Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Garland`s Helmet Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by Lubdar`s Papercraft


A nice wearable papercraft for the cosplayers, the Garland`s Helmet, in 1/1 scale created by designer Lubdar. The template is in .PDO, so you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version to open and print this (link to download at the end of this post).

Um modelo bem legal para cosplayers, o Elmo de Garland, em escala 1/1, criado pelo designer Lubda. O modelo está em formato .PDO, então você vai precisar do Pepakura viewer Versão Gratuíta para visializar e imprimir este elmo (link para download no final deste post).


Link to download Garland`s Helmet: Garland`s.Helmet.Paper.Model.In.1/`s.Papercraft

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Website

More 1/1 Scale Paper Models related posts:

Medieval Weapons - by Sheila`s Papermodels - Armas Medievais

StarWars` Battle Droid In 1/1 Scale - by Laul - Battle Droid Em Tamanho Real

Stahlhelm German Helmet Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by D Mind

Exo-Helmet Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by X-Diem

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

This Is Not Paper, But... - PET Bottle Penguins - by Claudio Belmudes - Pinguins De Garrafa PET


Many thanks to Marcelo Gouveia, that posts it on Facebook! By Brazilian crafter Claudio Belmudes, from Vila Do Artesão website, a really nice tutorial, teaching how to make these cute penguins using PET bottles.

Muito obrigado ao Marcelo Gouveia, que postou este link no Facebook! Do artesão brasileiro Claudio Belmudes, do site Vila Do Artesão, um tutorial super detalhado ensinando como fazer esses pinguins "cute", usando garrafas PET.



More "It Is Not Paper, But..." related posts:

It Is Not Paper, But... - How To Make A Ship In A Bottle - by Storm The Castle

It Is Not Paper, But... - Scott Weaver Toothpick Art - via Shangrala Family Fun

It Is Not Paper, But... - Make Your Own Boat In A Lamp - by Msolek - via Instructables

Wolverine Claws Papercraft In 1 /1 Scale - by Paper Juke


A very cool paper model of X-Man`s Wolverine Claws, in 1/1 scale (30 cm), created by French designer Paper Juke.

Um modelo bem legal em escala 1/1 (30 cm) das Garras do Wolverine, criadas pelo designer francês Paper Juke.


Link: Wolverine.Claws.Papercraft.In.1/

More Paper Models in 1/1 Scale related posts:

Halloween Special - Twisted Metal - Needles Kane's Mask - by Paper Juke

Capitain America Shield In 1 / 1 Scale - by Scanner Joe

Stormtrooper Helmet With EVA Foam In 1 / 1 Scale - by Julius Perdana/Paper Replika - Capacete De E.V.A

Panzerfaust 60 1/1 Scale - by RocketmanTan - Bazuca Anti-Tanques Alemã

Munster-Koach Paper Car -by Paper Inside - Carro Da Família Monstro

Model Assembled and Photos by Claudio Dias

The Real Thing
The Brazilian designer Claudio dias created this cool paper model of the Munster-Koach, the vehicle of The Munsters tv show. The Munster Koach is the family car that was used in the television series, The Munsters. The show's producers contracted George Barris to provide the Koach. Barris paid Tom Daniel $200.00 to design the car, and had it built at Barris Kustoms, first by Tex Smith, but finished by Dick Dean, his shop foreman at the time. The Munster Koach appeared in over twenty episodes throughout the series' two-year run, and was also seen in Munster, Go Home! using different wheels. Tom Daniel's original drawing of the Munster Koach had it blown with a hood scoop and thin round disc lights. George Barris chose the ten carb set up with the ten air horns and lantern lights. - Wikipedia


PhotobucketO designer brasileiro Claudio Dias, do site Paper Inside, criou este belo modelo do Munster Koach, o veículo da Família monstro, do seriado the Munsters. Os Monstros foi uma série de TV criada ao mesmo tempo que a Família Addams. Foi ao ar no dia 24 de Setembro de 1964 pela rede de televisão CBS . Em 1966 foi lançado o longa-metragem "Monstros à Solta", quando a série já estava em declínio. Os episódios eram em preto & branco, o que foi apontada como a principal causa da queda da audiência, pois perderam pontos quando estrearam no canal concorrente ABC a série colorida de Batman. O filme de 1966 trazia pela primeira vez a família em cores, mas o sucesso relativo do mesmo não conseguiu fazer com que a produção da TV continuasse. - Wikipedia


More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Mad Max`s Interceptor Paper Car - by Oniya - via Pepakura Gallery

Disney`s Cars - Sheriff Paper Model - by Webdude

The Kaiser Bussing Paper Model - by Vladcorail - via DeviantArt

Dodge Daytona "Moon Eyes" 1993 Paper Car - by Daytona Mag

Guadeloupe Island House Paper Model - by Comenius-Projekt Montessori

Virtual Assembly by Papermau

A simple house/cabin, in just one sheet, in black and white. Nice for kids start with paper models. By Comenius-Projekt Montessori website.

Uma casa/cabana simples, em apenas uma folha e em preto e branco. Ótimo para crianças montarem. do site Comenius-Projekt Montessori.


"Here a model of a tiny house from Guadeloupe. Similar kinds of huts already served the slaves as shelter. Although bigger and more comfortable houses are in the majority today these simple accomodations can still be found in the streets of the archipelago". - Comenius-Projekt Montessori

Eis aqui uma casinha simples de guadalupe. Parecida com muitas cabanas antes usadas como abrigo por escravos. Hoje em dia, as casa na ilha são maiores e mais confortáveis, mas ainda pode-se encontrar várias dessas casinhas pelas ruas do arquipélago. - Comenius-Projekt Montessori


More Paper Models for Kids related posts:

Seven Planets Picture Frame - by Kai & Dakota

Paper City Paris Papercraft - by Joel - Paris Em Papel Para Crianças

Castle Facade for Miniatures - by Bbi Collectible - Fachada de Castelo

Miniature Village - by Meddybemps - Vila Em Miniatura

G1 Optimus Prime Paper Model - by Avon - Robô Transformer


A really nice classic Optimus Prime paper model robot, by designer Avon, via WuLongTi's Words of Wit website.

