Sunday, December 11, 2011

Little Store Building Desktop Model - by Papermau - Pequena Loja




A simple model of a little shop, a two store building. A desktop model in two pages. It measures 11 cm x 7 cm without the base.

Um modelo simples de uma lojinha. Um pequeno prédio de um andar com pé direito alto. Um "desktop model" em duas páginas. Mede 11 cm x 7 cm sem contar a base.


More Exclusive Models related posts:

Brazilian Abandoned House - by Papermau - Download Now

Three Bells` Chapel - by Papermau - Capela Dos Três Sinos

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - by Papermau - Download Now!

Star Trek`s Akira Class Starship Paper Model - by Zosho


PhotobucketThe Akira-class starship is a class of Starfleet starship in the Star Trek fictional universe, appearing first in Star Trek: First Contact and subsequently in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. Akira-class starships are seen in several Federation battle fleets across the series. Ships of the Akira class are large vessels composed of a circular, saucer-shaped primary hull with a low-slung navigational deflector and two beams rising from the top heading aft; the beams attach to an arch that supports two warp nacelles at its ends and a weapons pod that fires photon torpedoes at its zenith. The main bridge, primary dorsal phaser strip and lifeboats are embedded into the saucer. The ventral saucer is occupied with the navigational deflector, a photon torpedo tube and additional lifeboats. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketA Classe Akira aparece em Jornada nas Estrelas VII, Primeiro Contato, em vários episódios de Deep Space 9 relacionados a Guerra do Dominion, e no episódio "Message in a Bottle" de Voyager. Algumas cenas mostrando a Akira próxima a classes de naves cujo tamanho é conhecido mostram que seu comprimento está entre 300 e 400 metros. A Classe Akira supostamente pode ralizar a separação da seção disco. Essa idéia não foi retomada, mas a classe fez sua primeira aparição na dramática batalha contra os borgs no Setor 001, reaparecendo depois em diversas batalhas contra o Dominion, e em Voyager. -

Link: Star.Trek`

more Sci-Fi and Star Trek related posts:

Star Trek`s Galileo II Shuttlecraft - by Joerg Stammen

Star Trek - USS Grissom NCC-638 - by Paper Aviation

Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper

Class Of Heroes Japanese Paper Dolls SD Style - by Totomono

Eleven little paper dolls from Class of Heroes, a Japanese videogame, by Totomono.

Onze belas bonequinhas de papel do jogo de videogame Class of Heroes, do site japonês Totomono.



More Paper Dolls related posts:

One Piece Anime Paper Toys - by Kobico - Personagens One Piece

Bamboo Blade Anime Paper Dolls - by A C Gateway

Little Miko Paper Doll - by Claf - Via Pepakura Gallery

Helicopters and Airplanes - by Kurukuru Packn


In this Japanese site you can find some rockets and a little "Totoro" house.

Neste site japonês você ainda encontra alguns foguetes e uma casinha do "Totoro".



More Aircraft related posts:

1932`s Gee Bee Model R Airplane - Rafal Ciesielskiby

Link Trainer Flight Simulator - by Currell Graphics - 1º Simulador de Voo

Santos Dumont`s Demoiselle Nº 20 Airplane - by C.R. Liberato

Racing Boat F1 Papercraft In 1/35 Scale - by Best Paper Models

Offered by Best Paper Models website, from Italy, here is a beautiful miniature paper model of a racing boat, the Mercury F, in 1/35 scale. 

The entire model occupies just one printed sheet.

Oferecido pelo site Best Paper Models, da Itália, eis aqui um belo modelo de papel em miniatura de um barco de corrida, o Mercury F, na escala 1/35. 

O modelo todo ocupa apenas uma folha impressa.


More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Time - Santa Claus And Reindeer Set - by Canon


This is a paper craft set for making a diorama of Santa Claus riding a sleigh. You can also display Santa Claus, his sleigh, and the reindeer separately, but putting all these parts together will give you a cute and voluminous diorama. Decorate your room with this diorama to create a fun Christmas atmosphere! - Canon

Um belo diorama do Papai Noel em seu trenó puxado por sua rena. Você pode dispor esse modelo separamdamente, mas juntando tudo terá um belo diorama para alegrar ainda mais sua noite de Natal. - Canon



More Christmas Decoration related posts:

Christmas Time - Christmas Paper Toy Pop-Up - by Mau Russo

Christmas Time - Magi Nativity - by Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - The Christmas Kit Papercraft - by Christmaskit

Christmas Nativity Diorama - by Scrapbook Scrapbook - Presépio Em Papel


"Free Printable Christmas Nativity for children to color and cut-out. . We suggest that you print on card stock, index or cover stock weight paper. It can be colored using crayons, colored pencil, markers, or watercolors and then the pieces can be cut out and glued or taped together. The design is very simple and suitable for very young ages." -



More Chritmas Cribs related posts:

Christmas Time - Czech Crib - by Milan Zábransky - Via Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - 3D Crib - Lambs Creche - by Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - Brandyská Nativity Set - by Papermodel Kiosk

The Catapulta Paper Model - by Renova Models - Catapulta Medieval


A catapulta was a Roman machine for throwing arrows and javelins, 12 or 15 feet (4.6 m) long, at the enemy. The name comes from the Greek (katapeltes), because it could pierce or 'go through' (kata) a shield (pelta). The design was probably inherited, along with the ballista, from the Greek armies. - Wikipedia

The Real Thing - A Replika
Catapultas são mecanismos de cerco que utilizam um braço para lançar um objeto a uma grande distância, evitando assim possíveis obstáculos como muralhas e fossos. Foi inventada possivelmente pelos gregos, durante o reinado de Dionísio I, como arma de guerra.
O nome é derivado do grego καταπάλτης, composto de κατά "abaixo, contra" e πάλλω "vibrare".
Originalmente, a palavra catapulta referia-se a um lançador de pedras, enquanto balista referia-se a um lançador de dardos, porém, através dos anos, os dois termos trocaram de significados. Catapultas eram usualmente montadas no lugar do cerco, e um exército carregava algumas ou nenhuma de suas peças consigo porque madeira era bastante disponível no lugar. - Wikipedia



More Weapons and Medieval related posts:

Medieval Weapons - by Sheila`s Papermodels - Armas Medievais

Old Church and Medieval Castle - by Papermau

European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia

Grand Theft Auto Paper Cars - by IGrandTheftAuto.Com


Really nice models of GTA: Chinatown Wars videogame, by IGrandTheftAuto.Com.

Modelos muito bem feitos dos carros do game GTA: Chinatown Wars, do site IGrandTheftAuto.Com.



More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 Straight To Hell - by Papermau - Download Now!

Savage Wheels 28mm Sports Car - by Grey Wolf

Ford Hot Rod 32-33 Paper Model - by Pixel Oz

Christmas Paper Models - by Delta Seven Studios


A bunch of models, by Delta Seven Studios, to make your Christmas celebration more beatiful and happy.

Um monte de modelos do site Delta Seven Studios, para fazer o seu Natal mais bonito e alegre!



More Christmas related posts:

Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi

Christmas Time - Christmas Characters Set - by Kirin

Christmas Time - Winter Style House - by Gasmaschinenzentrale