Saturday, July 18, 2015

Captain America - Winter Soldier Paper Toys - by Gus Santome

These nice set of three paper toys based in the movie Captain America - Winter Soldier, was created by Argentinian designer Gus Santome.

 photo capitain america paper toys via papermau 02_zpswb0zvq4f.jpg

Estes três paper toys baseados no filme Capitão América - O Soldado Invernal, foram criados pelo designer argentino Gus Santome.


More Super Heroes Paper Models related posts:

Capitain America Vs. The Axis Diorama - by Professor Plastik

Iron Man War Machine Poseable Paper Model - by Julius Perdana / Paper Replika

The Avengers In South Park Style - by Paper Inside

Batman Papercraft Animation Style - via Tektonten

Little Monster And Moai Dancing Paper Toys - by Graffiti Dança

This very different couple is part of a short stop motion movie created by Graffiti Dança, Brazilian team. If you liked, download the templates and build your own Little Monster And Moai Dancing couple.


Este casal bem diferente faz parte de um curta de stop motion criado pelo pessoal do Graffiti Dança, aqui do Brasil. Se você gostou, baixe os templates e monte o seu próprio Casal de Monstrinho e Moai.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Rum DMC Paper Toys - by Photoshop Vip

Wolverine Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Workers Paper Toys - by Dale Harper / Telman - Paper Toys De Profissões

Urfin`s Wooden Soldier Paper Toy - by Paper Aviation - Soldado De Madeira

UFC`s Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida Paper Toy - by BTZ Studio

This is the Brzilian UFC`s fighter Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida, in a nice paper toy version created by BTZ Studio, Brazilian website.

 photo to.paper.toy.via.papermau.002_zps08tqbuza.jpg

Este é o lutador brasileiro do UFC, Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida, em uma versão paper toy bem legal criada pelo site brasileiro BTZ Studio.

Link: UFC`

More Paper Toys related posts:

Paper Toy Robots In Cubic Style - by 7eater`s Cubees

Halloween Special - Easy-To-Build Mini Skeleton - by Ben & Jerry`s

We All Need Some Nirvana Sometimes Paper Toys - by Little Plastic Man

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Lemon Out Of Jail - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Walking Dead - Lee The Zombie Paper Toy - by Adam Conway

From The Walking Dead tv series, this is Lee, The Zombie paper toy, created by designer Adam Conway.

 photo the.walkingdeadpaper.toy.via.papermau.002_zpsza5dkk8m.jpg

Do seriado The Walking Dead, este é o paper toy de Lee, o Zumbí, criado pelo designer Adam Conway.

 photo Lee_Paper_Toy_Template_ADAMWCONWAY 113_zpsyxwmf7ni.jpg


More Paper Models of Zombies related posts:

Zombie In A Barrel - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Zombie Chuck - by Matt Hawkins

Halloween Special Meets Rock`n`Roll Circus - Zombie Rocker - by Papermau

Zombie Eye Glasses - by Rise Again - Óculos Zumbis

Friday, July 17, 2015

Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Madoka Paper Doll In Chibi Style
by Poppaper

Madoka Kaname is the mais character of the Japanese animes and mangás series Puella Magi Madoka Magica. This cute paper doll version in Chibi style was created by South Korean designer Poppaper.

Madoka Kaname é a personagem principal de série Japonesa de animes e mangás Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Esta fofa paper doll em estilo Chibi foi criada pelo designer sul-coreano Poppaper.


More Paper Dolls from Animes and Mangás related posts:

Madoka Paper Doll Anime Style - by Kujira - Boneca Estilo Anime

Kyuo Fujibayashi Paper Doll Anime Style - by Ani Papercraft

Ruri Ruri Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami - Boneca Estilo Anime

Kyoko Chan II Paper Doll Anime Style - by Ameblo - Boneca Estilo Anime

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Barber Shop Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

This is the Barber Shop, more one easy-to-build little house paper model. The model occupies only one sheet of paper and is nice for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. Download easily, direct from Google Drive.


Esta é a Barbearia, mais uma casinha de papel bem fácil de montar. O modelo ocupa apenas uma folha de papel e é perfeito para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Baixe facilmente direto do Google Drive.



More Easy-To-Build Little Houses related posts:

Easy-To-Build Ugly Mau Auto Service Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Easy-To-Build Grocery Shop Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Nerd Warehouse Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Ancient Church Of Two Towers Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Full Metal Alchimist - Alphonse Elric Paper Model - by Acky Otk
via Paperkura

From Full Metal Alchimist, Japanese anime and mangá, here is Alphonse Elric in his armor, in a very well done paper model version created by designer Acky Otk. This model was originally posted at Paperkura website. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

 photo full.metal.alchimist.papercraft.via.papermau.0002_zps9fzoeqir.jpg

Do anime e mangá japonês Full Metal Alchimist, este é Alphonse Elric em sua armadura, em uma muito bem feita versão em papel criada pelo designer Acky Otk. Este modelo foi originalmente postado no site Paperkura. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models from Anime and Mangá related posts:

Komati Japanese Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Pontacerone

Tachibana Kanade Paper Doll Version 2 - by Btt Modeler

Naruto - Sasuke Uchiha Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Pikachu Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke

Citroen HY Rugby Club Toulonnais Paper Model In 1/50 Scale
by Derrick83 & Camille

Using as base an original template by designer Camille, French modeler Derrick83 created this cool version of the Citroen HY truck with elongate chassis and logo of Rugby Club Toulonnais. Model in 1/50 scale.

 photo citroen hy club ton papercraft via papermau.001_zpsshe9ex96.jpg

Usando como base um modelo original de Camille, o modelista francês Derrick83 criou este Caminhão Citroen HY com chassis alongados e logo do Rugby Club Toulonnais . Modelo na escala 1/50.

