Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Carden Loyd Tankette Paper Model - by Zio Prudenzio

Model Assembled and Photo by Gabriele Macri

Calden Loyd  MG Carrier Version
The Carden Loyd tankettes were a series of British pre-World War II tankettes, the most successful of which was the Mark VI, the only version built in significant numbers. It became a classic tankette design worldwide, was license-built by several countries and became the basis of several designs produced in several different countries. - Wikipedia

Os tanquetes Carden Loyd foram uma série de tanquetes Pré-Segunda Guerra, dos quais o mais bem sucedido foi o modelo Mark VI, a única versão a ser fabricada em número significativo. O Carden Loyd acabou tornando-se um clássico do design mundial de tanques e sua construção foi licenciada para vários países, sendo referência para vários designs de tanques produzidos ao redor do mundo. - Wikipedia

Carden-Lloyd Tank Car. (ca. 1928-1939) - NYPL Digital Gallery


Link: Carden.Loyd.Tankette.Paper.Model.by.Zio.Prudenzio

More Tanks and Military Vehicles related posts:

WW1 and WW2 Paper Tanks - by Wayne McCullough - Tanques Da 1ª e da 2ª Guerra

Soviet And German Tanks - by Naka - Tanques - Soviético e Alemão

M1A1 Abrams Tank Papercraft - by Yudho - Tanque Americano Abrams

WWI Mendelejev Tank - by Gerald Marschall - Tanque da Primeira Guerra

School Building Papercraft For Kids - by Canon - Escola Fácil De Montar


A very easy-to-build model of a school with some characters, by japanese site Canon. Perfect for kids or for school works and dioramas.

Um modelo bem fácil de montar de uma escolinha com alguns personagens, do site japonês Canon. Perfeito para as crianças, trabalhos escolares ou dioramas.


Link: School.Building.Papercraft.For.Kids.by.Canon

More Kids Papercrafts related posts:

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Samantha Eynon - Paper Toys Para Crianças

3D Town Paper Model Diorama For Kids - by Parents Choice.Org - Cidade De Papel

Japanese School Suitcase Papercraft - by Hattori - Bolsa Escolar Japonesa

Easy-To-Build Little House Papercraft - by Herzovision - Casinha de Papel

Monday, March 5, 2012

Vintage Service Station - by Papermau - Assembled by Doc Raven 1000

Model Assembled and Photo by  Doc Raven 1000

This Vintage Gas Station was built by German modeler Doc Raven 1000 and I want to thank him for this nice assembly.

Este Vintage Gas Station foi montado pelo modelista alemão Doc Raven 1000 e eu gostaria de agradecê-lo por esta bela montagem.


If you want to build this model too, at the end of this post you will find the link to download it.

Se você quiser montar este modelo também, no final deste post você encontrará o link para baixá-lo.

Model Assembled and Photo by Papermau

Link to Doc Raven 1000`s original post: Vintage.Service.Station.by.Papermau.Assembled.by.Doc.Raven.1000

Link to download this model: Vintage.Service.Station.by.Papermau.Download.Now

More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends:

Greek-Roman Ruins - Assembled by Bosco - via Le Forum En Papier

Old Church And Medieval Castle - by Papermau - Rescaled To HO Scale - by Pendragon

Abandoned Gas Station - Assembled by Amo Vitam

Brazilian Abandoned House - Assembled by Bosco

1998 Guinness World Records Paper Airplane - by Origami Kids


Guinness World Records Paper Airplane - There have been many attempts time aloft. Ken Blackburn held this Guinness world record for 13 years (1983–1996) and had regained the record on over the years to break the barriers of throwing a paper plane for the longest October 8, 1998 by keeping his paper plane aloft for 27.6 seconds (indoors). This was confirmed by Guinness officials and a CNN report. The paper plane that Blackburn used in this record breaking attempt was a "glider". This glider is the current king of the paper airplane world. Now you can download the model he flew, and try your hand at your own record. - Origami Kids

Este é o modelo de avião que bateu o recorde de tempo de voo do Guinness Book Of Records. Este recorde (1998), de 27.6 segundos de voo ininterrupto, pertence a Ken Blackburn desde 1983 até os dias de hoje. Este modelo de avião de papel é conhecido como Glider, ou Planador. Ele é considerado o Rei dos aviões de papel. Agora você pode baixar o modelo gratuíto e seguindo as instruções com vídeo no site Origami Kids, tentar bater o recorde mundial.

Link: 1998.Guinness.World.Records.Paper.Airplane.by.Origami.Kids

More Aircraft and Planes related posts:

Juno II Space Launch Vehicle - by Best Paper Models

Blue Impulse F-86F-40 Japanese Aerobatic Aircraft - by P Model

Columbia Space Shuttle Memorial Paper Model - by Delta 7 Studios

PC 6 Turbo Porter In Australian Army Colors - by Paper Tiger Armaments

Itsukushima Japanese Warship - by Etsutan - via Pepakura Gallery


A really beautiful model of a Japanese Warship, by designer Etsutan, via Pepakura Gallery.

Um belo modelo de um navio de guerra japonês, do designer Etsutan, via Pepakura Gallery.


Link: Itsukushima.Japanese.Warship.by.Etsutan.via.Pepakura.Gallery

More Boats and Ships related posts:

Lilla Weneda Polish Ferry Boat - by Digital Navy - Barco Polonês

Czech Aircraft Carrier - by Michal Tichy - Porta Aviões Diorama Tcheco

DDG-178 Ashigara Japanese Ship - by Masayu - Navio Japonês

Kon-Tiki - by Bgbiomass

Asian Paper Face - by Neo - Rosto Real Em Papel


A really unusual model of an asian face, by Japanese designer Neo.