Um paper model bem legal e clássico do Optimus Prime, do designer Avon, via WuLongTi's Words of Wit site.



More Paper Models of Robots related posts:

Gundam RX-78 Diorama In 1/144 Scale - by Paper Hobby

Battletech`s Locust LCT-1V Paper Model - by Scarecrovv

Getter Robot Paper Model - by Sci Fi Papercraft

Johnny 5 Paper Robot - by Randy Padama - via DeviantArt

H-2A Japanese Rocket Paper Model - by Canon - Foguete Japonês


"The first all-Japanese rocket. Developed using technologies obtained through the development of H-II, this is one of the world's most powerful rockets, used to launch satellites for cellular phone networks, the Internet, meteorological information gathering, and vehicle navigation. Test flights of the H-IIA 1, which features a diameter of 4 m and total height of 53 m, were completed successfully in August 2001, followed shortly thereafter by full-scale launching of artificial satellites. The H-IIA 9 was successfully launched in February 2006". - Canon

O primeiro foguete totalmente projetado e construído pelos japoneses. Este é um dos foguetes nmais potentes já fabricados, usado para lançar satélites para telefonia celular, internet e pesquisas metereológicas. O HIIA-9 foi lançado com sucesso em fevereiro de 2006.


More Rockets and Space Paper Models related posts:

Mars Express Orbiter Paper Model - by Solar System Nasa

Mercury Capsule In 1/24 Scale - by Ton - via J.Leslie48

Mars Polar Lander In 1/24 Scale - by Nasa.Gov

USA V-2 Rocket no. 59 Paper Model- by Niels Papermodels

Monday, August 20, 2012

Kiki`s Delivery Service Paper Doll - by Kujira - Paper Doll Estilo Anime


PhotobucketA perfect replica of Kiki, the charismatic main character of " Kiki's Delivery Service", 1989`s animation from the master Hayao Miyazaki, big boss of studio Ghibli. A young witch, on her mandatory year of independent life, finds fitting into a new community difficult while she supports herself by running an air courier service.

Uma réplica perfeita de Kiki, a carismática personagem principal da animação de 1989, "O Serviço de Entregas de Kiki" do mestre Hayao Miyazaki, chefão do Studio Ghibli. Kiki, uma bruxinha, está fazendo 13 anos e segundo os costumes de seu povo deve aprender a se virar sozinha. Assim, apenas com sua coragem e sua vassoura voadora, vai para a cidade grande e, para conseguir sobreviver, acaba ajudando em um serviço de entregas.

The "Real" Thing

Link: Kiki` More Paper Dolls in Anime Style related posts: Snow Miku Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami Inumimi Maid Paper Doll - by Nya Modeling Ichinose Kotomi Paper Doll Anime Style - by Ani Papercraft Sukumizu Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami

Vintage Cube Paper Toy - by Papermau - Download Now!


I make these little paper toy cubes using a vintage model from Agence Eureka website. The original model was a card game, where you combine the parts of some characters, changing bodies to create new funny characters.


Eu fiz estes cubos usando um modelo antigo do site Agence Eureka. O original era um jogo de cartões, onde você trocava as várias partes de alguns personagens, criando assim, outros personagens engraçados.



More Papermau Original Paper Models related posts:

Simple Astronaut Paper Toy - by Papermau - Astronauta

Zombie In A Barrel - by Papermau - Download Now!

Vintage Matches Gift Box - by Papermau - Download Now!

Simple Hut On Piles In 1/72 Scale - by Papermau - Cabana Sobre Estacas

Imperial Russian Airship Giant Paper Model - by Currell Graphics


The First and Last Fight
"Compared to other European powers, Russia was relatively late entering the field of lighter-than-air craft. However in the first years of the 20th century the military recognized the potential of airships, and over the next decade Russia was to acquire 20 of various types. Though many ships were purchased from other countries, over time Russian engineers began experimenting with their own designs. The largest of these was a semi-rigid ship appropriately called Giant.
The ship as originally designed was 114 m long, with a diameter of 17 m and four 215 horsepower engines. It was intended to fly up to 2500 m altitude, carrying 9000 kg for 20 hours. During construction the number of engines was reduced to two, placed in the middle of the ship.This model builds into a 1/350 scale replica of the Giant. The completed model is approximately 13 inches long".
- Currell Graphics


PhotobucketEste é um modelo do Dirigível Imperial Russo "Giant", que planou pela primeira vez em 1915 e com apenas uma hora de voo, veio a dobrar-se ao meio puxado pelo peso de seus motores, vindo a pousar suavemente em uma floresta, permitindo que todos seus tripulantes escapassem com vida. Com o advento dos primeiros aeroplanos bombardeiros, foi considerado obsoleto e então foi desmantelado e vendido como sucata.


More Vintage and Historic Aircrafts and Planes related posts:

British Airship R100 Vintage Zeppelin - by Currell Graphics - Zepelim Britânico

Goodyear Blimp - by Carrera For Fun - Zeppelin da Goodyear

Clement Ader's Eole Aircraft - by U-Control 2000 - Avião À Vapor

Concorde Supersonic Passenger Airliner - by Currell Graphics