Link: Citroen.HY.Rugby.Club.Toulonnais.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 - Nascar Body - by Papermau

2002`s Ferrari Enzo Paper Car - by Mame Craft

Mazda K 360 Three-Wheeled Vehicle - by Nurarihyon

Ford Hot Rod 32-33 Paper Model - by Pixel Oz

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

South Islands Stilt House And Catamaran Paper Models
by YPS Fanpage

This paper model diorama representing a typical vision of the South Islands and its lifestyle, was originally published by YPS, a German magazine, in the 70`s. To download this model, when in the page, look for Südsee-Insulaner.

Este modelo de papel representando uma típica visão que temos do estilo de vida das Ilhas dos Mares do Sul, foi originalmente publicado na década de 1970, pela revista alemã YPS. Para baixar este modelo, quando na página, procure por Südsee-Insulaner.


More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

Arabian School in Algeria - by Toto - Escola Árabe na Algéria

The Scotland Yard Building - by YPS Fan Page

1948`s German Train Station - by Micky The Pixel

1930`s French Vintage Service Station - by Toto

World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor - Pepe The Bird Paper Toy
by WOW Papercraft

How about a little orange bird to decorate your desk? This is Pepe, the bird that lives in a tree on the game World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor. It does not give powers or magic, it just is flying around and when you reach it lands on the head of your character and accompanies by about an hour, like a plumed hat. This paper model version was created by designer Barbarian, from Unofficial World of Warcraft Papercraft website and to view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).


Que tal um pequeno pássaro cor de laranja para decorar sua mesa de trabalho? Este é Pepe, o pássaro que mora em uma árvore no game World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor. Ele não dá poderes ou mágicas, ele apenas fica voando por ali e quando você o alcança, ele pousa na cabeça de seu personagem e o acompanha por mais ou menos uma hora, como se fosse um chapéu de plumas. Este versão em papel de Pepe foi criada pelo designer Barbarian, do site Unofficial World of Warcraft Papercraft e para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models from Videogames related posts:

Palazzo Auditore From Assassin`s Creed - by Papermau

Zelda Twilight Princess Paper Doll - by Paper Juke

Mario Coin Automata Papercraft - by Ddi7i4d - via DeviantArt

Pac Man Mobile Papercraft - by Johan Ronstrom - via Instructables

The Bremen Town Musicians Paper Toys - by Kizuna Avenue

 photo Bremen Town Musicians is a folktale recorded by the Brothers Grimm. Despite the title of the fairy tale, the characters never actually arrive in Bremen. In the story a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a rooster (or hen), all past their prime years in life and usefulness on their respective farms, were soon to be discarded or mistreated by their masters. One by one they leave their homes and set out together. They decide to go to Bremen, known for its freedom, to live without owners and become musicians there. ("Something better than death we can find anywhere.") On the way to Bremen, they see a lighted cottage; they look inside and see four robbers enjoying their ill-gotten gains. Standing on each other's backs, they decide to scare the robbers away by standing on each other and making a din; the men run for their lives, not knowing what the strange sound is. The animals take possession of the house, eat a good meal, and settle in for the evening. Later that night, the robbers return and send one of their members in to investigate. He sees the Cat's eyes shining in the darkness and the robber thinks he is seeing the coals of the fire. He reaches over to light his candle. Things happen in quick succession; the Cat scratches his face with her claws, the Dog bites him on the leg, the Donkey kicks him with his hooves, and the Rooster crows and chases him out the door, screaming. He tells his companions that he was beset by a horrible witch who scratched him with her long fingernails (the Cat), an ogre with a knife (the Dog), a giant who had hit him with his club (the Donkey), and worst of all, the judge who screamed in his voice from the rooftop (the Rooster). The robbers abandon the cottage to the strange creatures who have taken it, where the animals live happily for the rest of their days. - Wikipedia

 photo músicos de Bremen é um conto escrito pelos Irmãos Grimm. Nesta história, um burro, um cão, um gato e um galo, maltratados pelos seus donos, decidem ir para Bremen, uma cidade onde acreditam, encontrarão um bom lar. No caminho para Bremen, veem luz em uma casa. Quando olham pela janela, veem quatro ladrões, enfiando em sacos as coisas de valor que encontram. Apoiados nas costas uns dos outros, os animais decidem cantar, na esperança de serem alimentados. A sua 'música' tem um efeito inesperado: os homens fogem, não sabendo a origem de tão estranho som. Os animais tomam posse da casa, comem uma boa refeição, e dormem. Durante a noite, os ladrões regressam e um deles entra na casa para investigar. Ao ver os olhos do gato brilhando no escuro, pensa que sejam brasas e inclina-se para acender a sua vela. Numa rápida sucessão de acontecimentos, o gato arranha-lhe a cara, o burro dá-lhe um coice, o cão morde-lhe e o galo afugenta-o porta fora, cacarejando. O homem diz aos seus companheiros que foi atacado por monstros: uma bruxa horrível que o arranhou com as suas enormes unhas (o gato), um gigante que lhe deu uma paulada (o burro), um oro que o arranha com uma faca (o cão) e, o pior de tudo, - um juiz que gritou em seu ouvido "Peguem esse patife" (o galo). Os ladrões abandonam a casa devido às estranhas criaturas que dela se apossaram, e os animais vivem felizes nela até ao final dos seus dias. - Wikipedia


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Asian Orangutan Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga - via Canon Orangotango

French Bulldog Paper Model - by Kei Craft Papercraft Studio

Firecrest And Wren Birds - Realistic Paper Models - by Johan Scherft Pássaros De Papel Realistas

Colorful Parrot Papercraft - by Education Scholastic