Um modelo relmente incomum de um rosto asiático, do designer japonês Neo.


Link: Asian.Paper.Face.by.Neo

More Photorealistic related posts:

Photorealistic Fruit Bat Paper Model - by Education Scholastic - Morcego Realista

Photorealistic Fire Brigade Truck - by Maxrev - Caminhão De Bombeiros Fotorealista

Chameleon Paper Model - by Raspera - Camaleão

Mexican Tarantula Papercraft - by Patrick Pasques - Tarântula Mexicana

Eiffel Tower Papercraft - by Luyomi333 - A Torre Eiffel

A beautiful and luminous model of Eiffel Tower, in France, by German designer Luyomi333, via DeviantArt.

Um belo e luminoso modelo da Torre Eiffel, na França, do designer alemão Luyom333, via DeviantArt.

Model Assembled and Photo by Luyomi333

The Real Thing  By Day...
The Eiffel Tower (French: La Tour Eiffel,nickname La dame de fer, the iron lady) is a puddle iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair. The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building. Upon its completion, the Eiffel Tower surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of the tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930. However, due to the addition, in 1957, of the antenna atop the Eiffel Tower, is now taller than theChrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France, after the  Millau Viaduct.

...And By Night.
A Torre Eiffel (em francês: Tour Eiffel) é uma torre treliçada de ferro do século XIX localizada no Champ de Mars, em Paris, que se tornou um ícone mundial da França e uma das estruturas mais reconhecidas no mundo. A Torre Eiffel, que é o edifício mais alto de Paris, é o monumento pago mais visitado do mundo, milhões de pessoas sobem à torre cada ano. Nomeada com nome de seu projetista, o engenheiro Gustave Eiffel, a torre foi construída como o arco de entrada da Exposição Universal de 1889.
A torre possui 324 metros de altura. Foi a estrutura mais alta do mundo desde a sua conclusão até 1930, quando perdeu o posto para o Chrysler Building, em Nova York, Estados Unidos. Não incluindo as antenas de transmissão, a Torre é a segunda estrutura mais alta da França, atrás apenas do Viaduto de Millau, concluído em 2004. A torre tornou-se o símbolo mais proeminente de Paris e da França. - Wikipedia

Link: Eiffel.Tower.Papercraft.by.Luyomi333

More Architecture and Building related posts:

Paper City Paris Papercraft - by Joel - Paris Em Papel Para Crianças

French Vintage Diorama - by Agence Eureka - Diorama Francês

Senlis Station In France - by Pierre G - Estação De Senlins Na França

French Gothic Cathedral - by Jump If Not Zero - Catedral Gótica

Suzuki Wagon Stingray X Paper Car - by Paper Grade


The Real Thing
Suzuki Stingray X is the third generation of Suzuki`s wagons. The Suzuki Wagon is a kei car first introduced in Japan in 1993, and is still in production by Suzuki. It is one of the first cars to use the "tall wagon or tall boy" design in which the car is designed to be unusually tall with a short bonnet and almost vertical hatchback and sides in order to maximise cabin space while staying within the kei car dimension restrictions. The Wagon has been the best-selling kei car in Japan since 2003.
It has been a profitable car for Suzuki even in the International market, mainly since introducing the car in India. Sales of Suzuki Wagon have reached 5 million units at the end of February 2010. - Wikipedia


Link: Suzuki.Wagon.Stingray.X.Paper.Car.by.Paper.Grade

More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Mitsubishi Toppo BJ Harty Ran Paper Car - by Marubun

Honda Freed Paper Car - by Minkara Car View

Toyota Subaru BRZ 86 Paper Car - by Toshiki

Nissan Fairlady Z Paper Car - by Import Bible

The Incredible Anti-Gravity Double Cone - by Paper Pino


This model (a wooden version) was used in one of the physics experiments described in the works by the French abbot Jean Antoine Nollet (1700-1770). When the double cone is placed at the lower end of the frame, it automatically starts to roll upward, giving the impression of defying the universal law of gravitational force. Because of this phenomenon, astonishing in its seeming contradiction of common sense, the apparatus was often described as a “mechanical paradox.” for more information, visit http://www.museogalileo.it/ - Paper Pino

Link: The.Incredible.Anti.Gravity.Double.Cone.by.Paper.Pino

More 3D Illusion related posts:

3D Illusion Dog Papercraft - by Dog Trick Academy - Ilusão 3D

3D Optical Illusions Paper Models - by Kokichi Sugihara

Halloween Special - Frankenstein Follow-Me Head - by Frankenpaper

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Paper Relief - Girl Blowing A Glass Toy - by Canon


Girl Blowing A Glass Toy is one of Utamaro Kitagawa's most representative works. Just as the title says, this picture depicts a girl blowing a glass toy called biidoro. - Canon

Garota Soprando Um Brinquedo De Vidro é um dos trabalhos mais representativos do artista japonês Utamaro Kitagawa. Como o título diz, esta ilustração retrata uma garota soprando um brinquedo de vidro chamado biidoro. - Canon

One Of The Templates Of The Model
Two Instructions Pages

Link: Paper.Relief.Girl.Blowing.A.Glass.Toy.by.Canon

More Decoration and Japanese Art related posts:

Samurai Helmets - by Yonezawa-Naoe - Capacetes Samurais

Origami Architecture - by Baud&Bui - Origami Para Iniciantes

Samurai Armor - by Mogamiyoshiaki.Jp - Armadura Samurai

Hinakazari Japanese Decoration - by Canon - Decoração Japonesa