenas. Do Dans Mon Bocal, um site francês bem legal. Versões colorida e em preto e branco para imprimir.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante

A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide

Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos

Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel

Christmas Time - Jack-In-The-Box Paper Toy - by Michelle Sexton

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Here is a little Jack-In-the-Box, or Elf-In-The-Box Paper Toy, to decorate your home or Christmas tree. By designer Michelle Sexton, from So Here`s My Life website.

Eis aqui um pequeno paper toy de um Jack-In-the-Box ou Elfo-In-The-Box, para decorar sua casa ou sua árvore de Natal. Da designer Michelle Sexton, do site So Here`s My Life.


More Christmas Paper Toys related posts:

Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi

Christmas Time - Santa`s Train For kids - by Miniatur-Wunderland

Christmas Time - Four Christmas Trees - by Canon

Christmas Time - Mondorfer Town Diorama - by Kall Boys

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Takarabune - Japanese Treasure Ship Paper Model - by Niku Mansei

Takarabune, meaning "treasure ship", is the word for a sailboat which was used to transport coral, gold and silver, gemstones, bales of rice, and other precious commodities. In Japan, Takarabune are considered symbols of celebration, and ornamental models depicting the Seven Lucky Gods riding in a Takarabune are often kept as lucky charms. The Seven Lucky Gods consist of Ebisu, god of commercial prosperity; Daikokuten, god of harvest; Benzaiten, goddess of knowledge, art and beauty; Bishamonten, god of contest; Hoteison, god of fortune, relationships, and children; Fukurokuju, god of prosperity and longevity; and Juroujin, god of longevity and happiness. These deities have long been considered gods of fortune and bringers of happiness.

PhotobucketTakarabune, que significa "navio do tesouro", é um veleiro fantasma usado para transportar ouro, coral, prata, pedras preciosas, fardos de arroz e outras mercadorias preciosas.
No Japão, os Takarabunes são considerados símbolos de celebração, e os modelos ornamentais são representados com os Sete Deuses da Sorte .
Os Sete Deuses da Sorte são Ebisu, deus da prosperidade comercial; Daikokuten, deus da colheita; Benzaiten, deusa da arte, conhecimento e beleza; Bishamonten, deus do concurso; Hoteison, deus da fortuna, relacionamentos e filhos; Fukurokuju, deus da prosperidade e longevidade; e Juroujin, deus da longevidade e felicidade.
Essas divindades são consideradas deuses da fortuna e portadores de felicidade.


Create Your Very Own Polar Bears Paper Models - by Coca-Cola

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These two very well done paper models of Polar Bears were created as a Coca-Cola promotion.

Estes dois modelos de papel muito bem feitos de Ursos Polares foram criados para promover a Coca-Cola.


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Japanese Insects - by Paper Museum.JP - Insetos Japoneses

Threatened Animals - by Konika - Animais ameaçados

Orca Whale Paper Model - by Epson - Baleia Orca

Rare Animals Of The World - by Yamaha Japan - Animais Raros

MS Pacific Venus Paper Model In 1/1400 Scale - by Papercrafts.It

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"The Pacific Venus is a small but well designed passengers ship, built in 1998 by Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries is the second largest cruise ship registered in Japan. She is the second ship for the Osaka-based Venus Cruise and her major homeports are Yokohama and Kobe. Papermodel scale 1/1400." - Papercrafts.It

"O Pacific Venus é um navio de passageiros d epequeno porte, mas muito bem projetado, construído em 1998 por Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries é o segundo maior navio de cruzeiro registrado no Japão. Ele é o segundo navio da Venus Cruzeiros, empresa baseada em Osaka e seus principais portos de origem são Yokohama e Kobe. Modelo de papel na escala 1/1400." - Papercrafts.It

Link: MS.Pacific.Venus.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:

Battle Cruiser Ship 1/ 800 Scale - by Etsutan - Navio de Guerra

Racing Boat F1 Papercraft 1/35 Scale - by Best Paper Models

Mondorfer`s Ferry Boat Sd Style - by Kallboys - Balsa Alemã

Slite Maritime Museum Paper Model - by Gunnar Sillén

Solar Vehicle UNSW Sunswift eVe Cruiser Paper Model - by Keroliver

This very original paper model version of a real Solar Vehicle called UNSW Sunswift eVe Cruiser, was created by French designer Keroliver and posted at Le Forum En Papier.

Esta versão em papel muito original de um Veículo Solar real chamado UNSW Sunswift eVe Cruiser, foi criado pelo designer francês Keroliver e foi originalmente postado no Le Forum En Papier.


More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Bugatti Veyron Paper Car - by Taras Lesko / Visual Spicer

Trabant - Old East German Paper Car - by Trabant.Ca

Dodge Daytona "Moon Eyes" 1993 Paper Car - by Daytona Mag

BMW Mini Cooper Paper Car - by Paper Models Online

Christmas Time - Mickey's Santa Hat Paper Model - by Spoonful

"Forget the Christmas sweater this year and go with a Mickey Santa hat. It's easy to put together and looks good on kids and adults!" - Spoonful

Esqueça os Suéteres de Natal este ano e vá de Gorro do Mickey. É fácil de montar e fica bem legal em adultos e crianças!" - Spoonful

Link: Christmas.Time.Mickey'

More Christmas Paper Models related posts:

Christmas Time - Christmas Decoration With Paper Toys - Paper Toys De Natal

Christmas Time - Nativity Play Set For Kids - by Brinquedos De Papel Presépio Para Crianças

Christmas Time - Little Village Advent Calendar Papercraft - by Non Dairy Diary

Christmas House Diorama Papercraft - by - Paper Museum - Casa De Natal

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Time - MAD`s Santa Alfred Paper Toy - by Elias Silveira

This is Alfred E. Newman, the mascot of MAD Magazine, in a cool Chistmas paper Toy version created by Brazilian designer Elias Silveira. The other two paper toys you see in the photo above was already posted here at the blog. You find the link for all of then in the end of this post.

Este é o Alfred E. Newman, o mascote da Revista MAD, em uma divertida versão paper toy natalina criada pelo designer brasileiro Elias Silveira. Os outros dois paper toys que você vê na foto acima já foram postados aqui no blog. Você encontra o link para todos eles logo abaixo, no final deste post.

Link to Santa Alfred:

More MAD Magazine`s Alfred E. Newman Paper Toys related posts:

Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Paper Toy - by Elias Silveira

Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Paper Toy - by 7eater`s Cubees

Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Pencil Holder - by Elias Silveira