Thursday, April 29, 2021

A Cool Pop Culture Paper Model Collection - by Paper Toys Clemper

No pop culture theme escapes the keen eye of Venezuelan designer and modeler Mario Clemente, from Paper Toys Clemper website: he wanders from video games to films and urban legends with the same competence and creativity. 

I am happy to know that despite the sad situation in Venezuela, imposed by a socialist maniac, it is still possible to create and share things, that there are still people creating beautiful things in the midst of chaos.

Nenhum tema de cultura pop escapa do afiado olhar do designer e modelista venezuelano Mario Clemente, do site Paper Toys Clemper: ele passeia dos videogames para filmes e lendas urbanas com a mesma competência e criatividade. 

Eu fico feliz em saber que apesar da triste situação da Venezuela, imposta por um maníaco socialista, ainda é possível criar e compartilhar coisas, que ainda hajam pessoas criando coisas bonitas em meio ao caos.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Vintage Brazilian Firetruck Paper Model - by Papermau
Assembling The Model - Part 02

More about the Vintage Brazilian Firetruck paper model:

SpongeBob SquarePants And Friends Papercraft Collection
by Kamibox

Kamibox, the German designer of these perfect paper replicas of Spongebob and company, says: - "Make Spongebob and his friends from paper! Just print the PDFs and glue them together."

Kamibox, o designer alemão destas réplicas perfeitas em papel de Bob Esponja e companhia, diz: _ "Faça o Bob Esponja e seus amigos de papel! Apenas imprima os PDfs e monte-os."


A Vintage Brazilian Firetruck Paper Model - by Papermau
Assembling The Model - Part 01

More about the Vintage Brazilian Firetruck paper model: 

More Papermau Next Projects related posts:

Old House In Olaria Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances

Titanic Sunk Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Images

The Kitchen Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau - Next Project

1986`s Yamaha XT225 Serow Paper Model In 1/8 Scale - by I-su

Based only on the photos it is hard to believe that the bike you see is entirely made of paper, but yes, this perfect 1/8 scale Yamaha XT225 Serow miniature was created by the ingenious Japanese designer and modeler known only as I-su, from Eastern`s Toy-Box website. 

The entire model occupies nine sheets of paper and there are four more sheets with detailed instructions. The wheels are particularly complicated and you will have to have good eyes, steady hands and a lot of patience to assemble them. 

The Yamaha XT225, known in some markets as the Yamaha Serow, was a dual-sport motorcycle produced by Yamaha from 1986 to 2007. The XT225 was preceded and superseded by the XT250. Power is supplied by a 223cc single-cylinder, air-cooled four-stroke engine featuring a SOHC and 2 valves. The engine produces 15 kW of power and 19Nm of torque. The XT225 has a reputation for being a lightweight dual-purpose motorcycle which is suited to many applications.

Baseando-se apenas nas fotos é difícil acreditar que a moto que você vê é totalmente feita de papel, mas sim, essa perfeita miniatura da Yamaha XT225 Serow na escala 1/8 foi criada pelo engenhoso designer e modelista japonês conhecidopaenas como I-su, do site Eastern`s Toy-Box. 

O modelo todo ocupa nove folhas de papel e há mais quatro folhas com instruções detalhadas. As rodas são particularmente complicadas e você terá que ter bons olhos, mãos firmes e muita paciência para montá-las. 

A Yamaha XT225, conhecida em alguns mercados como Yamaha Serow, é uma motocicleta esportiva produzida pela Yamaha de 1986 a 2007. A XT225 foi precedida e substituída pela XT250. A potência é fornecida por um motor monocilíndrico de 223 cc, de quatro tempos, refrigerado a ar, com um SOHC e 2 válvulas. O motor produz 15 kW de potência e 19 Nm de torque. A XT225 tem a reputação de ser uma motocicleta leve de uso misto, adequada para muitas aplicações.
