Thursday, June 3, 2021

Le Viex Mollin - The Old Mill - A French Vintage Paper Model
by Luc Leoucy - via Agence Eureka

This beautiful paper model of an old mill was created by a French artist called Luc Leoucy for a publication called Pettit Echo de la Mode. 

At the bottom of the page we can read that this magazine/newspaper had its headquarters at numbers 5 and 7 of Rue Lemaignan, in Paris. 

In the parentheses we see the Roman numerals "XIV", which leads me to believe that this ancient paper model was published in 1914 (over a hundred years ago!) by a printer/publisher called P. Orsoni. 

I want to leave here my thanks to the Agence Eureka website for the hard work of preserving these small and fragile treasures, which would otherwise be lost in time. 

If anyone ventures to assemble this model and wants to send some photos here to the blog (you can send to, it would be a pleasure to publish them in the section "The Ephemeral Museum", with due credit, of course.

Este belo modelo de papel de um moinho antigo foi criado por um artista francês chamado Luc Leoucy para uma publicação chamada Pettit Echo de la Mode. 

Na parte de baixo da folha podemos ler que essa revista/jornal tinha sua sede nos números 5 e 7 da Rua Lemaignan, em Paris. 

Nos parênteses vemos os algarismos romanos "XIV", o que me leva a crer que este antigo modelo de papel foi publicado em 1914 (há mais de cem anos atrás) por uma gráfica/editora chamada P. Orsoni. 

Quero deixar aqui meus agradecimentos ao site da Agence Eureka pelo árduo trabalho de preservação destes pequenos e frágeis tesouros, que de outra forma se perderiam no tempo. 

Se alguém se aventurar a montar esse modelo e quiser enviar algumas fotos aqui para o blog (pode mandar para, será um prazer publicá-las na sessão "The Ephemeral Museum", com os devidos créditos, naturalmente.



  1. Hello,

    The XIV does not refer to the date: it says XIVe, so 14th, the 14th arrodissement or district of Paris.



    1. Hi, Gerrit,

      Many thanks for the kindness! :)

      Please, take a look here:

      Greetings from Brazil!


  2. Hi Papermau, it is not Luc Leoucy, but Luc Leguey ;)
    Thank you for your site and enthousiasm, greetings from Amsterdam, Maud

    1. Hi, Maud,

      Thanks for all your informations about these little treasures. I really appreciate this. If you have more informations about old models, please write to my e-mail, if you want of course. :)

      Greetings from Brazil!

